01 - 'A Lawyer YOU Can Trust'
Saul Goodman.
He smirks at Mrs. Bryerstone as she exits his office, feeling satisfied with his services.
"And remember, always make sure that your cables are hidden from your three cats!" Saul reminds her and chuckles. She gives him a committed nod and steps out of the room.
"Thank you Mr. Goodman, for all your help," Mrs. Bryerstone says and Saul shakes his head.
"The name is Saul, and I'm just a local Albuquerque resident doing his communal help out," He replies and waves her goodbye. After taking a deep breath, he turns to one of his right hand men.
"Huelle!" He gestures for his body guard to come over to him, "Are there any other packages for me?"
Huelle shakes his head and Saul smiles widely, a sigh of relief that his daily tasks had come to an end. No one else needed his guidance and expertise.
"Alright, Francesca thanks for your work," He points at his receptionist and winks at her. She rolls her eyes and closes the notepad she has in front of her on her desk. She then gets up and prepares to go home.
Saul scans the lobby then walks back into his office, looking out of the window to find the sun an hour away from setting. He picks up his briefcase and places all his client notes neatly inside.
"No please, I drove for almost at hour to get here! It says no where on your website that the closing times change on Wednesdays!"
Saul furrows his eyebrows, looking at his office door as if to use some hidden x-ray vision to find who was talking. It is a new voice, maybe a new client?
"Please, I just need twenty minutes with Mr. Goodman," The feminine voice pleads, "Look I've got documents, I'm here on official business."
"I'm sorry ma'am, he won't see any other clients today."
The sound of papers rustling amplifies when Saul opens the door and peers out.
"I'm not a client! I'm here to conduct an in-"
"Francesca, who's that?" Saul intervenes and silence falls. "It's a woman who claims that she isn't a client!" Francesca announces back loudly.
Saul thinks for a moment... before deciding to call her in.
As he walks back towards his desk, questions race through his mind. He doesn't usually get clients at this time, this woman sounds desperate. She seems to have a white collar job, judging by the tone and claim of not being a client.
He stands at his desk and looks through the pile of regulatory documents-
"Come on in!" Saul greets and heels clicked on the wooden flooring.
"Mr Goodman, I apologise for coming late but this is important," The woman says apologetically, embarrassment laced her voice.
Saul smiles slightly, "That's alright, I didn't finish packing up for today so you're lu-"
Saul looks up at the guest in the room and stops talking abruptly. He scanned the woman, clothed in a black skirt and dark purple dress shirt with black heels, and blonde wavy shoulder-length hair left open.
"A flower..." Saul mumbles and grins.
"I'm sorry?" She steps forward and tilts her head slightly.
Saul bites his lip and looks at his coco-bolo desk for a moment. He didn't realise he spoke out loud. An analogy of his usual clients being weeds where this woman seems like a flower in a garden, played through his mind.
"Nothing, I..." Saul shakes his head, "What can I do for you Ms...?"
"Geneva," She tells with a smile and put her and out, "Geneva O'Neill."
Saul shakes it and runs a hand through his hair. "O'Neill huh? You Irish?"
She chuckles, "Yes actually, my great grandfather lived there then his son migrated to the US. How did you know that?"
He looked to the floor with a smirk, "I have Irish heritage too."
Geneva scrunches her brows, "Really? I haven't heard 'Goodman' to be Irish..."
Saul widens his eyes, anxiety rising within him. He suddenly remembers that good ol' 'Slippin' Jimmy' McGill was an identity of the past. He sometimes still feels attached to his real name.
"It's a... long and boring story, and I'm not sure you're here to hear it!" He clears his throat and Geneva takes a seat on one of the client chairs in front of the desk.
"So Mr Goodman-"
"Please, call me Saul," He corrected humbly and Geneva nodded.
"I'm with The Entrepreneur, if you are not aware it's a magazine that puts new business owners and successful risk takers in the spotlight to allow people who want to pursue a similar venture to do it confidently," She explains and Saul grins, walking to the coffee table in the room near the couches and picking up a few magazines.
"You're working for this magazine?" Saul flashes them at her and she smiles. He Haas the latest issues of The Entrepreneur in his office.
"I love that stuff," He says then sighs, "If only they were waterproof, I could read it when I'm having a soak."
Geneva smiles then says, "As an investigative reporter, I would like to have you as the key subject of the next issue's front page article."
Saul smiles widely, he never thought I'm his wildest dreams they he'd be in a magazine.
"Wow this is... I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I'd live to see an opportunity like this," He chuckles and rests his chin on his palm, "Thank you Geneva."
"No need to thank me Mr-Saul," She says, "You're a phenomenal human being who has an amazing marketing campaign and strategy, and above all, attitude with his clients! It's an honour for me to be the one to interview you."
He smiles shyly, "Well... I'm just doing my job, as a law-abiding citizen making sure everyone else follows the law and become law-abiding... citizens... too?"
Saul felt himself trial off and shakes his head to get back on track.
"So to start off, I would firstly like to know," Geneva takes out her phone and clicks on the voice recorder, then takes out her notepad and pen, "What inspired you to be a lawyer?"
He frowns a little then glances at his watch.
"Is something the matter Saul? Am I distracting you from a task?" Geneva asks feeling guilty of keeping Mr. Goodman's closing hour time.
"No of course not! It's just-Could we do this tomorrow?" Saul requests, "We could go to Cinnabon, it's two blocks down, and between you and me I love their pecan and caramel one."
Geneva smiles and nods in agreement, "Anything you're fine with Saul."
"Thank you Geneva," He puts his hands in a prayer form and smiles appreciatively.
"You can call me Gen if you like. One syllabled names are less exhausting," She allows, given that her interviewee's name is the easiest to say, compared to her own.
Saul nods and smiles, "Duly noted." He picks up his brief case after placing a a sheet with your details and a phone number into it.
Geneva gets up and places the chair in alignment with the other one. "How does 3:45 PM sound for you?" Saul asks and she nods.
"Perfect Mr Goodman-"
She paused and bites the inside of her cheek, remembering that he told her not to call him with such an official title.
"Hey, you better call me Saul otherwise I could definitely cook up some sort of derogative term for calling you," He warns playfully and Geneva raises her arms in defeat.
"I will not make that mistake again," She says, "I cross my heart."
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