⚠️ Dark Humor ⚠️
Multiverse ----> SAD
"That doesn't sound good." Uraraka mumbled, the last thing she wanted to see was Deku being sad. "Whats going on with everyones angst sensors?"
"This universe will not be angsty, im 100% sure." Tokoyami replied, making Uraraka sigh in relief. Thank God for emos amirite
"Let's get started then." Nezu sang cheerfully, however just as he was about to press start a loud pop at the back of the room caught everyones attention. The strange sound was followed by aggressive arguing...?
"I swear to God if you don't get that crusty fucking hand away from my face, i will commit tax fraud"
"Your opinion is invalid, go commit tax fraud far away from me."
"Where is my alcohol."
The audience was just watching the exchange go down like 👁👄👁. Why were the villians here and why are they like this?
"Don't look now but im pretty sure we're surrounded by heros." Dabi whispered, still holding a severed hand over Toga's head.
"No shit."
At this point the heros didn't know if they should attack or laugh. This is definitely not what they were expecting from the league of villians who attack UA on the constant.
Then, once again out of nowhere another piece of paper fell out of the sky into Aizawa's hand. Why it was always him, we may never know.
Its me again! I hope it isn't too bothersome but i invited the villians to watch with you, i believe they can add more flavor to your experience. You don't have to worry about them attacking you because i used my non suspicious powers to chill them out a bit more hence why they are probably acting all weird right now. On the topic of suspicion, to the people who said i did sound sus, you are wRonG. Anyway I hope your enjoying your stay in my cinema and i should be able to visit soon to answer any questions!
"Is this person God?" Kaminari asked in wonder.
No Kaminari, i am not God.
"Thats the end of the letter." Aizawa grumped. Kaminari just gasped in genuine awe that his actions were predicted.
"How chill are the Villians now though?" Sero asked cautiously. The Villians in question just shot him the finger guns. "Oh i hate it."
Nezu decided to just play the universe and get to know the Villians later.
Izuku was shown on a stage facing the audience in the theatre, the 4th wall? Completely gone. Then he began to softly play the piano with a sad smile.
"Woah, he's really good on the piano!" Jirou shouted.
"Theres a microphone! Is he gonna sing." Squealed Mina.
"It's about all the sad stuff..." The greenette started. "Just picture a depressed onion cutting itself."
"Oh thats the vibe we're going with, huh?" Tokoyami smirked all the other emo's grinned, dark humor time, hooray!
"I don't reccomend picturing it, I'll never be the same." Kaminari shuddered.
The piano continued as the screen switched to show Izuku in a hoodie that had the kanji for "shoes" written on it.
"Why is he such a fucking dork in every universe?" Bakugou yelled.
"I think its cute." Uraraka retorted, many others nodding behind her.
"I met homeless man named 'Rich'."
The greenette is stood over a panhandling homeless man who was conveniently wearing a name tag.
"Oh, thats just cruel." Dabi snorted, the heros jumped forgetting they were here. Begrudgingly some people agreed.
"Isn't that terrible?"
The screen switches to show Izuku crying.
"Still a crybaby too." Shigaraki mumbled.
"I saw a flyer for a lost dog, and the dog didn't have any legs."
It took the boy a minute to realize the pupper was legless. 'Oh'
"The lost dog would've been bad enough!" Vlad King, the residential dog lover, cried.
Momo looked around the audience in confusion. "How did it escape if it had no legs?"
"I saw a diabetic kid, Trick-or-treating.
The boy glanced to see two young kids knocking on an elderly womans door, only to be given a shit ton of candy.
"I saw a Giraffe who had a short neck. That was sad! Or a...Deer.
Its getting progressively more difficult to hold in the laughter at this point. The Villians had cracked after the first one, the emos following soon after. However the heros made it a point to refrain from laughing at others misfortune.
They were failing but thats beside the point.
"I saw an old man get hit by a train, he didn't see it in the pouring rain."
The broccoli boy is seen leaning over a fence enclosing train tracks, only to notice a random old man hobbling across the tracks.
"Ok that one is sad." All Might sighed.
The Villians did not agree.
"Why was he on the tracks in the first place though." Toga wheezed
"Look at how he hobbles"
"I hate it here." Mamagiri sighed.
"He didn't hear me shout: LOOK OUT FOR THE TRAIN!"
"Always a hero! Thats our Deku!" Uraraka cheered.
"That man still got hit by a train." Iida sighed.
"cos i didn't say anything.."
"Double Oh."
"That is unexpected." Kirishima said nervously.
"I just thought to myself: ooh this is gonna be sad."
Deku is shown pulling a box of tissues out of nowhere, still wAtchiNg this man get hit by a train.
"Hey! I do that." Shigaraki smirked, to everyones horror.
"Really?" Dabi asked in disbelief. "I pull out popcorn, not tissues."
"You are Emo Jesus for a reason." Toga laughed.
"Triple Oh!" Uraraka yelled.
"How long are you going to keep this up for?"
"And it was... I'm a genius." Izuku said flipping his hair dramatically with a smirk.
Aoyama approved.
The piano continued before Izuku began to sing again.
"Theres more to this?!" Hizashi coughed.
"What a mad banquet of darkness."
Jirou was tapping her foot along to the beat. "He's a good singer though, i wonder if its the same in this universe!."
"I saw a man with only one eye, in a 3D movie~"
Izuku walks into a theatre yo see a man with a single sore, red eye. He immediately walked back out with tears in his eyes.
"I saw a little boy drop his icecream cone DIRECTLY ON HIS MOTHER'S CORPSE."
"Oh God these are getting worse and i don't know how long i can stop myself from laughing." Shinso sighed.
"You already know the second one of us laughs its all over." Monoma added.
