We see a pickup truck with the license plate "Semperi" driving on a road. A girl and boy are in the truck.
"You sure you're okay to drive?" Janet Asks
"Not really. But it's nothing a little grease can't fix." He talks to his cell phone mounted in the truck. "Trini, find me the nearest Taco Town." Billy Says
Trini the voice of the phone navigation app speaks.
"Ooh, I'm going to get a quesarito and a chi-chi melt." Janet Says
"Turn right in 50 feet."
"Um, Billy, I don't think this is the way to Taco Town." Janet Says
"What do you know? Your phone's 3g. Trini doesn't make mistakes." Billy Says
"Continue for .3 miles, then turn left."
"It's freezing. Can you please turn off the air?" Janet Asks
"It's not on." The truck reaches a road block and they stop. "What the hell?" Billy Says
"Trini doesn't make mistakes, huh?" Janet Says
"Trini, find a different route." Billy Says
"Proceed ahead."
"Go screw yourself." Billy Says
"You go screw yourself. Janet, get out of the truck."
"Um, how does she know my name?" Janet Asks
"Janet, get out of the truck, now!"
Janet is frightened and opens the passenger door and gets out "Oh my god."
Billy tries to open the driver's door. It locked and he can't unlock it. He tries to get out the passenger door, but it closes and locks. The truck begins to drive on its own.
"No wait! Stop!" Billy Says
"Aah! Billy!" Janet Says
He is slamming on the brakes and trying to stop the truck as it crashes through the barricade.
"No! No!" The truck continues speeding ahead as he tries to steer and stop "No! Help!" Billy Says
"Billy!" Janet Says
"Stop!" Billy Says
"Destination dead ahead." Trini Says
Janet screams as the truck crashes through another barricade and drives off the bridge.
Dean is heading upstairs eating a dessert as Sam is heading downstairs.
"Hey." He notices what Dean is eating "What in the world?" Sam Says
"A croissookie." Dean Says As They continue walking toward the library
"A croissookie?" Sam Says
"Mmhmm. Yeah, they're the new cronuts." Dean Says
"Okay. So, what? Half cookie, half β" Sam Says
"Who gives a crap? They're freakin' awesome." Dean puts the croissookie down on a table "What did Cas say?"
"Uh, good news, bad news." He takes his cellphone out of his backpack and puts the backpack on the table "Bad news β he discovered riverboat gambling. Good news β he thinks he might be closing in on Cain." Sam Says
"Oh wow he thinks he might be." Dean Says
"Yeah. Just east of the Mississippi somewhere in Illinois." Sam Says
"So maybe Cas finds Cain in the land of Lincoln. And then what?" Dean takes a sip of his coffee
"And then we get him to tell us how to get rid of the mark." Sam Says
"Don't you think that if Cain knew how to remove the mark, he would have done it, like centuries ago?" Dean Says
"We won't know til we try." Sam Says
"Sammy, I appreciate the effort, man. I do. But trying to find a cure for this thing, I-it's like a dog chasing its tail. There's no end in sight and you just end up dizzy." Dean Says
"Dean, where there is a willβ" Sam Says
"There is a case. Hmm? Check this out. Iowa teen claims possessed pickup kills driver." He holds up the tablet computer with the headline from The Iowa Weekly Review. "Let's say we take our own trek to, uh, the Midwest." Dean Says
"Alright then." Elena walks into the library she's carrying a bag "Hey." Sam Says
"Hey guys." Elena Says
"Where are you going?" Dean Asks
"Oh just away for a couple days that's all." Elena Says
Dean and Sam exchange looks, he gets off the table and follows behind her.
"Oh where ya heading?" Dean Asks
"Over at Corinna's it's been a while since I've seen her and I figured why not go see her and Bryan right." Elena Says
"Oh okay." Dean Says
"Why you guys got something planned?" Elena Asks
"Yeah we're about to head out for a hunt in Iowa, but it's probably nothing too big that we can handle." Dean Says
"Oh I'll stay if you guys need me, it's no problem." Elena Says
"No No go and be with Corinna, Sam and I got this." Dean Says
"You sure?" Dean nods "Alrighty then I'm gonna head out of here." She puts on her jacket "I'll see you boys in a few days, don't miss me too much." Elena Winks at Dean
"I'll try." Dean Smirks
"Bye." Elena Says
Sam and Dean waves at her, Elena picks up her bag and walks up the stairs and the bunker door closes.
