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"Look who finally decided to join us!" Charlie gave a sarcastic smile to the two that entered the dinning room. Signing the words as he spoke.
'Sorry Daddy, it took us longer to get dressed than I expected.' The girl giggled as she kissed the man's cheek. Hugging her mother and pinching her brother's cheek.
"My fault Daddy." Taegan attempted to also kiss the man's cheek. Just to be stopped with a wooden cross in his face.
"Back it up Dracula. And don't EVERRRRR call me that again.....it's not cute when you say it." The officer scoffed at his future son in law.
The others laughed while Taegan pouted. Giving the 'older' man puppy eyes.
"Daddy.....don't you love me anymore?" He whimpered as he tried to force a tear out his eye. Which was damn near impossible with the lack of liquid in his body.
Charlie shivered.
"No. Sit down." He shooed the kid away. Taegan just laughed and hugged Audrey before pulling a chair out for Cimani and pushing her in.
"Thank you." She smiled up at him. He kissed her cheek before sitting next to him.
"Don't you two look cute." Audrey smiled as she passed the girl some syrup for her pancakes.
Cimani was wearing a white, long sleeve turtle neck under a corset. She paired it with a dark wash, blue jean mini skirt. Everything accentuated her curves that she was blessed by her momma to have.
She had on a wig that she bleached and dyed herself. It was a chest length black wig with silver roots. She gave it a wolf cut because why not. She wore light makeup and a few gold jewelry to tie everything together.
Taegan was dressed simply in a white top and blue jean overalls. The overalls were baggy but you could still see his defined muscles underneath his shirt. He too wore simple gold jewelry and rectangle framed glasses.
His hair was in its natural curly state. It was covered by a crotched hat that Cimani made herself.
'Thank you Momma!' The beauty signed as her mouth was full of food.
"Sissy guess what?!" Lucky swallowed his juice so he can pronounce his words the best he could. Even if he didn't say anything correctly she seemed to know what he was trying to say. Same with his signing as bigger words were hard for him to do.
Lucky was always use to the fact his sister couldn't hear. He thought it was cool that she had her own secret language. They let him believe that for now because they thought it was cute.
"Yes?" She turned her attention to the boy. He was pretty much bursting in excitement.
"A delicious woman is coming!" The boy said excitedly. Cimani and Taegan snorted at his words.
The hell is a delicious woman?
"He meant delusional." Audrey cleared up the misunderstanding. Even then the two were still confused.
"You remember how I have an ex wife and a daughter that's a year younger than you?" Charlie explained to the girl. She nodded as she thought about the two women that abandoned her step father. She had wanted to meet them but they never responded to their calls. And when they did, it was like they weren't even listening.
"Well she's coming here on Sunday. Her mother and step father are going on vacation so she'll be here for a while." The man eyed her expression to see if she felt uncomfortable or anything.
"Oh, okay. I'll let the gang know so she'll at least know someone when she comes." The beauty smiled softly.
She had no feelings towards the girl. She thought it was messed up how that girl didn't even talk to her own dad that did nothing wrong, but that wasn't her responsibility. But it didn't mean she wasn't open to getting to know her step sister.
"You know what would be funny? If she turned out to be the mate Alice said was coming for Golden Boy." Taegan snickered as he dipped a sausage in his blood like it was ketchup.
He didn't have a need for food but it didn't mean he didn't still eat it. He was the only vampire that he knew that could still taste food and took full advantage of it.
Although his favorite food wasn't actually food. *Wink Wink*
"Oh? Edward is getting a mate?" Cimani asked softly as her hand traveled to his neck. Feeling the vibration of his laughter.
"Mmm apparently. I didn't pay much attention cause I really didn't care. If it's not my baby, it's not my business." He pecked her lips as she giggled.
"Ugh, I hope it's not her. I can't take another Cullen in this family, let alone Edward." The father groaned as he angrily stabbed his pancake.
Obviously no one was fond of the Edward teen. He seemed to radiate a high and mighty energy. Not only was he obsessed with the fact that he couldn't read their minds, he was fascinated with Cimani.
He tittered on a line of despising her for her handicap and being infatuated with her. It was hard to tell if he hated her or loved her. But it didn't help that she was taken by his adoptive brother.
"It probably isn't her anyways so there's no reason to worry." Audrey placed a hand on his. He instantly calmed down as his body turned to jelly.
"I want a mate!" Lucky said excitedly. All he knew about fated ones at the moment is that they were people who really loved each other. Prime example being the two pairs in front of him.
"When you're older squirt." Taegan pinched his nose.
"Cimani!" Two feminine voices rushed over to an expensive looking car.
Although she didn't hear them, she felt their presence drawing near. She looked over her shoulders to see her three human best friends running over.
Angela and Jessica devoured her in a hug while Tyler dapped up Taegan. Soon poking the girl in the forehead as a greeting. She just rolled her eyes at him.
"Wifey you look so delicious." Angela licked her lips as she emphasized the word delicious in ASL.
"Alright now Angela, don't get fucked up. You got a whole girlfriend right there." Taegan looked her up and down with his lip twisted up.
