Chapter 18
Nyra's POV
Literally screwed.
My dramatic attempt of an exit failed and I had no other plan.
Normally, that doesn't fail me.
It was like Klaus could feel my stress on this as he cruelly smiled in my direction. I never could imagine Alaric doing a mean face, until now!
"Believe it or not, they do have a place in our history." Klaus spoke whilst Jenna looked on his confusion. She looked at me and I just did a gesture that he was crazy. "And as a history teacher, I find them fascinating."
"Why are we talking about this?" Jenna scoffed.
Room for another attempt of a dramatic exit! "Yeah, I know! How dare he! What a waste of time! I am disgusted! Repulsed! Dismayed! We should seriously leave before I just....lose it!" I tried to charge out the door, but Klaus stepped in my way. I put my hands up in defeat and slowly backed away from the original.
"Can you explain why Nyra is suddenly afraid of you?" Jenna asked, picking up on what just happened.
"What? Me? Afraid of Alaric?" I scoffed, he stepped towards me and I jumped back. "Ok, maybe a little!" I pulled Jenna back with me.
"You've been angry with me for keeping secrets and this is one of my secrets." He told Jenna. "I'm obsessed with vampires." My face grimaced, what was he doing?
"Are you joking?" She then looked at me.
"Not at all." He replied.
"We need to leave!" I pleaded with Jenna.
"Why?" She asked me, still looking confused as ever.
"Because what?"
"Me and Alaric.....we're fighting."
"Yeah. Fighting. Big time....."
I need to have better prepared lies..
"Fighting? About what?"
"He.....he called me....hideous! Like a fish!"
"Why would you do that?" Jenna asked him, with an annoyed look on her face.
"There is no reasonable explanation! His nasty label was unforgivable! Hence why we are leaving!" I tried to pull her along with me.
"How about you, Adnyra? Are you a fan of vampires?" Klaus asked, leaving on the counter casually.
"No." I shifted my eyes.
Why doesn't he just come out and say it? Vampires and werewolves are real! Instead of screwing with us.
"Aw, that's a lie." He stepped towards me again. "A little bird tells me you are quite taken with one."
"Twilight." I lied, I don't really like twilight! "That Robert Pattinson, give him to me."
I could of gagged.
"Your team jacob." Jenna pointed out. "And you hate Robert Patterson...."
"No, love it!"
"But nothing. Despite the fact I said he looks like a hobo....I now find that very....attractive." I said through clenched teeth.
My lies were piling up. My terrible, terrible lies.
"And how do you explain calling him a 108 year old virgin?"
"I....admire that." I said as I grinded my teeth. "Saving himself for the right person. Waiting for marriage, good man."
"You said he was only marrying her so he could get laid...."
Both Klaus and Stefan looked very confused. "Are we really discussing this now?" I asked her.
"Actually, I think this is the weirdest thing I've heard all day." She replied.
"Oh what? How can I beat out Alaric being obsessed with vampires?"
"How about you Stefan? Fan of vampires?" Klaus finally took the heat off me.
"In literature." He replied smoothly, see, why couldn't I think of that? "Bram Stoker? It's dense, but I appreciate it."
"I'm not a fan of vampires." I spoke, "I find some of them really irritating."
"Is that so?"
"It is." Oh yeah, now it was my turn at being smooth.
"Hmm, well did you know that vampires are the oldest creatures of the night?" He placed his eyes back on Jenna, "Except for werewolves, of course."
"Werewolves?" Jenna repeated. She turned away and shook her head, "Now I know you're joking."
"He also said I was as hairy as one." I lied. "I can't bare to look at him now, lets leave!"
"You know, I've read that there's an Aztec curse on both species. It keeps werewolves slaves to the moon and vampires bound by the sun. Isn't that right, Nyra?"
"Like I know." I rolled my eyes. "You're the vampire freak."
"They say that creatures would do anything to have this curse broken." I didn't realise he had walked behind me so when I felt his chest touch my back, I jumped. "And that they wouldn't care who they had to kill to do it." His fingers went through my hair. Don't freak out, don't freak out.
"What are you doing?" Jenna snapped and tugged on my hand to pull me away from him.
"I love you." I put my arms around her.
I tried hard not to reveal my strength to Klaus. I mean if I didn't feign my fear then he would find that really suspicious.
"I know this all sounds so crazy, but vampires are real." He crossed his arms and leaned back on the counter. "In fact, you're niece is in love with one, oh sorry, let me correct myself, both you're nieces are in love with one."
"Excuse me" I shot back surprised.
Her head shot towards me, "Would you care for some more wine?"
"Get out." She said sharply.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard the lady!" I stood up. "She said get out!"
"I don't know what you're trying to do or why you're saying these things, but-"
"I said, get out!" She snapped.
"Yeah and take your vampire crap with you."
He couldn't kill me, not yet anyway.
"I'm afraid I don't want to."
"I'm afraid I don't care." I answered back. "The door is that way." I put one hand on my hip and the other pointing to the door. He didn't move, despite my clear instructions of how to leave the premises.
