Chapter 24
Nyra's POV
"Adnyra, please!" I heard Elena cry.
'5 more minutes!'
"Nyra! Nyra!"
'Dammit woman! Leave me alone! I'm sleeping!'
She continued to pester me.
'Stop shaking me, let me sleep, woman!'
Wait, why couldn't I say any of this out loud?
'What does a girl need to do around here to get some sleep?'
"What should I do?"
"Go get Jenna." I heard Damon's voice. Wait, Jenna? I wanted to open my eyes, but they wouldn't. What's happening to me, I should've been healed by now.
"If you come back as a vampire, I will stake you myself."
'Well...that's not nice.' I thought to myself in response.
"Because I can't stand the idea of you hating me forever."
Like I could hate him.
I felt his cool hand cup my face. "Is she ok?" I heard Jenna's voice.
"Is she awake?"
"Is she ok?"
I'm fine, just can't open my eyes or speak. I was alive. I was not a vampire. I could feel it. I was healing.
"I don't know yet." I heard Damon reply.
"Why won't she wake up?" Elena cried. "She should be awake by now!"
Look, I just had the majority of my blood drained from my body, so screw you, I want to sleep. "I don't know, Elena." I heard the annoyance in Damon's voice.
"Feed her your blood!"
"She's not taking it." Damn straight, that stuff is nasty.
Everything went quiet for a while and I started to feel much better. I could feel the wound close up in a few milliseconds.
"Your wound healed" I heard Damon mutter.
My strength started to return and I was finally strong enough to open my eyes.
"Damon?" I said groggily at the figure sitting next to me.
"Nyra? Oh god, here." He put his arm around my back and helped me to sit up.
"Is it over?" I fluttered my eyes a few times before I could properly open them. He didn't answer. "It has to be, I heard Elena and she's alive...wait, she's not a vampire, is she?"
"No, she's not."
"Thank god." I put a hand on my chest. "Did you get to her in time?"
"Then what?"
"Have some water."
"Ok..." I knew he was hiding something from me. I drank quite a few gulps, not realizing how thirsty I was until I took the first sip. I rested after Damon once I had taken as much as I wanted and pushed the water away. "So, tell me, what are you hiding?"
"Elijah screwed us over."
My eyes widened. "No...."
"Klaus promised he would reunite them with their family."
"Oh my god-" I covered my eyes with my head. "What a hot idiot." I groaned. The hot bit just slipped out, I didn't even mean for it to! The only thing that was getting me through that sacrifice was that Klaus would be dead soon and what I did would die with him, now he was still out there and could expose everything. "What does that mean for us?"
"I don't know," Damon muttered. "We're just hoping he doesn't come for you."
"So does it mean he isn't a hybrid? He didn't kill the 70%."
"No, the transformation happened."
"How much did I miss?" I murmured. "Alright, lay it on me."
"John's dead."
Although I was expecting worse news, I didn't think anything was going to cut me that deep. "W-what?"
"He sacrificed himself so that you two wouldn't become vampires."
I closed my eyes, "That stupid man. Stupid, stupid man." My mouth trembled as I tried not to cry in front of Damon. "He would hate us so much as vampires that he sacrificed himself just so he wouldn't be ashamed."
"Hey-" Damon cuddled me into him. "I don't think that's why he did it."
"Why did he do it then?" I sniffed.
"Because he wanted to give you a chance at a normal life, he loved you that much."
"Yeah well, that's a set of parents gone. I'm barely getting over the first one" I leaned forward and rested my head on my knees. "I can't believe this."
"There's something else..." Damon said slowly.
"What else could've happened?"
"Your dad called while you were unconscious..." He started but paused.
"Yeah," I said waiting for him to continue.
"It's your mom. She... she's dead. She committed suicide."
I paused for a moment before I full-on sobbed.
"What?! Oh my god! I can't... my mom!" I sobbed in the pillow I grabbed from the floor.
Damon pulled me against him and whispered a few consoling words, which worked immensely
"Your dad said that Derek bit her" Damon explained.
After I calmed down a bit, Damon spoke up.
"For a moment there, I thought you were gone," Damon said as he rested his chin on my head.
"Funny how things work," I muttered. "What are we going to do?"
"Nyra?" My head tilted up. "Oh thank god."
In poured Jenna, Elena, and Jeremy who hugged me. "We thought we lost you."
"Can't get rid of me that easily."
"I know," Jeremy said. "I've tried."
"Hey." I scowled.
"What? I never saw you as a cousin...more of a rival."
"It's true." Jenna nodded. "He tried to kill you on many occasions. He made several attempts on your life."
"Yeah, but then we came to an understanding and went for Elena instead," I told her.
She laughed before kissing the top of my head. "Don't scare us like that again."
"It wasn't my fault!" I protested.
"Just rest for now."
I nodded and took a nap in Damon's arms.
A couple of hours later
I sat on the edge of my bed thinking everything over.