"Bye. You know we a throuple." The tall girl stuck her tongue out at the male. Her arms wrapped around the two shorter teens waist. Jessica and Cimani could only laugh at their usual bickering.
"You're done." The hidden vampire sneered. Picking his future wife up and holding her over his shoulder. She waved goodbye to her friends although they took classes together.
"Don't let your boyfriend stop you from finding your wife!" Angela yelled as she signed frantically. Teagan only walking away faster.
When Cimani started laughing he smacked her bottom. She snorted and smacked his too.
He moved her and held her up under her armpits.
"Jokes on you. I like that shit~" He playfully flicked his tongue at her. Wiggling his eyebrows pervertedly at the same time.
'Boy whatever. You cried for an hour when I joked about pegging you.' She rolled her eyes as her hands moved.
"No, no don't touch me there. This is my no-no square. This square I do not share." He nodded his head as he sung the song. Cimani snorted as he put her down.
She greeted the people that greeted her as she walked past. Some of their signing was slightly inaccurate but it was the thought that counted.
The couple was a beloved figure in the school.
Taegan was popular for his skills in sports while Cimani was like an angel. She was always helpful and kind to those who needed it. No one had ever really seen them upset as they were always joking around and smiling.
Well minus that one girl that tried to bully her for being deaf and hit on her boyfriend.
She doesn't go here anymore........
The little witch felt arms wrap around her body once more as she stood at her locker. She sensed the creature coming up along with a few others way before but she was busy getting her school books ready.
"Hi Rosey." She snickered as she wiggled and turned in the girls hold.
"The love of my life." The usually stoic vampire rubbed her cheek against the shorter girls head. Emmett begrudgingly signing what his wife said as Cimani couldn't see her face. Although she already knew as that was what Rosalie always called her.
"And here I thought I had to beat males off with a stick. Who knew my biggest opp was my sister." Teagan scoffed as he tried to pry the blonde of his girl.
Rosalie pouted when she was pulled away from the dark skin beauty. She leaned on her husband as a replacement.
Emmett wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or cry.
"Cimani what an interesting choice of outfit. Where'd you get it from?" Alice questioned the girl as she hugged Jaspers arm. A look of contempt flashed through her eyes.
She never bothered learning sign language to communicate with the girl. It's not as if anyone was forcing her. She just felt that if Cimani could read lips then that was good enough.
"When I went shopping with Rosey yesterday." The girl said softly as she looked at the vampire. A small smile on her lips as she spoke.
In all honesty, she disliked Alice, she just felt weird around her. She was well aware that the female vampire didn't like her being with Taegan.
She simply didn't care.
Alice was nothing but talk either way. She knew the repercussions for if she took it too far firsthand.
The seer frowned.
"Why wasn't I invited?" She scoffed at the fact that they'd hang out without her. Alice was a joy to be around and had amazing taste. So what if she used her gift to cheat games every once in a while.
"Because I wanted to spend time with my sister in peace. Not be used like a dress up Barbie." Rosalie rolled her eyes at the whining vampire.
"I am your sister! Plus I'm only trying to help.....clearly." She eyed the twos choice in attire.
"Mmmmm." Rosalie hummed with squinted eyes.
"It doesn't matter. Edward's new mate is coming soon and we're going to be best friends! I'm so excited to have such a beauty on my side." Alice started to ramble on and on about this mystery person. The man of the conversation was smiling softly as his adopted sister talked about his mate.
Although that smile slowly depleted as he saw that both Taegan and Cimani weren't paying attention. The mixed vampire was signing words to her. And she was giggling and playfully smacking his arm. He would then pepper her face in kisses.
It didn't help that Emmett and Rosalie were snapping pictures of the couple. Smiling fondly at the little scene.
An uncharacteristic emotion flooded his body.
As soon as he felt it he looked over to Jasper. The vampire was already looking at him. Making him question if it was the fighter that made him feel such things.
But it wasn't. Jasper just happened to feel it radiating and looked over.
"Jasper are you listening to me?!" Alice yanked the boys hair to get his attention. He blinked for a second, caught off guard by the sudden action. Edward walked away from the situation.
"I'm sorry. What did you say?" He absentmindedly apologized to the girl. She huffed and rolled her eyes.
"I want to get Edward's mate a welcome to town gift. Give me some money." She held her hand out to the male.
Cimani frowned at their interaction.
"What happened to your spending money? You just got it." The vampire frowned at his......girlfriend.
Alice let out a dramatic sigh.
"Isn't it your responsibility as a male to provide for me? Why are you pocket counting me?" She folded her arms at the male.
"I just- It's whatever. I'm not surprised you never really cared about me anyway. Some man you are, can't even do this simple favor for me. If it was anyone else you'd do it in a heartbeat." The pixie cut girl cut off her mate.
Jasper bit his lip.
"Here." He passed her one of his credit cards.
"You're the best Jasper!" She excitedly hugged him as her tune changed. Kissing him on the cheek before running off.
"Why did you let her do that?" Cimani's voice broke the silence. Jasper looked over at her with confusion.
"Do what?" He asked confused.
'Gaslight you.' She spoke with her hands.
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