"Everything all right between you two?" Sam Asks
"Huh, yeah me and Lena are fine...just peachy." Dean Says
"Really? Because it seemed to me that, she kinda wanted you to beg her to stay." Sam Smirks
"No I didn't get that vibe from her at all, stop trying to make something out of nothing dude." Dean Says
"You guys are so complicated." Sam laughs
"Shut up." Dean Says
The Impala is driving down a road. They pull in and park in a parking lot by a Kasem College sign. They exit the Impala and head toward the college. Dean checks out two coeds walking by.
"Sorry I ever made you leave." Another coed passes in front of him inside the college "God, they're everywhere." Two girls are heading down the stairs. "Uh, which one of you is Janet Novoselic?" Dean Says
"I am." Janet Says
Sam and Dean flash their FBI badges. "Agents Grohl and Cobain."
"I already talked to the police like nine times." Janet Says
"Yeah, no, this is, uh β it's uh, just a follow-up." Dean Says
"Yeah." Sam Says
"I have finals tomorrow." Janet Says
"Then we'll make it fast. I promise." Sam Says
They are now in the college library, Dean keeps checking out the girls as they talk to Janet.
"It's like I told the detective. I was drunk, but I wasn't hallucinating, the truck had a mind of its own." Janet Says
"How so?" Dean Asks
"Like, the air went full blast even though it wasn't on and the radio went crazy and so did Trini." Janet Says
"And Trini is?" Dean Says
"Ah, you have to excuse my partner. When it comes to technology, he's a little behind. Uh...he just learned how to poke on Facebook." Sam Says
"Uh, um, Trini is the nav app we were using. It β It's like a talking map. You're Gen X. Right." Janet Says
"Okay, so Trini and everything else in the truck went all "Christine." Dean Says
"Who's Christine?" Janet Asks
"It's a Gen X thing." Dean Says
"Look, I don't expect you to believe me. But, I swear that truck was hell-bent on killing Billy." Janet Says
"Did Billy have any enemies? Anybody who might have had a beef with him?" Sam Asks
"Maybe his brother Joey. They fought all the time. It's so sad. They never got to set it right." Janet Says
"Because Billy died." Dean Says
"No. Joey did. In Afghanistan." Janet Says
"Do you know where he's buried?" Sam Asks
"He's not. Poor guy never came home. I.E.D." Janet Says
"Did Billy happen to have anything of his brother's on him when he died? Uh, dog tags, a hat, something?" Dean Says
"Just his pickup." Janet Says
"So the truck belonged to Joey?" Sam Says
"Yeah. It was his pride and joy. Billy got it when he died, and, you know, it's a thing." Janet Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
Janet's phone rings "Excuse me a sec." She picks up her cell phone and walks away
"So β so what's a thing?" Sam Says
"You know, the truck thing." Sam shakes his head no. "You honor the deceased by driving their truck. Sam, they wrote a whole country song about it. Why don't you Google it?" Dean Says
It's night and the boys are at car impound lot, Dean cuts the chain lock and he and Sam enter.
"Alright, so we're looking for something that used to resemble a pickup truck." Sam Says
"Alright. Hey, here we go..yeah, marine." Dean Says
They approach the crashed truck and shine the flashlights on the SEMPERFI license plate.
Sam starts shining his flashlight on the drivers seat.
"I'm guessing this ain't oil." Sam Says
"That is ectoplasm." Dean Says
"Huh." He Holds up his flashing EMF meter "Look at this. Joey?" Sam Says
"Looks like it." Dean Says
"Yeah." Sam says
"Alright, so big brother didn't get along with little brother, was pissed that he was driving his baby. I get it." Dean Says
"What are you saying? If you died and I drove your car, you'd kill me?" Sam Says
"If you stunk her up with tacquitos, probably. Alright, let's do this." Dean Says
Sam and Dean pour salt and gasoline and burn the truck, they watch on.
Inside a dorm two girls, Julie and Delilah are both watching "TMZ" then she shuts the Tv off.
"Ugh. I can't believe our Art History final's tomorrow." Delilah Says
"I know. This semester, like, totally flew by." Julie Says
"Yeah, time flies when you're drunk. Want to come to the library with me? I still have so much to memorize. And I thought looking at pictures of naked guys was gonna be easy." Delilah Says
"Thanks, but I don't really need to study for it. I have a photographic memory. #blessed." Julie Says
"Um, you don't need to study for it because you're screwing the TA. #slut." Delilah Says
Delilah leaves. Julie puts on a Kappa Delta Lamda baseball cap and takes selfies. She uploads the selfie using her cell phone and then gets a chat request on her laptop from PrincessElsa8.
Julie: who are you?
PrincessElsa8: a friend
Julie: #curious. what's up friend?
PrincessElsa8: nm, liar
Julie: #confused! What did I lie about?
PrincessElsa8: 810
PrincessElsa8: I know.
