05 - Bed 'N Breakfast
Morning shines through like the smell of bacon and eggs wakes up someone who's fast asleep. Geneva squeezes her eyes tighter, trying to drown out the bright sunlight so she can cling on to a few more minutes of slumber.
She sits up suddenly, the light illuminating the bedroom is too strong for her to fight off. She stretches her arms and rubs her watery eyes, then sits at the edge of the bed and looks around the room.
It's cosy, completely far from her own home...
"Saul?" She calls out, looking to the washroom door in the room and waiting for a reply that never comes. Geneva gets up and walks out of the room, slowly making her way to the living room, where by coincidence the scent of bacon and eggs fills the air.
She finds her friend humming a tune and reading a newspaper while sitting on the kitchen island's stool. He had a cup of coffee in front of him, with am empty plate covered in a few bread crumbs.
Geneva was going to ask him about last night. Did they do anything... did they sleep together? She's sure they didn't and noticing the blanket and pillow on the living room couch confirmed it.
"Morning Jimmy," She says groggily and he smiles. She widens her eyes, the name she had said was completely out of the blue, it wasn't a conscious decision.
"Morning Geneva, am I going to have a blast from the past now?" He chuckles and she sits next to him on a stool.
"Only if you don't mind," She smiles and he nods his head in agreement, "So... I see you've already had your share of breakfast, without me."
She takes a frown on her face and Saul looks to the floor ashamed. "I was hungry and I didn't know when you'd wake up. I... didn't want disturb you Gen," Saul explains and walks over to the stove. He places two spoonfuls of scrambled eggs on a plate along with three pieces of fried bacon.
"Breakfast is served," Saul says and slides the plate to Geneva's side of the island, "Tea or coffee?"
"Coffee, black and no sugar please," Geneva answers and starts eating her plate of food, "So you'll be telling Bob Romero about what you found about his rival today?"
"Yeah most probably. I want to get done with it while the information is fresh in my mind," Saul responds, "What about-Oh crap, I forgot about that!"
Saul rushes to the book shelf and retrieves a flimsy and wrapped parcel. He brings it back to the kitchen island and starts tearing it open. Geneva finds the package quite familiar looking.
"I'm sorry, I forgot to open up the thing you sent! I rushed home yesterday from work after you called and... Yeah my house is normally messy," Saul explains and smiles when he skims through the magazine and finds the article about him.
"Hey, 'Better Call Saul'! Nice title," He compliments and Geneva smiles widely, looking over at the page as well. Saul continues to read the article, saying out loud the parts he loved.
" 'Although Albuquerque may find the renowned lawyer as a burst of dedication and right-mindedness, in our interview together Goodman shared glimpses of his shaky past involving the loss of his brother, Charles McGill,and his experience gained at the now closed law firm HHM: Hamlin Hamlin McGill'," Saul frowned for a second then smiled with satisfaction.
"This is... really good Gen, thanks for making me more captivating than I am," He comments and Geneva smiles softly.
"I only report the truth Jimmy."
Saul looks back at the page and the pictures of him from the photoshoot he had gone to two days ago. "Man I'm not far from being a Calvin Klein model!" He laughs, "Look at that blue steel smoulder."
Geneva joins into the laughter, "Maybe you should try it out, diversify a bit." He took a deep breath and shut the magazine slowly.
"Thanks for this Geneva, it's going to be one of the most prized possessions of my life," Saul says and looks straight at his friend.
Geneva smiles softly, sharing a moment of silence with him then shaking her head. "I better be going Jimmy, I'll maybe come by your office today if you don't mind," She says and stands up from her seat.
"Well I don't know..."
"I'll bring pecan and caramel Cinnabon?"
"YES done, VIP Geneva O'Neill."
Geneva gives him a quick hug, thanking him for his hospitality, then steps out of the house and heads downstairs to her car. She takes a deep breath and starts her black BMW convertible. Feeling happy on this occasion, she decides to open up the top. She wears her sunglasses and speeds off, as people watch the car drive by.
Geneva walks down the sidewalk, looking into all the shops she's passes by, wondering if she has the facilities to buy herself some new clothes.
She spots a man up ahead handing out fliers for something she can't determine. Being the inquisitive person she is, Geneva approaches him and reaches to take a flier but he puts his hand out to her, stopping her.
"Ma'am I've got something more interesting for you," He whispers and glances around before taking out a pristine white envelope from a pocket on the inside of his jacket.
"What is this?" She asks, completely bewildered. The man starts to walk away but she grabs his arm and pulls him back.
"Read it, you'll know what it's about then," He answers flatly and walks over to a group of tourists and passes them fliers that he was giving every other person.
She furrows her eyebrows then walks ahead to the Starbucks across the street, still unable to comprehend what she just went through.
She walks up to the counter, ready to order her favourite iced green tea with lemon to have in the morning. Upon her ordering her drink, she notices the white envelope in her purse and decides to give it a look when she sits at a table.
"Alright, what are you all about?" She mumbles to herself and slowly opens up the unidentified envelope after taking a set at a table by the window.
There's a sheet of paper inside, folded up neatly that she opens slowly. Anticipation building inside of her, all feeling in her stops abruptly when she skims through the printed writing on the page:
Cäsar Gustav Berta Ypsilon Ludwig Ypsilon Cäsar Heinrich Nordpol Ida Quelle Heinrich Quelle Ypsilon Heinrich Ypsilon Ypsilon Xanthippe Nordpol Ida Gustav Ypsilon Ypsilon Nordpol Martha Ida Gustav Ypsilon Nordpol Berta Cäsar Heinrich Anton Martha Nordpol Ida Martha Ypsilon Nordpol Nordpol Friedrich Ypsilon Viktor Ypsilon Nordpol Quelle Ypsilon Ypsilon Heinrich Otto Martha Xanthippe Ypsilon Ypsilon Nordpol Wilhelm Cäsar Gustav Berta Ypsilon Ludwig Ypsilon Cäsar Heinrich Nordpol Ida Quelle Heinrich Quelle Ypsilon Heinrich Ypsilon Ypsilon Xanthippe Nordpol Ida Gustav Ypsilon Ypsilon Nordpol Martha Ida Gustav Ypsilon Nordpol Berta Cäsar Heinrich Anton Martha Nordpol Ida Martha Ypsilon Nordpol Nordpol Friedrich Ypsilon Viktor Ypsilon Nordpol Quelle Ypsilon Ypsilon Heinrich Otto Martha Xanthippe Ypsilon Ypsilon Nordpol Wilhelm
Geneva shakes her head with confusion, unable to pinpoint even a guess of what these combinations of letters could indicate. She runs a hand through her hair as she walks up to the counter for the Wi-Fi-
'Talk to the person in front of you. You may discover something new!
Wi-Fi is temporarily down.
Sorry for any inconvenience'
"Ugh you have got to be kidding me," She mutters under her breath and rolls her eyes. Geneva decides that she'll head home. Her mind is anyways too fogged up at the moment to figure out the gibberish on the sheet of paper.
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