Yohooo β¨ Back with a new chapter π hope you'll like the chilling adventure I tried to give you all π
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Third Person's POV
Kiyose City, Tokyo, Japan
In Tokyo, the Japanese capital, the climate is temperate, with fairly mild, sunny winters and hot, humid and rainy summers.
Like the rest of Japan, the city is affected by the monsoon circulation.
In summer, there are sunny periods, with hot and muggy weather, which alternate with periods of bad weather, with wind and rain...
In the Previous chapter Sakura found that Sora was no other than Yuri and she returned back to Japan for a holiday vacation and in a secret mission to find Yuri.
She found her and they met again and both were very happy about it. Sora also found out Kanade was Sakura herself as her all sadness and pain washed away.
They were spending their holidays, Yuri at her apartment and Kanade at her previous house.
One day Yuri was chilling in her apartment at the time of Summer evening on a phone call with Kanade.
Suddenly Kana's phone hung up due to low battery that she forgot to notice. Yuri tried again but only got a reply of 'not reachable'.
In another hand thinking something technical problems happened Yuri just shrugged it off. Suddenly there was sound of an unexpected thunder and after that the whole area's power went off.
"Off what a disaster", she looked outside of the window muttering to herself. Little did she know it was only the beginning of an entire disaster.
Yuri and Kanade two were in the same condition but couldn't get out from their places as a heavy rain started.
It was kinda rare in Japan's summer weather, though still summer wasn't ended the heavy rain started. A sudden weather change.
Thinking it was not a big deal the two minded in their own businesses. It was pretty late 11:30 p.m.
Yuri was so bored and not going to touch her phone for thunder and heavy rain. As the power went off she laid down on her bed passed out sleeping unknowingly.
Meanwhile Kanade found her phone totally dead. So she put it on charging as the power in her area returned back. But in Yuri's area was still darkness which Kanade didn't know.
Yuri was sleeping soundly until the sound of her phone's ringtone wake her up.
Thinking it was Kanade she picked it up only to see an unknown number. She frowned but answered anyway, "Hello! Who's this?"
A mysterious voice echoed from the other side of the phone, "Sora Aoi if you wanna see Sakura safe and sound come at the Central park in 30 minutes or your Sakura will be long gone~". Hearing that Yuri's all sleepiness went away, "Who are you?"
Another evil chuckle from that mysterious person, "Your worst nightmare". With that the call ended.
Yuri noticed the time it was freaking 12:30 a.m. of midnight. She called Kanade but unfortunately her phone was still dead it went switched off.
"The number you're calling is currently switch off. Please try again later", the auto reply said.
Yuri tried 10 more times but no use the same reply she got. "Ghaa! Kana please pick up!", She voice mailed her, texted her asking if Kanade was in home, if she was okay.
She thought about calling Hanako as she was staying with Kanade. But then thought about not to disturb her and that was her big mistake ever.
Yuri thought for a good 5 minutes playing the voice again as her call recorder was fortunately active at that time the call came.
She clearly tried to recognise the voice but failed. Then sometimes later the rain went off still the power didn't come back in the area yet. Yuri got up and dressed in her full sleeved black hoodie and blue jeans.
Picking up her phone she used it's flashlight to light up her way. She left her apartment without informing Aunt May and decided going to Kanade's house.
... Meanwhile with Kanade...
When her phone become alive the system rebooted itself and at that time of 1:30 a.m. It made the blast of sound of the notification tones.
"Off-!", Kanade woke up by the hundred sounds of her phone and when she saw her phone - "10 missed calls, 20 text messages, 5 voice mails - you missed". "WHAT the-", she opened those to see all was from Yuri.
"Ah!", After checking all those messages her eyes widened. She hurriedly dressed up and left her room to wake up her assistant Hanako.
"HANAKO!", Kanade knocked on the door. "What happened Sakura Senpai its passed midnight?", Hanako replied with a sleepy voice opening the door.
"Hanako! Quick hurry up! Sora is in danger!", Kanade shouted. "Oh my goodness! Let's go I hope Sora San will be safe Senpai", Hanako quickly got up and went ready to leave.
...Meanwhile with Yuri...
Yuri was walking on the road to reach Kanade's house though the phone call said her to meet the mysterious person at the City park.
