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In our forgotten diaries
Take me with you.
When Sammy returned home, he raced up to you and embraced you. In your room, you were working on some math problems. You have to keep your mind occupied with work if you don't want to dwell on what happened at school.
You even attempted to examine the journal to see if any of your ancestors had encountered the same phenomenon with a single person.
You had to jot down the visions you had at your new school as rapidly as possible. It was essential to maintain the journal up to date.
You also have a beautifully decorated journal in which you recorded all of your visions from school. Yeonjun, the famous "idol, enthralled you." You're not sure why your heart is racing just thinking about the lovely, tall boy.
You had a giddy awareness of him when he trapped you, and it kept you reeling. With a shake of your head, you dismiss unwarranted feelings out of your thoughts. You don't know him well enough to fall in love with him. You heard the rumors that he is head over heels in love with a gorgeous girl in school. They'll be a power couple if they date. She learned that the head girl and two of her friends are idol trainees who may form a girl band soon. Y our two friends are also idol trainees. They even invite you to apply to their agency for an audition.
You say no. With a gift like yours, your life will be jeopardized. What if you have a vision while performing on stage? No way!!!
Around the dinner table that evening, your grandma inquired about the contamination. She asked if you were aware that your principal and a handful of your teachers were interviewed by a local television station at the emergency room, where many high school students had been admitted.
"No, I am not aware of it. Two of my classmates were affected as well. I believe people with weak immune systems were admitted to the hospital," you say after a drink of water. You don't want her to know what you've seen.
Sammy was visibly concerned. "My new friend Heuningkai, a real debut artist, received a text from one of his band members, Taehyun, saying that the dirty water filter had contaminated the Hamlin. I was frightened. I even asked him to keep an eye on you there at all times."
Your eyes widen, "What are you talking about? I don't want anyone keeping an eye on me. One boy's unwanted attention is-- "Your eyes widened as you saw your brother and grandmother, both flustered, place their chopsticks back in the bowl simultaneously.
You suddenly fell silent. Why did you forget you'd never mentioned boys before?
"A boy's unwelcome attention!!!" As your grandmother smirked, Sammy, tilted his head with lifted brows.
" Oh my, a boy freely paid attention to you. " She smiles broadly at you as she says, "The world truly comes to an end." You simply shrugged your shoulders and began eating while your grandmother and Sammy waited for you to elaborate.
"Um, I had a vision of a boy drinking the water from the malfunctioning filter, and I rescued him before the massive outbreak," you sigh dejectedly."However, several children became ill during lunch. He was confused as to how I knew. I tried to avoid answering him. I had no idea this gift would cause me so many headaches."
Your grandmother gave you a mournful look as she stared at your troubled face. "Try to keep it together, baby; I know I'm clueless about just this gift, but your dad mentioned your great aunt will visit you to discuss it."
"Did she find a way around this gift, Grandma?" your eyes gleamed.
In her furrowed brows, you looked hopeful.
"Not at all, dear; your dad said that she discovered more information based on her grandmother's experiences. She had a chat with a shaman there. "She doesn't look convincing.
You look deflated. "The oracle will suddenly turn this curse into even deeper darkness by evil shamans. Nothing will change; Gran the Oracle will push me to decide, but my love for my future soulmate will make a choice. It's either destiny or death. How would I bear witnessing my soulmate suffer without me?"
Sammy has a worried expression on his face as he looks at his grandmother. "Will Aunt Ines be able to think up a strategic plan? Luna will have to make a decision soon. If her soulmate is her age, she still has time, but the Oracle will soon become furious if he is soul marked. She'll have more visions of death than good visions. We must help her grandma!" Sammy's pleading grew increasingly frantic. He enjoys bickering and disagreeing with Luna, but he loves his sister. He doesn't want her life to be cursed in the same way that their ancestors' lives were cursed.