"Fine. I'll go." She hissed and got up to leave.
"You're not going anywhere." He pulled out a knife which stopped Jenna straight in her tracks. I quickly jumped in front of her.
"Nyra, no!" She said sternly and tried to move me out of the way. He has a weird fascination with me, he wouldn't kill me. Stefan grabbed Klaus and threw him against the wall, revealing his speed to Jenna. "Stefan-"
"Um....tada?" I said to Jenna, how the hell would I explain this?
"Jenna, get out of here now." Stefan said sternly.
"You can't kill me, Stefan." Klaus uttered.
"Watch me." He spat as he pressed the knife against his throat.
"Jenna, we have to go!" I quickly pulled on her arm.
"But, you-"
I jumped too at Stefan's sudden out burst, but I grabbed Jenna's arm and dragged her out of the house. "Nyra, what is going on? What did I just see?"
"I will explain everything to you, I swear." I told her, "Just let's go to the boarding house first."
I was going through all the ideas in my head on what to tell her, but I had no idea how to begin to explain this to her.
I was trying to figure out somehow how I should explain this without Elena.
I could see her shaking in the passenger's seat, tears filling up in her eyes and I felt this strong sense of dread. I didn't want her to have to see this and I couldn't imagine what was going on in her head. I can still remember how terrified I was when I first found out about vampires and werewolves, but I had it easy, she has to deal with the idea of Klaus, the person that despite everything I know, terrifies me.
We didn't speak during the car journey. I kept preparing what I was going to say, but none of it made it seem like everything was going to be ok. Nothing I could say would make her feel any better about the situation. I couldn't stand seeing my sort of aunt this way, I had never seen her cry before and I hated it. It's like the feeling when you see your parents cry for the first, the fact is you're not suppose to see them cry because they all act so strong.
We arrived at the boarding house and were greeted by Damon and Andie as we walked in. "Is everything ok?" He asked me as he noticed Jenna.
"Wait for me upstairs?" I ask her, she nodded and without saying a word, scuttled up the stairs.
"What the hell happened?" Damon asked me.
"Klaus got to her. She knows about vampires and I don't know what to tell her." I turned away from him and leaned against the wall.
I wasn't equipped for this. I had no idea what I was doing.
"Hey," Damon pulled me into his arms. "It's ok, I can make her forget, I can make her forget."
"She's on vervain, we can't." I muttered into his chest, "It's about time we told her anyway, I just don't know what to say."
"I can talk to her."
"And say what?" I scoffed. "Hi, I'm Damon and I'm a vampire. It's better if I do it." I pulled out of his arms. "Can you call Elena?" He nodded and I made my way up the stairs. When I entered the room, Jenna was sitting on the edge of the seat, crying to herself. "Jenna." I whispered, but she shook her head.
"No." She said softly, "No. Tell me, it's not true."
" see-"
"Oh god." She cried to herself. "When I was little, my sister used to tell me bedtime stories. Stories about vampires. I never thought that what she said could be true."
"...I'm sorry." I really wasn't good at handling these situations.
My way, I normally like to make light of the situation, crack a few jokes, but there wasn't anything about this situation that was funny.
I sat down next to her, "I'll tell you everything."
"How long have you known?"
"Who else knows?" I kept quiet. "Jeremy?" I nodded and she squeezed her eyes shut, "John?"
"He probably knew even before I did." I put my hands up. "We didn't want to finding out, we didn't want you to have to deal with it." I told her.
"Is Damon a-"
"And Elena is in love with-"
"He's good, Jenna."
"And he's been in my house!" She cried, burying her head in her hands.
"Hey, now..." I patted her back. "This isn't the real issue here."
"How did I not know?"
"If you haven't notice, Damon is pretty sneaky." I told her. I heard a tap at the door. "STOP EARVES DROPPING!" I yelled. "Him and Stefan, they are both good, they don't feed on human blood." I half lied. "They drink from animals and they have never done anything to hurt me or Elena, you have to believe me on that."
"And Ric?"
"What you saw back there, it wasn't Ric."
"Then who was it?"
"His name is Klaus."
"He's a vampire too?"
"Yes, but not a good one. He has taken over Ric's body."
"What the hell?" She moaned, pulling her hair back. "What next? Bonnie's a wizard?" She scoffed.
"Err close." Her eyes widened at me. "Witch."
"You have got to be kidding me."
"Wish I was." I told her.
"Anyone else?"
"Tyler's a werewolf...." Her jaw dropped slightly. "Caroline's a vampire..." Her jaw dropped more. "Me and Elena are doppelgangers....and Matt's a demon."
"A demon!"
"Ok that one was an attempt of a joke, but the rest is true."
"So Matt's-"
"Matt's nothing."
"Does he know?"
"He did....but then asked to be compelled to forget. Oh I almost forgot. I'm also half werewolf"
"Yeah, I also have been raised to be a werewolf hunter. My family has a lineage of werewolf hunters that last centuries, so..."