PrincessElsa8: you'll pay
Julie gasps and deletes the chat conversation. The chat with PrincessElsa8: 810 comes back on her screen. She shuts off her computer but it turns back on with the chat. She unplugs her computer and the power cord. As she breathes we can see the steam of her breath.
Her computer screen fills with 810. She closes the laptop and runs toward her door. The door slams shut as her laptop screen opens back up with 810. As she turns around and screams, the laptop cord is hissing like a snake and it circles her throat and strangles her.
Elena and Corinna are strolling throughout the park, Corinna is pushing Bryan in his stroller while Elena walks Parker on his leash.
"So How'd you sleep last night?" Corinna Asks
"Really good honestly, I mean considering the guest bedroom was my room for a while..but really really good." Elena Says
"Well I'm happy your spending a weekend with me, Bryan missed his Aunty Elena." Corinna Says
"And I missed my nephew, besides its good to get away from the bunker." Elena Says
"Speaking of how are Sam and Dean?" Corinna Asks
"They are...Sam and Dean, I mean Sam's trying his absolute hardest to find some way to get that damn mark off Dean. And Dean well he's...I don't know it feels to me that he's kinda losing hope." Elena Says
"What make you say that?" Corinna Asks
"I don't know it just seems like..he's accepting his fate. We all just need him to have a little hope." Elena Says
"You think that there's a way to get it off?" Corinna Says
"I do..we just gotta try." Elena Says
Elena and Corinna continues walking, then they see a bunch of kids playing on near the playground and there's Eloise.
"Eloise Hey!" Corinna Waves
"Corinna!" El Says, Then walks over and hugs Corinna
"Hey Kid how's it going?" Corinna Asks
"It's going all right." Eloise Says
"Staying out of trouble I hope." Corinna Says
"Yeah I'm trying." She Chuckles "So who's your friend?" El Asks
"Oh this is my best friend Elena Singer, Elena this is Eloise Elkins." Corinna Says
"Oh the little girl who threw rocks at your car." Elena Says
"Yup that's me." Eloise Says
"Your lucky she let you off with a warning, she could have turned you in." Elena Says
"You know she keeps saying that but I don't believe her." Eloise Says
"So this week is a special week huh, your birthday the big 9." Corinna Says
"Yeah." Eloise Says
"What are your plans?" Elena Asks
"Nothing much the orphanage just says happy birthday to me." Eloise Says
"Wait they don't give you guys a birthday party, no cake no card at least?" Corinna Says
"Nope nothing, the only kids who get a birthday celebration are the ones who gets adopted in a family." Eloise Says
"El come on we're going to the other side of the party!" Adam Says
"I gotta go." Eloise Says
"Okay I'll see you around, be safe El." Corinna Says
"I always am later Corinna, bye Parker and Bryan nice meeting you Elena." Eloise Says
"Nice meeting you too." Elena Says
Elena waves at her as Eloise runs back over to her friends and they leave the area, Elena looks over at Corinna who's looks on.
"Well you two have gotten close." Elena Says
"What can I say I like the kid, besides she's a sweetheart when she wants to be." Corinna Says
"Come on I'm starving, you guys in the mood for sandwiches?" Elena Asks
"Always." Corinna Says
Dean and Sam are walking as two coeds pass by, Dean turns to follow them.
"Hey." Sam Says As Dean turns back around and walks with him
"I'm not gonna make it." Dean Says
"Focus." Sam Says
They enter the girls sorority house, and meets the detective. She ducks under yellow crime scene tape walking into the dorm room. Sam follows ducking under the tape. Dean breaks the tape and walks in.
"Delilah Marian, the roommate, found her this morning after an all-nighter at the library." She Says
"Strangulation?" Sam Says
"Sicko used the power cord from the computer." She Says
"Suspects?" Dean Says
"None yet. The odd thing was the door was locked." Dean Says
"Hmm. Have you talked to any of the other girls who live here?" Sam Says
"Well most of them have already left for spring break. But the roommate was really helpful. She gave us all of Julie's passwords. And nowadays, the only way to find out anything about teenagers is through social media. Trust me, I got two of them. Excuse me, agents." She heads out the door
"Oh yeah, sure." Sam Says
"Vengeful spirit, much?" Dean Says As He takes out his EMF meter
"Yeah, but is it Joey's or another ghost?" Sam Says
"I don't know." He holds the EMF meter by the laptop and it's lit up. "So first it possesses a β a truck, and then it possesses a computer? Both machine-related kills." Dean Says
"So, what? You think we're dealing with a "Ghost in the Machine"?" Sam Says
"Maybe. But if it is the same ghost, I mean, they usually anchor themselves to a place or a thing. How is this one jumping from one machine to the next." Dean Says As Sam takes the laptop
Sam and Dean are back outside speaking with Julie's roommate, Delilah.
