ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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Sister Mathias and Isabella are continuing their conversation.

"Sweet Jesus, nothing in my love life was ever so magical." Mathias Says

"Magic can be ruinous, especially if the trick is on you." Isabella Says



Isabella is speaking with Piero "I finally confessed my heart to Piero. I felt we could read each other's thoughts. But I said the words inside out loudβ€”"I love you." I waited, dying inside. And then...he explained he had feelings for me...but not of the same sort."



"He loved another?" Mathias Says

"Indeed. His art. It was everything to him. Insomuch that I affected it, he cared for me, but beyond that, he could offer me nothing but friendship. I fell into such despair. I could not eat nor sleep until my family could stand no more." Isabella Says

"And that's when you entered the convent." Mathias Says

"It's as if I'd died. My father sent me there to escape my sorrow and forget Piero. His servants dragged me from home one night." Sister Mathias shook her head in disgust "All these things from my father's estateβ€”" On the table are scattered antique items
"I never saw them again after that night. Everything that was mine was lost too. Except my journal." She touches her journal which is next to some of the other antique items "Things I could say to no one, things no one wanted to hear." Isabella Says

"Loneliness is..." Mathias Says

"Yes. It is." Isabella Says



Rowena slaps Olivette across the face, She is tied up in a chair and bloody.

"Well, I really can't say I'm surprised. You always were petulant and reckless and overrated. Banishment was too good for you." Rowena
slaps her again "Ooh! You got off lucky, unlike your friend Elenor Olden. Luckily she got what coming to her." Olivette Says

Then Rowena slaps her again, blood trickles down Olivette's nose.

"Shut it! Elenor was my greatest friend you bitch! She didn't deserve to die, besides you were always so envious of my skills, you fool. The only threat I ever posed to the coven was that I was smarter, more gifted than you!" Rowena Says

"More blindly ambitious!" Olivette Says

"Why not? You nits were content to live in the shadows, dicking around with black cats and broomsticks instead of greatness." Rowena then punches Olivette in the stomach

"Ohh!, What was that one for?" Olivette Asks

"Emphasis. I will get what I want from you." Rowena Says

"No, you won't." Rowena pulls her hand back to slap Olivette "Because what you are looking for no longer exists. The coven is a pale relic of its past power, weakened by witch-hunts, burning at the stake, endless persecution; all of it was engineered by them." Olivette Says

"Them?" Rowena Says

"Oh..Not as quick as I'd thought." Rowena raises her hand, threatening to poke her eyes "All right!
It's a rabid group of sanctimonious do-gooders dedicated to our downfall." Olivette Says

"They had equal magic?" Rowena Says

"Worse – public relations. They whipped the church and the public into a panic. Our best were killed or driven underground. They then plundered our spells and secrets and shipped them to hidden bunkers all around the world." Olivette Says

"It appears you hate them more than you do me." Olivette Says

"They tried to destroy our world! Hoarding unbelievable power for their own amusement. Smug, self-righteous bastards. The Men of Letters." Olivette Says As Rowena sighs


Father Delaney sits in confessional when he hears a knock on the window.

"Yes?" Father Delaney opens the window to see Dean sitting on the other side

"Hiya, Father." Dean Says

"Pardon me?" Father Delaney Says

"Pardon you?! I thought it was the other way around.', uh, I'm here to – here to clean house. I need to get some things off my chest." Dean Says

"Oh. All right. Continue." Father Delaney Says

"'s the women, Father. Where do I begin?" Dean Says

"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned," is usual." Father Delaney Says

"Right. Good. Yeah. So, that, and, the women. Uh, and this is not something that I'm proud of, but I let them think that we have more of a future than we do, you know? Ah, Gina." Dean Says

"Gina?" Father Delaney Says

"Well, now, don't get me wrong. I mean, she was – it was good times. I mean, you know how it is the sex, the lasagna but I was not honest with her. And sometimes, I was seeing two, maybe three girls at the same time, sometimes in the same day. You get the picture. And it wasn't just Gina. It was endless. It's making me sick." Dean Says

"And you wish to be forgiven, my son?" Father Delaney Says

"I do. I need to clean up my act." Dean Says

"As penance, you shall say five "Hail Mary's" two "Our Father's", and reflect on your transgression." Father Delaney Says

"And then, that's it? then I'm good to go?" Dean Says

"One would hope some...inner exploration might occur. The prayers are just the beginning to some serious soul-searching." Father Delaney Says

