|𝟭𝟮|~Fight ∙
Several more blasts were fired at the Nest, shaking the ice and breaking it apart. Valka staggers outside of the cavern, (M/N) at her side.
Vritra growls softly and rushes to join
(M/N), looking at the Trappers below. Pieces of ice fall near Valka,Vritra pushing (M/N) out of the way.
Drago's fleet of soliders were docked on the land, the army already making their way towards the Nest.
Valka breaths heavily in anger as more cannons were fired. (Y/N) rushes out, (F/N) by her side, they both gasp in anger at the sight of the soldiers.
"Oh, no." Hiccup breathes out, shaking his head as Stoick joins his side. Valka swiftly turns, marching a few paces as (M/N) quickly follows.
"Mom, wait!" (Y/N) calls, grabbing her hand and stopping her.
"Val," Stoick stops Valka. "Val! It's all right, it's all right. We're all a team, now."
(M/N) takes in a deep breath, exhaling and nodding with a tight smile towards her husband and daughter.
"What do you want to do?"
"We have to save the dragons," Valka instructs, gently setting her hand on Stick's and her other on Hiccup.
"Aye, you got it!"
"Vritra and I will try to get rid of the catapults," (M/N) firmly says, making (F/N) sigh with a nod.
He turns to his wife, grabbing her hand and placing a firm kiss to her forehead. Both (M/N) and (F/N) look to eachother before nodding.
She looks to (Y/N), smiling softly and tightly hugging her.
"Be safe, (Y/N)."
"You too, Mom," (Y/N) quietly replies, hugging her back and pulling away reluctantly.
(M/N) nods with a grin, pulling her mask up and racing to Vritra, jumping on her back and flying off.
Dragons from the Nest angrily roar as they swoop down on the army, ready to protect their home. A dragon dives down, barely dodging a net before crashing into the snow and taking out some of the men.
More dragons pull the catapults closer to the Nest, the men all shouting and yelling as they rush forward. Some remain back, firing ballistas and catapults at the icy structure.
A net wraps around a dragon, making it collapse with a whimper. Drago walks next to it, making it hiss angrily as he sneers.
"Whatever comes, keep hitting the mountain." He orders, his men obeying. "We need to draw the Alpha out."
More dragons come from the Nest, blocking the men rushing them and fighting back.
Armored dragons fly in, roaring as they attack the Nest dragons.
"Ready the traps!" Drago shouts, making a man nod and grunt and opens up one of the traps. It was holding a dragon, whining and whimpering in fear as it was uncovered.
A dragon above roars, diving down. It lands inside, only for the trap to snap shut on its wing.
A Nadder lands inside a Gronckle's trap, the trap snapping shut and capturing it.
A green gas starts to spew from one of the traps, making a man look back in confusion before yelling out as a spark causes it to explode.
"Surprise!" Tuffnut yells with a laugh, the gang all emerging from the traps. "Yeah!"
"What?!" Drago bellows when he sees them, growling in anger.
Eret cries out, barely managing to hold onto Stormfly as she flies into the air. Fishlegs flies near him with Astrid behind him, yelling with a smile.
"You really are full of surprises!" Astrid laughs towards Eret, leaping from Meatlug onto Stormfly.
"Let's go!"
"Dragon riders, coming through!" Tuffnut grins as they dive down. Fishlegs grins as Meatlug steadies herself, "Fire!"
She fires a blast, destroying one of the net traps. He swerves around with a triumphant laugh, nodding.
Snotlout and Hookfang dive down, Hookfang spewing fire and melting another of the traps as Snotlout laughs.
Tuffnut and Ruffnut have Barf and Belch cover the traps in gas. Stormfly swoops past them, lighting the gas on fire and breaking the traps.
Dragons break free from their chains, quickly ducking out of the traps.
"Cut them down!" He yells, his men scrambling to fire traps.
Tuffnut and Ruffnut yelp as they try to avoid traps, Ruffnut slipping from Barf with a gasp.
"Eret, son of Eret!" She cries giddily as he and Astrid watch from afar, unable to help in time.
Ruffnut continues screaming when she was suddenly grabbed, making her eyes widen as she gasps.
Snotlout caught her left hand, Fishlegs having caught her right. Time seems to slow as she looks between them, a love-sick grin appearing on her face.
Stormfly roars as she swerves to avoid traps, making Astrid gasp as she looks back.
"Up, girl! Lean left, Eret! That's it!" She nods, sighing in relief as they avoid the blasts, ice crackling and startling to fall. "Look out!"
A familiar voice cries out, making Astrid gasp softly as she looks back.
(M/N) was on the back of Vritra, smirking as the Changewing breathes fire and quickly melts the ice threatening to collapse on them.
"You're alive?!" Astrid laughs, making Eret look back in confusion and slight relief.
"But of course!" (M/N) jokes with a laugh. "And what a beauty!!" She grins, Eret looking up in question.
"Um..thank yo-"
"Not you boy." (M/N) stares firmly, eyes glaring into the man. Eret nods frantically, pulling his head down as Atsrid laughs.
Vritra rumbles at Stormfly, making her bark back with a chitter.