"Hey. I should do that when my father dies." Both Dabi and Todoroki said at the exact same time. They both looked at eachother, Dabi nodding in approval.
"I have feelings you know." Endeavour shouted but it fell upon deaf ears.
"Quadruple Oh." Uraraka mumbled receiving a glare from Tenya.
The greenette is then seen in a park, squinting at a tree. "Oh look a cat!" He smiled
"I saw a kitten stuck in a tree,"
"Don't fucking do it. The cat doesn't deserve it." Aizawa yelled with a scary amount of emotion in his voice, Hizashi was patting his back with a solemn look on his face.
"I suddenly don't like this." Shinso said mysteriously.
"Then the kitten jumped off and he hung itself."
It zoomed in on Izuku's distraught face. "Oh my god." He choked out.
However this is when someone initiated the laughter. Bakugo Katsuki.
"LOOK AT FUCKING DEKUS' FACE" He shouted in between laughter. It caused someone to snort then that quickly escalated into howling laughter. The Villians looked on in pride.
"Quint Oh."
"Thats not even the right term Uraraka." Iida sighed for the 100th time that day.
"I saw a boy who had red hair."
Izuku is stood next to a young boy with bright orange hair. "So brave." He sniffed.
"OK WAIT A SECOND." Kendo bellowed, making her classmates jump. They had never seen this side of her before.
That only amplified the laughter while said ginger girl huffed in her seat.
Everyone waited for something else about the ginger boy but it never came...
"I went to a store looking for something to buy, but they only sold paintings of the same sad guy. No, wait. THIS STORE SELLS MIRRORS!"
"This is something i actually do?" Shinso snorted.
"You too?" Kaminari joked back.
"Sextet of Oh–"
"Uraraka i think we get it."
"That was quite the 180." Todoroki stated.
"Thats meee." Mina laughed
The screen switched back to present Midoriya, the one playing the piano while singing. He looked directly at the heros and Villians before speaking again.
"The world's so sad bros." He sniffed.
"Is he speaking to us?" Kaminari gawked pointing a finger to himself.
The Midoriya on the screen nodded before continuing.
"Pain, Genocide, War, Sexism, Racism." He spoke rhythmically.
"Well that got serious quick." Kirishima said nervously.
"Have my angst sensors failed?" Tokoyami questioned himself.
"But i gotta remember there's good things about it too." He started. "Like the fact that NONE OF THAT IS HAPPENING TO ME! SCORE!" The greenette smirked.
"Nevermind, my angst sensors would never fail me." Tokoyami sighed in relief.
The teachers balked, this was certainly not what their Midoriya would say.
"But still though, it's hard not to be sad about it." He returned to his solemn facial expression.
"This is such a rollercoaster between empathy and sociopathy." Tsu acknowledged.
"Its hilarious though." Dabi wheezed.
"How do ya'll do it?" The boy stared directly through the screen. "I've been telling you guys terribly sad things this whole song, you haven't been sad at all, you've been, you've been happy. No, You've been laughing."
"Why does it feel like he's lowkey scolding me for it." The handy man huffed.
"I dislike where this is going." Iida sighed, they say sighing shortens your lifespan so uh RIP Iida lmao.
His face lightens up. "Thats it, Laughter, its the key to everything! It the way tomsolve all the sadness in the world!"
"Why is this starting to sound like the end to a fucking Disney Movie?" Katsuki spat angrily, his mistake.
"How would you know what the end of a Disney Film was like." Todoroki asked blankly.
"Oh he got you there kacchan." Kaminari smirked before getting blown up.
"I realllly don't like where he's going with this." Iida said once again.
"I mean not for the people that are actually sad, but the people like us that gotta fucking deal with them all the time." Deku huffed.
"I think you skipped over how bad that sentence actually was." Momo sighed. Hod, not her too-
"Being a comedian isn't being an insensitive prick, capitalizing on the most animalistic impulses of the public." He started.
"I didn't understand a single word of that." Kaminari shuddered, many others nodding in agreement. The teachers just sighed in disappointment.
"It's being a hero." The boy finished in a cheerful tone.
"The world isn't sad!" Izuku cut off. "The world's funny! I'm a sociopaaath"
"Deku nO-" Uraraka laughed.
"I knew it would turn out like this." Iida added with another sigh.
"I saw an old man slip and fall."
The screen switches to show Izuku walking back from school, accidentally looking at an old man falling. The corners of his mouth curled upwards as he began to laugh.
"Hey, what a fucking idiot."
"Thats just cruel." Shinso started. "Its cruel that if i laugh I'll be shunned."
"Who said that." Aizawa replied with a smirk.
"Join us." Dabi said in between laughter.
"I saw a woman at her daughters funeral."
"Why was he at this random ass persons funeral?" Monoma questioned.
"Ha, Ha, HA! Classic Comedy."
That caught many people off guard as the laughter began to circle around the theater. Laughing was against the heros morals but sometimes it just couldn't be helped. Infact the only straight faced person was Iida. God bless.
"Everything that once was sad, is somehow funny now. The Holocaust and 9/11. That shit's funny 24/7.
"We're going to hell for laughing." Hawks said.
"I think we already accepted that."
Back to the present Deku is smiling wildly. A sweet cinnamon boy.
"Cause tragedy will be exclusively joked about, because my empathy is bumming me out." The boy winced saying the last bit.
"Goodbye Sadness! Hello Jokes." He sang with a now genuine grin as the screen turned to black.
Everyone in the audience clapped for the boys performance, even Iida begrudgingly.
"But seriously kids." Aizawa started. "If your feeling down i couldn't handle morbid jokes so go see hound dog."
"Thats just for your benefit!"
Nezu sighed, preparing to switch channels.
2133 Words (im dead.)
This was such a pain to write afsg. Im going now, have a nice day.
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