Tonight was just so overwhelming it felt unreal and here we were, still alive. So much loss.
I heard a knock at the door, and I lifted my head to see Jenna. "Hey, can I come in?"
"Sure," I said and leaned back against my pillow.
"How are you feeling?"
"I feel fine." Lie.
"I see this experience hasn't changed you." She shook her head.
"I'm just glad it's over and we never have to see him again."
"Do you know what I don't understand?"
"What do you understand?"
"Why he left me go."
I looked at her, "I'm sorry?"
Not now, not now. I'm not back to my usual self, my lying skills won't be quite as up to scratch right now! I turned myself away from her so the lying wouldn't be evident.
"I don't understand why he used someone else for the vampire sacrifice."
"He had a back up so he didn't need you anymore."
"That's not it." She shook her head, automatically dismissing the idea. C'mon Jenna, you used to be gullible, why change now?
"What else could it be?" I put too much effort into making that sound normal, but maybe that's what made it look unbelievable.
"I think you know."
I shrugged, "I don't."
"Why did he let me go, Nyra?"
"I wouldn't know."
"What changed his mind?" She asked me. "He could have easily used me, why didn't he?"
"I don't know." I lied. "I guess he just wanted to scare us."
"What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything."
"You must have some idea what changed his mind." I walked over to the door and shut it, not needing Elena and Jeremy to get suspicious.
"I don't."
"I heard you, I heard you say we made a deal to Klaus." Now she decides to listen to what I say. Alright, c'mon Nyra, need a brilliant lie here, it's your moment to shine in the lie history book.
"I just said, I wouldn't run away if he saved you, that's all."
"I know you, I know when you're lying."
"I don't want to talk about it, Jenna, I'm kind of tired and just want to sleep."
"What did you do?" I kept my mouth closed. Don't make me ask you again, Nyra."
"I didn't do anything! Can we just drop it?"
"Stop lying!"
"What's the point? What good can it do? What good could it possibly d-"
"I need to know." She snapped.
"I can't." I shook my head. "I can't. Jenna, please."
"Just tell me, Nyra!"
"I can't!"
"Why? Why can't you?" She demanded.
"He just took advantage, that's all." I pushed past her over to the window. "That's it."
"He took advantage?"
I didn't look at her, "Yeah." I didn't want anyone to know. "Jenna, I don't think about it-"
"Wait, wait." She cut me off sharply. "What do you mean, he took advantage?"
My eyes felt soar as they started to water and I wiped them with the back of my sleeve, "You know...." I stopped and turned to her, shrugging my shoulders, "I don't know, Jenna, I just can't tell you"
"Adnyra." She paused and her mouth trembled, "Did he force you?" I didn't reply, she stepped closer, "Did he force you?" She repeated.
"No, nothing like your implying. Not exactly," I said weakly.
A tear escaped her and she turned away, "What does that mean, Nyra? What does that even mean?" When I didn't reply, she pulled me to her, "Listen to me, Nyra, you can tell me, just tell me what you did." I closed my eyes and shook my head, "You can tell me, please, I need to know."
"It's done, I just want to forget it."
"What did you do?!" She yelled at me.
"I made a deal with him!" I hissed at her, she fell back onto my bed as I did, "I gave up on fighting him and I'm at his beck and call so he wouldn't kill you." She stayed quiet for a while, she was shaking and she was upset. I sat down on the other side of the bed and waited. "It all got out of hand."
Her mouth fell open and a tear escaped her eye. Her legs buckled in and she sat down on my bed. She stared into space for a moment in silence, without looking at me, she then said, "You should have let him kill me."
"I was scared of him, I was scared for you. I couldn't let you die, not if I could have stopped it."
"I would have rather died, than let you sell your would to the devil" She stood up again. "We need to tell Stefan."
"We can't just let him get away with this. You can follow through, Nyra," Jenna told me and walked towards the door.
I ran past her and blocked her exit. "You can't! You can't tell anyone!"
"This is too big for you to just keep quiet." She shook her head.
"I don't want anyone to know, I didn't even want you to know and I especially can't let Damon find out." I pleaded, "It's not like they can do anything now, with Klaus being a hybrid, he can't be killed."
"What if he takes you away forever, Nyra?"
"He won't, I'll make sure of it"
"I can't, Nyra-"
"This is my problem!" I yelled.
"No, this is our problem."
"It happened to me! Do not interfere!"
"Do you think they would honestly judge you?" She asked me.
"He gave me a choice." I said sternly, "They won't understand, Damon would barely be able to look at me."
She put her arms around me.
"I won't tell, I won't tell."
"Promise me."
"I promise not to tell unless things get out of hand with Klaus."
I nodded before sighing internally.
'I hated lying but what is a girl to do in a situation like this? I don't even know what he means by having me at his beck and call. What am I gonna be, a slave? This is the worst day EVER.'
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