Their grandma nodded, her brows furrowed deeply. "Let us await your aunt Ines's arrival. She might have found something all your ancestors failed to do. That's why they went through all those calamities."
"I'm so afraid, Grandma," you sigh deeply. "I'm already seeing visions of death and blood. I saw two glimpses of classmates today. On the stairwell, one boy collides with two other boys. One had a fractured arm, while the other had a broken neck and died. Then I witnessed another female being physically attacked by four delinquent boys. They strangled her and attempted to bury her body in a shallow grave near the tracks, which she recognized. I wouldn't be able to handle negative omens, Grandma." Your eyes look to be moistening. The Oracle's burden becomes too much for you to bear.
When you pressed your lips together to keep from crying, Sammy leaped from the table and rushed over to your side, hugging you. You have a loving and affectionate gaze for your little brother.
"Oh, Luna! I'm hoping Aunty Ines will join our dad in South Korea if we can figure out how to get around the choice. You are going to be saved." Sammy attempted to console you.
"I examined and read through the family journal "as you shook your head, massaging your brother's arms holding you." There isn't any other option. It's a simple choice: either I listen to my soulmate's call, or my soulmate dies on the day of our bonding. But it will most likely be me, and he may die unnaturally in front of me. And my final and only option is to reject my soulmate and live out my destiny. Seeing visions and rescuing people in my immediate area. It's exhausting."
"Let's wait for Aunt Ines... maybe your ancestors missed something."
Your grandmother seemed to be calculating.
You just took a deep breath. You and Sammy cleared the table and washed the dishes after supper until your grandma yelled frantically at you. She was glued to the KBS news.
You and Sammy dropped everything and dashed into the living room, where you remained in front of the television. You glance at your granny, puzzled, trying to make sense of what you've just heard.
"...two suspects are still on the loose, while the other two have been arrested by the police, thanks to the heroic intervention of two mailmen who arrived on the scene. One of the fatally stabbed victims was a grade 8 boy from Shinwa Academy, while the two girls, both in grade 11, who fought bravely for their lives are being treated for minor wounds and shock and are admitted to hospital..." the newsreader continued.
Sitting next to your equally surprised grandmother, your legs turned to jello.
"Oh my gosh!" You felt like vomiting. "I just saved a girl from our school from the same fate, but these three students were not so lucky."
You received a hug from your grandmother on the side. "You had been a heroine. You saved a little girl from being brutally murdered. She will be eternally grateful that you picked her up today and took her home."
You wipe your tired face and ponder your prospects. Except for the identity of your potential soulmate, nothing about you will be disclosed by the Oracle.
The next day.
At the entrance, Chaeyoung and Dahyun awaited you. They immediately ran up to you when you exited your vehicle, greeted your driver, and linked arms with you.
They are now the school with the most debuts this year. As well as some well-known solo artists and boy and girl groups.
Chaeyoung murmurs, "Did you hear about the news from yesterday? Four delinquents savagely attacked three students. They fought like never before. One of the girls was a taekwondo student who attempted to protect her friends. However, the boy was stabbed while trying to save the other girl. The world is becoming increasingly terrifying, "Dahyun agreed, and she shuddered.
"My mum is insistent on picking me up from school. I'll be dropped off at the trainee studio by her. In those tunnels, they need to put up a neighborhood watch. It's terrifying." Dahyun said, his eyes wide.
"They were fortunate," you admit gently. So many girls rushed by you so that they won't be late for their first class.
You arrived just in time for your English class before entering the room. Two senior girls stood menacingly in front of you and Chaeyoung, stopping you. Dahyun had already entered the classroom when she noticed Soobin and hurried over to him to say hi.
Chaeyoung clears her throat. "Excuse me... just move!"
Lia and Ryujin were two of the girls' names. The queen bee Yeji's dearest friends are the most popular girls in Hamlin.
"All we want to do is chat with Luna. Chaeyoung, get off your high horse.'Lia scowled.
