Chapter 2
Nyra's POV_____________
AS CLASS ENDED Allison and I went to our lockers. Luckily they were right next to each other. Ally cat didn't want to share her locker combination with me earlier, so I discreetly looked over her shoulder so that I could get it.
'She thought she was going to be free from my pranks. No ma'am. No one is safe, not even my sister.' I cackle to myself.
Something then caught my attention from the corner of my eye. It was the guy who let me borrow his pen.
I'm going to call him 'pen boy' until I figure out his real name.
He was looking at me too.
I just smiled back at him, before grabbing my backpack and shutting my locker.
As I turned to leave with Allison, a girl with strawberry blonde hair came up to us with a guy trailing behind her.
The guy was the douche who hit 'pen boy'.
"your shoes and your jacket are absolutely killer where did you get them?" Asked the redhead
"Our Mom was a buyer at a boutique in San Francisco" I responded coolly.
She just smiled back.
"Both of you are my new best friends"
Allison and I looked at each other and reflected her smile.
I felt slightly more confident, knowing that we at least were starting to make a friend today.
The Douche then grabbed her and started to make out with her. I scrunched my face in disgust.
'Teenagers' I internally scoffed.
Great, Allison and I are going to be 4th wheeling.
I turned to look at 'pen boy' and saw him with a boy with a buzz cut that goes to my first period.
They were talking to another girl and we're glancing out way too many times to count.
One look at her face and I could tell that she's envious of the attention my sister and I were getting as the new kids. She better not try to start anything with me or Allison. You can say I'm a very defensive person.
After our 'New best friend' and Jackson were done making out, they turned to us.
"So this weekend there's a party..." Lydia started but was cut off by Jackson.
"Yeah, Friday night. You should both come" He gave us a slight smirk. He said it with a fake tone. Ew.
I'm not really in the mood to party, and I guess by the look on Allison's face she isn't either
"uh, we cant. Its family night this Friday, thanks for asking," I retort with a slightly apologetic tone.
I mean who wants to go to a party with people you don't know. Based on their performance earlier, the only people we'll know will probably be making out the whole time.
"you both sure? Everyone is going after the scrimmage"Jackson looked at me with a dark glint in his eyes. Which seemed almost flirty, Eww.
His girlfriend is literally right in front of him.
"you mean like football?" Allison intervenes.
Jackson shot her a look, like if she was stupid. This guy is seriously getting on my nerves.
"Football is a joke in Beacon, and the sport here is lacrosse, we've won state champion for the past 3 years" He says in a arrogant tone. Lydia moves some hair away from his face, as he was talking.
"Because of a certain team captain" She grins.
"well, we have practice in a few minutes that is if you don't have anywhere else to go...."
Allison then cut him off.
"well we're going to um..." She started but before she could finish, Lydia grabbed our arms.
"Perfect you're both coming"
While the girls and I were sitting down on the bleachers, the guy who sits behind me in first period, looks towards me. We make eye contact and I smile.
He's kinda cute.
And that's a rare thing for me to say. Most boys don't catch my attention.
Coach Finstock goes towards him and throws a lacrosse helmet and stick. "McCall you're in goal"
'Pen-boy' gives him a disbelieving look.
"But I've never played before'
"I know" Coach deadpans.
"Scoring some shots will give the boys a confidence boost, it's a first thing back thing " He gives him a light pat on the shoulder
"Get them energized, fire it up"
'Pen-boy's' mouth fell open in shock. "What about me?"
"Try not to get any in the face" Coach lightly slapped him. I found this so amusing.
When he turned away he started screaming at the guys "LET'S GO COME ON"
At least I know his last name, but I'm really curious about what his first name is so like any desperate teenage girl would do, while amid Lydia the most popular girl in school, I ask her.
"Who is that?" I nod my head over to the brown eyed boy that caught my attention.
"Him?" She asked slightly pausing
"I'm not sure who he is, why?"
I look over at him and see him look towards our direction, like if he is listening to our conversation.
Not wanting her to know that I think he's cute I just told her the partial truth.
"He's in my English class and he sort of let me borrow his pen"
The referee blows the whistle and I notice 'pen-boy' covering his ears as his life depended on it.
While he was distracted, the first guy in line threw the ball at him hitting him in the face, which caused him to fall on his back.
Everyone but us starts laughing.
I can slightly hear Jackson say to pen-boy what seems to be "Way to catch with your face McCall"
'Pen boy' gets up determined and looking ready for the next guy.
When the next player threw the ball, it went straight towards his net. It surprisingly didn't fall, which meant he catches it successfully.
Everyone looks at him in shock. Even he looked very surprised.
I heard his best friend with the buzz cut yelling out a few "yeah's".
He then caught the 2 shots that followed.
"He looks pretty good" Allison comments out of nowhere. Oops, forgot she existed for a sec.
Lydia just nods with a face I could not describe. "yeah very good"
I notice Jackson push everyone back in the line. The atmosphere suddenly got very tense when Jackson ran towards the goal.
