|𝟭𝟱|~Final Test ∙
The crowd roars with cheers and excitement, each Viking ready to welcome in two more
kin. "Hiccup! (Y/N)! Hiccup! (Y/N)!" They yell, making Stoick chuckle as he walks forward,
(F/N) at his side.
"Well, we can all show our faces in public again!" He laughs, lightly hitting (F/N)'s shoulder. The commander clicks his tongue while chuckling, folding his arms as he looks out towards the crowd.
The crowd laughs in response, the cheers becoming silent as Stoick speaks. "If somebody told me that in a few short weeks Hiccup would go from, well, being...ah... Hiccup, to placing first in dragon training," Stoick snickers, shaking his head.
"Well, I would have tied him to a mast and shipped him off for fear he's gone mad!"
The crowd bellows with laughter, waving their fists in cheer. "And you know it!" Stoick laughs. breathing in deeply before continuing.
"(Y/N) has gone through terrible times.." he begins, everyone suddenly becoming deadly silent. (F/N) breaths in, nodding to his friend to continue. "Losing her mom. I'd fear it would have destroyed her.." he pauses, sighing as the crowd continues to murmur in sympathy.
"But (Y/N) is one of the strongest lasses I've ever known, and I'm sure (M/N) is watching right now, and are cheering her on this glorious day!"
The crowd cheers, both (F/N) and Stoick nodding and looking toward the sky with a small smile.
(Y/N) sighs softly, rubbing her neck as Hiccup places a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. Astrid walks over, gently hugging her while offering a small smile.
"So..here we are," Stoick calls over the crowd as they quiet once more. "And no one is more surprised...or more proud, then I am. Then we are."
Hiccup clenches the helmet in his hand, swallowing thickly as he sighs.
"Today my boy and (Y/N) become Vikings."
(Y/N) places her hand on his shaking one, making him jump lightly before he nods at her with a small smile. "Today, they become one of us!"
The crowd roars with joy, Hiccup looking up at Stoick, (Y/N) smiles to her father as he takes his seat next to the Chief. "Be careful with those dragons," Astrid softly says, looking up at her parents with a small sigh.
"It's not the dragons I'm worried about,"
Hiccup mutters under his breath, watching his dad take his seat. "What are you two going to do?"
"We're going to show them there's another way," (Y/N) responds, unsheathing her sword and rubbing the handle with her thumb gently.
"We have to try.."
Astrid rubs her face with a concerned frown as (Y/N) sheaths the blade. "Astrid...can you promise me something?"
"Of course."
"If thing's go wrong...can you take care of
(D/N) and Toothless?"
"I will, just promise me it won't go wrong,"
Astrid replies, jumping as Gobber peers around the corner. "It's time, you two," he calls, grinning.
"Knock 'em dead." (Y/N) sadly smiles at Astrid before sighing, walking next to Hiccup as they enter the arena.
The crowd cheers as he sets his helmet on his head, the gate slamming shut behind
them. Snotlout and the others cheer from above, the rest of the crowd shouting their names.
(Y/N) stands in front of the dragons' gate, watching as it threatens to burst open as Hiccup walks over to the weapon stash. She draws her blade, staring at it with a frown before glancing to her father.
The Commander wears an encouraging smile, though anyone could see he was worried for his daughter's safety.
(Y/N) shakes her head, sighing and looking ahead. Hiccup reaches the weapons, grabbing a shield and a dagger. "Hmm...(Y/N) isn't going for a shield," (F/N) mumbles, Stoick humming in reply.
"And Hiccup got a dagger...
"I'd have gone for the hammer," the Chief finishes, Gobber nodding in agreement as Gothi watches the two closely.
"We're ready," Hiccup shakily exhales, walking forward and joining (Y/N)'s side with his shield raised.
Both watch as the lever was slowly raised, everyone watching in anticipation.
(Y/N) jumps as the gates were slammed opened, two Monstrous Nightmares appearing with snarls, their bodies ablaze. One races along the wall, climbing onto the chains and spewing fire at the crowd as they laugh and dodge it.
