Chapter Two
We love waking up at 1 am and not falling back asleep. So here is chapter 2. *insert eye twitch here*
Rumors started spreading fast about why Landon was arrested in the middle of class, and Megan could care less about them. People could tel any lie about him, and she wouldn't care anymore.
People asked if had started selling drugs to people during passing periods, or got caught doing something worse. Maybe he killed somebody. Might as well have.
There were a few people that assumed he told the world that Tiny had a daughter and that's why he got arrested. Because Tony's daughter didn't want all eyes on her. And they were right.
The whole class fell silent when Megan walked into the classroom, everyone staring at her with an awkward silence. Everyone knew how close she and Landon were, so soon they would probably start spreading lies about her, too.
She rushed to her desk and sat down next to Ned, her leg bouncing up and down. She felt a comforting hand on her shoulder, looking out of her hands to see Ned give her a sweet smile.
Megan forced herself to smile back, and the bell rang, indicating class had started.
For the first few minutes of lunch, Megan sat alone at the table. MJ was home sick, and Ned and Peter were missing doing god knows what.
Megan stared down at her pizza, the hunger she had been feeling all down now gone, as if it was never there in the first place. She pushed her food away, crossing her arms and leaning on the table, waiting.
After a while the voices started to come rushing back into her ears. It cause a horrific head ache, and as Ned and Peter walked in, the boy with the strange abilities watched his girlfriend slip out the other door to outside.
Peter left Ned without a second thought standing awkwardly in the doorway, running out after Megan, who was now holding her head in pain. The headache made her feel like a chainsaw was slowly ripping at her scalp, and as the voices got louder the pain got worse.
Tears flowed down Megan's cheeks as she crumbled to the cement, Peter there to hold her in his arms. He didn't know how to help, his had never gotten this bad.
"Make it stop-!" She begged, crying into his arm as she gripped his jacket. She yelled in pain, Peter only rocking back and forth as he himself started to cry, but only because he didn't have a clue what he could do.
She was in so much pain. The voices. The losses. It was all becoming to much. Peter hissed in pain and stood up quickly as Megan's hands became consumed in a bright white, his eyes widening in fear.
Megan held her hands close to her chest, trying to hide her powers from any onlookers that had heard her crying out. She had given up, knocking Peter back and almost throwing him down the stairs as a gust of white energy escaped her body, shattering the windows around her. Megan collapsed to the ground, unconscious.
Students started flowing out of the door, questions arising as to who or what caused the windows to break. Peter stumbled back over to Megan, holding her face in his hands. People stared down at Megan and Peter, and he could hear their questions as they whispered.
They knew.
If it weren't for the very indestructible gate, news channels would have been swarming the compound. Someone finally connected the dots about Megan and exposed her.
Now everyone knew that Megan DaVoe was a fake. And that Tony Stark's daughter had superpowers.
The news told everyone that he had implanted Megan with the powers as a child, so now the world just felt worse for her.
Peter stared at Megan through the glass doors, biting at his thumb as Bruce checked over Megan's vitals again. She stared at the floor, eyes red and puffy. He wanted to tell her he was sorry, but she knew he was. She knew everyone was sorry for her because that's what they all said.
"I'm sorry about your dad."
"I'm sorry you had to go through this."
It was all she started hearing now. I'm sorry. Megan started to think that was everyone's name from how many times she's heard it.
Peter heard an annoyed groan, turning his head to see Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes rounding the corner with a worried and somewhat annoyed expression on his face.
"I hate the news." Bucky mumbled to himself, most likely talking about the news vans outside of the compound. "Had to hop the damn fence just to see her. I mean, I lived here and I had to break in because those damn news anchors won't leave a 16 year old girl alone!" He complained as Sam started chuckling.
"You really gotta calm down about all this, Buck-"
"I am calm!" Bucky snapped as Peter's eyes widened. Sam and Bucky side-eyed Peter before turning to him.
"Who the hell are you?" Bucky asked as Peter started stuttering.
"I Uh- I'm... um. I beat you guys up a couple years ago.." Peter smiled awkwardly as Sam frowned in confusion while also glaring at him before the memory clicked.
"Oh! He's that weird guy who can stick to walls. Uh... Spider-Boy!" Sam smirked as Peter frowned.
"It's- it's Spider-Man-"
"Yeah whatever. I still hate you." Bucky said. Apparently neither of them remember seeing him fight Thanos... or at Tony's funeral.