As the two girls stared at you with narrowed eyes, you had a sinking feeling in your stomach.
Ryujin smirked and glanced at you with a flash in her eyes her dagger eyes on you, "Miss Cheekholes, this is just a polite warning: keep away from Yeonjun. He is Yeji's official possession. You will be forced to move to another school if we see you chatting with him or even looking his way. L-U-N-A, you've heard me " she poked you in the chest as she dragged your name out.
Your eyes widen in a little fearful manner. What did you do?
Chaeyoung stepped in front of you and pushed herself up against Ryujin, who stepped back. "No, little witch, you listen to me. There's nothing between Yeonjun and Luna. Don't be such a bully. Is Yeji such a coward if she doesn't fight her own battles?"
"You...!" Ryujin wanted to slap the interfering Chaeyoung with her hands raised. As the teacher yelled from the far end of the hallway, your stomach dropped.
"GIRLS!!! Before I put you all in detention, get to class."
Lia grabbed a furious Ryujin's arm, attempting to pull her away from her, but Ryujin spun around and said, "Watch your back!!!"
When Chaeyoung turns to your wary face, you breathe a sigh of relief.
"Don't be worried about them. Yeji is head over heels in love with Yeonjun, and she's terrified of you because you made out with him." She teased you as you stared at her in horror.
"I...Chaeyoung, I didn't kiss him. Jeez. Why don't they believe us? He was interested in knowing more about the water incident." she dragged you inside the class, and Chaeyoung burst out laughing.
The entire class was discussing the news. You could feel a headache coming on. The last two sessions are still dedicated to physical education. You start to wonder whether you could just skip class and pretend to have stomach pains. Some of the students who drank the water were issued sick passes, allowing them to stay at home.
You and your friends decided to go out and get some snacks before sitting on the concrete stairs overlooking the soccer grounds. The cafeteria is the last place you want to be.
"You certainly made Yeji sweat, Luna," Chaeyoung grinned.
You snort a little," Yeonjun is uninterested in me, Chae, and I'm almost non-existent to him. She doesn't need to be worried. He's smitten with her."
"Yuna and Momo told everybody yesterday that Yeonjun had you pinned in an isolated hallway and that you were just about to engage in some tonsil hockey!"
"Oh my gosh! That is not the case. Yesterday, Yuna begged forgiveness." You had a flush on your cheeks. You had a dream about this gorgeous boy the night before, which will only lead to heartbreak.
"Oh my gosh," Dahyun exclaims. "The girls were ecstatic."
"Well, nothing occurred. We don't even know each other," you say sarcastically.
"However, you're on the radar of the popular boys and girls...no more Miss Invisible..." Chaeyoung cracks a grin and hands you the Pringles snack. While chewing on the delectable snack, you lean backward and groan.
"Oh, why....why? That girl is a bully. She was ready to slap you, Chaeyoung. You're courageous. "You shook your head, recalling the altercation between the two girls. You're not afraid to fight back, but you don't want to make enemies.
Dahyun sniggers, "Chae grew up with four older brothers. She is capable of handling herself. She was involved in numerous fights in middle school and is no stranger to detention." Dahyun laughed, "Mind you, and she received her first kiss in detention with the school's bad boy."
You raise your eyebrows as an annoyed Chaeyoung throws some peanuts at Dahyun who is bent over laughing in stitches. You started laughing.
"Dahyun, why are you bringing that up? That disgusting nincompoop stole my first kiss... I still despise...I still hate him," she pouts.
"Her annoying neighbor had a crush on her for a long time," Dahyun smirks and looks into your amused eyes. "He made a proposition when he discovered they would be in detention from 1 pm to 5 pm. She had a dancing evaluation at the agency that was part of her year's scores...so he told her he could get her out of detention if she kissed him...so she did."
You chuckled, "That's very ingenious of him."
"The fool let me make out with him for five minutes," Chaeyoung sneered." Yikes!" The memory of that day made her shudder.