"Hmm." Dean pauses for a second to think

"Is there anything else on your mind, Agent Allman?" Father Delaney Asks

"What if I said I...I didn't want to die...yet, you know, that I wasn't ready?" Dean Says

"Are you expecting to?" Father Delaney Asks

"Always. You know, the life I live, the work I do...I pretty much just figured that that was all there was to me, you know? Tear around and jam the key in the ignition and haul ass until I ran out of gas. I guess I just thought sooner or later, I'd go out the same way that I live – pedal to the metal, and that would be it." Dean Says

"But now?" Father Delaney Says

"Now, um... recent events, uh... make me think I might be closer to that than I really thought. And...I don't know. I mean, you know, there's – there's things, there's...people, feelings that I-I-I want to experience differently than I have before, or maybe even for the first time." Dean Says

"Go a little deeper, perhaps, than with Gina." Father Delaney Says

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm just starting to think that... maybe there's more to it all than I thought." Dean Says

"Learning there's more to the universe than your tiny world can be a frightening discovery. Do you truly believe in God, Agent? Because that can be a comfort." Father Delaney Says

"I believe there is a God. But I'm not sure he still believes in us." Dean Says

Dean exits the confessional and behind him, Isabella's ghost, appears. Dean walks over to Sam And Elena who is sitting the pew, they gets up when they see's Dean.

"So, you thin you had an eavesdropper in there?" Sam Asks

"Hope so." Dean Says

"You better watch your back. If we were right, jerks like you are just what our ghost is looking for." Elena Says

Dean, Elena and Sam exit the church. Sister Mathias stands off in the corner watching them leave. She quickly runs to the basement and unlocks the basement doors.

"Isabella? Isabella? Are you here?" Mathias Says

Upstairs A woman walks out of the confessional and Father Delaney exits shortly after. Isabella's spirit watches over him. After making his way to the front of the church, he crosses his body, and her spirit takes over him. In the basement Sister Mathias grabs Isabella's journal and begins reading it.

"Obscuri funesti dies..." Mathias Says



Isabella enters the art gallery looking for Piero.

"I found no peace in the convent, and my sorrow turned to rage. What was once love for Peiro had become hatred. One night, I snuck out a window and made my way to his studio. I'm not sure why I went." Isabella Says

Next to the self portrait of herself, Isabella grabbed a paintbrush with red paint on it.

"To confront him? To ruin the painting and destroy his love the way he destroyed mine?" Isabella Says

She confronts the portrait with the paintbrush about to ruin the painting. All of sudden a woman in the room is heard moaning.

"There they were." Isabella Says

A woman and Piero were having sex on a bed in the room. Isabella see's a knife on the corner of the table. Distraught, Isabella watches Piero and this woman have sex. She holds the knife over Piero's body but the woman see's her and screams.

"Isabella." Piero Says

Isabella plunges the knife into Piero's chest, repeatedly while the woman screams on the floor. Once dead, She smiles at his body, blood all over her clothes.



Sister Mathias shuts the journal and looks frightened. Later Sam, Elena and Dean follow Mathias in the church basement.

"I never mentioned her to you because it didn't occur to me she was connected with the murders. Ever since I've been here I've come across restless spirits of all sorts. They're all kind of...sad, harmless. And eventually, the poor things go to their final rest." Mathias Says

"Wait a second. S-so, you're just comfortable around ghosts?" Sam Asks

"As a spiritual person, I've accepted many planes of existence. And as I said, they've all been harmless. Isabella was my friend. We had a lot in common, including... painful love lives. I wanted to protect her." Mathias Says

"You said she showed up about three weeks ago when stuff from her home arrived?" Dean Says

"Yes, part of a shipment from a monastery in Tivoli. Her family's treasures found their way to the church, as with many of the great houses of Europe." Mathias Says

"You get that she got here just before the murders started happening?" Elena Says

"I finally realized that. And then I heard the three of you, and it made me wonder. That's when I read her journal. It was given to her father right after her death." Mathias Says As she picks up the journal

"Vengeful spirit, just like we thought." Dean Says

"Yeah, but 16th- Century Florence. She's probably buried in Florence." Sam Says

"I assume. The – journal ended right after her trial."
She hands the journal to Sam "Piero's death was so horrific, she was convicted of witchcraft. They sentenced her to burn at the stake." Mathias Says

"Okay, well, if she burned, then so would her bones." Dean Says

"Yeah, but, Dean, something here is the tether that ties her to this place." Elena Says

"It's probably the journal, where she wrote about her life. Why don't we see if we can't find Isabella, try to slow her down. Sam, Elena burn all this stuff." Dean Says

"Her... journal? Is that necessary?" Mathias Asks

"Believe me, it's necessary." Dean Says

"Well, I don't know, Dean. I mean, there might be more in here." Sam Says

"Sam, burn it. Lets go." Dean exits and Sister Mathias follows


Rowena is punching Olivette repeatedly in the face.