Astrid laughs before gasping as more netting was fired at them, cannon balls shot at them as well.
"Watch out!" Astrid shouts, (M/N) grunting as Vritra swiftly dives down and out of the way.
The ice was suddenly shattered, revealing Stoick, Hiccup, (Y/N), (F/N) and Gobber.
(D/N) roars, turning with Toothless as they fly at a fast speed.
Hiccup was now wearing his mask, (Y/N)'s blade attached to her back.
Toothless dives down, the Night Fury's famous sound echoing in the air as he does this, and he fires a plasma ball at a trap, destroying it.
(D/N) swoops the other direction, preparing his fire and sweeping down as he melts multiple traps as men scream.
"Take them down!" A man shouts, readying his bow and aiming at (Y/N).
"Heads up!" Gobber shouts, Grump lowering his massive tail and striking the line of men in the head, knocking them out as Gobber laughs.
(M/N) yells as Vritra jerks down, spiraling to avoid netting before she flies straight, blasting fire in between men and trapped dragons.
The netting trapping the dragons easily burns off, freeing them. Drago growls angrily as he looks around, pausing and swiftly looking back as (D/N) swoops near and flies next to Toothless.
"Dragon masters.."
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" (Y/N) teases, making Eret's eyes widen, he releases a soft chuckle, looking away as Astrid grins.
"Welcome aboard, dragon rider!" Hiccup greets with a wide smile, lifting his mask.
"Oh, thanks! I think," Eret awkwardly replies, struggling to control Stormfly.
"Where have you two been?" Astrid questions.
"Well.." (Y/N) smirks. Hiccup smiles at his girlfriend, nodding behind him.
"Oh you know...just catching up with mom."
(Y/N) jerks her head to Valka, making Astrid look up before gasping, Eret looking in awe.
She was wearing her full set of armor, her staff held high as the Alpha bursts from the Nest, roaring loudly as she raises her staff higher.
"That's your mother?!" Astrid questions in awe, snapping her head to look back at Hiccup.
"Now you know where I get my dramatic flair!" Hiccup jokes, smirking at (Y/N) before lowering his mask, the two turning and diving down together.
The Alpha continues to break through the Nest with another furious bellow, Valka moving ahead with Cloudjumper.
"The Alpha! Now we have a fight!" Drago maliciously smiles, glaring at the Alpha.
The Alpha roars as he breathes frost out, making men shout as the ice destroys the traps.
Valka swings her staff around, instructing dragons on what to do and where.
They obey, several Zipplebacks enveloping themselves in gas as they start rolling along the snow, lightning themselves on fire and blasting through the army.
A trap snaps shut on one of them, making it roar in pain.
"Now!" Hiccup calls, making (Y/N) nod as she and (D/N) swoop down towards the trap.
Hiccup grunts when he sees a man aiming a ballista at her, making him glare at him with a growl under his breath.
"Come on, Toothless. Show them what you got, bud," he says to Toothless, making him roar as he dives towards the man.
He avoids the fired netting, blasting the ballista to pieces as (D/N) destroys the trap, freeing a Zippleback.
Hiccup laughs, cheering as Toothless spins around and joins (D/N)'s side.
"That's my girl!" Hiccup cheers, making (Y/N) snicker and look over. "And that's my best friend!" She replies, making him laugh and shake his head.
(M/N) gasps and yells as an armored dragon crashes into them, making her cry out as she fights it off.
A moment later Cloudjumper dives down, grabbing the armored dragon and biting and clawing at it. After a few more tries, it breaks away and flies off with a roar.
Vritra sighs and joins Cloudjumpers side with a soft rumble.
"Thanks!" (M/N) calls, making Valka look over with a nod before (M/N)'s eyes widen.
"Look out!"
Valka swiftly turns just as a netting was wrapped around her, making Cloudjumper fall from the sky and crash into the snow.
Valka lands a few feet from him, sliding and landing on her feet with a grunt.
She looks over at Drago as he approaches with a snicker, glaring at her. (M/N) flies closer, making Valka silently hold up her hand to her.
She grunts and sighs, reluctantly returning and firing at more catapults.
"I've waited a long time for this," Drago smirks, easily deflecting Valka's strikes as she attacks him with her staff.
"You cannot take our dragons!" Valka shouts, the two clashing staffs. She kicks him away, making him grunt as she aims her staff at him.
"They are controlled by the Alpha!"
"Then it's a good thing I brought a challenger," Drago replies, grunting as he turns around while swinging his staff around wildly.
He lets out a string of yells, his voice loud as the massive chains on the ship start to rattle.
Waves start to crash on the ships as the water was disturbed, and from it, a large grey Bewilderbeast with red eyes and chains hanging from his tusks appeared.
He bellows as he raises his head. snorting and shaking the water from him.
"..what the hell is that?!" (Y/N) yells, Hiccup's eyes widen as he raises his mask and looks at the dragon, (Y/N)'s eyes narrowing as she looks between the two.
"That is a class ten! Class ten!" Fishlegs screams, swerving Meatlug to avoid the Bewilderbeast as it climbs on shore.
Men yell as they rush away from the massive dragon, avoiding flying traps as the Alpha continues walking on land.
