Chapter 1
Running through the forest her dress flowed behind her, the black silk a violent contrast to Eline's beautiful garden and thereafter the forest. Nala ignored her sister's yelling behind her. She had to get to Feyre. She was scared. Terrified. She hadn't been this afraid since she left them to save Tamlin. It started with her feeling like she drowned, a feeling she had a lot lately. Then Nala heard her scream in her head, and she had run like a dark creature without her heels, or any shoes at all. She ran towards their old hut; the high grass made it look abandoned. Running in she had gotten Feyre's old bow and her arrows before running towards the wall.
She had been running since midnight and had run all day to get to the wall, in hindsight, it might have been a clever idea to have taken a horse but that was too late now.
She had felt the wall's magic in front of her and the funny thing was that she could see it. Even though Feyre had said it was invisible, she could see it, the one thing that separated her from her sister. Feyre's fright had died down and her feelings became blurred again, but Nala had to get to her. Running along the wall, the golden-haired girl looked for an opening in the thick fog. Anything, just a little spot was enough for her, somewhere where she could slip through. As the dark fell around her, she set up camp as close to the wall as possible. The next morning, she woke with the sun and continued her search for an opening, all while keeping a feel-out for Feyre, the older girl was there but, in a haze, just as she had been for months now. It wasn't till midday that Nala saw it, a tiny hole in the otherwise thick fog. It was just big enough for her to slip through if she crawled on her belly so that was exactly what she did.
After pushing her bag and Feyre's bow and arrows through the hole Nala began to crawl through. The fog was thick around her, and she felt as if she was being suffocated. The metallic taste of magic in her mouth grew and she had to cough a few times before continuing. At first, it was only a mild pain behind her eyes as she got through the fog, but as she got her bag on her back and Feyre's bow in her hand that mild pain grew to a throbbing headache, and the further, she walked the worse it got.
Feyre had never talked about this happening to her when she first came to Prythian, so why was Nala? Nonetheless, the 19-year-old pushed the pain to the back of her mind, she had to get to her sister. Had to get to Feyre she chanted over and over as she hiked through the forest on her bare feet, she had been stupid to not find some shoes before running off, but she couldn't turn around now.
As the dark sank itself over what had to be the Spring Court, the headache was so intense that she couldn't feel Feyre anymore, Nala couldn't focus on anything. A whimper fell from her lips as a sharp pain ran along with her teeth, it felt like someone was pulling them out one by one. Laying there under the open sky she bit down on her arm to keep the screams in. Feyre had warned Nala of the dangers in the forests here. She wasn't, under any circumstances, going to let a scream fall from her lips and get herself murdered. After what felt like hours the pain left her mouth but the headage and burning pain behind her eyes didn't go away. With a whimper of fatigue and pain, Nala slowly drew her arm from her mouth and the blood began to run. She had tightened the muscles in her jaw so hard that she had broken the skin on her arm. Ripping a piece of her black silk dress she dressed the new wound after cleaning it with some of the water in the bag.
Nala only slept a few hours that night before she woke with the sun once more. The headache hadn't lessened in the night and the sun only made her eyes hurt even more, but she continued. The young girl had no idea where she was going, so she had let her instinct take the lead, hoping that it was leading her towards Feyre. The further the sun got into the sky the more pain Nala seemed to be in. Her back muscles felt like they were being ripped apart and her arm thumped with each breath she took. A little after midday her legs gave way under her and the scream, she had tried so hard to hold back fell from her mouth. Fuck, her last comprehensive thought was before what felt like fire spread through her veins, and her back felt like it was being ripped open. After that, she lost consciousness.
When Nala woke again it was still dark out, but this darkness felt different. It felt like heavy darkness. The kind that would suffocate you if you weren't careful. Looking down at her hands it was as if the shadows danced around them. Like they were protecting her. The wound from her teethes was healed as she ripped the makeshift bandage off. Nala got up on wobbly legs but as she tried to step forward, a pain shot up her back and she jumped back from the grass she had stepped on. Looking down though, Nala saw that it wasn't grass, it looked like feathers, dark black feathers. As if her seeing the feathers had awakened them, they moved behind her, and once again her back muscles scream. This time of fatigue. Looking behind her, she saw what looked to be a wing. A wing?! Nala suddenly felt dizzy, but she looked over her other shoulder, there was a wing as well. The girl's breathing had picked up as she reached out to touch the black feathers. She had felt it, not the feathers, well yes. But her hand, as if the wings were her own. Quickly feeling up her back she felt them. Right there by her shoulder blades were, the outspring of these magnificent wings. Her legs gave out under her again and Nala landed on her ass. I have wings. How? Why? Since when? How? These thoughts were the only things that went through her head as she looked up at the tips of her new wings. This was surreal. How the fuck? She didn't get time to think about it though as a sound came from her left side.
