Yamini slowly tried opening her eyes but couldn't,she could hear people whispering or maybe even talking but she couldn't understand what was actually happening . She tried moving her hands and legs and realized she was tied with a rope.
She heard two voices ,yelling her name and she finally with difficulties she opened her eyes and saw around 10 to 15 huge mens surrounding the place .
She looked around and saw aarva and advik being tied up like the same way she is and both were trying hard to come out from the ropes .
And that's when she started realizing what actually happened....
The minute yamini saw someone standing near aarva with gun in his guns ,she yelled her heart out and after that all she remembered is the white fog like thing covering the whole atmosphere.
Yamini was busy trying to think what exactly is happening and advik and aarva were looking at her .
And suddenly a cold wind passed by ,the sound of the her heels echoed the hall ,the mens around them were now alertled and stood straight.
Yamini ,advik and aarva looked at the entrance waiting for the person to come and as soon as the person walked in shock was the only thing written all over yamini and advik's face .
There stood a another yamini(yamuna) in a yellow colour dress,her shoulder level hairs slightly flying in air ,those almond shaped eyes exactly looked like yamini's yet they both were so different.
Yamuna walked in and gave a breath talking smile to the trio and kneeled down infront of yamini.
Aarva gritted his teeths ,his eyes throwed hatred and angry towards yamuna .
Yamini on the other hand was beyond shock to see a exact Xerox copy of hers sitting infront of her.
She knows yamuna looks like her but she didn't except this much of perfection.
Yamuna rised her hands to touch yamini..
"Don't you dare touch her with your filthy hands "aarva yelled ,gritting his teeths and trying hard to remove his hands from the hold .
"Ho ho ,chill aarva babes chill "yamuna told makimg her eyes wide .
Aarva easily saw the difference between yamini and yamuna they were same in looks ,but not in character they had a lot of differents which he failed to notice earlier.
"As said or as heard yamini ,you look exactly like me "yamuna told and yamini was still in the shock and seeing yamuna all of sudden yamini felt fear .she had a gut feeling saying something big is gone happen .
"But....." yamuna paused and looked at her and then gave a big smile to her.
"You are not me yamini ,you are not but then like a GOOD SISTER you went through so much all for me and all because of me . " yamuna finshed and yamini looked at her with utter shock not only yamini ,advik and aarva looked at her in shock.
"Sister? " yamini whispered and yamuna left a sigh and sat down in indian style before her .
"You are my sister yamini my sister,my TWIN the one who was born with me "yamuna told and yamini opened her mouth to say something but closed.
"Will you fu*king stop lying "advik yelled .
"Shhh,young man sometimes truth has to be bitter but try to accept it"yamuna answered .
"Yamuna aren't you done ruining my life? ,now why did you even brought them here . You have problems with me not with them .
Leave them!! Stop this sister drama "aarva told
"This is not drama aarva ,i am stating the truth can't you just see us and know we are twins ,why are you so dumb ,she is my sister .
YAMINI "yamuna told
"How? I never had any sister nor did i have even seen you before ! If i am your sister ,why did you made me suffer ? Why did you do this to him? What made you so heartless "yamini yelled for the first time .
She was done with people playing football in her life and now when she know she is gone leave this world soon .she wants answers !! Don't she atleast deserve that?
"Shhhhh, yelling at me won't work sweetie i am your sister and if you yell this loud then what about your health " yamuna asked and winked at the end .
Yamini and advik were shocked as hell cause they know the reason behind the wink and only yamini and advik knew about her sickness.
Aarva didn't understand what she actually meant
"Well,if i say you the truth you ,yourself will start hating him,if not like you love him now "yamuna told and aarva looked at her ,it was even more hard hearing it but he know its the truth .
"He and his basta*d family never deserves love " yamuna told gritting her teeth .
"Everyone in the world deserves love and do you even realize what you have done to him and his family? You are a girl right?how can you see another girl getting raped? Don't you have feelings, shame, some humility? "Yamini asked
"His parents killed our mother yamini our mother "yamuna told stressing the word 'our mother'
Aarva looked at her in utter shock and yamini was speechless and a big question mark was seen in her face .
"We both are twins yamini .
We were only 6 months old when they killed our mother have you ever seen her,yep you have but you won't remember i know!
She was so beautiful yamini just like us *chuckles*
Our father was the best yamini the best ,they both loved us so much and then there came the great VENKATRAMAN (aarva's father ),who tried to kill our parents in the name of a accident and fortunately we all were saved but...we lost our mother" yamuna told the whole hall had fell in complete silence which was making yamini's situation worst. She in the first place felt her head spinning slightly.
"Our father didn't know what to do ,how to handle us ? You were a softie ,a sober always with mummy and her sudden demise made you sick every now and then. And you know what his father was not satisfied by killing our mother ,she wanted to finsh all of us just for our propertys and few fucking business deals. There was attacks after attacks and the one who you know has your family were our workers and our father didn't have anyother way other than sending you with them .and me to aboard , that lady (yamini's fake mother) promised you take care of you and our father was paying them every single week to take care of you , every day yamini every day he use say how much he misses us ,not a day he slept without talking with me about you and our memories, we never know those people didn't tell the truth to you . " yamuan finshed .
Yamini felt her head spinning with new information ,her whole life was a lie a fucking lie and she still now doesn't understand anything.
1230 WORDS 🤧
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