"Seriously?" (M/N) groans softly, Vritra pausing in the air as she whines in fear. "It's okay.." (M/N) tries to soothe, turning her to fly the other way.
"No." Valka shakes her head as she looks up at the challenger. "Come on! Take down the Alpha!" Drago shouts, making her swing her staff and strike his shoulder as he yells in pain.
She jabs it against his side, making him swing his fist back and strike her down. Valka lands roughly on her back, knocking the air out of her.
Drago walks forward, stepping on her chest and using his staff to pry her helmet off as she struggles to get him off.
He smirks as he raises his staff, yelling as he goes to strike it down when he was suddenly roughly punched away, landing a few feet back.
Drago swiftly shakes his head, grabbing his staff and turning around with anger before his eyes widen.
Stock offers his hand to Valka, (F/N) standing tall at his side, Valka's armor broken as she takes her husbands hand and rises.
"Thank you," she softly says as he smiles back with a determined look.
"For you, my dear..." Stoick readies his axe as he faces Drago, "..anything."
"Let's go you scorched sheep!!" (F/N) yells with a laugh, swinging his hammer by its handle with a confident smirk.
The three men circle around one another, the Alpha and challenger in the distance, powerfully roaring at one another.
They collide tusks, continuing to attack one another as Valka frantically looks between the two.
"Val, do you think you can stop them?"
"I'll do my best!" She responds, cutting the netting from Cloudjumper and leaping on his back. "Come on, Cloudjumper!"
Vritra roars as she dives down, men screaming and ducking as she fires at them.
Stick grunts as he ducks under Drago's staff, (F/N) running forward and swinging his fist back, grabbing Drago's armor as the two glare at one another.
"I watched you burn!"
"Oh please!" (F/N) growls, rolling his eyes as he pushes Drago into Stoick.
"It takes more than a little fire to kill us!!" Stoick growls back, swinging his fist back and striking Drago in the face.
He punches Drago's gut, (F/N) spinning around and elbowing him in the face as the man shouts in pain.
The Alpha roars as he charges at the Bewilderbeast, colliding tusks and shoving him backwards while slamming into him.
Cloudjumper avoids the tail of the Bewilderbeast, diving down and around his body before flying in between the two as Valka swings her staff and holds her hands up to the two.
The Alpha stops while panting heavily, only resuming when the other Bewilderbeast charges.
Valka narrowly dodges the two as they collide, making her grunt and look back as they continue to fight.
(F/N) and Drago's weapons collide, Drago swinging his fist and knocking the man down, his hammer flying to the side.
Stoick growls, bringing his axe down and knocking Drago away from his friend.
Gobber gasps and dives Grump down, removing his mace hand.
Stick catches the weapon as Drago charges, making him spin around and strike him in the face with it, the man staggers back but recovers, slamming his fist into the Chiefs face, causing him to fall to the ground with a groan.
Drago grunts, picking his staff up and stalking towards the unconscious Commander. He raises his staff, the sharp edge shining in the light.
"No!!" Stoick yells, grunting as he struggles to get up.
Drago's army watched the dragons fight in awe, the grey Bewilderbeast rising up and knocking the Alpha upward.
The Alpha collides his tusks down with the Bewilderbeast, stunned for a moment.
The Bewilderbeast snarls as he begins to relentlessly charge, his tusks forcing the Alpha's face upward.
He presses his tusks against his exposed throat, making the Alpha roar as he begins to slide backwards, vulnerable.
The sound of Stoick's yelling catches both
(Y/N) and Hiccup's attention, both looking down and gasping as Drago hovers over (F/N).
The girl's eyes widen when she catches sight of his staff, tugging on (D/N)'s reins she directs him down and dives towards her father.
The Alpha slams the Bewilderbeast to the ground, exposing his stomach. He raises his tusks.
Drago raises his staff higher, a sickeningly sweet smirk playing on his lips. (F/N) looks up with a groan, his body to tired to move.
He smiles gently when he notices (D/N) diving towards them.
"Faster (D/N)!!" (Y/N) yells, the Howl roaring in response and picking the pace up.
"Maybe this time you'll stay dead!" Drago yells, bringing his staff down.
(F/N)'s smile vanished as the blade pierces his stomach, a gasp leaving him as he feels the metal push through his flesh and out the other side.
He jerks his head up at the feeling, his vision becoming blurry. He sighs as he feels Drago pull the staff out and bring it down several more times, blood decorating the snow.
Stoick watches with wide eyes, his breathing picked up as he silently choked, tears stinging his eyes.
(D/N) quickly jerked up and stopped, hovering just above Drago's figure.
(Y/N) watches with wide eyes as red quickly surrounded her father, his eyes fluttering open at the feeling of the wind hitting his face from (D/N)'s wings.
The man slowly opened his eyes, a delicate smile playing on his lips when he sees his daughter's face.
The Alpha raises his tusks, and strikes, everyone gasping at the sight.
(Y/N) watches her father with a shake of her head, tears falling as his head falls back. Drago smiles, turning around and looking up at the girl with a grin.
She shakes her head more, her eyes glaring harshly at the man as she grits her teeth.
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