The rainy had stopped 30 minutes earlier still her area's power staying off.
"I guess the power supply damaged by thunderbolt or some technical problems", Yuri muttered to herself while crossing her area's main road to pick up the alley that went through pass by the central park to the main road to Kanade's house.
Between their houses the area divided into two main roads and the city's Central park and the alley joined the two main roads.
Yuri felt like she saw a black shadow moved aside in font of the central park but she totally ignored it as she had no interest to listen that so called mysterious person.
Her main focus was to go to Kanade's place for checking if everything was alright.
Even though it was freaking midnight passed she was using her phone's flashlight to light up her way. But the city was sleeping right then not everyone but mostly.
Actually the central park was the midway of their houses it was the exact middle of their home distance.
Yuri was in her midway about to cross the alley a sound made her stopped in her tracks.
The rain just stopped so the cold breeze sent chills to Yuri's spine along with the voice.
"So Miss detective decided to start out her own investigation ignoring my warnings?", A taunting voice reached to Yuri.
She remembered it was the same person in the last phone call. Yuri tried to guess who that could be but couldn't make decision fully.
She was shaking lightly but unfortunately she was in a alley before entering the main road. She was wearing her hood up because of feeling cold.
"What do you need with Sakura?", Yuri called out to the mystery person mentioning Kanade's social name in serious tone.
"Well well, Miss Aoi Sora I'm really facilitated by your bonding power that you came for her just by one phone call. You really love her don't you?", another irritating comment for Yuri by that person. "That's none of your business!", She replied coldly.
"Just tell me why did you call me in this freaking midnight and where is Sakura exactly? What you need with her? She didn't even responding me?", Yuri raised her voice moving forward to that person.
But it was so dark she couldn't see anything. As long she knew the person was a male according to his voice and that oddly familiar to her but she couldn't remember.
The person eyes glimpsed in the darkness like he felt amused. He left out an evil chuckle, Yuri gritted her teeth in annoyance.
"What an opportunity! I don't know lady luck is with me today", he smirked.
"What the HELL! You know I can call the police right now for harrassing me in this freaking midnight? I make them arrest you for abusing and blackmailing me? But first show yourself!", Yuri tried to shone her phone's flashlight on the mystery person but no use.
The person slapped it off from her hand as the phone fell down somewhere in a bush and the flashlight turned off.
Losing the little source she had with her darkness surrounded again.
He grabbed her hand from behind making her stay in one place. "Ahh!", Yuri yelped in surprise.
"Well planned Miss Smartest but I'm more smart than you ever think", his cold words reached Yuri's ears giving her chill down her spine.
As she was brave she hit his chest with her head and freed herself from his grasp.
Yuri grabbed the shirt collar of the hardly familiar voiced person. She felt like she had heard his voice before yeah that was a male voice.
It was just a little distance away from her while she tried to light up his face he slapped her hand away the result her phone fell into the alley road as the flashlight turned off.
"Hey little charming princess wanna spend a little time with me?", His voice making Yuri feel uncomfortable.
"Hey! I don't wanna beat you up so you better spilt up where is Sakura! WHAT happened to her? What you did to her?", She gritted her teeth in frustration.
Seriously she was very angry about that fact. "Ah~ I didn't know flight attendants can fight like this! You're incredibly amazing now I've no doubt why Sakura love a silly girl like you", he wasn't even trying to flight back so strange.
"Well don't know what's your problem but I'm not gonna leave you until I get my answer", Yuri shouted.
"Haha sorry girl but coming here is your first big mistake", the guy said in a chilling tone. "What do you mean by that?", Yuri asked being confused.
"Uh huh just wait and watch", Yuri forgot that even though she grabbed his shirt collar his hands were free.
"What-", but she never got a chance to identify his moves in the darkness as the guy knocked her out. "Kana...", This was her last word before she blacked out completely.
"Pfft- so pathetic! But I admit you're strong if you don't let your guard down", the guy just dragged out her unconscious body without any mercy.
"Well now you're absolutely my trump card Sora. What you gonna do my dear Sakura?", He grinned mischievously as he dragged out Sora along with him in the way.