"Since then, he's been pursuing her," Dahyun grins teasingly. "He is a student at Shinwa Academy. "Our rival."
"Please," Chaeyoung groans, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment."Could you please change the subject...?"
You smirked as you drank your banana milk, not wanting to irritate your friend anymore. The bell rang for the last two periods all of a sudden.
"The first PT classes of the school term are a pain. Ms. Chan is one of the people I despise the most. She's a drill sergeant on steroids. Get ready for a high-intensity contact sport." As you all stood up, dusted yourself down, and walked to the gym, Chaeyoung murmured.
You're not particularly good in PT or any sport, for that matter. You shuffled behind your two conversing friends. You felt a powerful pull in the back of your mind suddenly. You come to a standstill, frozen in place.
โถ*เณโงห. โ โท ห...group of girls... a volleyball net... ball...heading viciously for Chaeyoung...hand grabs bloody nose...โถ*เณโงห. โ โท ห
As Chaeyoung stood in front of you, your eyes widened.
"Luna!Luna! Stop spacing out so randomly, girl. You remind me of Beans from Rango when I think of you! " She tapped you on the shoulder.
You blinked numerous times as you swiftly returned to reality.
Oh my goodness! Not again.
You hadn't seen Yeonjun for the entire day.
"Sorry, but let's go. Just be careful at PT, Chaeyoung." You spoke quietly.
"Don't be concerned...Okay, I'll be cautious. It's time for us to change." She grabbed your arms and dragged you all to the gym. Because it's your first time in the gym, you take a good look around. Your classmates were ecstatic to put on their gym clothes. You're puzzled as to why they're so animated and cheerful.
After you've changed into your workout clothes, you step out wearing a grey t-shirt and navy blue shorts. A few senior girls entered the locker to get a change. You look inquiring at Chaeyoung, who groans.
She murmurs, "Ugh...really..." You looked visibly pale as you followed the direction of her gaze. Lia, Ryujin, and the girl who owns Yeonjun's heart were there. Yeji. They simply smirked at your group and walked over to the other side of the lockers. You look inquiring at your friends.
"We play contact matches with the senior girls on occasion...we might play dodgeball or basketball today," Dahyun sighed.
You don't want to let them know that you might play volleyball.
You exited the locker room through a long corridor that leads to the gyms.
A group of senior guys was joking around as they tossed the ball around and made their way to the double doors. Dahyun and Chaeyoung enter with the rest of your class.
You were ready to walk in when you felt a hand pull you back. You immediately spin around, ready to respond. It was Yuna, though. With a broad smile. She has a small gift in her hands and stares at you shyly.
"Hi there, Luna! I just wanted to show my thankfulness for giving me a ride home...if you hadn't, I would have been the one who was brutally attacked and perhaps killed...thank you for unknowingly rescuing me. "YOU ARE MY BRAND-NEW HERO." She let out a squeal. You only nod, embarrassed, and she sprints away before you can say goodbye.
You turn your attention only to be met by two calculating eyes that are none other than Yeonjun's... Your face drained of blood.
Before heading for the double doors, he moved in front of you.
"Hmm...seems to me you just had "another gut feeling"... he mockingly said, his eyes furrowed into your nervous eyes. He scoffs and quickly disappears into the gym before you can even regain your speech.
You groan loudly as you throw your head backward. "This is great! ... just Flippen....great!!"
How are you going to get out of this predicament now?
A/n: Thank you to all my new MOA' friends who gave this book a chance. I hope you like it. It seems poor Luna's life will become more complicated with the oracles' interferences.
a shout out to @JeonAyesha973 @Taeandkookies3
Question 1: Do you believe her Aunt Ines could be able to help?
Question 2: Do you believe Luna will be bullied since she is on the radar of the popular girls?
Question 3: Do you believe Yeonjun will keep Luna on his watchlist in the future?
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