Chapter 19
The rest of the afternoon with Tarquin and Feyre, Nala wanted nothing more than rip out her eyes and ears. The walk back to their suite was quite pleasant since it was only the sisters walking along the hallways. Tarquin was rushed away by some of his advisers. The whole way back Nala was teasing Feyre and mocking the way her older sister was flirting with the High Lord of Summer. Showing a much less intense side of her that no one but her family got to see.
"Stop it." Feyre laughed, showing her sister's face away from her. Trying to get some space and hiding her red cheeks. Nala only laughs as she pushes the door to their living room open.
"Afternoon Amren," Nala said cheerfully as she sat down next to the other short female. "Liked your gift?" The amber-eyed female smirked. Feyre rolled her eyes at her sister and went into her own room.
"Very much," Amren smirked and caressed the necklace around her neck.
"It suits you." Nala smiled a real smile, not her usual smirk or cold smile. This smile was genuine, showed that she was happy and at ease.
"I know." Amren laughed and Nala laughed with her.
Two days passed, two days that Nala spend escorting her sister around and attending meetings with Rhys and Amren. On the third day, Nala was stuck in a boring meeting with Varian before and long after breakfast. The two were talking battle strategy and how best to combine the Night Court's flying army with the Summer Court's navy and foot soldiers. They were discussing the best ways to maneuver offensive attacks as well as defensive maneuvers. They discussed the number of soldiers that Summer and Night Court each had and were able to send into battle. The two discussed till it was time for dinner and even on the way to dinner. Despise Nala being part of the Night Court and having clearly laid her alliance with Rhysand, Varian couldn't help but be impressed by the halfling's knowledge and determination with winning this war. For some reason, Varian felt as if he could trust this short female, even when his logic was yelling at him to be cautious and beware of her, he knew that she was just as dangerous as Amren. She had after all attacked his sister on her first night here. But she has proved to be just and fair. His heart argued. He wanted to know more about the short female, know what made her smile and made her laugh. Know her desires and dreams. And he hated himself for it.
"Sorry if we are late," Nala spoke, now her voice sounded bored and unbothered, not passionate, and full of fire as it had been when she was talking about battle formations and weapons. "Our meeting ran a bit late with all the possibilities between our courts."
"It is quite alright," Tarquin smiled at her, but Nala didn't look at him as she took her seat next to Rhysand.
Varian took his seat at the table and began studying Amren like he was trying to solve a riddle, or maybe he was trying to solve her. Amren didn't give him the time of her day and simply continued her debate with Cresseida about the various translations of some ancient text.
Nala ate her dinner quietly, having a discussion with Azriel through their shadows. He was telling her of the human lands and his frustrations with not being able to get into the queens' castle. Nala was telling him the events of her day, going into details of how many soldiers Summer has and how many ships its navy consists of.
Feyre spoke with Tarquin about her day in the city and how she had purchased a fish at the harper and eaten it alongside the man who had prepared and sold it to her.
"You ate it right there," Tarquin said, lifting his brows. Nala turned back into the conversation that was occurring as she felt her sister's mood change.
Rhys had propped his head on a fist as Feyre said, "The fried it with the other fishermen's lunches. Didn't charge me extra for it."
Tarquin let out an impressed laugh. "I can't say I've ever done that – sailor or no." Nala rolled her eyes at that. Of course, he knows nothing of the little people here. Bet he doesn't even know how many servants there are in his household.
"You should," Feyre said, meaning her every word as well as keeping the High Lord focused on her to not see the clear disrespect Nala was showing. "It was delicious."
"Well, maybe I'll go tomorrow. If you'll join me." The man's smile was blinding as he stared at Feyre.
Said female grinned at Tarquin. "I'd like that," she said. "Perhaps we could go for a walk in the morning down the causeway when the tide is out. There's that little building along the way – it looks fascinating."
Cresseida stopped speaking and Nala became super aware. The princess's reaction set off Nala's shadows and they began to wither out, finding the building and every mention of it anywhere in the castle and outside. Feyre didn't stop talking though, she kept up her act of being clueless, as she sipped on her wine. "I figure since I've seen most of the city now, I could see it on my way to visit some of the mainland, too."
Tarquin's glance at Cresseida was all the confirmation the Nigh Court needed. Nala forced her shadows further out. Past the ward of the building. A ward that confirmed that Summer was hiding something inside.
"It's a temple ruin," Tarquin said blandly – the lie smooth as silk, but Nala saw the tiny bit of sweat that ran down his temple. "Just mud and seaweed at this point. We have been meaning to repair it for years."
"Maybe we'll take the bridge then. I've had enough mud for a while." Feyre said nonchalance, but all the same, reminding the Summer Court that she had in fact saved them. That she had fought the Middengard Wyrm for them Under the Mountain.
Tarquin's eyes held Feyre's for just a moment too long, and Nala stiffened, ready to get Feyre the fuck out of here.
In the span of a blink, Feyre hurled her silent, hidden power toward him, a spear aimed toward his mind, those wary eyes.
Nala focused her shadow on the room, guarding the door and making the room soundproof, just in case some violence was needed.
Tarquin slowly began to smile, whatever Feyre was doing it seemed to work and his suspension fell apart, also Varian and Cresseida seemed to relax so Nala could only assume that Rhys had worked his magic on them while Feyre had focused on The Summer High Lord. "We'll meet after breakfast. Unless Rhysand wants me for more meetings." Tarquin said, his eyes not leaving Feyre.
Rhys waved a lazy hand. "By all means, Tarquin, spend the day with my lady." Nala picked up on the butterflies those two simple words gave Feyre but choose to keep that knowledge for later.
Feyre, instead of looking at Rhys or even acknowledging him, leaned forward, bracing her bare forearms on the cool wood table. "Tell me what there is to see on the mainland," she asked Tarquin and steered him away from the temple on the tidal causeway. A temple that Nala's shadows were busy invading and searching.
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