"Let's put you in my secret hideout. I wanna see Sakura's face. Oh Lucy you missed the whole drama. So sad sis but don't worry I'll make sure to clear this thorn in your way", he smirked looking at Yuri. "Poor girl"...
... Meanwhile with Kanade and Hanako...
Kanade kept calling Yuri but no response from her - "The person you're calling is not answering. Please try again later".
She tried 10 more times to get the same reply. "God dang it! She's not picking up. Yuri please be safe", She prayed.
Fortunately Hanako took all of the numbers of Yuri's flight attendants friends. She called the three as Drake, George and Emelia were shocked to hear that news.
They replied they were on their way. George sounded more anxious and worried about Yuri.
Kanade and Hanako decided to check Yuri's place as they finally reached at the dark alley.
"Sakura Senpai? Why this alley is so dark looking like this area's power being cut off?", Hanako pointed out.
"I don't know Hanako but this thing is worrying me also", Kanade replied looking anxious.
"Oh com'on Yuri where the hell are you?", She tried after many more time calling again Yuri but then unexpectedly they heard a sound.
It was a ringing sound and Yuri's phone ringtone according to Kanade.
She followed that sound and found that phone lying on a bush. "Sora San's phone!", Hanako screamed in disbelief but there were no trace of Yuri unfortunately.
"Dang it! Her phone is here but she's not", Kanade gritted her teeth in frustration.
"Hanako! Sakura! We're here. Did you find Sora?", A voice came as some sound of footsteps echoed in the alley road. Kanade looked at the person and it was George.
"No we didn't but I found her phone", she handed it over to him as he examined it carefully.
"Look there's a last call at 12:30 AM", George pointed out somehow accessing through Yuri's password and succeeded to open the phone. "Was the call recorder active then?", Emelia asked from beside.
"Yes let me check that", he opened the recorder and saw something. "Yes it's let's listen what happened", after a minute he replied.
They heard the last conversation between Yuri and the mysterious guy until Kanade's eyes widened. There was no doubt she couldn't recognise that voice.
"Oh no", she gasped in horror. "Oh God who the hell could be?", Drake asked being confused why someone would blackmail Sora that way because as long they knew Sora never interfere in anyone's business. "Who is this guy?", George gritted her teeth.
In the other hand Kanade recognised the voice, "It was him!". Hanako gasped also realising what bad could be happened to her Sora San.
"Guys let's spilt up to search for her but first call the police", Emelia suggested but Kanade cut her off.
"No let's hurry up and find some abandoned place or store rooms or cold storage if I'm not wrong Sora could be there", Kanade's sudden outburst made them surprised.
"But why you're so sure that she could be there?", Drake asked.
"As long I know that kidnapper first has to hide somewhere people won't notice them then they can escape from the area.", she replied being logical. "Do you know if any of them belongs here?", Hanako asked.
"Ok I know some places but I'm not sure let's spilt up first searching over", George replied.
With that Kanade and Hanako went in one way and the three in other way.
"Yuri be brave", Kanade muttered wishing that person whom she knew very well wouldn't hurt Yuri.
"You'll pay you jerk", she cursed thinking about him. "Why he again?"...
... At somewhere...
"So how's everything going?", A deep voice echoed in the dark. "Don't worry little Sis everything is going so smooth. I've got the trump card in my capture. Just wanna play with her a little bit", the same mysterious guy's voice could be heard from the other side of the phone.
"Well then you can enjoy your game of fun torture but keep it in mind, keep her alive for me. After all she's my pray for a very long time", the person holding the phone answer the guy.
"Of course your wish my command dear sis", the guy replied to the person.
"Ok then. Well, I have to go to get my work done here. Remember my words keep her alive and then do whatever you want", the deep female voice said with amusement. "Haha see ya later", the guy replied and the call ended.
"Sora! You don't have any idea what's your fate has written for you...", She fixed her earings along with her long blonde hair.
Her purple eyes narrowed as she thought something in her mind. She left the dark room only the sound of her heels echoed in the hallway.
"Very soon Aoi. Just wait and watch my dear enemy"...
... Back with Yuri...
"Uhh?", When Yuri's senses came back she opened her eyes to see a unknown place.
Unlike that alley it was light visible there so she tried to blink her eyes and rubbed them with her hands to move away the blurred feeling. But she couldn't move.
