Days Passed, it's been 2 weeks since yamini's birthday .
Every day yamini woke up with a new hope now, she was now ready to do anything now.
She has to somehow get out from here if not for her but for Advik.
Knowing or unknowingly she has pulled Advik into this mess and atleast to keep him out she needs to get out.
The stars twinkle, the moon shines brightly in the night sky . But if you want to see such a beautiful scenery there should be a clear sky. The last time she sat and watched the night sky is the most beautiful ever seen by a human on the earth .but unfortunately that she was not in the mood to enjoy the night 's beauty .
She felt nervous, scare but she tried and tried and still trying to over come that because the last time she was scare and nervous she lost her child and this time she doesn't want to do that.
Taking a deep breath she changed into a white umbrella dress.
She stood in front of the mirror watching her reflection and gulping the lump in her throat.
She turned towards the calendar and saw the date and took a deep breath.
"I hope you are here adi"she whispered
"yamini"aarav called standing out the room
She turned towards him and gave a small smile and Aarav walked towards smiling.
As he took a step forward, she took a step backward and this continued till her back reached the wall.
Keeping his right arm on the wall, typically caging her inbetween him and the wall.
He looked at her, for the first time after her birthday she got dressed up and he looked at shocked and surprised.
"you dressed up? "he asked pushing her loose hair strap behind her ears and yaminin was breathing heavily but she made sure he didn't find it out. She licked her dry lips and nodded as yes.
"I... I am hungry"she whispered
"you didn't eat anything "he asked and she nodded as no
"shall we eat something out "she asked with hope dancing in her eyes.
And Aarav being a dumb creature thought for a minute and nodded his head as okay, with out knowing her plan.
These two weeks, when ever Aarav asked or tried to talk with yamini she stood and listened to him. Although she didn't play attention to what he said but she needed to do it so that he can start trusting her and here her planning was working.
"let's go"he told and she nodded and started walking out.
She was sure by hook or crook she will escape and was ready for anything .
She has always noticed Aarav taking her out for dinner or lunch to a restaurant and in that letter she told Advik to reach the restaurant and somehow she will escape from him and run away with Advik.
This is what she meant by 'I was right' on her birthday night .
As she walked out from the beast's room one last time she turned around and saw the room which has been a hell to her.
Thinking of the things which she went through sent chills to her spine.
Keeping her thoughts away, she walked down the stairs one last time.
"shall we leave "Aarav who was now all set to leave said and yamini nodded
As the car started ,yamini noticed two black cars following them and she very very well know it's his bodyguards .
"th...they are coming "yamini asked pointing towards the car
"huh, yes
Because it's not safe now to roam around "Aarav told driving the car and yamini gulped the lump form in her throat .
What Aarav told was true... Even after knowing yamuna is roaming around and taking yamini out was really not safe.
He saw yamini being uncomfortable and always looking out and that dumb creature didn't even understand what was going in her mind. He really do started trusting her in this two weeks .
"are you uncomfortable yamini "he asked and she nodded.
Taking a deep breath he stopped the car so did his bodyguards, he got down the car and went near his bodyguards car and yamini turned around and saw Aarav taking a GUN from his bodyguard and dimissing him.
He then slid it into his pocket and came back to the car and sat .
He actually took the gun for yamini's safety.
But here yamini was hell scared ,she kept on praying that nothing bad should happen. And after seeing that damn gun her fear had no bounds.
As they reached the restaurant yamini's eyes scanned the whole place, searching for Advik but he was no where to be seen.
"sit down yamini " Aarav told and yamini smiled and sat down.
She was playing with her fingers nervously under the table, every minute her eyes secarhed for him but it seems like he didn't come.
"what would you like to have Mandan "the waiter asked which broke her thoughts
"huh... Anything will do "she asked looking at Aarav and he nodded his head and gave the order to the waiter.
Time was passing bit there was no sigh of Advik, with each passing minutes her hope started vanishing.
"this restaurant is damn close to me yamini "Aarav told while eating his food . And yamini looked at him except ling him to continue future.
"I probably had the last dinner here with my whole family "Aarav told with a tint of sadness in his eyes.
Yamini didn't say anything but just looked down.
"okay, come let's go "Aarav told getting up from the table.
Yamini slowly stood up and again for the last time she looked around but Advik was not there.
She felt her eyes tearing up. Her hope dead, her lips going dry and a unbearable pain in heart.
She started walking to the car slowly and sat in her seat. With all her hope, prayers, wishes going completely waste.
"shall we start "Aarav asked and she nodded slowly lost in her own thoughts.
She felt she lost all the chance she had, that's all she knew her fate was sealed with the beast forever.
And all of sudden the car was dashed or we can say completely hit by a opposite car and Aarav could not do anything as the brake was not working .The car took a complete turn and went upside down, fortunately Aarav had somehow managed to switch on the air bag .he held yamini's hand tight ,he didn't lose his consciousness but he can anytime lose it, his eyes were half open, blood dipping for him forehead, hands and legs.
On the other side yamini was quite alright she didn't have big injuries she do have injuries but not that big comparing to Aarav 's.
Yamini was also inside the car her eyes saw a figure running towards the car. As the figure came close a smile broke on her face.
It was him... Advik, he was finally here.
"yamini...yamini "he yelled searching in the car for her as the seats were all fallen it was mess there.
Yamini got his hands and a Advik immediately pulled her up to him and hugged her tight.
Her forehead was bleeding, the blood was dipping from her forehead to her neck.
"I thought you won't come "she whispered or that 's all she could talk.
"come let's get out from here first "Advik told holding her hands tightly.
Advik held her hands tightly and started running and....
Aarav who was half conscious, saw his yamini going away from him, she is going leave him . He saw her running away, he spread his hands out like calling her not to go away from him but he could barely talk .he could not move a bit, he was a kind of half dead lying there.
And yamini who was running with Advik stopped suddenly.
"what happened yamini "Advik asked tensed
Yamini took back her hands from his and slowly walked backwards and turned back ran back to the car.
"yamini don't goooo"advik yelled running behind her but yamini didn't stop.
Seeing her come towards him ,a smile broke on his lips, he felt so happy even in that dieing moment.
Yamini secarhed for something in the car ,she got into the car and finally pulled it out.
Yes!! It was his phone he dialled 108 (AMBULANCE) and left it near him and tried to get out the car but couldn't had her leg was stuck.
By that time Advik was already there by her side, he helped her to get out in the process her anklet which was gifted by Aarav when he came back from Canada broke and the beads ran down the road.
Looking at Aarav One last time yamini started running, Advik held her hands tightly and helped her in walking has her leg was injured too..
Aarav smiled sadly seeing her going away.
His yamini was a kind and good hearted women even after all this. She dialled the ambulance and ran away.
UFFFFF, finally the most awaited moment, Advik is here and yamini ran away. 😌
Are you guys happy? 😊
INSTAGRAM ID :priyagv8
1600 WORDS ✨
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