Snapping her head towards the sound Nala took the dagger from her side and stood on her still unsteady legs, trying to get the massive wings behind her and out the way as she faced the sound. From the tree line came four creatures. Nala recognized them as Naga. She clearly remembered what Feyre had told her about them. Nala kept my eyes on them. The naga is faeries with a male humanoid body and serpentine features. They are covered completely in dark scales and have powerful arms with polished, black talons. Its huge, almond-shaped eyes are amber in color. Their teeth are razor-sharp, and their tongue is silver and forked.
Finally, she was able to get her wings behind her tired body. The shadows were still dancing around her hands and as she tightens her grip on the dagger, she felt the adrenaline run through her body. The front Naga snarls at her, but for some reason, Nala wasn't scared, her head felt clearer than it had ever been. Her breathing was even and her muscles ready to fight. Right now, she was glad to have taken fight classes back in the mortal realm. The Naga took a step towards her and for some reason, the young girl growled, a sound foreign to her.
"Oh, little girl, what is a pretty little lady like you doing out here?" The leader spoke in a hiss. The other 3 hissed behind him, but neither of them tried to move closer to her. Even though the night was at its peak Nala could see them clearly.
"Doesn't concern you, Naga!" Nala snarled back at the creature. Her voice sounded foreign, yet familiar. It sounded so light, so feminine, but still held something deadly right under the surface.
"Where is the human girl we smelt, Fae?" The leader hiss again and left Nala major confused, but the girl was smart enough to not let it show. She just twirled her dagger around a few times and relaxed her muscles as this conversation bored her. If they didn't know that she was that human girl, she wouldn't tell them.
"No idea what you talk about, scum!" Nala spoke, keeping her voice bored with just enough venom to let them know she wasn't playing around.
"Looks like we will just have Fae, then." The leader laughed as he launched, but Nala reacted quicker than she had thought possible. She stepped to the side in a gliding movement and drove her dagger through the Naga's throat before the creature could stop. With the power of her movement and the speed of the Naga, the dagger went straight through and decapitated the creature, leaving it dead and bleeding next to Nala's feet. Not wanting to get blood on her wings, she, almost out of instinct, lifted them and press them to her body as she ignores the strain it put on her back muscles, she could feel sorry for herself later. The other 3 Nagas look at the tiny girl in shock before hissing and attacking. Jumping back from the first, she does a roundhouse kick sending it flying backward and she quickly guts the second, it claws nicking her shoulder, but not enough to draw blood. As the third get close, instead of using her dagger, Nala holds out her right hand, and a huge flame shoots from her palm and burns the creature up as she threw her dagger at the first Naga using her left hand, hitting it right between the eyes.
Letting out a breath as the last creature dropped dead, Nala pull her right hand to her, the flames no longer there, but replaced with shadows again. Looking at her palm, she expects to find a huge burn mark, but she finds nothing but smooth skin. Quickly she got her dagger out from the creature's skull, using its clothes to clean the blade. Looking around the scene Nala take her bag, the bow, and arrows before running away, toward the pull she could feel in her chest. She ran night and day, only stopping to sleep and eat for days. Nala still had no clue how long she was unconscious, it had to be quite a long time as her arm had healed, she had been incredibly hungry when she stopped for the first time after killing those creatures.
From the spot, Nala woke up, and to where she was, was almost 14 days on foot, the spring court was massive. The young girl just hoped she wasn't too late. This journey had already taken too long for her liking. Checking on Feyre's feelings Nala gets a clear shot of split nerves, frustration a little bit of fear. Nala only slept a few hours that night, for some reason, she knew that she was close to her sister. Feyre's feelings were clear, and Nala knew that if she focused hard enough, she could send Feyre a messenger, but the younger sister had no clue what condition she would find Feyre in, so she didn't try and contact her older sister, she just ran a bit faster. The sun had begun to set when she saw the big ass house that only could be Rosehall, the place Feyre had told her about. Tamlin's home. It was still in the distance, but Nala still slowed down, letting her legs get some rest. She was so close to Feyre now. She sat down on a root in the shadows of a huge tree and closed her eyes for just a minute. That was when Nala felt it, Feyre's rage. It pushed through the cloud that had placed itself over Feyre's mind. The older Archeron was angry, very angry and scared. Opening her eyes, a whisper sounded next to Nala's ear.
Get to her, he is trying to lock her up
Nala had learned a few days back that the shadows told her things, she had learned from them that Tamlin suffocated Feyre, and kept her at Rosehall. And that her older sister slowly was losing her mind because of it. It was thanks to them that Nala had learned what had happened under the mountain and about the deal she had made with High Lord Rhysand.
Jumping to her feet Nala began the long jog down to the mansion. As she got closer to the ion gate, she saw him for the first time since the time he broke into their little hut. He was right outside the front door and Nala saw the symbol he drew in the air. A blocking, the shadows whispered as she tiptoed closer. The shadows wrapped around the young girl as she pressed herself as far into them as possible so that neither he nor the redheaded man saw her.
