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If we're honest.....Isabella was more surprised by the appearance of her biological father than what he said.
Who could blame her when he looked so different. He seemed livelier than the last time she saw him. Meaning his face seemed younger in a way. He looked energized and relaxed. Not a wrinkle or frown line in sight.
His should be balding head was full of thick and healthy hair. There wasn't a single sign of graying either.
On top of the fact that he almost looked taller if that was possible. And his build was bulkier.
Charlie was always a well built man but his muscle gain was different. It was what gym bros hoped to accomplish but not that of a body builder.
His fashion sense was also different. His look looked clean and well put together. Instead of a some old sweats he wore a clean white tee shirt under a black leather jacket. He had on black pants to go with it. It was extremely simple but he looked great.
"This is Isabella?" The short beauty asked lightly. Her voice was calm and soothing. It was pleasant to the ears and made people want to hear it more.
Charlie pursed his lips lightly. The girls earlier comment rubbed him the wrong way but Cimani didn't seem upset. It's not like the girl could've known.
"Yes, this is." He sighed out. Shaking off his annoyance from earlier.
"I- uh....you know her?" Was all the brunette could stutter out. She was slightly dazed by the man's new appearance. He was better looking than her stepfather.
"Hi, I'm Cimani. I am deaf but considering you didn't know that, it's no hard feelings. But I snatched this container away from him because he was eating the desserts I made for you." Cimani smiled at the girl as she explained. Isabella could only stare dumbly at her words. Her brain was taking ages to process this information.
"Oh um, okay....thanks." She gave a strained smile in reply. She didn't feel the need to apologize for her comments as the girl had already forgiven her. Plus it's not like she really did anything wrong. She was just helping someone that turned out to be her biological father.
"Well anyways. Isabella this is Cimani, your stepsister." Charlie put his hand around the shorter girls shoulder. She snorted at the sudden weight he put on her
Once again Isabella was silent. Remembering the words of mother and how Charlie adopted a random child.
"Don't you think that's a little much Char- Dad? Suddenly taking in a little girl out of boredom." She whispered as if she didn't want the girl to hear her. Which she technically couldn't even if she screamed it.
"What?" Charlie asked confused.
"Excuse me. I'm actually older than you, plus he didn't suddenly take me in. He's married to my mom." Cimani cut in to the conversation with a tight smile. She's been deaf for years, it wasn't much to read lips.
Honestly, this girl was starting to annoy her. But she was going with the fact that they didn't start off on the right foot. It wasn't too late to get things together right?
"Married? When did you get married?" Isabella shifted her eyes to the older man. There was an attitude in her voice and it was very noticeable. Cimani only squinted her eyes as she pulled out her phone.
"Uh, four years ago now." Charlie asked confused. More so for the sudden attitude. Never for trying to remember how long he's been married the love of his life.
Isabella was completely at a loss. What did he mean by he's been married for four years?! Why was she just finding out? Did he even think about how she'd feel about this?
"I haven't even met her....." She mumbled as her face turned into a frown.
"I told you I was dating a few years ago and I've tried to introduce you to her. You just never responded. I even mailed out a wedding invitation to you and your mother." The older man told her blandly.
Obviously they most likely ignored the letter. He was hurt when his own daughter didn't show up for his wedding, but he quickly got over it. His new family and friends helped him get over the disappointment by making it one of the best nights he's ever had.
Isabella couldn't say anything. She truly just didn't know what to say. It was true he had sent her mail a few years ago but when she opened it and it didn't have money immediately come out, she simply tossed it out. She didn't even know what the card said.
'Can we go now? I'm starting to get cold.' Cimani singed to her father.
'Sure. Go start the car.' He signed back before tossing her the keys. A warm smile on his face seeing her eyes light up in excitement.
Isabella frowned at this interaction.
"What did she say?" The girl asked her father as she pushed her bags towards him. Silently telling him to carry them. Which he was planning on doing but whatever.
"Nothing really. She was just ready to go and I told her to start the car up." Charlie explained the unspoken conversation. Not catching the 17 year old roll her eyes in annoyance.
"Why didn't she just say that. It's kinda rude to speak another language when everyone else can't understand." She mumbled the second part under her breath. But Charlie could hear it loud as day.
"That's how she communicates. Sometimes she doesn't want to speak and that's fine. If you feel some type of way about it you can always learn too. It's not hard." The officer glanced at his daughter. Scrutinizing the way her eyes flashed with indignation. It's not as if anyone was going to force her to. If the brown girl was talking to her she would use her words, obviously.
And that's exactly the thoughts that ran through the pale girls head.
She didn't think it was fair that they were making her learn another language for some girl she just met. Why did she have to suffer for someone else's handicap? Not only that but she felt uncomfortable doing the motions. They looked like gang signs to her and she didn't want to be caught up in that type of crowd.
Actually Isabella felt bad for her dad.
He was so pitiful losing his wife and daughter just to remarry and end up with a messed up child. Not only that but it was the fact that he had to take care of someone else's child at that. She wouldn't be surprised if the original baby daddy walked out as to not be burdened.
