a/n : yes, i hate myself for those last paragraphs. enjoy, ig
this is virgil's p.o.v of 's oneshot "uuh..Roman?". WHEN I TELL YOU IT IS BEAUTIFUL YOU BETTER BELIEVE ME, SO GO READ IT NOW!
Logan took in a deep breath, snapping his book shut. He sent Virgil a look that could only be described as full of annoyance. He frowned at Virgil, who straightened his back under his gaze, gulping.
"Virgil, if you would kindly repeat everything you just said during this past conversation." there was a strain to his voice, as if he was barely holding back from beating him up.
Virgil sent him a confused look. "I was talking about how annoying Roman is. I tell you this all the t-"
"Virgil!" Logan looked ready to pound him to the floor.
"What?" he shot back. "You're acting like I did something wrong!"
In a completely uncharacteristic display, Logan dragged his hand over his face. "Oh, for the love of Marie Curie and her notebook!" he mumbled, looking up at Virgil.
"Stop looking at me like that!"
"And how exactly am I looking at you?"
"Like you're going to murder me!"
Logan scoffed : "At this point, it's a very possible course of action I might take if you continue to act like this."
"But I haven't done anything wrong!" Virgil started, making a move to get up from the bed.
"Please remain on the other side of the room." Logan deadpanned "I am not confident in my ability to refrain from 'smacking you upside the head', at the moment."
"How is that supposed to help, smart guy?" Virgil snarked back.
"I suppose it will make me feel better."
Virgil sunk back into the pillows : "I still don't know why you're acting like this..."
"Why I'm-" Logan took a deep breath "Why I'm acting like so?"
Virgil could clearly see Logan bite the inside of his cheek in frustration. "Virgil, please repeat what you have said to me, specifically about Roman only during this conversation."
Virgil rolled his eyes : "Fine. I said that his hair is stupidly annoying, because what sort of textur-"
"Spare me the details, I hear them almost every day."
Virgil huffed : "He sings showtunes so much and everything sounds good? How is a voice supposed to sound that good whatever it sings? It's not possible. And he has the weirdest triumphant smile, it's not exactly a smirk and, holy shit, his lips, Logan! They look so soft and-"
Virgil's face fell. Logan's face lit up.
"I like him. Romantically."
Logan let out an almost relieved laugh. Virgil looked at him in horror. "Shut up, this is serious!"
"I quite disagree, I am very amused and genuinely ecstatic at this development. I thought you would never realize."
"Oh god, I like him." Virgil echoed his own words.
"Yes, we have been over this. Now, how will you confess?"
Virgil's eyes widened, an indignant noise slipping from his lips. He threw the closest pillow at Logan, who easily dodged.
"Confess? Are you crazy? No, this topic will never see the light of day again!"
So, Virgil was wrong.
The topic did see the light of day again, after a few weeks, which did not in any way lessen Virgil's attraction to Roman.
He was mindlessly scrolling through tumblr, one headphone dangling from his ear, the other stuffed in his pocket, so he could still hear what was going on around him (blame his anxiety for that habit)
Remus had promised him the week's homework for biology (human anatomy, of course) after Virgil had let him cheat of the English paper last Thursday and the idiot wasn't answering his god forsaken phone, so obviously Virgil had to make his way to his room to get it himself.
Luckily for Remus, Virgil was in a pretty good mood, so they would hopefully not going to have to get to physical violence to get the homework. Since he had recognized his feelings for Roman, Virgil had gained some confidence and managed to keep their interactions slightly more balanced : more bantering, more nicknames and more Roman blushing (and, oh god, what a sight that was).
He didn't even bother knocking on the door, pulling his headphones out and quietly entering the room only to be immediately welcomed by Roman's voice very loudly complaining about someone.
"..moon. Like, really bright and this annoyingly beautiful pale grey and he knows it! He fucking knows that his eyes are the only beautiful thing about him!"
Virgil frowned, stepping properly into the room. Who was Roman talking about? He was the only person he knew that had grey eyes so... could it be him? A weird fluttery feeling settled in his chest, only to be completely ignored because there was no way this was about him.
"He fucking knows it!" Roman continued as Remus rolled his eyes. "He puts all that black shit around his eyes because he knows -he fucking knows- that his eyes are the most beautiful thing about him!"
Virgil would want to say he had no reaction whatsoever to Roman's words, but his heart seemed to be stuck in his throat and he couldn't help the smile that creeped its way onto his lips. He thought his eyes were beautiful?
He leaned across the doorway, loosening up his tie slightly.
"But the annoying thing is that all the black shouldn't look good on him! But it does! It makes his eyes stand out and- and- and his fucking hair!"
Remus groaned : "Oh Jesus Christ" He looked up, eyes widening when he saw Virgil, who just raised an eyebrow. "Uuuh, Ro?" Virgil looked at him like he'd offended him (which he technically had)
"Not now, Re. You'll get your earbud back later. But anyway, his damn hair! It looks so soft! And-"
Virgil had to put a hand to his mouth to not burst into giggles, because his heart was beating madly and Roman was... being Roman.
