[𝟭𝟳]~Berk •
The crowd slowly began to cheer as the Bewilderbeast flees into the sea, the twins banging their heads together in excitement.
Toothless pants lightly, relaxing as (D/N) happily chitters to him. Hiccup looks down at the sea with a frown, shaking his head in disbelief.
(Y/N) looks over and notices his frown. Slowly she reaches over and places her hand on his shoulder, patting it gently with a small smile. He looks to her with a nod, grinning before turning to the others.
(D/N) follows Toothless as he jumps from the ice and near the crowd, the crowd all swarming them with cheers.
Hiccup jumps off Toothless, offering his hand to (Y/N). She smirks, grabbing his hand and hopping off (D/N) with a laugh as he kisses her forehead.
The dragons above fly down to Berk to greet their new Alpha and Beta, Toothless looking around with a small smile.
Cloudjumper lands with Vritra at his side, approaching the two with a rumble and bowing. Toothless looks confused, turning to (D/N) with a tilt of his head.
The Howl offers his friend a toothy grin, gently bowing his head before raising it. He jerks his head to the crowd surrounding them, and Toothless slowly relaxes, his face becoming stoic as he looks forward.
He lets out a powerful roar, raising his head in the air as his wings part slightly. The others do the same, making him grin before he turns and faces Hiccup.
(Y/N) smiles proudly as (D/N) walks at Toothless' side before jogging over to her in excitement, purring and rubbing his forehead into her hand as she laughs.
"You two never cease to amaze me," Hiccup softly says, rubbing (D/N)'s chin before facing Toothless. He sets his forehead against his, making Toothless purr. "Thank you, bud."
Toothless suddenly licks Hiccups face, making him groan in disgust as the crowd starts laughing at the two.
(Y/N) recoils with a laugh, pausing when
(D/N) smirks. "No..!" She screams, yelping in disgust as he jumps up and begins to lick her forehead . "You are disgusting!"
(D/N) rumbles happily as she wipes the saliva away, facing Hiccup with a snort as he pushes away from Toothless.
"Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out!" He yells with a laugh, rubbing the saliva off. The dragons eagerly rush to meet their friends, people crying out in joy as they hug their friends.
Gothi smiles, waddling along as she reaches out for her babies. They swarm her, chittering happily and hugging her as she pats them back.
"Stormfly!" Astrid shouts, laughing as the Nadder lands and nuzzles into her.
"Oh, give me a cuddle, Grumpy!" Gobber holds his arms out as Grump flies to him, landing on him as he groans.
Hiccup laughs softly, wrapping an arm around (Y/N)'s waist as they watch everyone reunite.
"Who's my little princess?" Fishlegs squeals,
Ruffnut holding her arms out with a smirk.
Snotlout and Fishlegs rush past her to their dragons, hugging them. "Don't you ever leave again, Hookfang!"
"You are, yes, you are! I missed you!" Ruffnut watches them in disbelief for a moment before gasping as Barf leans down to her.
"Oh, Barf!" She hugs him, glaring as Belch leans to her. "Not you!" She shoves him into Tuffnut, who pouts before hugging his dragon.
Both Stoick's and (F/N)'s dragons approach Hiccup, Skullcrusher and Nightmare. Hiccup smiles gently, (Y/N)'s face falling as she gently rubs the side of Nightmares face, sighing at the thought of her father.
"That was some pretty fine dragon wrangling back there," Eret's voice says as he approaches the two. "You two would make good trappers." He jokes.
Eret jumps as Skullcrusher nuzzles into his arm, Nightmare rubbing his head against Eret's with a purr. The man jumps slightly before relaxing, laughing as he pets the two.
"You know...Skullcrusher's gonna need somebody to look after him now," Hiccup hints, smiling at Eret. "M-Me?" Eret stammers, his eyes wide as he looks at Hiccup.
Eret smiles widely, gently setting his hand on Skullcrusher. "I'd be honored, but what about.." he trails off, looking to Nightmare with a raised brow.
Hiccup looks to (Y/N), the girl smiling gently. "I think it's time he hung his saddle up.." she murmurs, rubbing the dragon's head with a sigh. Eret nods gently, smiling softly at the girl before facing his dragon.
The Hobblegrunt purrs as (Y/N) pets his head, shaking his body before turning and joining the other dragons.
Hiccup smiles before turning to Valka, tears of pride in her eyes. "Your fathers would be every bit as proud as we are."
(M/N) hugs (Y/N) tightly in relief before pulling away and looking at Hiccup. "He also would want to talk about you dating our daughter so.." she glares playfully at Hiccup, the boy nodding with a smile.
He nervously laughs, rubbing the back of his neck before smiling. "I'm really glad you both are here."
"And here we'll stay," Valka softly says as Toothless nuzzles into her side. Astrid approaches with a grin, "See? We were right."
"Aren't we always!" (Y/N) jokes, making
Hiccup snicker as he faces her. "It was in here all along," she gently sets her hand on his chest before smirking, flicking the switch and releasing his back-fin.
Astrid snickers as (M/N) lets out a laugh, the crowd all laughing along as Hiccup sarcastically chuckles. "Now you're doing that one?" Hiccup questions with a raised brow as she shrugs with a grin. "That's hilarious."
"I do my best.." (Y/N) mumbles, raising a brow as he approaches with a serious look.
"Come here, you."
He wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her to his chest as he presses his lips firmly against
hers. The crowd 'ooh-'s, Gobber doing the same before covering a kids eyes with his arm.
(Y/N) hums into the kiss, rubbing small circles into Hiccup's waist as he pulls her down, almost into a dip.
She pulls away, Hiccup chasing her lips as she lets out a laugh. She gently caresses the side of his cheek before he allows her to pull back, smiling softly at her as she looks up at him with a smirk.
Gothi clears her throat, lightly tapping
Hiccup's shoulder with her staff to get his attention. She motions for him to kneel, making him nod as he steps forward and kneels on his prosthetic foot.
She gathers black soot from some burned wood, rolling it around her fingers as she looks up thoughtfully at Hiccup. She reaches up with a smile, gently marking his forehead with the symbol of a Chief.
Once she was finished, Gothi looks to (Y/N), gesturing for her to step forward. The girl looks down with a frown, shrugging as she approaches the small women.
She kneels besides Hiccup, confusion still etched on her face as Gothi reaches up. She draws a small tick on the girls forehead, with a diagonal line running through the center. The sign of the "defense."
(Y/N) smiles when she feels the symbol, she remembers when her father had shown it to her, he had gotten the symbol tattooed on his upper arm, as a sign of loyalty.
He had told her that the symbol meant much more that defending or protecting, it meant that whoever wore it was strong, capable of keeping others safe. It was a sign that held honor to anyone who wore it.
And now that duty has past on to (Y/N)..
Hiccup looks at (Y/N)'s symbol with a wide smile, (Y/N) looking to him with a watery one, sniffling slightly due to her overwhelming emotions.
Gothi bows to the two, Hiccup rising and offering his hand to (Y/N) and helping her up as Gobber walks over with a proud smile.
"The Chief and his commander have come home!"
The crowd cheers, their screams ringing through the air as they proudly look at Hiccup and (Y/N).
"Long live the Chief!
"Long live the commander!"
Their voices are strong as the chant repeatedly, jumping and cheering. Hiccup smiles widely as he wraps his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder, the girl wrapping an arm around his waist with a laugh.
(D/N) smiles widely besides (M/N), perking up as Toothless rumbles softly to him. He nods, and him and the other dragons release breaths of fire into the air as Toothless roars, causing a large firework.
A bored looking sheep was barely moved, a Terrible Terror grunting as it struggles to carry him. Both were suddenly whisked into the air by the Twins, the two fighting over the sheep once again.
Ruffnut yanks it too hard, gasping as it flies out of her grip towards Fishelg's waiting arms. Snotlout intervenes, catching the sheep and blowing a kiss as he laughs and dunks it in the netting.
Eret laughs, smirking as he joins he others with Skullcrusher.
"This is Berk."
Toothless lowers some lumber towards a broken roof, Hiccup looking around with a smile.
"A bit trampled and busted and covered in ice..but it's home, It's our home."
In the distance, others work on etching into the mountain, carving a statue of Stoick the Vast. A separate statue was being carved behind Stoick's. (F/N) (L/N)'s proud smile was being carved, his back pressed against Stoick's with his arms folded.
"Those who attacked us are relentless and crazy."
Hiccup looks to the sea with a frown before nodding, knowing the Bewilderbeast would never return.
"But those who stopped them? Oh..even more so!"
Stormfly swoops past Hiccup, making him wave to Astrid before jumping as (Y/N) flies above him, playfully hitting his head with a laugh.
Hiccup smirks with a raised brow as (Y/N) looks back, blowing him a kiss mockingly as (D/N) roars a laugh.
"We may be small in numbers, but we stand for something bigger than anything the world can pit against us."
(Y/N) waves to Valka and her mom, making
Valka wave back with a chuckle as (M/N) sets a piece of wood down, smiling and saluting her daughter with a grin.
Vritra squawks happily at a dragon, making him rumble back and stretch. Valka easily takes the wood from (M/N), making her roll her eyes before laughing as Gobber struggles to hold it up as Valka hands it to
"We are the voices of peace."
Gobber sets the wood down, jumping when he realizes it was time for the black sheep.
"And, bit by bit, we will change this world."
Gobber releases the sheep, (Y/N)
playfully yelling at Astrid as they fight over who gets it. (D/N) barks at Stormfly, who chitters in response before playfully running into him.
Stormfly raises her talons, ready to grab the sheep as (D/N) reaches ahead. He jumps, quickly halting and narrowly avoiding Toothless as he swoops up and snags the sheep.
Astrid groans in disappointment as (Y/N) glares at the retreating boy, raising her fist and yelling for Hiccup as he looks over with a smirk, blowing her a kiss.
Toothless peeks down, gummily grinning at
(Y/N) and Astrid before flying up, spiraling down towards the nets.
"You see, we have something they don't. I have a strong and passionate commander. And oh, sure they have armies.."
Hiccup leaps off Toothless with the sheep in his hands, dunking it in (Y/N)'s net and safely gliding off, (Y/N) jointing his side a moment later.
"And they have armadas..but we have.."
(Y/N) and (D/N) land on the podium, the group gathering below and looking up at her as Toothless lands at their side, Hiccup smiling.
He reaches over and grabs her hand, the two smile lovingly at eachother before facing forward.
"Our dragons!"
Toothless lets out a loud roar, (D/N) following after a moment, proudly looking over Berk with two big gummy smiles.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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