seven minutes in heaven, but make it magic
a/n : yes i know this is sudden, im too tired to write the first part.
extra points if you realize where i gave up
titles are harddd
Virgil raised an eyebrow as a very proud Patton came out of the room, hands linked with an extremely flustered Logan, whose hair was disheveled in a very out-of-character way.
Patton grinned at Logan, straightening his blue and bronze tie and leaned to press a quick kiss on his lips that made the smaller circle of people 'awwwe' at the display.
They each went to their places and Virgil leaned in closer to his friend. "So, are you officially dating now?"
Patton nodded gleefully, his eyes never wavering from Logan, who seemed to do the same.
"It's your turn!" Remus said, from his place on top of the table, looking directly at Virgil.
"Geez, I'm doing it now." he murmured, spinning the bottle, praying it would land on someone decent.
So, of course it had to land on Roman Kingsley, Virgil's - very attractive - best friend of three years - who he was definitely not desperately in love with - because the universe hates him.
Virgil forced his eyes shut, as he remembered exactly what the rules of the newly improvised seven minutes in heaven were.
"Well, muggles have no way of knowing whether or not they've spent seven minutes making out or not, but we can! So, once the door is locked, it won't open itself unless the people inside have kissed!"
He opened his eyes after a few seconds because of the hoots around the circle. He looked in front of him, where Roman was looking at the bottle in disbelief, those hazel eyes, that never failed to make Virgil melt, widened in surprise.
He looked up only to lock gazes with him, and Virgil's breath caught in his throat at the dark blush sprayed on his cheeks and the shy look on his face he hadn't seen many times. but it had never failed to make Virgil want to kiss him senseless.
He looked down : "Well, then..."
Virgil hands clasped and unclasped a few times as he whispered : "Yeah"
There were a few moments of silence, before Remus rolled his eyes and sighed. "Hurry up! We don't have all day!" he turned to his brother, sending him a wild grin and Roman turned to Remus with a helpless expression and Virgil's heart sunk just a bit. Of course he didn't want to do this! Why would he want to kiss Virgil of all people?
Roman got up and offered his hand to Virgil, who raised an eyebrow at him, but took it and heaved himself up.
"Shall we?" asked Roman.
Virgil sighed : "We shall."
With a shit eating grin, Remus picked up his wand and locked the door, when they had entered.
Virgil took a few seconds to look around the room. It was pretty small, a bed occupied over half of the room and Virgil wrinkled his nose at some of the products on the night stand. No one would even have time do that in seven minutes.
Virgil turned to Roman who was already looking his way. He looked extremely nervous, hands clasped together, tightly holding on to the other.
"So..." Virgil started, but the words died on his throat. He settled on sitting down on the bed, then got up again.
Roman took a deep breath and walked towards Virgil until he was standing so close that if he moved a few inches their chests would be pressed together. Roman brought his gaze up to look him in the eye and Virgil's breath caught in his throat at the amount of longing and want in his expression.
"May I?" he asked, both hands having found Virgil's body, one on the back of his neck, the other on his chest, right above his heart.
Virgil could only nod and soon enough Roman's lips were on his. It was a soft kiss, sweet and short, his lips gliding gently along Virgil. it left Virgil dizzy and wanting, longing for everything Roman would let him take.
It seemed to carry on for too long and not enough at the same time. They separated, slightly out of breath, lips hovering above each other. Virgil found that one of his hands was on pressing between Roman's shoulder blades, the other on his hip.
The second kiss was nothing like that. Roman pressed his lips onto Virgil's fiercely, taking one of his hands and guiding him until his knees hit the bed, pushing him down to sit on it. Roman climbed on him, pressing his hips so perfectly onto Virgil's lap that Virgil couldn't stop himself from grabbing Roman's hips and holding him there, fingers digging into the skin, earning a beautiful whine from Roman.
Roman swiped his tongue against Virgil's lower lip at the same time he scraped his nails tentatively between his shoulder blades and Virgil felt faint at just the touch alone, making a soft noise from his throat.
Roman stilled, then repeated the action, rolling his hips as he molded their mouths further, nails pressing harder against his back, scratching lower. A soft whimper escaped Virgil's lips and Roman pulled away slowly, heavy breaths on those rosy lips and looking at Virgil as if he wanted to take him apart piece by piece. He leaned down, and nipped on Virgil's earlobe as he said :
"Now, that is a sound I'd like to hear more often." he whispered, his cool fingers slipping under Virgil's shirt, and Virgil felt him smirk against his skin at the choked gasp that escaped his lips.
Virgil's hands drifted upwards, settling on his waist, squeezing slightly as Roman pressed soft kisses on his neck, the sweetness with which he pressed them contrasting the languid movement of his hips and the slow motion of his fingers pressing Virgil's back, scratching occasionally.
Roman bit the skin under Virgil's jaw, making him gasp out his name.
"Roman" he breathed out, squeezing his waist slightly, breathing heavily.
"Virgil" came the answer, voice dripping his adoration. "Virgil, Virgil, Virgil"
Roman chanted his name, pressing a firm kiss with each word, one on his neck, the other on his cheekbone and the last on his lips, connecting their mouths once again and Virgil did his best to pour every emotion he had been keeping bottled up for years.
'I want to make you happy'
He cupped Roman's cheek carefully, brushing his thumb against the soft skin.
'I want to spend every single moment of my life with you'
He felt rather than heard Roman sigh contently, stopping that tantalizing movement of his hips, hand moving upward, to tangle into Virgil's hair.
'I love your smile, your eyes, your laugh.'
Virgil pulled back for a moment to tilt his head slightly, then he pulled Roman's lower lip between his own, slowly and gently.
'You make me so angry sometimes, but I wouldn't trade you for the rest of the world'
He felt Roman sigh again into the kiss and practically melt as Virgil brought his other hand up, to play with the hairs at the nape of Roman's neck.
'I love you'
Virgil wasn't sure if he'd said that out loud or not, but when he pulled away, Roman's hazel eyes were shining and the most beautiful smile adorned his now swollen lips.
He looked at Virgil for a few seconds, then pressed his smiling lips onto his.
"I love you too" he muttered and Virgil couldn't really be blamed for taking Roman to his room and kissing him until he couldn't think anymore as soon as those seven minutes were over.
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