She realised she was tied up in a chair with a rope. "Huh?", She was shocked to see herself like this. The last thing she remembered the person made her blacked out at that alley.
She was startled to hear footsteps coming towards her way. "Oh you're woke up already great!", That person again.
"Who are you? Show yourself!", Yuri demanded. "Patience Sora patience. I don't except you impatient as a cabin crew you know?", Finally the person shown his face.
Yuri/Sora's eyes widened when she recognised him along with his voice. "Jack? But how you're here?...", She asked.
"Yes my dear the one and only Jack Harley!", Jack bowed playfully, a creepy smirk never leaving his lips.
"Wait Harley? Isn't it Lucy's last name also", Yuri thought. "What you need from me you jerk? Didn't Sakura already told you to leave her alone?", She shouted at Jack.
"Haha as if I'm gonna hear her. You don't know me girl. What I want to have I make it mine and Sakura isn't a exception also", he totally cleared the fact.
Yuri glared at Jack, "I don't know what you want with me but she will never be yours". She declared clearly.
"Grr watch your mouth and don't worry I already cleared my way to make her surrender at my feet. That's why you're here. I guess I made the things clear", Jack slammed his hand in a wall beside of Yuri.
"Ha try me! I'm not afraid of you, you know?", Yuri smirked ready for a challenge.
"That's what I hate about you Sora. Your confidence. Your always being nice to everyone and your charming behaviour, with those you always make people attract to you", Jack blurted out angrily pointing at Yuri.
"Oh then you've to know more. I never surrender like a person like you! If you truly loved her you could change yourself to be a better person in an honest way. Not doing these stuffs being a criminal. Sakura was right you're a freaking yandere a stupid one who has no goal", Yuri deadpanned.
Jack was taken aback by that but he snapped back, "Shut up! Just shut up your stupid mouth foolish girl! You don't know anything about love. You know when you love someone you can do anything for them! You can kill anyone who come in your way".
"No you're absolutely wrong! If I truly love someone I'll protect them no matter what happened with them. I even sacrifice my own happiness of being with them and let them go to fulfill what they want in their life. But for now my job is shove you out from Sakura's life. Without killing you. Jack I'm giving you another chance. Change yourself and you can be a better person", Yuri smiled genuinely.
"Stop with your showing that innocent face and that genuine smile. I can't take it anymore!", Jack shouted.
"Jack I really believe even though Sakura rejected you, you can still find someone better if you change yourself for good trust me", Yuri tried best to convince him.
"Huh! Sora Aoi oh you kind hearted nice flight attendant you've to say goodbye to this world. So pathetic", he picked up a shinny thing in her hand.
"But what have I done to you?", Yuri muttered still tied up with ropes in the chair. She couldn't move her hands.
"Nothing but as you've heard I'm an absolute yandere for my Sakura. My and mine only! And you though you're not a big deal but my sis Lucy wants to see your downfall", Jack replied.
Yuri was shocked to hear Lucy's name. Her guess came true. Seeing shock in her eyes Jack mocked, "No no Miss cabin crew dint worry I won't kill you as Lucy is the one who wanna do it with her own hands but I can play with you a little~".
Yuri bit her lip. Jack's those words made her feel horrible. "So Lucy is none than Jack's own sister!". She gulped, "So what's you gonna do?"
"I admire your bravery after all you're asking this. Well I know that smile and pretty face is so important as a cabin crew but what if I'll put a nice scar on your pretty face my girl?", Jack smiled proudly.
"What?", Yuri shouted. "Yes my girl if I put a scar if you got a chance to escape from her or you're alive again somehow this scar will always remind you of me. And in Lucy's honour you're never gonna be a flight attendant in your entire life haha", he laughed like a psychopath. Yuri lost her words.
Cause unfortunately to her horror the shining metal was nothing than a sharp knife...
Will Yuri able to fight back and save herself? Where are Kanade and her friends?
Will they found Yuri and come at the right time before something horrible happen?
Let's find out in the next chapter~
A/N:- So hope Yuri will survive π of course cause more toture in in the way π sorry I went insane again πΆ
Hope you like π if you enjoyed please leave a comment π¬ on this chapter and vote β please π
[Word Count: 3490] βοΈ
See you again πΉ
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