Frozen Over (Ice Blizzard Saga)
The weather suddenly changes dramatically. Out of nowhere the season Spring feels like Winter. Abuza and his friends notice how cold it is. It then starts to snow.
Zandai: Why is it snowing in here? It's the middle of spring
Gretanzu: Okay this is beyond weird
Taaru turns on the TV. The news reporter is talking about the sudden weather change and don't know where it's coming from.
Gretanzu: Maybe it could be a cold front from the Iceland up north or something
Zandai grabs Gretanzu.
Zandai: DUDE! It's -34 degrees!
Abuza: Kasumi you think Ankara or Maraza might know what's going on?
Kasumi: Only one way to find out
Everyone heads to the sisters house shivering. Abuza knocks on the door. Tetsuya opens the door.
Tetsuya: Hello everyone, you all look cold
Zandai: Yeah no kidding
Tetsuya: Quick come in I don't want you all to freeze to death out here
Everyone comes in.
Tetsuya: Anyone want some hot chocolate?
Kasumi: Yes
They get hot chocolate and go upstairs to Ankara and Maraza and tell them about the weather.
Maraza: The truth is we just as confused as you guys are and if this continues it'll knock out power and the people here would all die from hypothermia
Abuza: Then what can we do because this isn't natural or normal
Zandai: Ok this is really starting to scare me and I rarely get scared
Abuza: Grandpa!
Ankara: Huh?
Abuza: My grandpa might know what's going on I've got to get to him now
Kasumi: Abuza don't you think you need some gear? If you go out there like that you'll freeze to death
Taaru: Kasumi's right Abuza
Abuza knows there wasn't any warm gear for him to put on so he leaves anyway.
Kasumi: Abuza! No!
Taaru goes after him. Abuza glows gold to increase his speed and strength and dashes so Taaru couldn't keep up with him. Taaru comes back inside.
Zandai: Ha! Looks like he's not Mr. Goody Two Shoes anymore huh?
Kasumi: No! He's so reckless in these types of situations he might die out there
Zandai: And we'd freeze to death if we tried looking for him so what can we do?
Kasumi: Wait and hope he comes back I guess
Meanwhile Abuza is jumping from building to building on his way to his clans den. He finally gets there to see the entrance already covered in snow. The snow froze and it was just hard ice. Abuza blasts his way through the ice and makes his way in.
Abuza: Grandpa!
Abuza searchs and finds if grandfather on the floor nearly frozen to death. Abuza runs to his aid.
Abuza: Grandpa! Grandpa speak to me!
Hikaru: Abuza how did you get here?
Abuza: Don't worry grandpa I'm going to get you some place warm
They leave the den and Abuza puts his grandfathers arm around him and they head to Ankara and Maraza's house house. When they are half way there Abuza is having trouble getting there.
Hikaru: *cough*
Abuza: Hang on grandpa we're almost there!
Suddenly Abuza collapses in the snow. He later wakes up in the sisters house.
Taaru: You alright?
Abuza: Yeah, how did I get here?
Taaru: Gretanzu and I found you and your grandpa passed out in the snow. If it wasn't for us you would have frozen to death
Abuza: Where is my grandpa is he okay?
Taaru: He wasn't at first but now he stabilized
Abuza gets up and goes to the room his grandpa is in.
Abuza walks into his grandfathers room.
Abuza: Grandpa are you okay?
Hikaru: I'll be fine
Abuza: You happen to know what's going on with this crazy weather?
Hikaru: No I didn't feel I didn't get to sense it before the cold overwhelmed me
Later the snow finally stops but it is still extremely cold outside. Hikaru takes the time to use Advanced Sensory to figure out what's going on but it takes him a while. Meanwhile everyone is downstairs shivering even with the heat on blast.
Gretanzu: How cold is it now?
Maraza checks the temperature.
Maraza: -35 degrees
Hikaru finally sees what's going on and calls Abuza into the room.
Hikaru: Abuza I've got pretty disturbing news
Abuza: What is it?
Hikaru: The world is coming to an end
Abuza is frightened.
Abuza: What— Why would you think that?
Hikaru: The energy inside the Earth's core is unbalanced and unstable there's a lot of bad energy down there
Abuza: What does this mean?
Hikaru: The world is on the brick of destroying itself and we'll be destroyed along with it
Abuza panics silently. His heart beats fast and his palms become sweaty. He wonders how the others will respond to the news. Abuza approaches the stairs but he tenses up and can't gather the courage to tell. He sits on the top stair and puts his hands on his head.
Abuza: No the world is coming to an end. What do I do? What do I do?!
Abuza has always been afraid of death but let alone the idea of the world ending terrified him even more. He was confused and didn't know what to do. He finally works up the courage to go downstairs.
Abuza: Everyone I've got some news
Everyone looks at Abuza, he looks back at them and becomes weak.
Abuza: My grandfather is doing better and I thought you guys would like to know
Abuza goes back upstairs, he was still afraid to tell his friends about what his grandfather told him, he didn't want to frighten them. He flashes back on all the good memories of his friends. He shakes and trembles. Later the Earth shakes but everyone blows it off as an earthquake.
Zandai: Snow and earthquakes now?
Tetsuya: That was no earthquake I felt some strange energy in that shake
Maraza: I felt it too
Zandai: What is it you felt exactly oh humble median
Tetsuya: I have to check it out
Tetsuya leaves and goes upstairs to use her Sensory Technique, she walks pass Abuza.
Tetsuya: Abuza is something the matter? Why aren't you downstairs with the others?
Abuza turns his head and looks down. Tetsuya goes into her room. Meanwhile the others are downstairs talking.
Ankara: If mom sensed something in that it's gotta be big but I wonder what it is
Kasumi: You don't think it was another demon causing the earthquake do you?
Zandai: What if it was? What if it was a demon caused this whole snowstorm to happen? Get real Kasumi we took down Xian and her demon army ages ago. I think your conclusions are inconclusive
Ankara: If this was being caused by demons we've all would have sensed it's presence by now
Kasumi: That's true
Meanwhile Tetsuya uses sensory and is stunned to what she finds out. Tetsuya finds out why the weather has been changing so dramatically and why the earth shook. She runs downstairs and tells everyone what Abuza was afraid to tell them. Abuza comes downstairs moments later.
Zandai: You're joking right? Please tell me you're joking the world isn't ending right?
Kasumi: I don't think she's joking Zandai
Ankara: So mom do you know what's causing the Earth's core to collapse?
Tetsuya: That I don't know
Tetsuya looks at Abuza.
Tetsuya: I've got a feeling you know something about this
Everyone looks at Abuza.
Abuza: There's a lot of dark matter inside of the Earth's core
Everyone looks shocked.
Kasumi: Abuza if you knew this why didn't you tell us?
Abuza: I-I was afraid of scaring you guys
Gretanzu: The world is really ending what are we going to do?
Maraza and Ankara go upstairs and research. Meanwhile Kasumi and the others are talking downstairs. Kasumi walks around grabbing her chin.
Taaru: What's on your mind?
Kasumi: Tetsuya said dark matter is inside the Earth's core. That dark matter had to have come from somewhere. Do you guys remember any of our past enemies acting strangely or plotting something like this?
Zandai: There's so many
Zandai flashes back.
Zandai: There was those weird looking bandits that attacked the city, or that creepy lady Xian with those demon soldiers or when Abuza's dad attacked--
Taaru: Zandai! That's enough
Taaru looks at Abuza.
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