Chapter 22
"NO!" Amren screamed, at the door in an instant, her fist a radiant forge as she slammed it into the lead - once twice. Nala fell to the floor, gripping at her throat, trying to get air down, but the Book's magic had a tight hold on her. Wanting her with it.
And above - the rush and gurgle of water rumbling downstairs, filling the chamber through the cracks and small holes, putting them in a watery grave. Feyre made a break for the door, all while putting the box into the inside pocket of her jacket. Amren's palm kept on hitting the door, her hand burning with fiery magic, burning, heating the metal, swirls and whorls radiating out through it as if they were a language all her own, a language which Nala could understand if she had any energy left.
And then suddenly the door sprang open, and the Book let go of Nala, only to bring down a flood of water as the tide washed over the temple ruin. Getting to her feet Nala pushed her shadows forward to keep the flood from pushing her down again, as Feyre and Amren grabbed the threshold. Pushing forward her fire through the shadows she parted the waters, getting to Amren and Feyre in an instant, even her wings were on fire with the amount of fire it took to keep the flood from them. Gripping the two females around the waist Nala prayed to the Great Mother, before forcing the two though the shadow realm and out into the open sea while she was caught in the overflowing room.
The door smacked shut just as she had pushed Feyre and Amren out into the sea above the chamber and the water kept flowing, flowing through Nala's flames and shadows. Drowning her in the ice-cold water.
Amren and Feyre suddenly found themselves outside the chamber, out in the open sea, water-wraiths all around them. Looking ready to burst into the chamber but stunning by their sudden appearance. One wraith grabbed Feyre, another Amren and swam them to the shore. The one that had shoved Feyre to shore hissed though the sharp teeth. "Our sister's debt is paid." And Feyre remembered the water-wraith she had helped back in the Spring Court. Only then remembering her own sister.
"Nala..." Feyre panicked, looking around her in with a wild look in her eyes, before focusing on the wraiths again. "My sister, she is still down there, help her, please."
The wraith looked at her, a long time before diving back down, without a word of conformation or refusal. Still panicking, Feyre stared into the black water, while Amren laid next to her trying to catch her breath and shake the cold of her.
"Don't worry," Amren finally said, "Nala is tough, she will get herself out as well." But even though Amren sounded calm and sure, the female was far from it. On the inside she was panicking as much as Feyre were.
Minutes passed by in silence so thick that it was suffocating the two waiting females. Rhyssand touched down not long after and looked around. "What are you two doing just laying here? And where the fuck are Nala?"
Amren got to her feet first and stalked toward the High Lord with silver fire in her eyes. "Where the hell were you?!" She all but screamed.
"You three set off every damn trigger in that place, I had to catch and get rid of the guard who was trying to sound the alarm." He shrugged, not seeing the harm. "I thought you had it covered," he said, looking between them. "Now where the fuck are Nala?"
Feyre looked ready to cry as she stared back into the black water and Amren looked away from the High Lord. "You mean to tell me that she is STILL DOWN THERE?!" He screamed, worrying about the winged female he was beginning to see as his sister. A tear fell from Feyre's right eye as she fell to her knees and put her hands back into the water, trying to get the water to do her as she commanded, but to no avail, it would seem that she was far to .panicked to focus on her powers.
Rhys started to walk into the water determent to get down there and save her, but when the water reached his knees, he was able to spot a tiny light down in the otherwise dark sea. The light got bigger and bigger as it got closer to him, and suddenly it breaks though the surface just five meters in front of him and there she is, seeming as if she is a flame, not just wielding flames to her command, but that she is one with the flames, that she is a flame.
"Nala?" Feyre whispers, her voice cracking with just that one word. The flaming Nala looks towards her sister and on fire wings flies towards her. And that short trip seems to be the thing she needs to extinguish the flames and so when she lands, she is back to her own skin.
"Sorry about that," Nala smiles, bringing her sister into her arms. Feyre, knowing that her sister is alive, breaks down crying and hold her younger sister even tighter.
"You are okay," Feyre sobs as Rhysand waddles back onto land and the two sisters slowly let's go of each other. Amren stepped up to Nala, and without saying anything takes the halflings hand and squeezes it. Nala squeezes back, holding the older female just as tight as she were holding her.
Rhys looks between three females. "Did you get the Book?" And in Nala's mind he says: Glad you are okay, better not scare us like that again! Nala simply smiles at him with a cheeky smile, not seeming like one who almost just died.
Feyre touches her jacked and the heavy metal lump within it.
"Good," Rhys says, an urgency in his voice, which makes the three look behind him, and sure enough, in the castle across the bay, people were darting about. "I apparently missed some guards." He hissed, grabbing Feyre and Amren and nods to Nala before winnowing home, with Nala just behind him in the shadows.
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