Chapter 2
When the three got to the High Lord Mountain castle, he showed Nala toward the center with couches where the young girl carefully laid her now sleeping, sister.
"Who are you?" Rhys asked, his voice stern and cold as he placed himself in the armchair in front of the couch Feyre was laying on.
"Her little sister," Nala spoke without looking at the man, she just pushed a stray lock of hair out of Feyre's face.
"How are you fae then?" The High Lord continued. He knew her eyes. It wasn't hard to guess whose blood she was, not after seeing the amber and her magic.
"My father," the girl's voice was quiet as she finally took a seat on the floor in front of the couch, now facing Rhys. "I got to Prythian, passed out from an extreme pain, woke up with these," she opened her wings and laid them behind her so he could see the full extent of them, "and a fae face and body. I just needed to be here for her." Nala spoke, her eyes filled with tears as she turned to look at her sister before turning back to Rhys.
"Feyre's father isn't your father; you knew that and yet you lived in his house?" Rhys said, looking at the girl, debating whether he should go through her mind or not.
"I know," Nala whispered. "And I was just a kid." Her voice was colder as she looked past Rhys to the snow-covered mountain tops. "Where are we?"
"My castle in the Night Court," Rhys spoke. The girl looked like Feyre, the golden-brown hair was the same and so was most of her face. The biggest difference was the height and build. Nala was ridiculously short compared to her sister but had wider hips and thighs than Feyre naturally had. It was also clear that Nala had more brute strength whereas Feyre had an athletic build.
The two fell into a comfortable silence as they watched the morning sun's rays. The silence lasted for the rest of the night before a deep breath alerted them that Feyre was awake.
"What happened?" She asked, her voice hoarse, but Feyre kept her glace at Rhysand. She hadn't seen her sister sitting in front of her and had believed that it was just a dream that her sister had been in the Spring Court.
"You screamed," Rhys answer her, his eyes glued to her face. "And then you scared the living shit out of the servants and the guards when you wrapped yourself in darkness so that they couldn't get to you."
"Did I do anything..." she began to say but Rhys shook his head.
"What you did yesterday stayed inside yourself."
"Was it you..."
"Everything went according to the law," he said as he stretched his long leg out in front of him, "it would have been a mess if I had gotten you myself from his house. I could only send Mor. But thanks to your sister that wasn't necessary. He can't pin this on me even if he wanted to." Rhys said as he nodded to Nala who had kept her glance at her sister throughout the whole conversation. A small smile on her new fae face. Feyre's headshot down to where her sister was sitting and gasped before flinging herself off the couch and into Nala's waiting arms. The two sisters cried into each other's shoulders for a bit before Feyre lifted her head to look at her little sister.
"You are a fae?!" Feyre gasped, looking at the fangs and pointed ears. Nala took her hands and smiled to comfort her shocked sister.
"I'll explain later," Nala promised before Feyre could ask more. The older Archeron turned her glace to Rhys again after the two sat on the couch, Nala's wings laying over the back. They too had made Feyre widen her eyes.
"What about when I have to go back?" Feyre asked Rhys, and Nala could feel the fright run through her sister. Nala gave the older Archelon a light squeeze. Feyre wasn't going back there if Nala had anything to say.
"Since you are here outside our deal, there are no restrictions to when you go back," he rubbed his temples. Nala had the idea that he wanted Feyre back at Spring Court as much as Nala did, which was none at all. "You only have to back if you want to."
Nala smiled at the High Lord before her as she felt her sister's fright lessen at the man's words.
"He locked me away," Feyre got out after a few seconds of silence. Both Nala and Rhys tensed at the statement. Nala let out a deep and warrior-like growl while Rhys had to use extreme magic to keep his wings hidden away, only letting the outline of them be seen by Feyre.
"I know. I felt you, even though you had your shields up." Nala could hear the anger in his voice, but his face was calm. Nala herself kept her hand in Feyre's.
Feyre finally looked up from her sister's hand to look Rhys in the eyes. "I have nowhere to go."
Both Nala and Rhys could hear the silent plea in her tone, and it made Nala squeeze her sister's hand. If it came to it, Nala was ready to get Feyre back to the mortal realm even if both of them technically were fae. They could live in their old hut together.
Rhys on the other hand wasn't ready to let the Archelon sisters go, especially not Feyre. He struck out his hand, and the outline of his wings disappeared as he calmed down just a tad. "Stay here, as long as you desire. Forever, if that is what you please." He spoke as if it was natural for him to invite homeless sisters to live in his palace. That was something Nala was sure wasn't true. He didn't seem like the type, so why do it? That was the only thing on Nala's mind as Feyre and Rhys spoke.
