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Someone tell Isabella to get her jaw off the floor. She'll catch flies.
"Dad let me drive all the way here and I didn't hit anything! When I get my license next month I'll drive you around to celebrate!" The werewolf fledgling rambled to the older girl that he was much taller than.
Cimani could see the imaginary tail wagging as he looked at her with a sparkle in his eyes. He definitely wanted to be praised by the girl.
"Good job, but I really like living." She patted his head as she turned down his offer. He might not have hit anything today but knowing him, she'd end up on a t-shirt.
Not that a car crash could kill her but he'd make the impossible possible. And she'd be damned if they photoshopped her in front of those clouds with the wings.
"Please? I'll even buy you ice cream from that shop you like." He begged the girl. He just wanted to show off how grown up he was becoming.
She rolled her eyes at him.
"If you kill me I'll haunt you." She flicked his forehead. He smiled as his little imaginary tail wagged at full speed.
Jacob grabbed the girls hand and was preparing to go inside. He could smell Audrey's cooking from a mile away. But irrelevant people had to make themselves known.
"Uh hey Jacob. Remember me? It's Isabella, we use to play together." The pale girl called out to the young boy. Her tone showed that she was clearly annoyed that she ignored him.
The werewolf fledging turned around. The happy look on his face was no longer there. If anything he looked bothered.
"Hey......you came back. Cool." He nodded at her before attempting to turn around again. But Isabella decided to walk up to him instead.
"Ha, is that how you greet your best friend you haven't seen in a while? Come here, give me a hug." She attempted to hug the boy. But he stepped back in a way that he was hiding behind Cimani. She snorted at his actions but why the hell did you put her in the middle?
Isabella frowned at this.
What was wrong with him? He should be ecstatic to see her but he's treating her like a total stranger.
Maybe he's just upset she didn't visit in a while?
"I know I've been gone for a while but since I'm back we can go back to how we were. I'll let you take me to get ice cream." She gave him a small smile. In her head she thought it looked affectionate and bashful.
To others........
Jacob wrinkled up his nose.
"Um no thank you. We aren't that close and I just don't feel comfortable with hugging you." He politely refused her request as the wording didn't sit well with him. It was as if it would be his honor to take her out.
That and he didn't want to be stuck in a car with her.
The two were never considered close. Jacob would pine over her and follow her around. It was nothing more than puppy love. He'd do whatever he could to make her happy. While Isabella in return would give a half hearted thanks. She made it seem like this was expected of him.
When she stopped showing up to the small town in Forks, he was devastated. He cried for months when she wouldn't answer.
But it all changed when a certain deaf girl made her appearance.
Like a rebound, he found himself throwing his misguided affection towards Cimani. He believed he just had a thing for slightly older girls. But that was far from the case.
The dark skin girl had only smiled at him before telling him that his behavior was borderline psychotic. The way he tried to smother her in unrequited love was disturbing and pitiful. She simply wanted him to stop.
That had sent him into a blind rage. Taking out his anger from Isabella leaving him and Cimani's rejection all on her. He had said some cruel and nasty words to the girl, going as far as almost hitting her.
It wasn't until she simply hugged him that he broke out crying.
Call it crazy, call it dramatic, call it impossible if you really want to, but the touch of a woman was all he needed.
Jacob's need for love from women stemmed from the lack of his mother. The only reminders of her were his sisters that barely gave him the time of day. What he needed wasn't for someone to love him romantically; just to acknowledge him. A certain feminine familial touch his father couldn't provide.
After that day, Jacob did everything he could to make it up to the girl. Cimani on the other hand was never angry or annoyed. So she treated him like how he wanted to be treated. A loved little brother.
It was great practice for when Lucky came around.
Isabella couldn't believe what she was hearing. So much to the point she pretended not to hear it.
"Hahaha, when did you get so funny?! We have so much catching up to do. Let's go inside. Do you mind grabbing my bags?" She reached out to grab his wrist.
"Stop that. He's already expressed he doesn't want you touching him." Cimani's soft voice broke out in the silence.
No, she did not smack the girl. She just popped her on the hand. Giving her a stink eye.
Isabella's mouth gaped like a fish. Her eyes wide as she stared at the slightly shorter girl in disbelief. The red of anger started to creep up her face.
You know in animations when the character starts to turn red like water filling a pot then their ears blow out steam? Yeah, it was like that.
"You just hit me! Charlie she just hit me! Yall saw her hit me?! How can you just hit someone?!" The brunette screeched as she held her hand as if it broke. Her tone filled of injustice.
The three males winced. They envied Cimani for not being able to hear.
"And I'll do it again. Respect his personal space." The witch twisted up her face. Her arms crossed over her chest.
"Alright girls, let's calm down." Charlie cleared his throat. Obviously covering up his laughter.
Was the situation funny? Sorta.
Cimani's fiery side was rare as she didn't get angry easily. Her family also had a bad habit letting her chew people out. She just looked so cute when she was angry.
Isabella ignored her father and narrowed her eyes.
"How dare you put your hands on me? Who the hell raised you?!" The pale girl sneered as she stepped closer to the small girl. Cimani cracked a grin as she looked at her.
"That would be me! Hi, I'm Audrey Swan~"
Isabella couldn't stop staring at the woman across from her.