The other hisses, running around the arena and frantically clawing at the walls for an escape. It slowly looks over at the two teens, the other one doing the same from above them.
Hiccup gasps softly as it climbs down, stalking towards them as the flames disappear from its body. The other Monstrous Nightmare comes in from behind them, a long scar across its face.
(Y/N) faces it, her sword raised as her hands tremble lightly.
"You got this (Y/N)!"
"Give it to them!"
"Ready?" Hiccup whispers, making her lightly chuckle.
"Of course not.."
She takes in a deep breath, preparing herself as Hiccup drops his shield and dagger. He raises his hands to the dragon, making it hiss lightly.
(Y/N) moves slowly to the side, the dragon in front of her following her with its eyes and turning its body to face her as she slowly sets her sword down.
"What are they doing?" Stoick leans forward, eyebrows furrowed. "(Y/N)?!" (F/N) yells, watching in concern as his daughter slowly stalks towards the dangerous beast.
Astrid watches with wide eyes, leaning closer to watch the two from the gate.
"Hey, it's okay!" Hiccup soothes as the dragon growls. "It's okay.."
"They've hurt..haven't they?" (Y/N) softly asks, approaching the Monstrous Nightmare as it releases a light clicking sound. "I'm so sorry..."
It watches her with curiosity, smoke puffing out of its nostrils as it walks closer to her.
Hiccup watches as it looks up at his helmet with a snarl, making him slowly take it off.
He looks up at his dad with sad eyes before looking back at the Monstrous Nightmare.
"I'm not one of them."
He throws his helmet, making the crowd gasp in horror and the dragon snorts softly, looking up at Stoick.
The Chief leans forward, his eyes wide as he gasps softly.
"I'm sorry mom..I'm no Viking.." (Y/N) looks up, frowning as her father watches her with sad eyes, his head hung low. The Monstrous Nightmare rumbles lightly, sniffing the girl for any other weapons.
"What are they thinking?!"
"Stop the fight." Stoick demands in a low voice, the crowd murmuring in confusion. "No!" Hiccup snaps, looking back at the dragon and raising his hands out to it as it leans closer.
"We need you all to see this!" (Y/N) calls to the crowd as the dragon walks closer to her, inches away from her.
"They're not what we think they are," Hiccup looks over at (Y/N), smiling lightly as he sees the dragon sniffing at her hand. "We don't have to kill them.."
(F/N) snaps his head up, his eyes raging with fury as he raises his hammer, Stoick jerking back as his Commander brings it down.
He bellows, his voice ringing in the air, people gasp, not used to the usually calm mans rage. He rams his hammer onto the cage, startling the dragons.
Hiccup yelps and gasps as the Monstrous Nightmare snaps at him, (Y/N) screaming and dodging the dragon in front of her as it blows fire at her.
(D/N) jerks awake, his ears fully up as they twitch, him listening closely. (Y/N) screams once more, making him jump up with a roar, Toothless following.
"(Y/N)!" Hiccup yells, skidding to a stop and rushing towards her as the dragon chasing him barrels into the wall.
"Out of my way!" Stoick yells, shoving through the crowd, (F/N) right by his side.
(D/N) frantically struggles to help Toothless up the cliff, pausing as he hears Hiccup yell.
Toothless hears him too, and his claws dig into the cliff as he pulls himself up with a roar.
(Y/N) ducks under another blast of fire, holding her hands out to the dragon.
It ignores her surrender, snapping at her as Hiccup tackles her to safety. He mumbles an apology, quickly helping her up and holding her hand as the two dragons continue to chase them.
(D/N) flies through the woods, Toothless on his tail as he races below him with a roar, both dragons ready to protect their friends.
Stoick slams the gate open, (F/N) breaking the chain as he pulled it up, Astrid watches the two run from the dragons. "Guys!" She yells desperately, noticing a nearby hammer.
She kicks it up, grabbing it and hurling it at the Monstrous Nightmare.
