07 - Voicemail
A week and two days later...
Saul walks back to his car after picking up a plate of cheesy fries and a large sized Coke from a branch of Los Pollos Hermanos that's close to his office. He's found some new happiness in junk food, he's feeling a little down in the dumps these days.
Geneva has disappeared from any communication whatsoever. He's left her multiple voicemails, missed calls and messages. Right now, he just completed a quick look-out at her house, that he's been visiting consecutively for the last few days.
She's never at home... at least whenever he comes around after work.
He furrows his eyebrows, the fact that he can't figure out the logic behind Geneva's disappearance is frustration on it's own.
Did something happen to her? Is she in danger? Was she threatened... maybe it was something to do with Lionel Riviera and the information about him.
Questions along the lines of that flood his brain for every constant moment.
Saul drives towards his office to continue his day of solving the daily and rather domestic problems in most cases of people who need his assistance.
But on a day like this, in circumstances like what he's dealing with... can a day ever be normal?
Saul can only cross his fingers and hope.
He picks up his phone after starting up his car and dials Geneva's number. Like usual, it goes straight to voicemail and he leaves yet another message.
"Hey Geneva it's Saul again!" He chuckles nervously, "You've not returned any of my calls and ten voicemails later I'm getting a little worried. I'm sure you're alright so please call me back."
Saul huffs then walks into his strip-mall attorney headquarters and smiles at Francesca before confining and isolating himself in his office.
He paces around, thinking about the next measures he would possibly have to take if news comes around that Geneva is in danger.
He's got contacts, he knows a guy that knows a guy that knows an old retired army officer who is experienced and trustworthy. Plus, there's always Mike Ehrmantraut, a man who does not let age define his capabilities.
Saul nods his head quickly, finally coming up with an action plan to ensure that his new close friend would be okay. He doesn't realise it till now but having Geneva in his life has made it a little more worthy than before.
4 hours later...
Saul decides to pay her house another visit. What does he have to lose? He hasn't gone there during the evening time, after work hours so maybe she'll turn up. Anyways, Geneva needs to sleep and rejuvenate at sooner or later.
Saul pulls up to a street parallel to her home, he doesn't want to feel like a stalker so he keeps his distance and turns the car off.
He waits there in silence, the sound of crickets and birds chirping can be heard through the open driver seat window. His eyes fall constantly on the empty and cold house, hoping that any moment Geneva walks out of the front door or that her car parks into the garage.
He sighs and declines his seat, getting comfortable due to the thought of him staying here for a couple of hours at least.
Saul yawns widely. He hasn't got that much sleep for the past few days, being worried about Geneva's well-being.
"Geneva O'Neill here, from The Entrepreneur. For work inquiries press 1, for personal questions press 2 but since this is a regular voicemail press nothing!"
"Hey Geneva, it's Sa-... It's Jimmy, attorney at law, please call me back. I haven't seen you from that day when you left my house. You said you'd bring Cinnabon but... you never showed up," Saul recorded onto Geneva's voicemail, "I'm concerned about this l, please call me as soon as you hear my messages."
Saul shuts his eyes and sighs. He places his phone on the car dashboard and rests his head back. He prepares himself for a short nap and-
Saul scrambles and reaches for his phone, looking at the caller ID: Unknown
Saul furrows his eyebrows then takes a deep breath before picking up the call. "Hello?" He said.
"Jimmy it's me, please you have to help me! They've got me here in police custody for something I have no idea about-"
"Wait WHAT?!" Saul sits up and starts his car, "Where are you? I'm coming now."
"I'm at the main police station five minutes from your office. They keep saying that I committed some sort of felony, I didn't do anything!"
"Okay I'll be there as soon as possible. Don't say anything," He instructs her and ends the call before driving off.
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