Chapter 16
Nyra's POV
IT WAS LUNCH TIME, so I grabbed the plate with the biggest slice of pizza and headed towards the Elena was at with Bonnie.
"Hey guys" I say, sitting down next to Elena.
A few seconds after I finished my pizza, Dana approaches giddily.
"Hey, Elena, Nyra, there you are. Ok. This is going to sound freaky but this totally hot guy asked me to ask both of you if ya'll were going to the dance tonight," Dana says, looking between me and Elena.
"Tell him that Elena has a boyfriend and that Nyra is free" Bonnie says, winking at me.
"You could at least meet him. He'll be at the dance tonight. Look for him. His name is Klaus,"
"I'm sorry can you repeat that," I ask in disbelief.
Did this bitch just say Klaus?
"His name's Klaus. I know the names stupid but I swear he's hot. He seemed more interested in Nyra," She repeats in excitement.
"Where is he? Is he here?" Bonnie questions, looking around.
"I don't know" Dana answers, confused.
"She's been compelled" Bonnie states.
"But he wants to know If Nyra will save him the last dance. How cute is that?" Dana exclaims.
Dana leaves and we all look at each other worriedly.
"I'm suddenly not that hungry" I say, before getting up.
After school we were all summoned so I ran to the boarding house and walked in on Damon talking with the others.
"So we go to the dance. We find him" Damon says.
"Really? How are you going to do that? We don't even know how he looks like," Stefan says incredulously.
"Something tells me he's not going to be 16 and pimply," Damon says annoyed.
"He could be anywhere and anytime. He compelled somebody at school. I guess it's not safe as you guys thought, huh?" Stefan says, before a knock echoes and Alaric walks in.
"There you are," Damon exclaims.
"Sorry I'm late" Alaric responds.
"hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move." Damon says to Alaric.
"Ok, so we find him and then what, hmm? What's our plan of attack?" Elena interrupts.
"I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him" Bonnie answers.
"That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around," Alaric pipes in.
I look at his a little suspiciously.
His aura has been bothering me all day.
It feels like its struggling between two different types.
"Alaric has a point. I mean, what if he--" Damon starts before speeding towards Bonnie, who threw him across the room.
"Wow" I whistle lowly.
"Well, I was impressed" Stefan states.
"Do it again" I say, receiving a glare from Damon.
"It doesn't matter if he's an original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him, I know I can," Bonnie says, confidently.
I look at everyone and notice that Alaric looks worried.
"Well, I got a dance to get ready for" I blurt out before walking out the front door.
I sat in the driver seat in my car when I noticed an outfit on the passenger seat.
I look at it confused before lifting it up and taking a close look at it.
It's an outfit that's from the 1960s, and I actually kind of like it.
I look out the window to at least see if anyone is around but I don't.
I bring it up to my nose in sniff it to find a scent.
Alaric's scent flutters in my nose as I feel my eyes burning.
I sigh before driving to the gilbert residence.
Elena mentioned earlier that she was going to get ready at the Salvatore boarding house, so I left without her.
Once I arrived, I took a shower and did my makeup.
I put on the white boots I found in my car and stood in front of my body mirror.
"Wow. You look really nice," Jeremy smiles, leaning against the door way.
"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself," I tease.
I then walk over to my closet and pull out a matching headband.
"For a second there, I thought you were going to pull out an afro," Jeremy jokes.
I hit his shoulder before laughing.
"Get out you weirdo. Bonnie is waiting for you outside. Don't forget to have some fun," I wink.
I arrived at the school and observed all the hippy decorations that were displayed.
I look around and a hand grabs my shoulder.
I quickly reacted and grabbed it but their grip stopped me.
"Whoa, slow down there she-hulk. It's just your date," Damon smirks.
I roll my eyes but smile at him amused.
"What? You both shape shift," Damon says before holding out his arm.
"Shall we?"
"We shall" I respond teasingly.
We walk in and everyone is cheering and clapping.
"Thanks for being here, everybody" Dana says, slapping lightly.
"We have a special shout out tonight. This is for Nyra and Elena. From Klaus," Dana shout, causing everyone to cheer.
Elena and I look around confusingly.
"That was a lame, cheap shot. He's just trying to bait us," Damon says unimpressed.
"I know everyone here," Elena replies.
"Maybe he's not here. Just wants us to believe he is," Stefan contradicts.