It spins in the air and slams against its face, making it crash into the other dragon.
They roar at each other before the one with the large scar notices Astrid, snarling as it begins pursuing her.
(F/N) easily raises the second gate, calling out to the three.
"This way!"
Astrid makes it to the Commander, panting lightly as (Y/N) and Hiccup rush to them. A ring of fire stopped them, making him grunt as he takes her hand and rushes the other way.
(Y/N) gasps as Hiccup was slammed to the ground, one of the dragon's claws over him.
She rushes over, gasping as the other dragon blocks her way with a snarl, baring its fangs as it stalks closer to her.
A familiar sound gains Gobber's attention, and two blasts were fired as smoke enveloped the arena. The crowd all yell in concern, watching closely as they gasp.
Hiccup grunts in pain as the dragon was suddenly shoved off him, (Y/N) gasping as she was grabbed by her collar and moved away from the other dragon, the smoke slowly clearing.
"Night Fury!"
"What is that?!"
Someone in the crowd yells, Gobber suddenly realizing why (Y/N) asked about the specific dragon.
"A Woolly Howl?!" He gasps, his eyes wide.
(D/N) stands in front of (Y/N) as she falls on her knees,coughing from the smoke. Toothless wrestles with the Monstrous Nightmare, snarling and biting at its neck as it slams him down.
(D/N) roars and tackles it off him, clawing at its face before he flies back at Toothless' side.
The Monstrous Nightmare that attacked (Y/N) cowers under (D/N)'s gaze before it notices the new escape route.
It quickly takes off as people scream, dodging its large body as it barrels out of the arena and to freedom. Hiccup pants lightly, quickly rushing and joining (Y/N) as Toothless and
(D/N) protectively stand in front of them.
(D/N) swiftly blocks its way with a growl as it tries to get to them, Toothless doing the same and blocking the other direction as they corner it.
Toothless loudly roars, making the Monstrous Nightmare cower before slithering away.
(Y/N) looks around with wide eyes, rushing to (D/N) and lightly pushing his snout as he purrs, rubbing his snout on her cheek.
"You need to go, now!" She frantically yells as the Vikings begin to yell in anger, swarming the arena. "Go, go!" Hiccup shouts, pushing Toothless as he hisses at the Vikings.
"Stoick, (F/N)! No!" Astrid yells as Stoick grabs an ax, the Commander doing the same as they both race towards their kids.
(D/N) roars at the man approaching,
Toothless doing the same. "No, no, no! You're only making it worse!" Hiccup pleads to the crowd as they try retraining the dragons.
"(D/N)!" (Y/N) screams as he tackles her father, preparing to fire a blast as Toothless pins Stoick down.
Toothless prepares to fire his own blast, making Stoick's eyes widen as he thrashes against the dragon.
"No, stop!"
"NO!" Both teens yell, making the dragons pause and turn to them in confusion.
(D/N) whines softly, quickly pushing himself off (F/N). He looks back at (Y/N) before looking down at the man, licking his forehead apologetically as (F/N) watches with wide eyes as he pants.
Toothless swallows back the blast and looks at Hiccup with a whine, tilting his head with a rumble.
"Get them!"
"No! No, no, no!" (Y/N) cries out as some men tackle (D/N), others doing the same to Toothless as they retrain him. "No! Please, don't hurt them!" Hiccup reaches out for them as Astrid stops him, quickly grabbing (Y/N)'s arm as she tries to get to (D/N).
(Y/N) thrashes around, making Astrid grunt as she tries to keep her away. (D/N) whines softly, struggling against the Vikings as he watches (Y/N) try to get to him.
Toothless whimpering in pain as a Viking slams his jaw shut, preventing him from firing.
Stoick walks to the dragons with a sigh, (F/N) slowly approaching him and turning to the Woolly Howl with confusion. He shakes his head, his eyes avoided of any emotion as he turns to the Vikings, nodding to them before turning away.
"Put them with the others.."
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