"That's Ironic"
"I know right?"
"Right." She closed her eyes trying to take this all in. "Did Ric know? About vampires?"
"Yes." I nodded. "He thought his wife was killed by one so he tried to find the one who had done it. Damon."
"But you said-"
"He didn't kill her." I cut her off. "She wanted to be turned into a vampire and so she asked him to do it. She really is dead now. I promise you that." Her eyes were starting to look puffy, nothing I was saying could take that pain away and I didn't want her to hate me. She was my best friend. "Ric wanted to tell you, we all did, but there is just so much more of it that we didn't know how's all Elena's fault."
Thought I'd slip that in somewhere.
I started to explain about the curse, about me and Elena being the doppelgangers, the sacrifice, Elijah, everything, although I let the bit out about my raunchy daydreams about him...I MEAN my sensible non graphic dreams!
She sat back and let me speak and by the end of it she looked totally distraught. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you. We just wanted to protect you."
"Protect me?" She repeated, "No, Adnyra, I am the one who is supposed to be protecting, Elena, Jeremy and now you. Your basically my niece."
"There's nothing you could have done." I told her. "I didn't want to put this on you because it is so much and sometimes I can't even deal with it."
"No, this is like-" She stopped and took a deep breath, " I don't know how-"
"It's ok." I hugged her, my lips squeezing tightly together as I started to cry too.
"I'm scared." She whispered against me.
"Don't be. I'm not going to let him hurt you. I promise you that, I'll do whatever it takes." I held her tightly against me. She continued to cry and so did I. How could I make her stop when I couldn't even stop myself.
"Nyra..." She sniffed.
"You don't really love Robert Pattison, do you?"
I chuckled to myself, "Of course not. He is a bad influence on kids."
"How did you work that out?"
"He is making kids think its ok not to wash!"
At least I could still make her laugh at this point. That was a good sign. I think if I didn't have my sense of humour, I wouldn't have lasted this few months. After ten minutes, I laid her down to get some sleep before I left the room.
"Is she alright?" Elena charged towards me.
"She's asleep." I replied. "I tried to tell her as much as I could."
"I have to get back to Elijah."
"What?" I scoffed. "Elena! We have Jenna to deal with."
"This involves Jenna!" She stressed. "We need to protect everyone. I think you should come with me. Elijah thinks its best if we're both there."
Elijah wants me?
First part of my day dreams has started to play out.... Hmmm..
I guess I did want to hear what Elijah had to say....not just to glance at his muscular frame, no not at all. It was all for the family.
I needed to hear how he was going to protect Jenna, I needed it to be confirmed that she would be safe. I also needed to confront him about the strange vision I had the night of the decade dance. "Fine. I'm coming with you."
"You will?"
"I want answers to and I need to be sure that Jenna will be safe, that he will protect her." I answered and followed her.
"Where do you think you're going?" Damon asked, coming into the room.
"I'm going with Elena to see Elijah." I told him and as I finished, he sped up the block my path. He wouldn't move even when I tried to side step him.
"I don't think so."
"I do." I told him. "I know I said I didn't want to before, but I think it's a good idea."
"Well it's not. You're not going."
"Who are you to tell me that?" I scoffed. "Get out of my way."
"No." He said sternly.
"I'm going with her." I tried to move past him again, but he seized me by my arm.
"You're not going anywhere."
"Yes, I am." I snapped, pushing him but he doesn't move.
"If you so much as try and take a step out of this house-"
"Damon, easy." Andie warned him.
"Stay out of this, Andie." He snapped at her, but his eyes were firmly on me.
"Let me go. I'm not asking for you're permission." I tried to stay calm, but I was going to lose my temper with him.
"Let her go, Damon." Stefan said from behind me.
"No chance." He replied and Stefan's hand went to pull Damon's off me.
"You heard me. I said let her go."
"That's twice today you've tried to stand in my way with Nyra. I wouldn't try a third." His voice was dangerously low. "She's not leaving this house. You can make all the decisions you want with Elena, but I make them with Nyra."
What the hell? Who's he to control me?!
"I can take care of myself... dick" I mumbled. Damon and Stefan didn't seem to hear me.
"I can just go." Elena told me.
I went to argue, but I knew Damon wouldn't let me go and I nodded at her. When she left, I turned to Damon and angrily snatched my wrist away from him. "You are such an ass." I hissed and stormed off.
"You can hate me all you want Nyra, if it means you're safe." He said as he followed me.
"Leave me alone." He sped in front of me. "Why don't you focus on protecting Andie and let me take care of myself."
"You wouldn't be here right now if I wasn't looking out for you."
"Stefan let Elena go."
"Well I'm not Stefan." He hissed. "This is my way and if you don't like it, too bad." I glared after him.
"I even prefer Robert Patterson right now!" I yelled after him.
I stormed off to a different direction. I paused and used my advanced hearing to hear if he was gone yet.
I didn't hear him anymore, so I sped off to the Lockwood mansion.
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