"It's a party, people. Blend. Let him come to us,"
"Good Idea," Bonnie agrees pulling a reluctant Jeremy.
"There's Ric. We'll be back," Damon says, pulling my hand.
I follow and notice Alaric looking at Elena and Stefan with a smirk.
"This guy's a little twisted," Alaric says, causing a suspicious feeling to crawl up my chest.
"Eh, I'm really not that impressed," I start.
"Yeah, me neither" Damon agrees.
"No?" Ric questions.
"I mean, obviously he didn't do anything out of whack," Damon adds in.
"Oh" Alaric says looking away.
I studied his reaction and realized that he looked kind of offended.
"Let's dance" Damon says, pulling me towards the middle of the dance floor.
I giggle as he twirls me around.
"So how are you doing with this whole obsession that Klaus has for you?" Damon asks.
I smile at his joking tone.
"I'm not that worried. You?" I say, playfully.
"Oh. I'm cool as a cucumber" Damon responds doing a little dance.
"As long as he keeps his hands off my girls," He says, twirling me around and dipping me.
His crystal blue eyes were gazing at my own as his hand traveled down my arm to my waist.
It was as if time slowed down.
"You're good at this" I breathe out.
"I've got moves you've never seen" Damon says pulling my arms towards his chest.
I giggle as Butterflies erupt in my stomach, but they soon went away when Stefan came up to us.
"Hey, I have to fill Caroline in. Watch Elena" Stefan interrupts before pushing through the crowd.
Damon rolls his eyes before spinning us towards Bonnie's direction.
"Whoa" She blurts out as Damon stopped us from bumping into her.
"Me and Bonbon have to talk. You should go watch Elena" Damon says, nodding towards Elena who was talking to Jeremy.
I nod and walk towards Elena and Jeremy but he walks off upset.
"Hey is everything alright?" I ask, as Stefan soon joins us.
"I don't know" Elena responds.
"I'll go talk to him," Stefan says, walking off.
I open my mouth to ask Elena how she's feeling but a hand pulls me away.
"You thought we were finished?" Damon says pulling me to the dance floor, again.
I laugh in delight and join him.
I lightly grind against him playfully and he raises his arms.
"Oh yeah" I hear him say.
I let out a laugh before turning towards him.
"So what were you talking about with Bonnie?" I ask, happily.
Before he could respond, Stefan storms towards us.
"Please tell me you both didn't know that Bonnie was on a suicide mission," Stefan states.
"Oh, great. Jeremy told you and of course you told Elena," Damon says annoyed.
"So that's what it was about. You promised her no more secrets," I sigh.
"I changed my mind," Damon says without glancing towards me.
Stefan has a stare off with Damon before storming off.
Damon rolls his eyes and looks at me.
"I assume you're going to yell at me" Damon exclaims.
I raise my eye brow before tilting my head.
"Why would I do that? Even though you broke your promise, I understand why you kept it a secret. It doesn't mean it is right, but I do understand where your coming from," I reply softly.
"I know your capable of caring for others" I utter.
His gaze softens and he pulls me towards him by the waist.
"Your one of my best friends. Even if I try to deny it, you will always be special to me" He states. His heart beat rose when he said I was special to him.
A weird feeling crawls up my chest and I pause.
I tilt my ear out and hear someone getting beat up by multiple people.
"Damon I think someone is attacking Jeremy. Get Stefan. I'm going to go look for Elena," I say slightly alarmed.
"Ok, be careful, " Damon replies, walking towards Stefan.
I look around to see if Elena is anywhere.
Instead of relying on my eyes, I try to pick up her scent and succeed.
I run outside and see her with Bonnie.
"There you are! Someone is—" I start.
"Hey, He has Jeremy" Alaric cuts me off panting.
"What? Where are the Salvatores? I told them to go find Jeremy," I retort in disbelief.
"He might have them too. Follow me, come on," Alaric says before running off.
We all run after him and after a couple of seconds something felt off.
"Where are you taking us?" Elena asks.
I ignore her question and focus on Jeremy's scent.
"Just a little further" Alaric continues.
"Somethings not right. Jeremy's scent is halfway across the school" I warn, causing the girls to stop.
"I just had to get away from that dance. The 60's ugh. Not my decade. I much prefer the 20's you know the style, the parties, the jazz." Alaric chuckles.
"Alaric, are you ok vervain" Elena questions.