She looked at Charlie with a look sympathy.
Maybe she should try bonding with him so he can know what it feels like to have a real daughter.
Charlie shuddered feeling her gaze on him. Something about it made his skin crawl. He unknowingly walked faster.
Isabella looked at the plastic container in her hands. They were filled with the homemade treats that Cimani spent all morning making. Granted they were just a portion but that was neither here nor there.
The skinny girl walked to the nearest trash can and dumped them out. Cramming the container in her book bag.
"Junk food." She grimaced as she followed the others out the door.
The car ride to the house was pretty much awkward silence.
Cimani had tried to ask Isabella what kind of music she listened to but the conversation was dry. Somewhere in the young Swans mind, she doubted the girl could differentiate music genres. Not understanding that music was more than just lyrics.
In the end the deaf beauty played a random playlist. Turing the sound up to a moderate level so she could feel the vibrations of the song.
When they pulled up to the much desired location, Isabella actually looked in awe.
The house she once knew looked nothing like her memories. If it wasn't for the familiar landmarks, she would've thought they moved.
She was absolutely surprised about how much livelier it seemed. And this was just the front yard.
She just hoped her room looked the same.
"Uncle Billy and Jacob are here!" Cimani jumped up excitedly seeing the familiar pickup truck. From the looks of it, they had just arrived.
Isabella's ears perked up at this.
She did remember the two. Billy was crippled and Jacob was head over heels in love with her. The pale girl found it to be hilarious at the time. In all honesty, she use to relish in the fact that he was so smitten with her. Going as far as to buy her things with his measly allowance.
The girl remembered how she'd sometimes dress up a little more just to get a desired reaction out of the young boy.
Looking down at herself, she adjusted her clothes. Fluffing out her hair to make it look more voluminous. Rolling up her top just a bit to expose a small bit of her stomach. Even adjusting her bra to make her girls look perkier.
It was an experiment.....to see if she still had it.
Charlie and Cimani saw the whole thing. They looked at each other in confusion. The girl was too busy applying chap stick to notice.
'What the fuck is she doing?' Cimani asked the man as they parked the truck. Seeing the teen make faces to herself and giggling.
'Language. And I don't fucking know. I figured it was just a girl thing.' He replied equally as lost.
'Never in your life have you seen me talk to myself like that....' She scoffed at him. He just shrugged and hopped out the car. Cimani waited patiently for him to come open her door as he always did.
Isabella scoffed.
"Can't open your own door? Your hands broke too or something?" She mumbled as she opened her door, preparing to get out.
"I can. He just prefers to act like a gentleman and do it for us when he's around." Cimani's voice rung in her ears. Startling her actually as she had no idea how she heard her. Her head was even down so she knew that she couldn't see her either.
Isabella squints her eyes at the girl. She felt that something was off with Cimani. Starting to believe that the girl was lying about being deaf for special treatment.
And she was going to prove it......
In all reality, Cimani really didn't hear her because she deadass can't. Like it's been medically proven multiple times.
She could just sense the faint trace of judgement and hostility. A little voice popped into her head telling her what the girl said.
The body of that voice was her but with little angel wings. For as long as she was unable to hear, the voice would pop up and tell her if something happened that she didn't see.
Like the eyes in the back of her head or her guardian angel.
Charlie had made his way around the truck and opened Cimani's door. Holding his hand out to help her down from the high lifted truck. She giggled as usual finding his actions amusing.
The father had turned to do the same for Isabella but she was already shimmying out the vehicle. He went over to help her as the struggle was pretty sad to watch.
"You should've waited, I was coming to help you." He chuckled placing her on the ground. His hand patting her head like how he used to do when she was a child.
"Stop that." Isabella swatted his hand away. Brushing her hands through her hair once more to straighten it out.
Was Charlie hurt? Just a little bit but he understood that she was older now and that she may not like that type of thing. He respected boundaries and what not.
"Charlie what is taking you so long? Hurry up and bring them over." Billy called out to him as he waited by his own truck with his son. The 15 year old boy bouncing with excitement.
Isabella smirked to herself seeing the boy so excited. After all this time he was still in love with her. How pathetic really. But she was willing to indulge his little fantasy until she found a boyfriend.
"I'm coming, I'm coming! Isabella, you remember Billy and Jacob right?" The DILF gestured to the two males.
"Yes I do. Hi Uncle Billy. Hi Jacob~" The pale girl greeted the two. Her voice became a little sultry as she spoke to the younger of the two. The two fathers being confused by the voice change.
It made them shudder.......
Except, Jacob paid little to no attention to the girl. He remembered her of course. But he also remembered how she pretty much use to toy with him. Knowing he had a crush on her and took advantage of it to make him do things.
He was just a dumb kid experiencing puppy love.
Jacob smiled widely, a smile Isabella thought was for her. She opened her arms for a hug. A gesture she didn't give him often. But that was quickly shut down when he ran past her.
"Cimani you're home!" The young teen hugged the young witch.
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