Tetsu's Whole Lemon
Multiverse ----> Tetsu's Whole Lemon
"Lemon..?" Kendo read, confusion lacing her voice.
"I like to eat lemons!" Tetsutetsu shouted.
Uraraka stared at him. "Aren't they incredibly sour. Why would you voluntarily subject your taste buds to that?"
"I think lemons are manly." Kirishima shouted back.
The screen turned on to show Shinso sat on a table with Monoma. It looked like they were eating out at a café.
"I didn't know you two were friends?" Kendo asked Monoma. The blinde shrugged in return. "We talk sometimes."
Mina was furiously scribbling something down in a random notebook? Where did she even get that?
Shinso started to speak. "The other day in my intro to criminal justice class," he started.
"Im guessing i joined class B in this universe." Shinso pointed out.
"About time." Aizawa muttered under his breath.
"That would be cool!" Awase exclaimed
"A student took out a whole lemon, and started to peel it." He continued.
"Why the fuck-" Bakugo started but gave up halfway. He didn't even want to know.
"My tastebuds hurt just thinking about it." Mina cried.
"True men eat the skin too." Tokoyami deadpanned.
Tetsutetsu and Kirishima let out an anguished wail. "Your right! How unmanly of me, i should start eating the skin too."
"I was joking. Did i joke wrong?" Tokoyami asked.
"No, im convinced they share a brain cell." Momo and Kendo said at the same time.
"Then he asked me the time."
The screen shows Shinso staring at the lemon Tetsutetsu was peeling with utter confusion.
"So i told him and he went; 'okay' in sad tone of voice." Shinso was struggling not to burst out laughing at this point.
"The plot thickens." Kaminari said
"What plOt?" Jirou questioned.
"I have so many questions and im sure none of them will be answered. Like why does the time matter? Why does he have a lemon in the first place?" Kendo stressed.
"I'm literally on the verge of tears. What is happening." Uraraka cried.
"And then he put his partially peeled Lemon in-" Shinso was interrupted by Monoma wheezing in his seat.
The blonde started pounding his fist on the table, biting his lip in a failing attempt to choke back the laughter.
This seemed to be the tipping point for many people as many of the students let out a single snort that soon spiraled into uncontrollable laughter.
"What is going on." Hawks snorted.
"Why would he just put it back? Did he even wrap it up first? Think of the germs!" Iida yelled.
"He put his partially- sqsqfafa" Shinso cackled, putting his hands over his face.
Monoma was in the background borderline hacking up a lung.
Both Monoma and Shinso were copying the actions of their counterparts on the screen, joined by the laughter of the other students.
"Third times the charm." Tsu laughed.
"He put his partially peeled lemon back in to his bag, almost ashamed of his actions." Shinso was talking faster trying to get the sentence out before bursting into more laughter. Monoma was practically squawking at this point.
"Damn i don't know who's got the more infectious laughter. These two or Todoroki and Midoriya." Kirishima laughed.
"T h e - w h e e z i n g - i - c a n ' t" Mina cackled.
"I can't breatheee." Present mic gasped. Even Aizawa let out a couple of chuckles, it was difficult to not lose his shit with this one since he knew Shinso.
Shinso's laughter quickly turned into a coughing fit, causing everyone in the café to look at the pair with funny looks. To combat this the boy stood up and walked outside, still visibly laughing in the window behind Monoma.
"My lungs hurt so bad." Hakagure whined.
"I've choked on my own spit approximately 8 times during the last 40 seconds." Kaminari laughed.
"I heard you." Jirou facepalmed
This went on for a good minute before Shinso came back in, much calmer. "My question is this" he had a quick burst of laughter before continuing. "What should i do if this situation comes up again?"
"I wouldn't say this would be labeled as a common situation..." Momo started.
"But i do enjoy a good lemon." Tetsu finished for her.
Class B perked up. "You heard the man, take notes!" Awase shouted.
"You too Vlad King Sensei!" Shiozaki adressed, making the pro hero jump.
"I feel like we should take notes too, we never know what Kirishima will do." Shoji laughed.
The class nodded in reply.
"What is the code word that i can use so i can get this man to enjoy his lemon in class." Shinso finished.
The scrern turned to black as the pair entered another laughing fit.
"Is this what the other classes do while we get attacked by villians?" Todoroki questioned.
Everyone just looked at him before laughing even more.
"This is why class B is better." Monoma taunted with a laugh.
"For once we can't correct you!" Mina whined.
"I hope the next one is as funny as this!" Uraraka pleaded.
Look, i was on YouTube for 2 hours just watching these animatics. I found some gold so expect more of these.
Also confession time: I love Monoma so much, he's my little rat child.
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