"Something is off about his aura and Compulsion doesn't work like this," I blurt out before pushing Elena behind me.
"what's going on" Bonnie questions, holding a hand in front of us.
Alaric was walking towards us and the two Aura's flamed around him until it became one.
"That's not Alaric. He's Klaus" I say, in realization.
"That's what I like about you Nyra. Your so much more that a pretty face." He taunts.
"No thats not possible," Elena says, disbelief filling her throat.
"Just relax Elena. I'm not here to hurt you, or Nyra. Your not on my hit list tonight" Alaric says before looking at Bonnie.
"But you are" He says, speeding towards us.
Bonnie throws up her hand and magically slams him against the lockers.
"I know a witch. You're going to have to hit me a lot harder than that" He breathes out, before running towards us again.
Bonnie slams him against the trophy display without any hesitation.
"By all means Fire away. You kill this body, i'll just get a new one. Maybe Jeremy" He taunts standing up.
"C'mon" I panic, grabbing onto the girls wrists.
"Run" Bonnie adds, pushing us.
We manage to get out of the hall and Bonnie quickly locks the double doors.
We run into a worried Damon.
"What happened?" Damon questions.
"Klaus is in Alaric's body" I start.
"He's possessing it or something" Bonnie finishes.
"Go find Stefan. Now," Damon responds looking at Elena.
"You too" He says, gazing at me.
"No. I want to help. You said it yourself i'm a power machine," I breathe out.
"Besides I'm not letting Bonnie fight him alone,"
Bonnie smiles at me in appreciation.
"Can you kill him" Damon asks, looking at Bonnie.
"Hes got some kind of protection roll on him," She replies, worriedly.
"You have the power of a hundred witches. Break it," Damon retorts.
"I'm trying. If I kill Alaric, He'll just possess someone else. He knows I have my power, Damon. He's trying to kill me,"
"No, Klaus doesn't get a win tonight. No way. You still willing to do whatever it takes to kill him? Both of you?" Damon questions looking at both of us.
After coming up with a plan, Damon runs off to find the others, while I follow Bonnie.
I stay hidden, so that Klaus doesn't find me lurking.
I hear Alaric's screams and bone cracking.
I hear footsteps running towards me and I realize it's Stefan and Elena.
"Cmon guys," I say before my body slams against the closing door.
"Bonnie!!!" I scream out, pounding on the door.
Stefan joins in but we had no luck.
This wasn't part of the plan, I was supposed to be in there.
"Bonnie, No!!!" Elena screams next to me.
All the lights explode, and papers are flying around Bonnie.
Elena stops banging on the door and starts panting.
"What are you doing?!!" I scream out, noticing that Bonnie was looking at us like she was accepting her fate.
I felt my hands go hot and power filling inside me, but I don't notice my hands glowing red.
Soon enough the doors open.
"No!!!" Elena and I yell, as Bonnie's body goes limp.
I quickly catch her and lower her body on the ground.
I stand up and look around for Klaus while Elena was repeating Bonnie's name.
The lights had turned off and Klaus took it as an opportunity to escape.
"Stefan, she's not breathing. Nyra, I can't. I can't find a pulse. Stefan, do something please. Give her blood, just do something please." Elena stutters out.
"It's too late. I'm sorry" Stefan says, and I sense guilt flowing out of his body.
"No" Elena protest with a stutter.
I sigh as a couple tears roll down my face.
Even though I knew Bonnie wasn't dead, it was hard feeling Elena's emotions.
I wipe my tears and kneel next to her.
"I'm sorry Elena" I say, pulling her into a hug.
She loudly sobs in my shoulders as I pat her.
An idea forms in my head, and soon enough black veins form on my arms.
I was taking some of her emotional pain away, which i didn't think was possible until this moment. Something was telling me I was capable.
"Stefan, get Elena out of here. Nyra and I will deal with the body" Damon walks in.
"What do you mean deal with it?" Elena sneers.
"Last thing we need is another mysterious death," Damon responds coldly.
"This is Bonnie!!!" Elena yells out.
"Get her home now. So that I can clean this up," Damon whispers to Stefan.
I sigh at Damon's coldness.
Stefan pulls Elena from my hug and tries to console her.
Elena screams out crying in protest until Stefan pulls her into the hallway.
Damon closes Bonnies eyes, before picking her up.
"I don't like this" I murmur, walking beside him.
"Yeah, me neither" Damon responds as we walk out the back entrance of the school.
