06 - Puzzling Paranoia
3 days later...
Geneva roams around her apartment living room, searching for the TV remote that seems to have disappeared after last night's marathon of 'The Hangover'.
"Argh where are you?!" She questions put loud with frustration, throwing a couch cushion onto the floor. She ties her hair up into a pony tail then places her hands on her hips, scanning the room one last time.
She darts around, now searching for her purse where her phone screams out to be answered. She reaches for her purse, hanging on the coat hanger bear the main apartment door and digs through it to find-
A white envelope falls onto the floor, the same envelope she had received from that random guy on the street a few days ago. She didn't look at it after that, it slipped from her mind.
Geneva pulls out her phone and finds that it's some company calling to advertise their services. She rolls her eyes then picks the envelope up from the floor, taking it to the living room. She sits on t's couch and decides that she'll finally put her mind to it.
She grabs a notepad and pen, from a compartment under the coffee table then examine the contents of the page:
Cäsar Gustav Berta Ypsilon Ludwig Ypsilon Cäsar Heinrich Nordpol Ida Quelle Heinrich Quelle Ypsilon Heinrich Ypsilon Ypsilon Xanthippe Nordpol Ida Gustav Ypsilon Ypsilon Nordpol Martha Ida Gustav Ypsilon Nordpol Berta Cäsar Heinrich Anton Martha Nordpol Ida Martha Ypsilon Nordpol Nordpol Friedrich Ypsilon Viktor Ypsilon Nordpol Quelle Ypsilon Ypsilon Heinrich Otto Martha Xanthippe Ypsilon Ypsilon Nordpol Wilhelm Cäsar Gustav Berta Ypsilon Ludwig Ypsilon Cäsar Heinrich Nordpol Ida Quelle Heinrich Quelle Ypsilon Heinrich Ypsilon Ypsilon Xanthippe Nordpol Ida Gustav Ypsilon Ypsilon Nordpol Martha Ida Gustav Ypsilon Nordpol Berta Cäsar Heinrich Anton Martha Nordpol Ida Martha Ypsilon Nordpol Nordpol Friedrich Ypsilon Viktor Ypsilon Nordpol Quelle Ypsilon Ypsilon Heinrich Otto Martha Xanthippe Ypsilon Ypsilon Nordpol Wilhelm
Questions race through her mind, she doesn't know where to begin and what aspect to ponder on first.
Then she notices something after reading through the words three times. "There's repetition... 'Nordpol, Ypsilon' is there multiple times," She says to herself.
She starts counting the number of times words are repeated but that doesn't lead her to anything. She further finds that all the words are oddly capitalized, could these be names?
She opens up Google on her phone and searches up 'Nordpol', which brought back search results for 'Northpole'. She then searched 'Ypsilon', that led to nothing either.
She huffs, these words made no sense at all-
"Wait a minute..." She mumbles, quickly making a searxh for all the words one by one and finding that they all have something in common, "They're German, more precisely the German spelling alphabet."
She discovers that just like the English version that comprises of 'A' being 'Alpha', 'B' being 'Bravo', 'C' being 'Charlie' and 'D' being 'Delta', there's a German version used as well.
I should have noticed that given all the time I spent in Berlin, She thinks.
Geneva starts to note down the first letter of every word, then notices a pattern. After a sequence of letters the whole cycle starts again so cutting out the repeated encrypted code, she ends up with:
cgbylychniqhqyhyyxnigyynmigynbchamni mynnfyvynqyyhomxyynw
"Now what?" She sulks. There are hundreds of possibilities that this mumble of letters could signify. Where does she even begin?
She gets up to make herself a much needed cup of coffee. Once she pours it into a mug, She starts to think about the code message.
Could it just be a hoax, maybe someone trying to pull her leg? Who would send her such a thing? Who would spend their time coding a message rather than saying it straight away?
What's so confidential about this message? Should Geneva be concerned about it?
And like the first rays of sunshine peering through a crack in a bedroom window, she realises something.
Geneva rushes back to the coffee table and rips off a new page from her notepad. She now figures out that the person who has sent it to her is someone she knows... someone from an earlier time on her life.
"He always does things with a reason, it has to be Thomas," She mumbles to herself, a sort of dread filling up in her, "That's why Germany..."
She looks at the code once more then searched up different methods of encryption on Google. Two methods that she knows and has used in her previous days are the Caesar Cipher and ROT13.
But once again she's stuck, at a loss of what to do next.
Each of these decryption methods needs a certain number to move forward or backward with the letters.
"Rotate 13... Rotate..." She bites her lip while contemplating on the method, "13..." She sets her mind to replace every letter in the code with the following 13th value. 'C' would equal to 'P', 'G' would become 'T' and 'B' would turn to 'O':
She clenched her jaw, she finds a jumble of letters once again. Could he really encrypt it these many times? Is it really too important?
Thomas Crowther is a man of skill and expertise, though he is quite superstious and likes to work on evidence than intuition, an opposite of his friend Geneva. Thus, ROT13 as a decryption key would make logical sense but Geneva has hit a dead end once again.
"Caesar cipher... He uses it all the time but that's too easy," She comments, staring at the new code she figured out, "Maybe I need to do ROT13 after Caesar?"
Coming up with a grid of trial and error possibilities, she finally determines a list of all the possible codes that can be deciphered to the final time. Still, she has no clue how many times more she needs to run the codes through decryption systems.
She tries a few with the ROT13 being the third step but it leads her to nowhere. She then moves on to a few possibilities of Caesar Cipher, with random numbers selected as the cipher key, being the third step but it comes back as yet another kind of gibberish codes.
Geneva pauses, reaches for her cup of coffee and with surprise finds it empty. She stands up and walks to the kitchen to refill her cup with caffeine then starts to return to the couch.
Geneva's lost all interest in this code, She feels like she's making connections to her last and to people that are not even there. It's as if it's all just a coincidence...
Or is it?
"It's got to be 7... 7 years we were together, it has to be," She whispers, staring at the sheets of paper with her notes and squinting her eyes.
She quickly places her cup down on the table and starts working on the code she had first found after running it through ROT13.
Gradually, it forms into another jumble of letters but this time... to Geneva's satisfaction, she can see some sort of message form:
She tilts her head with confusion the starts to see the words split up. On a new page, she writes down the words in a logical way:
I'm here in town. We need to meet. Somethings to settle between us Dee tc
She smiles softly, 'Dee' is the nickname he gave her. The two letters sticking out from the rest at the end, presumably for Thomas Crowther, confirms the sender of this cryptic message.
A wave of satisfaction hits her, hut then she reads the message properly. "What does he mean? Where do we meet?" She questions, though obviously not receiving any answers.
She sits back on the couch and sinks in, taking a deep breath and staring at the decided message.
What does she do now?
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