She wished she could say it was because she was pretty.........but she felt Charlie could do better. She stared at her Audrey for the simple fact that she was really here. Like her father had actually gotten married without her consent.
There were so many thoughts going through her head. Who the hell was this woman? What did she want from her dad? How could she raise such an ape of a daughter? Who the hell was this little boy? Whose fucking baby was she pregnant with?
It would be a miracle, for whoever, if Isabella didn't die of a heart attack from everything she's about to learn today. Cross your fingers!
"Go on Mani, apologize for hitting her." Audrey smiled at her daughter. The teen gave her a dead look and signed.
'But I'm not sorry. She made Jake uncomfortable.'
'It doesn't matter if you're not sorry. I don't need her running to her mother and twisting the story on her first day.'
Cimani rolled her eyes. Huffing as she turned towards the pale girl that was still stuck in a trance.
"I'm sorry for hitting you, especially when we just met. I would definitely do it again." She gave a sweet smile as she looked at the girl. She turned to her mother that gave her a 'really?' face but just accepted it.
Isabella looked at the girl and squinted her eyes.
"It's fine. I'll be the bigger person and forgive you for ruining my reunion with my dear friend." She gave a sarcastic smile before turning to the male in question. Who was stuffing his face with a smothered turkey wing.
"But we're not friends?" He spoke with a full mouth. Charlie secretly signing the words for Cimani who couldn't quite make the words out but could've guessed.
"What?" Isabella asked bewildered like it wasn't obvious. Jacob swallowed his food and wiped his mouth. Clearing his throat he slowly said his first sentence again.
"We're. Not. Friends. Can you honestly sit here and say that you have actually regarded me as a friend at least once?" He lazily looked at the girl. She didn't know how to answer. The obvious answer would to be to just lie.
Isabella screamed in her head.
Like was he fucking for real right now? Of course she never saw him as a friend. Why would she associate herself with anyone from this town?
Cimani let out a small snort. The brunettes eyes flitted over to her. Glaring at the girl that must have brain washed him like she did Charlie.
Isabella knew it was Cimani's fault this was happening. Her impression of her was becoming worse and worse.
"Audrey this food is delicious. I hope you didn't stress my little niece or nephew out too much making all this." Billy laughed lightly as he changed the subject. The atmosphere was becoming tense.
"Thanks Billy! But don't worry, Cimani did most of the prep work before she left. I just watched over everything." Audrey smiled as her hand rubbed her swollen stomach. She felt Charlie place his hand on her stomach too. She turned to him and placed a quick peck on his lips.
"Eeeeeewwwww!" Cimani and Lucky gagged. The two being dramatic as Lucky leaned on his sister for life support.
This caused everyone to laugh.......well except of Isabella of course. She has no sense of humor and sucks the life out of the undead. How? She'd find a way.
"Oh and Isabella, Jacob and Taegan fixed up that old truck I used to have. You can use it while you're here." Charlie relayed to the girl as he finally remembered what he had to tell her. For the first time, there was a spark of joy in her eyes. Yayyyy........
"Really? What's the catch?" She asked with a small laugh.
"There's no catch. I figured you'd need a way to get around as I'm usually at work and Audrey isn't allowed to drive." The father shrugged as he ate his home cooked meal. The flavors were melting on his tongue.
Granted, Audrey could feed him straight cow manure and he'd say the same thing.
"You're the best Char-Dad!" The girl smiled excitedly. There was nothing better than having a car as a teen. It was enough to almost make her see him as a father. Her mother wasn't even getting her a car till she graduated.
Charlie let out half a smile. He caught the slip up of course and he knew she was only happy about the car. But he still wanted to have a relationship with his first biological child. He could let it slide if it meant she talked to him.
"Theres only a few rules we care about. One, On school nights your curfew is 10, unless communicated. Two, No one is allowed over with permission first. And three, any raise on allowance must be earned." Charlie explained to the girl.
In his biased opinion, Cimani was a good kid. She was top of her grade, helpful and respectful. He trusted her more than anyone knew. Therefore they were very lenient when it came to her.
He didn't want there to be any conflict so he gave Isabella the same rules the elder girl had. If she was still the same keep to herself girl he knew her to be, there shouldn't be any problems.
The brunette nodded her head. Not finding any problems with the house rules set for her.
The lunch carried on. The girl stayed quiet as everyone talked to each other. Asking her a few questions here and there. Her eyes would wander to the little boy sitting next to Cimani. He didn't really talk to her when they met. She wouldn't be surprised if there was something wrong with him like he was also deaf or blind.
She believed his name was name was Lucy or something like that. They had introduced the little boy as her half-brother. Charlie's first biological son and child with his new wife.
Isabella found that hard to believe.
Knowing her, it was probably some random man's child and she married her dad to cover it up. It was another mental note she planned on talking to him about. The last thing she wanted was for the man to be stuck in a relationship with a gold digger and bastard children.
Such a good daughter.
"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to head to my room to put my stuff away." Isabella mumbled as she stood up from her seat. Going to grab her bags from the couch.
"Your door is the second one on the right." Audrey smiled sweetly to the girl.
I pulled this out my ass🧍🏽 I forgot what i was writing half way through and just improvised.
Also didn't want to do too much arguing on the first day. So far everyone just has a bad first impression of her but they don't dislike her (other than Jacob). The drama will gradually build up especially with the witches.
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