I open the trunk of his car and Damon carefully lays Bonnie inside.
"Damon, I got your message. I can't find anyone. Where's Elena? where's Bonnie?" Jeremy pants, running towards us.
I notice Damon hesitate so I walk forward and grab Jeremy's shoulder softly.
"We gotta talk" I say softly before filling him in.
After a couple of minutes we all drive towards the witches burial cite and drop Jeremy and Bonnie off.
Jeremy hugged her tightly once she woke up.
We all said our goodbyes and I followed Damon out the door.
"You okay?" Damon questions.
"Yeah. It's not like she actually died. Besides, I know she's strong enough to hold her own," I say, with a small smile.
He hops into the drivers side but I hesitate to get in.
"You know what? I think i'm just going to go home. I don't feel like breaking the news off to Elena," I say, before walking away.
"You want a ride home?" Damon questions, turning the ignition.
"Nah. I need the walk." I say, with a fake smile.
"Ok. " Damon says softly before driving off.
After walking for 5 minutes, I glance up to the moon and find my self with tears filling up my eyes.
I haven't cried in a while and it feels good to let it out.
Sobs fill up in my mouth and I lean against a tree.
I couldn't really tell why all if the sudden I felt like crying.
Maybe it's the fact that I never let out any tears when Isobel died and that Elenas emotions were still affecting me.
I quickly calmed down, but continued my journey to the Gilbert house.
I was crossing the woods and came upon what seemed to be a cave
I felt a mystical pull telling me to walk inside.
'I can't believe I just walked in like nothing, like the girls who die first in movies.'
I walk inside for a little while but come across two different tunnels.
"Go left" a voice echoes throughout my head.
I look around, trying to find the source of the voice.
"What the actual shit is going on" I whisper, continuing my trek through the tunnel.
Soon enough I find myself looking at a wall with Runes.
I lift my fingers and trace the writing and my visión fades.
I glance down and notice i'm wearing a dress from a different time.
"Adelaide! Where are you? Tatia is waiting for you!" A woman yells out.
"I'm going, mother. Don't worry." I find myself saying before running out of the hut.
It was like if I was in someone else's body and I couldn't control it.
All of the sudden a hand grabs me and pulls me to the side.
"Darling, I missed you" Says a handsome guy.
"Kol" I breathe out before hugging him.
"What are you doing? We could get caught" I say hitting his shoulder.
"Who is to keep young lovers apart?" Kol says softly before I push his shoulder roughly.
We both start laughing before walking towards the big bonfire.
"You wish" I retort playfully.
"This new rough side of you is very attractive. I'm serious you want to kiss for a second to see how it feels" He teases, causing me to laugh out loud.
This seemed to catch the attention of another.
"If your brother wasn't so smitten with me then we could have a chance" I say playfully, before shaking my head in disbelief.
"You mean, Brothers," Kol corrects me.
"ha, like if Elijah is interested in me. We only talk because Tatia wants us to get closer. We are just very close friends" I say defensively.
"No need to get jealous" I continue with a chuckle.
"How can I with a beautiful face like this? I mean I know i'm your closest friend because you trust me with things you've never told anyone" He teases.
What we didn't know was that someone had approached them from behind.
"Adelaide," A young man said, causing us to turn around.
"Niklaus" I breathe out with a smile.
"Excuse us brother, I need to have a moment with Adelaide. Alone," Klaus says, slightly glaring at Kol.
Kol glares back until I put my hand on Klaus chest.
"Come, Nik. You wanted to have a moment, yeah?" I say, causing him to soften up.
"I'll find you later, Kol. Who else is going to find you a notable suitor?" I tease before pulling Klaus away.
I ended up bringing Klaus to a nearby bonfire.
People were dancing around with masks on.
"What is it that you needed to speak about?" I question, softly.
"I-" Klaus opens his mouth before we are interrupted by a cheerful voice.
"Adi. You would not believe what just happened!" A girl who looks just like me came running towards me and Klaus.
"Oh, I see you have company," She says, smiling.
"Why don't I find you later, Tatia. Nik wanted to tell me something," I respond looking at the boy who brings out a strong feeling in my chest.
"Oh, it's nothing important. I'll leave you to it." He smiles sadly before leaving.
I look at him leave before glancing at Tatia.
"What is it?" I ask.
All of the sudden i'm in my own body and clothes and watching two twins talk to each other.