"I'm telling you I don't know any more." Olivette Says

"You're lying, just as you lied about me all these years. You're afraid I'll recover all the stolen potions and spells and become more powerful than you." Rowena Says

"Oh, poor, poor Rowena. Always the victim of one conspiracy or another. You're so consumed with your rise of power, you can't see the truth." Olivette Says

"I see the truth, and it's pathetic. You let these Men Of Letters pillage the greatest trove of magical secrets in the world and did nothing." Rowena Says
Then kicks Olivette in the shin

"Ow! We were weakened. The plunder was dispersed to bunkers all around the world. Those bunkers are powerfully warded. There was nothing we could do to stop them." Olivette Says

"How do I find the Men Of Letters?" Rowena Asks

"I don't even know if they exist anymore. I've heard that the American chapter was extinguished in the 1950's, but apparently, two of it's members survive – the hunters, Sam and Dean Winchester." Olivette Says

"The Winchesters?..Again with the Winchesters. Perpetually, the Winchesters." She Sighs " And they've got Elenor's daughter alongside them as well, traitor." Rowena Says

"Eleanor's daughter she's alive, I thought she died in the fire." Olivette Says

"No you twit she survived and she's a powerful witch as well, just like her mother was." Rowena Says

"Hmm." Olivette Says

"Olivette, dear... pleasant though this little chat has been, I feel it's come..." She makes a fist in front of Olivette's face and she gasps " a close. What you're telling me is that the coven is no longer all powerful and, therefore, that you are no longer useful." Rowena Says

"You better be careful, Rowena. There's a line that cannot be crossed. Witch-on-witch murder is anathema to the community." Olivette Says

"The community?" She Chuckles, snorts "Who needs them? To think of all the years I've lived in fear for nothing. You ruined my life, Olivette, and you shall pay with yours." Rowena Says then starts humming "Scotland The Brave"

"Rowena, please, you don't want to this." Olivette Says

Rowena grabs a bowl with various objects in it and places it on the ground in front of Olivette. She kneels behind it and takes out ingredients.

"Please, Rowena, don't do this. Rowena, please." Rowena Says

Rowena pulls out a small bag she dumps bones and feathers into the bowl. She grabs a handful of red sand to pour into the bowl.

"Cruciatus letumque crucianti!" Rowena Says

Rowena throws the sand into the bowl and a bright red flame burst out of it. Olivette begins to convulse, and blood pours out of her mouth as she screams.

"Halt!" She stands up and Olivette stops convulsing.
"I haven't thought this through. Why should I kill you, give you an easy way out when there are far better options? Fatum tuum est itersine." Rowena Says

"No!" Olivette Says

"Termino ad..." Rowena Says

"No! No!" She's Struggling to escape her chains "Rowena please!" Olivette Pleads

"Nulum!" Rowena Says

"No!!!" Olivette Says

"Oh, I'm a genius." Rowena Says



Sister Mathias and Dean are walking around the church, He holds his EMF meter.

"I don't see how she could murder these people. If she was tethered to the church." Mathias Says

"She could possess a person inside the church, ride out, and get yanked back after the kill, so..." Dean Says

"And can ghosts be shot?" Mathias Asks

Dean holds up his shotgun "This is rock salt. If we spot her, it'll slow her down."

In the Church basement Sam and Elena are gathering all of Isabella's jewelry and gold,
Elena is reading Isabella's journal.

"And as the days passed, my love for Piero deepened, as did his belief in my powers as his muse." Isabella Says



Isabella and Piero sit by the window over candlelight.

"He said he wanted something from me, something he could barely give voice to." She gently caresses his face. She holds her hand out, palm up, for Piero. "He thought the effect I had on his work was profound. He had never pained so well before. He asked if he might have a bit of my blood to mix to the pigment." Piero, grabs a knife and slices her hand "Piero was so afraid he would hurt me.
I told him, on the contrary, it was my great joy
to do this."

Piero, speaking Italian apologizes and wipes off the blood with a cloth.