Bucky walked past Peter and into the lab, completely ignoring the sign that said "do not enter at this time."
Megan's head perked up and her eyes lit up with excitement as a wide grin appeared on her face. "Bucket!" She joked, practically throwing herself at Bucky as the two hugged tightly. The two separated and Megan looked out to see Sam, who smiled and waved.
"Sam!" Megan beamed, almost ripping out the needle in her arms as Bruce tried to stop her, rubbing out the door to hug Sam.
"Oh what, he gets a dumb nickname and I don't?" Sam complained as he hugged the girl back, glaring at Bucky through the window.
Peter looked between everyone awkwardly.
"What are you guys doing here? I thought you two left to go to different places?" Megan asked as Bucky walked back over, Peter slipping away to the kitchen and Bucky sighed.
"We did. He just showed up the same time I did." He answered as Sam chuckled.
"No. You mean you showed the same Time I did." He argued as Bucky frowned at him.
"Really? You're gonna act like you're six? C'mon." He said as Sam laughed at the comment.
"You guys argue like an old married couple." Megan pointed out. The two looked down at her and frowned.
"We do not." They spoke in unison as Bruce walked out.
"So you don't seem to be sick in any way. I want to assume it was just your emotions that caused you to pass out after using your powers." He explained as Sam raised a brow.
"Great. Don't use my powers. Got it." Megan said, happily agreeing to not go anywhere near her abilities.
"Well you can. Just not very often or use them for anything big. It looks like you have an odd form a pyrokinesis mixed with telepathy, telekinesis aaand... some other things I can't quite pinpoint. But I would just be careful with using your abilities." Bruce said before walking back into his lab.
"So you do have powers. Great." Bucky said with sarcasm as Megan forced a smile.
"Yep. And I hate them." She complained as Sam sighed, patting her shoulder.
"I'm sure they'll be useful eventually. But I did just come to see if you were alright-"
"Sam are you serious? Look buddy, love you and all, but can you tell I'm obviously not alright? I-I mean. My dad is dead, and my best friend exposed the biggest secret of my life. My phone has been blowing up for the last hour from texts messages from people I haven't talked to since I did a school project with them! People are acting like we've been friends for years just so they can show off that they know me!" Megan ranted before storming off to her bedroom.
Peter was sat on her bed, mouth shoveled with food. He had a pudding smear on his cheek, making him look like a baby. He swallowed hard to speak, almost choking on his food.
"I'm fine." He coughed,, inhaling sharply as Megan chuckled. "But are you?" He raised a brow as she fell onto her bed.
"If you mean that I'm okay with the fact that everyone knows my last name is Stark and not DaVoe, then I'm delighted." She dropped her smile at the last three words, groaning in annoyance.
"I want to say I'm sorry, but I know you'll rant about it." Peter smiled awkwardly as Megan covered her face with a pillow.
But wasn't to hide her embarrassment. It was to hide the tears that started to form as her heart slowly shattered even more.
Megan sat up slowly, revealing the tears as Peter suddenly became worried. "Megan what's wrong?" He raised a brow. She went to speak, her voice cracking so bad nothing came out. Peter took her hands in his, rubbing them softly.
She sucked in a breath, looking at Peter. "I can't." She shook her head, and Peter frowned in confusion.
"You— can't what?" He asked as she let out a shaky breath. The tension hitched her breath as silence filled the air, leaving Peter worried.
"I can't be with you... right now." She finally spoke, and Peter's heart went plummeting to the Earth's core. He felt like he stopped breathing, a lump forming in his throat.
"I.. you— what?" He asked, voice cracking as bad as Megan's.
"I'm sorry. It's all just too much right now and- and I just need time to myself... God I sound like an asshole—" Megan laughed as Peter shook his head.
"No! You aren't an asshole, Megan. I-I understand, okay? I um... I'll go." Peter had hoped with all of the events that have happened that they would be closer.
I guess he was wrong.
Megan held onto his hand as he tried to leave. "I-I want to be with you, Peter. I swear on it but... I don't know if I have the strength to keep this relationship from falling apart." She muttered as his hand found her face, and he wiped the tears away.
"It's okay." Was all he said before walking out. Megan's hands gripped onto the pillow and she shoved her face into it, letting out the loudest scream she could before sobbing.
She lost count of the tears she had shed that week.
Obviously you guys have nothing to worry about. Cry about it now, but they will be together again soon. Just give this girl some time and in like.. say nine months after almost being killed by her dad's ex worker she will realize she needs Peter again.
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