To the North (Ice Blizzard Saga)
Abuza: Taaru it's fine really
Taaru: Are you sure? Because if this whole thing is making you feel uncomfortable then—
Abuza: I'm fine besides this is the world ending we're talking about
Taaru: Okay. So Kasumi what were you saying?
Kasumi: I meant if there's dark matter inside the Earth it has to have come from somewhere and it might be possible to get rid of it
Zandai: Oh wow how are we going to do that? Drill a hole through the ground and suck it out through a straw?
Taaru hits Zandai over the head.
Abuza: Go on
Kasumi: I honestly don't know how we can get rid of it. I just know it might be possible
Ankara runs downstairs.
Ankara: Guys come quick I think we found something!
Everyone follows Ankara upstairs.
Maraza: We did a little reading in some of our mom's old books and we found this
Maraza turns the book toward the others.
Abuza: What does it mean?
Maraza: It says here that something like this happened about almost 2 decades ago the cause was the demon realm being ripped open causing the demon war to acquire but before the world was consumed a mysterious soldier used his power to seal it back up
Abuza: So this mysterious soldier, did it say how he sealed back the demon realm
Maraza looks through the book.
Maraza: Hmmm. Here!
Everyone gets closer.
Maraza: He went all the way to the top of the Earth
Zandai: You mean the top where there's nothing but ice at
Gretanzu: You mean the North Pole
Maraza: Well it's either that or we wait till the Earth's core explodes
Kasumi: Does it say how long we have in till that happens?
Maraza: 7 days
Everyone looks with a frightened look on their faces.
Abuza: Then that means we have to do something now!
Ankara: Wait hold it! Even if we were to get there now we don't even know how to seal the realm or even if we can seal it
Abuza: I can do it
Everyone looks at Abuza.
Maraza: Are you sure? Because sealing an entire realm isn't so easy
Abuza: Don't worry I can handle it
Maraza: Alright
Everyone gets equipped with cold weather gear. Maraza and Ankara tell their mother what they found out and she decides to come with them. Tetsuya starts up the airship and everyone boards.
Zandai: Why haven't we left the ground yet? It never takes this long
Ankara: Because the engine has to heat up everything is almost frozen because of the cold
Gretanzu: Does this thing even have a heater or something? Because I'm turning into an ice sickle over here
Ankara: My mom will turn it on when the ship warms up
Finally the engine warms up and they get into the sky.
Zandai: So if we're heading to the top of the Earth how long is that going to take?
Maraza: I don't know for sure but it'll be a while
They fly for a little while then the freezing temperatures turn into an ice blizzard forcing Tetsuya to land the ship. Tetsuya comes out of the cockpit.
Tetsuya: Everyone I can't navigate safely through this blizzard so we'll have to wait in till it passes
Everyone sits in the airship shivering.
Abuza: Maraza do you know if this freezing weather spread around the whole world?
Maraza: I don't know
Kasumi: It has I can feel it
Abuza: I wonder how my uncle and cousins are doing. I hope they found some way to keep warm
Ankara: I'm sure they have Shichiro probably found some situation knowing him
Outside of the airship ice start to form. Zandai looks out the window.
Zandai: Um. Are my eyes playing tricks on me or is the snow floating off the ground
Everyone looks out the window and see the snow molding into a creepy form.
Gretanzu: Is that thing coming towards us?
Maraza: Everyone get away from the windows now!
Tetsuya turns off the lights and everyone gets on the floor ducking. The ice creature is standing near the airship it then jump away creepy like.
Abuza: What was that thing?
Maraza: They're Snow Golems. They're extremely dangerous in this kind of climate. They have the ability to paralyze your body and mind and when you can't move they go in for the kill
Zandai: Okay now I'm starting to get scared
Gretanzu: You're not all big and bad like you thought you were huh?
Kasumi: Guys no jokes this is serious
Suddenly they hear a hissing sound in the bizarre wind outside then ice creatures jump onto the window attempting to get inside the airship. Everyone starts to panic. Tetsuya runs to the cockpit and starts up the engine and takes off. They later land in a tundra near a city covered in snow.
Gretanzu: Ok this mission is starting to get really dangerous
Zandai: How are we supposed to get pass those ice things?
Later the blizzard calms down and the wind stops blowing so hard. Abuza, Taaru and Gretanzu explore the nearby city in search for survivors while Ankara, Kasumi, Tetsuya, Maraza and Zandai stay on the ship. They walk into the city and Abuza tries to open a door.
Abuza: The doors are frozen shut
They hear a woman screaming. They go to where the scream came from. The door is frozen and locked. Abuza breaks down the door and see the woman being attacked and frozen by a snow golem. The golem turns its attention to them they immediately panic and run but aren't able to move quickly because of the ice on the ground. The creature freezes Abuza's leg making him fall. Gretanzu then cuts the creature in half with his sword. Abuza can't walk so Taaru carries him back to the airship. Later the creature regenerates. Inside the airship Ankara heals Abuza's leg.
Ankara: Good thing I got to it in time any longer and it would have to be
Abuza looks at Ankara with a scared face. Later the airship freezes to the ground and Tetsuya is unable to get it off the ground. Taaru, Abuza, Gretanzu and Zandai go outside to cut the ice. When they cut some of the ice Abuza pushes the ship off the rest of the ice. Suddenly the blizzard returns and so do the snow golems. But they are not the same ones from before and they have the ability to freeze a person's limbs. Their shaped almost like people but made of snow. They immediately charge at Abuza. He falls back unable to see the creatures because of the blizzard. Another one jumps on Zandai, but Gretanzu stabs it with his sword making it melt with his sword engulfed with his energy. Abuza blasts the other creature with a power blast, more creatures show up in the blizzard but they get on the ship and escape.
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