"Roman?" Remus asked again, still not taking his eyes off Virgil. He nudged his brother slightly, who just glared at him and continued :
"Not. Now. And the colour! You'd think it was just black, right?" Roman asked, pointing at Remus accusingly, with the most adorable frown Virgil had ever seen him wear. "Well you'd be wrong!"
Virgil frowned. His hair was a really dark brown.
"Roman?!" Virgil just smirked and shook his head at the panic in Remus' voice and expression.
"Shut up, Re. It goes this beautiful, like, hickory colour in the sun and then sometimes, when it's really, really sunny, it goes almost golden." Roman groaned, putting his hands over his face. "It's so annoying! How can he look that perfect without any effort!" He threw them off dramatically and Virgil smiled at him fondly.
Virgil nearly glared at Remus. He was really enjoying Roman's thinly veiled compliments.
Re, shut it!" Roman glared at him. "And his, his- His smile! Oh my God, his smile. It's so... so... patronizing! It's not even a smile. It's a smirk. It's a stupid patronizing smirk and it keeps making my heart flip and I can't understand why and-"
Virgil's own heart skipped a beat, because oh god, his smile made Roman's heart flip??
"And his laugh, it's like little bells and-" There was a small pause and Roman sat up abruptly.
"Holy shit, I'm in love with Virgil."
Virgil's throat suddenly felt dry and his heart was pounding in his chest. Roman loved him?
"Yes, I know. Now, Ro, would you listen to me?" Remus sounded desperate, glancing at Virgil for a second.
"What?" Roman asked, crossing his arms indignantly and Virgil couldn't help but laugh slightly because how is it possible for him to look so beautiful all of the time?
Roman turned around to him slowly and Virgil almost stopped functioning, so he said the first stupid thing to come to his mind :
"You think my eyes are beautiful?"
"I- uhm-" An adorable blush was creeping on Roman's cheeks and Virgil barely registered Remus leaving the room.
"You never answered my question, Winston." he smirked slightly, though it was more of a smile. He made his way and sat down next to Roman on the bed, brushing their fingers together.
"I,, yeah-" Roman managed to say, gaze falling everywhere except Virgil's eyes.
"Smooth, Winston, real smooth." Why was he only referring to Roman by his last name?? Why was his brain refusing to work with him?
"C'mon, where's all the Roman charm I've heard all about?" he asked, moving in slightly closer, putting his hand carefully on top of Roman's.
"It's taken a holiday.." Roman said so quietly, that Virgil barely heard him. He laughed, unable to hold in any more of the jittery feeling in his body.
"well, while it's gone on vacation..." he pulled Roman closer by his tie, eyes falling on his lips then snapping right back to look into his eyes. "Can I kiss you?"
Roman nodded, seeming unable to do anything else. Virgil gave a short sigh of relief, pulling him in by his tie until their lips met.
He kissed Roman fiercely, afraid that this would be his only chance to fell Roman's lips against his and oh boy, he was right, his lips were so soft.
The kiss seemed to bring some energy back into Roman, who almost immediately tangled his hands in Virgil's hair, the little happy sigh against his lips sending a skitter of joy to Virgil's chest. He felt Roman's other arm wrapping around his waist, pulling him even closer, so he traced his finger down Roman's side, relishing in the shiver it caused.
Virgil giggled into the kiss : "Little eager, aren't we, Roman?"
"You make it very hard not to be" Roman mumbled back, pressing his lips back firmly against Virgil's.
After a few seconds, they both pulled away for air, still slightly hazed.
"How are you not a blushing mess after that too?" asked Roman, out of breath.
"I've had practice." Virgil grinned, positioning himself so he was straddling him. "Don't think I'm done with you yet" he whispered.
"Never doubted you for a second" was the only warning Virgil had before being pulled back into the kiss. He gasped slightly, feeling Roman's hand push against his upper back, pressing their chests together.
"I'm gonna get you back for that." Virgil said against Roman's lips, as he chuckled.
"I'd like to see you-" Roman cut himself off with the most beautiful gasp Virgil had ever heard when the tips of his fingers disappeared under Roman's shirt, tracing small patterns on his lower back.
Virgil pushed him down, a hand gently laid on his chest as he continued kissing Roman.
What made him gasp? What made him shiver? What made him beg?
Virgil felt delirious on every small piece of knowledge he found every passing second, as he continued kissing Roman.
"Jesus Christ, guys. When I said I'd leave you alone I didn't mean to fuck eachother."
Virgil's blush darkened as he begrudgingly separated his lips from Roman's and looked over his shoulder to give Remus a small glare for interrupting the best makeout session he'd ever had.
"Horny bastards." Remus muttered, shaking his head.
also this isn't proof read and written at night so roast me if you see a typo or mistake
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