A Date With Deticive Ranpo part 2
Arthanis holds onto Ranpo who groans from her strength on his shoulders to hold in the painful sounds she's making from the pain she's feeling and steam come from the wound after the bullet's pulled out which's fully healed now.
"It's another part of my ability, but is more instead since I can't really die from blood lost thanks to that part of my ability." Ranpo hugs her making her to blush as she hides her face into his neck as she never though he would fall for her like she did for him.
Q ran over and she hugs him close since he's very scared from the sound of a gun going off really making Ranpo to gentle ruffle his hair. Ranpo escorts both of her and Q back home while Chuuya Nakahara, Dazai's boyfriend went to deal with the shady politician himself for Arthanis.
She has jugs of liquid gasoline that might help him out with the whole hitman kill if he chooses to use them at all to hide his get-a-way and destroy the body far beyond knowing who he is with teeth missing really making him to smirk at the idea of it really.
Arthanis invites Ranpo into her home where Sirius Orion Black's waiting for them inside the household as Arthanis did send a copy of the mansion keys to get it and get a look around the place to get a feel of it since he'll be living there with her.
Arthanis did call her temple shrine friends about the case and Chuuya really making one to like it as one got in as Chuuya kept to his word making the temple to continue onwards thanks to this making her to be happy by this as she's now safe from Britain.
"Pup!" Arthanis was happy as she can tell he's better than before and she can't wait to know more about him and her papa including her mama as she can't wait to hear all about them really with Q as well, too as he needs to really know about them.
"Dad!" She hugs him very tightly making him to sigh of both relief and happiness as he can now finally look after her now making her to be happy to have the fatherly love finally as she needs it even if one of the male teachers made sure she had it during school.
"Good morning, sir. My name's Edogawa Ranpo." Sirius looks to Ranpo and then he saw the child and he knowns his pup didn't even have sex nor got pregnant by a potion as he shakes hands with Ranpo.
"Sirius Black. Who'd this little pup, pup?" Q blushes as hides behind Arthanis making her to pick him up and Sirius can see she adopted him by blood and magic legally if he can see her inside the little pup making him to be a grandfather from this.
"This is Potter-Black Yumeno, formally known as Kyusaku Yumeno. His biological parents badly harmed him and called him a monster cause of his ability." Sirius ranted on about idiots and how he would like to murder them in their sleep which made Q to like his new grandfather now.
Q's starting to feel tired after playing a couple childish games with Sirius and the murder crime scene which has Arthanis set him down for his nap in pj's to keep him comfortable with a song which's an English version of the original song.
It's making Arthanis to have fun learning new things and singing was just one of them as in the past, both the priests and priestesses were known to sing to the gods making her to enjoy it all really as she likes singing now.
"Go to sleep little one
Let us sleep on this straw mat
Let us sleep while it is yet dark
Soon clouds will disappear
And reveal a great light to light up the neighborhood
Tomorrow your father will return home
With money from the lemons he sold
He will bring you clothes and a scarf
To keep you warm in December
My beautiful one, with the lovely hand picked black hair
Whomever does not love you or kiss you
Knowns not what they are missing." Q's fast asleep as he holds his doll close and Arthanis places a light blanket onto his body to make sure he doesn't get a cold.
"Isn't that a Arabic Lullaby in English?" Arthanis nods as she went to get tea and sweets to munch on since they have a guess in the household now. Ranpo and Sirius were getting along really well and Ranpo even asked to dating her.
Sirius doesn't see nothing really wrong with that. Arthanis was curious about Ranpo's ability as she never heard of it before as Kaeda never told her what ability her nephew, Ranpo or Yosano has really as she really wants to know about their ability.
"On the occasion when I choose to activate my ability, I'll slip black glasses onto my face. I believe this is what activates it and causes it to occur." Arthanis was now more curious as she never heard of this as Kaeda keeps sending her mail.
Arthanis did tell her about her nephew whom she had sent a howler at him in his apartment with a silent barrier to keep neighbors from hearing it as he pales since he hasn't gotten a howler from her since he was twelve-years-old.
Ranpo took Arthanis out on that date to a fancy restaurant and was still shocked to her wear for the evening making him to look like a gasping fish out of water still really making her to chuckle at him still as Ranpo's having a hard time really.
Arthanis was wearing a Queen's outfit than a simple dress. The sleeves hung loosely off her shoulders, showing her shoulder blades. The back's open at least down to the small of her back really making Ranpo to be shocked still really.
The chest area had a more golden tone than the rest of the dress and it emphasized her burst as big as it was. The grown itself would go down to her ankles, but it looked like you could move in it with ease. All along the dress was a dragon that moved with it.
It's clearly a holy dragon which's something no magical mortal has seen since the Age of the Gods had ended. Ranpo saw that it the dress were spun white gold with silver and black designs with... ...Pearly silver sheen? Ranpo's confused as Arthanis looks more like royalty than anything else.
"Why does it have such a pearly silver sheen?" Ranpo asked as he looks to the dress and was surprised by that really as a dress with pearly silver sheen on it means it's meant for something else really as he looks to Arthanis's face.