Based on the dresses I can tell one is Adelaide and the other is Tatia.
"Elijah and I kissed. It was magical but at the same time my mind kept flashing to another young suitor that has caught my eye," Tatia says, looking towards the direction Klaus walked off to.
I narrow my eyes and find her starring at Klaus.
"What a bitch" I scoff, and Adelaide looked at my direction in confusion.
"Did you hear that?" Adelaide questions grabbing onto Tatia hand in alarm.
"hear what?"
"Nothing" Adelaide brushes off.
"Who is this young suitor your speaking of?" Adelaide questions in a light tone.
"It's Kol" Tatia lies, making eye contact with Klaus who was watching them from afar.
"You are not serious, are you?" Adelaide says in disbelief.
"Yes, I am. I think I'm in love with him. With both of them" Tatia continues.
Adelaide looks at her, masking the new found distaste she had developed.
"Tatia. It's not right to fool with two young suitors, you have to choose soon. Surely, you know it's Elijah that you want to be courted with?" Adelaide warns.
"I don't know if I can choose. How did you know that you wanted to be courted with Klaus?" Tatia questions, looking back at her sister.
"You just do," Adelaide responds looking at Klaus while smiling.
"Just because I'm already courted to someone, doesn't mean that I don't understand your feelings. I'm sure you will choose right, sister" Adelaide reassures.
"Thank you, I think I know who I want" Tatia says, walking in the direction of Klaus.
I watch Tatia walk towards Klaus and I scoff.
Poor Adelaide was clueless to what was happening since Kol pulled her to dance.
I left Adelaide and Kol to see if I can over hear Klaus and Tatia.
"Tatia. We must tell Adelaide what is going on with us," Klaus says to Tatia while looking around.
"I was about to but I don't think I want to anymore. She would never forgive us" Tatia says, confirming my suspicions.
Klaus was cheating on Adelaide with her twin sister.
"That's the point Tatia. We can not be together."Klaus says softly, turning to walk away but Tatia grabs his wrist.
"What? I risked my relationship with Adelaide," She scoffs.
"I love her and... this was a mistake," He says before walking off.
I look to see that Adelaide was dancing happily with Elijah and I wasn't the only one.
Tatia growls in anger and walks off.
"Worst sister award goes to..." I say before I pause, realizing that Kol was hidden in a near by hut.
He with no doubt listened to their conversation, because his face was covered in disbelief.
"Oh no, my poor adelaide" Kol mutters softly before running off to find her.
If Klaus wasn't an ass before, then he just became the biggest one in existence.
I fumed as I followed Kol.
He approached Adelaide and Elijah so that he could be the bearer of bad news.
"I need to talk to you Adelaide, now. It's of uttermost importance" Kol says in alarm.
"Excuse me, Elijah," Adelaide says, before letting Kol drag her towards the mikaelson hut.
What they didn't notice is Elijahs longing gaze, towards Adelaide.
Damn even Elijah was whipped.
"Adelaide, remember how I told you that I'm a witch?" Kol stutters.
"Yes, what about it?" Adelaide asks.
"Well you know me, I was going to cause some mischief earlier but I saw Tatia talk with—" Kol pauses, before grabbing my hand.
"Does it have to do with you having a secret relation with my sister?" Adelaide questions.
"What no. Me and Tatia have nothing at all. " Kol shakes his head.
"What i'm trying to tell you is that I over heard Klaus and Tatia talking about not telling you about..." Kol pauses but Adelaide squeezes his hand in reassurance.
"...their affair"
Adelaide freezes and Kol pulls her into a hug.
She grabs onto him and sobs.
"You shouldn't be here" A voice rings out.
I look around and see a pretty young woman looking at me.
She grabs my hand and gives me a ring.
"Be free Adnyra" she says before a light flashes.
I close my eyes and when I open them, I see that I'm outside the Gilbert Residence.
I felt something cold touching my hand and I look down to see a ring that looks more modern then the one from the 'vision'.
"What the F—" I started but was interrupted by Jenna.
"Hey, what are you doing outside by yourself? Did the dance not go well? I heard it was your first dance" Jenna asks with a robe.
"It was a weird experience but bearable" I respond with a yawn.
"I think i'm going to knock out" I say stretching my arms.
"Okay. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to put some repellant on the tree by your window. It looks like there's a pack of animals that visit there"
This is the ring that was in the vision
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