When he launched the ball I held in my breath. According to Lydia, he is super good and is team captain. But to everyone's surprise 'Pen boy' caught it.
'buzz cut' then jumped up and started yelling out "That's my friend".
Lydia all of the sudden gets up cheering, while looking at Jackson with a smirk.
I look at 'Pen-boy' when he flings the ball over his head and it lands in the referee's stick.
After school, I was driving home alone since Allison and I came in different cars.
It was currently pouring outside. I turned the corner and looked down to plug in my phone for one second before I felt my car hit something followed by some whimpers.
I immediately stopped and got out.
I look and see a white dog.
I quickly put her in the back and drove to the vet's office.
Exactly where I remembered it was.
I get down, run to the door, and start knocking loudly while disregarding the sign that says closed.
I see 'pen boy' come towards the door to open it.
At this point, I was having a hyperventilating attack or something. My tears couldn't stop flowing at the thought of an injured dog. I think I'm about to get my period or sum.
"I didn't see it, I took my eyes off the road for like 2 seconds to plug in my phone— the dog— it just came out of nowhere..."
He cuts me off.
"It's alright, it's alright, it's alright.... do you remember where it happened so I can send animal control to find it?"
"NO, I mean YES, I know the exact curb where I hit it but the dog is..." I ran my hands through my hair.
"where is it?"
I grab his hand and lead him to the back of my car.
As I open the trunk, the dog starts barking aggressively. I take a step back, and he wraps his arm around me which is almost comforting.
"It's okay, she's just frightened"
I just look at him.
"That makes two of us"
He lightly pushes me back.
"Let's see if I have better luck"
He puts his hand in front of the dog and stares at her. She then starts whimpering and putting her head down.
He soon carries her inside as I open all the doors. He puts her down on the table and analyzes her.
"I think her leg is broken, I've seen the doctor do plenty of splints, I can do it myself and give her a painkiller for now," he says while petting her.
It was then that he finally noticed my shivering frame. "I have an extra shirt in my bag"
"I don't want to trouble you," I say feeling bad. after all, it's my fault I'm soaked. I also caught him at what seemed to be closing time.
He still goes to his bag and hands me a shirt while saying a small "here".
I smile at him as a thanks and grab his shirt while heading to a room.
I wasted no time and slipped it on. I was a little uncomfortable since I had no bra on but it's whatever at this point.
I leave the room and see that he's almost finished wrapping her leg up. I should probably introduce myself.
"We never shared our names. I'm Nyra" I timidly say as he smiles at me.
"Nice to meet you, Nyra. I'm Scott"
"Nice to meet you too," I say playfully. I then look towards the dog with slight guilt.
"Thanks for doing this," I tell him with a small guilty smile.
"I feel really dumb," I tell him, my smile growing.
"how come?" I see him grinning big.
"I usually have a cool level-headed mindset but— I don't know, maybe 'cause I freaked out like a total girl" I look down smiling and feeling embarrassed as he chuckled.
"you are a girl"
"But i'm not a girly girl. I never put myself in the position of a damsel in distress"
"Hey, I would be freaked out too, in fact, I'd probably cry, and not like a man either, like the biggest girly girl ever"
This time I laugh.
He's very cute, and his presence is almost very magnetizing.
"Yeah right" I shot back teasingly.
Complete silence then overtakes us. A silence that wasn't awkward, and was surprisingly comfortable.
"So, I'd say she'll live. I think she would let you pet her now if you want" He speaks up.
"I don't think so" I shake my head, not wanting to take that chance.
"Oh come on, you don't want her to sue.......please" He lightly jokes.
I grin before doing what he suggests and slowly approach her.
I put my hand hesitantly on her coat of fur and pet her.
"See, she likes you" He softly says, making my smile grow slightly bigger.
I could feel Scott looking at me more intensely. "what?" I look at him.
he apologetically shakes his head.
"Sorry, um, you have an eyelash on your cheek," he says softly.
I put my hand over to my face and try to wipe it while tucking my hair behind my ear.
I look back at the dog and feel his hand swipe my cheek slowly.
I look at him for what seems like forever and smile.
I felt something for the first time. The enticement of liking someone.
"Thanks," I say feeling my heart flutter.
We soon wrap everything up and he walks me to my car.
I open my front car door, but his hands stop me. I look at him questioningly.
"I was wondering, is it really family night on Friday? Or do you think you would like to go to that party with me?"
"It was a total lie" I smile while tucking my hair behind my ear.
"So is that a yes, you'll go?" His eyes shined brightly.
My eyes then match his.
"Yes, I'll definitely go with you" I blush a bit and slowly start to get in my car to back away from the parking lot.
I then make my way home and stop at a secluded part of the road, squealing in disbelief.
I can't believe a sweet and cute guy asked ME to go to a party.
(ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ for the final time on 9/10/2024)
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