Dean and Sister Mathias enter a hallway and the EMF meter begins to warble. The sound gets stronger and Dean gestures for Sister Mathias to stay put. He continues on as Elena continues to read Isabella's journal

"But it wasn't enough." She cuts off her own finger, she starts breathing heavily and quickly wraps it in a cloth "I told Piero to gind the flesh, blood, and bone into the pigment." She hands her severed finger to Piero "I had completely become one with the paintingβ€”" Isabella Says

"And with Piero." Elena & Isabella Says

Elena closes the journal, she looks behind and finds boarded up paintings.

"Elena what?" Sam Says

"It's in the painting." Elena Says

"Huh?" Sam Says

"Isabella's blood is in one of those paintings, back in Florence she cut off her finger so Piero could use her blood and bone for pigment." Elena Says

"Oh god." Sam Says

"I know the things people would do for love." Elena Says

"We gotta find that portrait." Sam Says

"Fast." Elena Says


Dean walks further into a room and then sees Father Delaney lying on top of a table, gutted. Sam and Elena are frantically searching for Isabella's painting. Dean walks out of the room, Sam pulls painting after painting aside, trying to find the proper one. He finally finds one that reads "TIVOLI' on the stamp. Dean walks over to Sister Mathias.

"She got to Father Delaney. She's around here somewhere. We got to get you out of here. Come on!" Dean Says

He grabs her hand to lead her out of the church but she resists. Sister Mathias then slaps Dean, sending flying down the hallway. Elena uses a crowbar to open the crate that had Isabella painting in it.
Sister Mathias flickers toward Dean who is struggling to get up. She grabs him.

"Elena move quickly!" Sam Says

"I'm sorry it won't open!" She gets the crate open. "Finally!" Elena Says

Sister Mathais throws Dean up against the wall, but, has a strong grip around his neck. She pulls a knife from her sleeve. Dean uses his free hand to grab her knife holding hand. She struggles to plunge the knife in Dean's stomach.

"The priest had to die. He made it his business to forgive you pigs – forgive you, when what you do is unforgivable." Mathias Says

"Elena! Sam, burn the journal!" Dean Says

Sam takes out the painting, Elena chants a spell and fire forms in her hand and she burns the painting.
Dean struggles, not only, to keep the knife from plunging into his gut, but to keep breathing.
Sister Mathias lets go of Dean and her body begins to convulse. Isabella's spirits bursts out Sister Mathias, who falls to the ground. The painting continues to burn, Sister Mathias grabs hold of Dean, and he protects her as Isabella goes up in flames.

"Sister! Don't let them! You are my friend." Isabella burns out in flames


Rowena watches gleefully as a hamster is spinning around on a hamster wheel. She chuckles as Crowley enters.

"You're – ooh, you're trucking." Rowena Says

"Is that her?" Crowley Asks

"Poetic justice, if you ask me. For hundreds of years, those hags made me grovel, every attempt to please them futile. High time someone else ran in circles, eh?" Rowena Says

"Nice touch. Something I might have thought of myself." Crowley Says

"You see, we're not so very different." Rowena Says

"What is it that you want?" Crowley Says

"Well, Fergus, since you asked, these friends of yours Elena and the Winchesters – I hear they are, oh, what do you call it, um, Men Of Letters?" Rowena Says

"Possibly." Crowley Says

"I see. Well, about thatβ€”" Rowena Says

"Listen, we've been through this. My relationship with the Winchesters is my business. I'll handle them. I'm not killing them." Crowley Says

"All right, deary. Of course. Whatever you say." Rowena pats his shoulder and walks away


Sam is driving and Dean is in the passenger seat, Elena is in the backseat.

"Who mixes their blood and bones into paint? No woman's ever done that for me." Dean Chuckles

"Is this your way of thanking us for not doing what you told us to do?" Elena Says

"You know, if you guys would have burned the journal, then we wouldn't know how to kill it, would we?" Dean Says As Sam and Elena chuckles

"Yeah you're welcome Dean." Elena Says

"You know... you were in that confessional a long time. Look, man, I'm just saying, I'm your brother, Dean. If you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you've got people right here next to you." Sam Says

"Mhm." Elena Says

"Okay." Dean Says

"I heard what Sister Mathias was saying about, you know, hiding pain by taking on a mission, and I-I know that's what you're doing a little bit. And it's okay. I mean, it's fine. I get it. I've done it before, too. But... I don't buy for one second that the mark is a terminal diagnosis, so don't go making peace with that idea. There has to be a way. There will be a way, and we will find it. That's what we do. So, believe that." Sam Says

"Okay, Sammy." Dean Says

"You want to... Uh, try that again like you mean it?" Sam Says

"Okay." Dean Says As The Impala drives off into the night.

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