As they began to speak about a war with another fae realm, Nala got up from the couch and walked to one of the many balconies. The cold air hit her wings as Nala took a deep breath. She could faintly hear Rhys tell Feyre to drink, but she shut out their conversation. Instead, she focused on the tug she felt in her lower belly, it wanted her to go east. Her shadows wanted her to go east and had it not been for Feyre sitting inside the palace she might just have flown out. For now, she sent a shadow east to find where the tug came from. The tug felt like a bond, like the one she had with Feyre. Reaching out the golden threat she was met by a royal blue wall on the other side and just as she reached out to touch it, she was pulled from her thoughts by Feyre's voice.
"Take me with you!" Her voice was terrified, and her feelings slammed into Nala with such force that she had to take a few steps back. Walked back through the violet curtains, and she was met by Rhys' back.
"You need time to rest." He spoke, as he looked at Feyre.
"I have rested enough," Feyre proclaimed as she placed the cup she had in her hands on the table and got up from the couch. Nala felt her sister's dizziness and shot past the High Lord to place an arm around the taller sister's waist. Feyre shot her sister a grateful smile before turning back to Rhys. "No matter where you are going or what you must do, take me with you. Me and Nala. I promise that we will stay out of your way. Just... Please." Nala knew her sister, and if she resorted to begging, she must have been desperate.
Rhys stood long as he looked at the sisters. He already knew that Nala had to go with him to Velaris, she had to meet his own Shadowsinger to learn about her abilities. "If I take you with me now, Feyre, that is it, there is no way back," his voice was serious as he spoke, and his face was pulled in serious folds. "You can't tell anyone outside this realm about what you are going to see. If you do, then people are going to die. My people will die. If you go with me, you'll have to lie. Your sister I'm not warning as she would have to come with her abilities, but you Feyre, if you ever were to return to the Spring Court, then you would never be able to tell anyone about what you are about to see or the people you are going to meet. So, if you can't live with that secret, with that concealment between you and – your friends, then you need to be here."
Nala could already feel that her sister had made up her mind, and to be honest, Nala didn't believe that Feyre would ever, willingly, return to the Spring Court. Not after what Tamlin had done to her. And Feyre confirmed her sister's thoughts when she whispered to Rhys to take them with him and promised not to tell a soul about what they were going to see.
Rhys looked at the sisters for a few seconds before sending them a smirk. "We leave in 10 minutes. So, if you need to freshen up, do it now. And Nala," he smiled at the winged girl before throwing her the bag she had with her, "chance into something to fly in."
Nala smiled at the High Lord before turning to walk to the room her shadows told her where her sister was when she had been there before.
After getting dressed in a black bodysuit2 with some see-through silk fabric in the front and back, Nala made her way back to the main area, before Feyre had even gotten out of her bath. As she walked in, Rhys was standing on the couch he had been on before. He looked up as she walked in, her heels clicking on the moonstone floor. She looked every bit like a female Shadowsinger without even trying. And the feather wings on her back only added to her mystery in Rhys' opinion.
"You wouldn't be cold?" The High Lord spoke in a slightly shaken voice at her barely covered body. The dress she had on, had a see-through skirt with slits so far up her thighs Rhys easily could see her legs in their full. Even her arms were free, but the girl only smiled at him.
"No," Nala smiled. She activated her fire and let it run through her veins making them glow slightly with an orange tint, "my fire will keep me warm." The High Lord looked slightly shocked as he saw the massive control she already had over the powers. "Where will I be flying? Or are you flying as well to where we are going?"
"What makes you believe I use my wings?" Rhys asked with a smirk on his face, but the short girl did nothing but tilt her head a bit and raised her eyebrows. "Fine, you will be flying east. Towards to ocean. Tell you shadows that you need to find Azriel." He said, not noticing the way the girl in front of him tensed. Her shadows had stilled at the name before tugging her harder towards the east. They wanted to find this male so bad that Nala had to use all her strength to keep them in place. "I'll winnow with you sister so we will be there first, and Az will have found me by the time you get to Velaris."
Nala nodded before walking past him to the violet curtains. Just as she stood in front of them, she looked over her shoulder to look at the High Lord. "Keep her safe till I get there." And jumped off the balcony before Rhys had a chance to answer her.
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