"Ah. That would be because the dress belonged to a loving family member in the past once. They had somehow managed to keep it safe until I got it. The pearly silver sheen's to keep anyone wearing it safe. When the energy from my ability's applied to this outfit, it can become the strongest armor seen in ages.
It's might to keep heiresses to the family safe more really." Ranpo;s shocked, but accepted the answer as he pulls the chair out for her as she keeps thinking why the faes added their magic to the dress to make it even stronger than before which has her very confused really.
Ranpo had ordered red wine for them and the meal's steak with mash potatoes, carrots and grave over the potatoes with bread making Ranpo to wonder why they aren't asking for ID for the red wine really as that's very much strange really.
"The dress is stopping them." Ranpo nods and they had some small chitchat making them to know each other better as Ranpo knows she's falling for him solely and will take his time as she had never dated before and this is her first time dating anyone really.
Arthanis had enjoyed her night, but someone from Port Mafia showed up and turned his hands into lion's paws and arm before slashing Ranpo across the left shoulder to his right hip with organs spilling out and he fall to the ground parted out cold making her to scare the poor guy badly with her magic.
"DODGE!" She had ripples behind her and lots of arrows shoot right at him as he dances away before two guys tackled him to the ground making Arthanis to stop. Taking a deep breath, Arthanis began to direct the magic she had already absorbed into her hands. She closed her eyes as she willed the most basic of commands.
Heal him... Please! Ranpo, Waíse heill! (Be healed)
Arthanis breathed in sharply as she felt the... Wish take hold with more power than before. The immediate drain on her reserves was as a much a relief as a painful blow to her soul. She had never felt so empty! Arthanis grunted as her body immediately began to take in as much of the atmospheric Moon Magic as it could.
Though she really could not see, Arthanis could feel dark stripes of harsh magic brand against her skin with her body burning up from the heat of her magic. Beneath her hands, Ranpo's skin began to slowly knit together as Arthanis's magic found what it's looking for.
Soothing waves washed over Ranpo's body in soft echoes of light. Blood turned backwards and the ruptured organs slowly inched back to their origins. Arthanis panted under the strain of the pulling and directing so much magic. She could feel it rushing in dizzying eddies through her blood.
Her heartbeat sounded loud and rampaged through her head with the power of an elephant as Arthanis struggled to maintain focus. If she lost sight of her goal now, Arthanis knew the results would not be pretty for Ranpo. Sweat beaded on her brow and her hands trembled with strain.
From a few feet away, Ranpo's stomach jerked back in spurts before settling back into the man's abdominal cavity. The ruined organ squirmed as it repaired itself to functional capacity once more. Bone chips tumbled back into place before sealing themselves together with sharp Pop!s of sound and light.
Blood lifted and gleamed in the moonlight as it floated back into place within Ranpo's veins. Arthanis brought her brows together in effort. Her body trembled and she could feel exhaustion creeping into her muscles. Her lungs ached for more oxygen than she could give them. Her hair dampened with sweat while she bent over in fatigue.
And still Arthanis struggled to heal him as slowly, tan, baby soft skin began to inch it's way of reforming muscles. It appeared in patches and splotches, but slowly began covering more and more finished muscle. Finally, the newly formed skin's complete and Arthanis released her tenuous hold on magic with a breath-like sigh.
She allowed her body to slump to the side as she opened blurry eyes. Before her, Ranpo lay healthy and whole which she's happy about as she doesn't want to lose him at all really as she loves him deeply as he makes her feel complete for some reason and she doesn't know why fully.
She noticed that the wound remained on his body as pink skin meaning she needs to learn to heal with the Moon Magic and her own magic to be able to fully heal without leaving pink skin scars behind then. Around them, the whole precious atmosphere's amazingly empty of magic and Arthanis allowed herself a moment of awe over the amount of raw magic.
Raw Magic that she had just channeled within her body as she never wants to do that again ever. It had to have been more than she'd ever come into contact with before as she tries to reach for her mirror phone since Q's asleep right now and Sirius is waiting for them right now, but she didn't really expect both of Dazai and Chuuya to be on a date as well.
Especially on the same night as them really plus were the two guys pinning the man down to the floor and they had to saw everything from the very damnna it beginning to ending as she tries to save Ranpo's life from the injuries as she can see that Chuuya killed the guy who escaped for two seconds only and plans to bring the body back to Mori quickly.
"Well... Isn't that interesting." Dazai's voice had came from the right of Chuuya and Arthanis sluggishly looked over. The man's holding his phone and looked somewhat amazed at what he and Chuuya saw really as that's a new one for them really. A red light's just continuing blinking irritatingly from the cellular device.
Arthanis wondered if that meant it would explode. Then her eyes closed and Arthanis fell into a badly drained exhausted slumber onto Ranpo's chest. Dazai and Chuuya picks them up and flies into the sky and got to Arthanis's place where Sirius was waiting for the two of them from they're date night.
Sirius looks at the two newbies before giving them a hand with the two as he welcomes them into the house and he allows them to sleep over making them to accept since they're tired really and went to bed fast as tomorrow's another day.
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