As Tamlin got closer to where Nala was hidden, she saw, her beautiful sister. Feyre looked like a shadow of herself, even if she was thin and had dark shadows under her eyes.
"Tamlin," Nala heard her sister say, her voice was hoarse as if she had screamed or didn't use it much. She looked close to tears. Nala was far from her, but she could see Feyre as if she was right next to her. The older girl's feeling was all over the place, but one that overshadowed every single one was fear. She banged on the blocking again and her breathing picked up. She was captured. Something Nala could feel was terrifying which she understood with what happened to the older sister. Tamlin was at the gate now and if Nala wanted to, she could have killed him, but that would have to wait, she had to get to her sister. Tamlin winnowed, a transport method, a shadow whispered as Nala looked at her sister again. Feyre was gone as well; she had walked backward into the house. Nala could feel her sister's fear, so she broke into a sprint. Right now, Nala didn't care that she might have broken any wards that made Tamlin come back. She got to the front door where the symbol still hung. The young girl pressed her hand against it and directed the fire that lived in her blood towards her palm, burning through the ward. Nala had been skeptical if it would work, but the shadows said it would, so she trusted them.
A couple of seconds went by before the light from Nala's hand gave a little explosion and she could see the silver shimmer around the house disappear, its down, the shadow reassured the golden-brown-haired girl. Running in Nala ran the halls till she was in front of her sister. Running to where her older sister was shrunken on the ground, Nala pushed the fae that was there away, baring her teeth as she stood over her broken-down sister. The fae she had pushed got back on her feet but didn't move to come closer and Nala had a good clue that it was because her amber eyes looked to be on fire. That happened a lot when she was angry, and right now she was livid. The female fae before her, Nala knew was Alis, her shadows told her that much. Two guards ran into the room, but before Nala could direct her flames at them, they dropped to the ground, alongside every other guard on the ground as far as Nala could hear. A new fae female entered the room. This female was curvy in all the right places and the smile on her face could melt everyone's heart. Her golden hair fell behind her in soft curls and her red dress hugged her body tight. Nala wasn't affected by her beauty in any way though, she was only focused on her big sister behind her. Nala's wings wrapped themselves around the vulnerable woman behind her as Nala continued to growl at the two females in the room. The golden-haired fae raised her hands in surrender as Alis kept herself in the background, so Nala wasn't aiming the fire on her hands at her.
"I'm Morrigan," the golden female said with a smile as she took another step toward Nala and Feyre. "I'm here on behalf of High Lord Rhysand to get Feyre out of here. Who are you?" Her voice was light, and she made sure to keep any anger or foul tone out, this fae was very protective of Feyre and Mor wasn't going to take a chance fighting her.
"Nala," the 19-year-old spoke, her voice still cold but she had stopped growling. Her shadows had told her to trust this female, for now. So, she put out her fire and turned to kneel at her sister's side. Mor moved closer to the siblings but stopped as Nala snarled again. Bending down, Nala put one arm around Feyre's back and the other under her knees so she could carry the older girl in her arms.
"Take care of her," Alis whispered, taking to Mor, scarred of the small, winged female.
"It's your luck that your High Lord wasn't here when we came. The guards will have a huge headache when they wake, but they are alive. Be grateful." Mor answered as she kept her eyes on the golden-brown-haired girl, carrying Feyre.
"When he gets back," Nala started as she walked toward the glass doors leading to the garden. "You tell him that Nala Archeron took her sister from his abusive and that he is lucky to still be alive after what he did to Feyre." Nala gave Alis another flaming glare as she walked out in the night. The female flinched and looked away. Feyre having heard her sister's voice through her panic whimpered and held Nala tighter around the neck. "It's alright now, you are free now sis," Nala whispered down to her older sister as the smaller female walked towards the tree line with Mor next to her.
Mor led Nala up a field, up and down hills again and again till they got to a small cave. Feyre began to move as they walked into the cave, but Nala kept on reassuring her that she was free. That she was out. The darkness enclosed them, only to let them go the next step as they step out in the summer light.
A deep snarl sounded in front of the girls and Nala snarled back at the man dressed in black who stood in front of them now.
"Everything went after the book, even better, Miss Archeron here got to her sister before I did," Mor told the man with violet eyes. Nala realized that this had to be the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand. The man moved to take Feyre from her sister, but Nala wasn't having it, so she shot flames after the man, not enough to harm him, just enough to warn him to not get closer as her wings spread behind her, ready to take off within a second. Seeing the magic, the young girl had as well as the massive, feathered wings behind her seemed to stop the High Lord in his steps.
"We'll go with you, but she is not leaving my arms till we are as far from the fucking Spring Court as possible," Nala growled at the cousins. Rhys just gave a nod as he walked up to the sisters with his hand in the air to signal peace. Laying one hand on Nala's arm and the other on Feyre's arm, the High Lord transferred them to his house in the Night Court.
Nala sees the Wall as a white fog
Winnow = teleport
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