11.i - "The Verdict Is..."
Four days later, 3:45 PM...
Saul stands up from his seat, glaring at the prosecution side of the court, made up of Professor Jansen Bilby and his lawyer, then clears his throat and smiles.
"Thank you your honour. Good afternoon everyone, Saul Goodman once again, attorney at law and I aim to prove to you that my client is not guilty of any such crime that has been directed towards her and in particular that this piece of evidence thebprosevution has sought out is mere forgery, as I stated in my opening statement," Saul announces and Geneva looks at him, hopeful.
He walks over to the television screen set up near the judge's seat and picks up the remote control.
"What evidence am I going to debunk, you wonder? None other than the CCTV footage captured from the Professor's home gate," Saul clarifies, then plays the clip again.
As everyone watches he clears his mind to convince the jury and judge as swiftly and straightforwardly as possible. Geneva has not the faintest clue of what he has discovered, she herself is curious to know what he has got under his sleeve.
"I'm making the allegation that This very video is nothing more than a work of fiction and state-of-the-art editing," He states, "Of course my client is not the edited part but the time stamp is definitely one of the elements that has been altered."
Saul pauses the clip at a point where you enter into the gate and drive off down the pathway, while the gate is still open.
"I'm here to claim that this video is from 12th of August last year, the same month that my client had written an article about Professor Jansen for the magazine she works for, The Entrepreneur," Saul throws the jury a wildshot but they seem to take it into consideration, "Let me walk you through."
Saul rewinds the video a little then says, "Exibit A, shadows. If you see closely you can make out that this shadow is from a human being, especially from a vehicle for Papa John's."
He glances to the crowd to see their reactions but they are just giving each other peculiar looks.
"Assuming this is from the 12th, I did a little digging around the CCTV footage from the traffic authorisation and found a clip of the same street but at a different angle," Saul informs and switches the TV slide to the clip he had found out, "There, a Papa John's employee on his regular duty delivering pizza to those hungry, specifically Professor Jansen and his acute party of family members who wanted to enjoy the success of his new business venture."
Saul rushes to his table and retrieves a folder filled with paper clippings and printouts of writing. He hands it to the judge, who starts looking at it intently.
"I identified the employee to be Jonah Trenton, and asked him for a full account of that evening along with authentication proof, like alibis, receipts and work hour accounts, of his whereabouts," Saul expresses confidently, "It's all in there, with full detail your Honour."
Geneva sits back in her seat, speechless. Awestruck, she stares at Jimmy with wonder as to how he does it. She can feel the excitement of freedom start to take over the nerves.
"Exhibit B, plants!" Saul put his hands together then switches back to the security video evidence and forwards the clip a bit. He zooms in on the bushes right along the pathway.
"Salvia Greggii, otherwise known as Autumn Sage. A perennial, which means that you don't have to plant the seeds repeatedly. They are virtually eternal," Saul reveals as walks over to Geneva, carefully extracting a deep red flower from inside his coat and gives it to her with a smile.
Geneva bites the inside of her cheek, many of the people in the court room turn to look at her with some suspicion.
"That is the flower that covers a lot of the lawn ground from Professor Jansen's home. I took a picture of it while strolling past his home. Why I bring this evidence flaw up? Well, fun fact: They only work best in the summer," Saul smirks, "And oh how I ponder upon what seasonal time of the year it is right now?"
Saul rolls his eyes and turns back to the prosecution with a disgusted expression, "Yes?"
"Trespassing on private property is a major offence-"
"I don't think you heard me clearly prosecution. I was OUTSIDE the gate, I barely touched it when I took a picture. Check the CCTV footage if you have issues, I'll give you a reference," Saul squints at them with irritation, "And by the way I didn't pick that flower from the professor's collection, a local nursery have me a few after buying a bonsai."
He mocks the prosecution, giving them a good long stare of disappointment at work skill then picks up another folder from the table.
"I spoke to the gardener that works at the professor's, Drake Devon, and he confirmed that these plants are in fact Autumn Sage. I even asked a botanist at the local branch for agriculture in New Mexico and confirmed it yet another time," Saul points of and hands the file over to the judge, who after looking at it passes it to the jury.
"So I ask you esteemed and intelligent people a question," Saul turns to the jury and places his hands on the wooden platform, "What are plants that grown in the summer doing in a video that was shot almost a week ago, when we're having winter in its full glory?"
He knocks the surface of the 'jury box' then raises an eyebrow, indicating that he's clearly made his point.
"And that ladies and gentlemen of the court is why this particular piece of evidence is flawed and just full of lies out the wazoo!" Saul concludes and chatter amongst the jury ensues.
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