"We really appreciate your help, Delilah. We know this can't possibly be easy. Did Julie, by chance, know a student named Billy Bass?" Sam Says
"Everyone knew Billy. He was the President of Sigma Theta Delta." Delilah Says
"STD?" Dean Says
"Yeah. It's the biggest frat on campus." Delilah Says
"Did, uh β did Julie know Billy's brother Joey, the β the soldier?" Dean Asks
"I don't think so. I didn't even know Billy had a brother." Delilah Says
"Did she have any enemies? Any reason why someone might want to hurt her?" Sam Asks
"No. Julie was really popular, super-sweet. I can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt her." Delilah Says
"You know we're federal agents, right? Lying to us is a big-time offense." Dean Says
"I'm not lying Agent. There's just... nothing else to tell." Delilah Says
Dean is carrying a tray full of food toward Sam at a table, admiring the passing girls.
"Alright. And a cafΓ© au lait for the lady." He hands Sam a coffee cup. Sam is searching through Julie's pink laptop "For me..." Dean Says
"A heart attack?" Sam Says
"This is unreal. Look at this. I got Italian. I got Chinese. Serve yourself froyo. College is better than Vegas. What do you got?" Dean Says
"Unfortunately, a lot of nada. I β I..." He looks at Dean with noodles hanging out of his mouth. "I hit up Julie's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Instachat, Snapchat, A.I.M., nothing but posts on Rush and "Fifty Shades of Grey", the movie, not the book." Sam Says
"Yeah. I didn't get half of that." Dean Says
"It doesn't matter. Now I'm going through her deleted files." Sam Says
"You can do that?" Dean Asks
"Yeah." Sam Says
"Hmm." Dean Says
"I mean, nothing ever really gets deleted from the Internet. You knew that, right?" Sam Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
"Alright. Here we go. This might be something. It's a, uh β it's a deleted Instachat from last night right around time of death." Sam Says
"With who?" Dean Asks
"With PrincessElsa8. Look at this." Sam Says, Turning the laptop around
"Liar. I know. You'll pay. Well, this Princess Elsa's a bitch. What's 810?" Dean Says
"810?" Sam Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
"Uh, it's a... I don't know. Maybe it's a date." Sam Says
"Maybe it's a time of day. Or an area code." Dean Says
"Uh, area code is for southeast Michigan. You know what? Here we go. There are three addresses in Spencer that have 810 in them." Sam Says
"I'll see if I can get this to go." Dean Says
The Impala pulls up across the street from a mailbox with 810 Downs Drive written on it. Inside the Impala, Sam is talking on his cellphone while Dean parks.
"Yeah. You got it. Thank you Detective Petranzyk. We will keep in touch." He hangs up "So PrincessElsa8 is not some crazed cyber killer. She is a third-grader from Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin, who is obsessed with "Frozen." And she was fast asleep when the Instachat occurred." Sam Says
"So, a hack job." Dean Says
"That's what I'm thinking." Sam Says
They see a woman come out of the house at 810 Downs Drive carrying a plastic garbage bag. She walks down the block. They exit the Impala and follow her. She picks up bouquets of flowers by a utility pole and puts them in the garbage bag. Sam and Dean take out their badges.
"Excuse me, ma'am. May we, uh, ask what you're doing?" Sam Asks
"Um, throwing away dead flowers. Is that a crime?" Corey Says
"Well, it's not a crime, just a little strange, uh, seeing as how they aren't dead." Dean Says
"It's not so strange when it feels like they're taunting you. My husband was killed in a car accident here nine months ago." Corey Says
"I'm sorry to hear that." Sam Says
"Our condolences." Dean Says
"Thank you. We were newlyweds. Never even made it to our first anniversary. And to have to be reminded of that every time I look out my window or leave the house..." Corey Says
"Understandable." Dean Says
"Forgive me, but did you notice anything... weird after your husband's death. Any strange disturbances or...?" Sam Asks
"I'm not sure what you mean." Corey Says
"It's nothing. Never mind." Sam Says
"Any idea who's leaving the flowers?" Dean Asks
"Some teenage girl. I think she goes to the college cause she's always in Greek letters." Corey Says
"Do you know her name?" Sam Asks
"No. Uh, she has long red hair." Corey Says
Sam and Dean at outside the schools cafΓ©.
"This is Agent Grohl again. Listen, I know I told you to call at your earliest convenience, but scratch that. Call ASAP." Dean Says
"Look at this." He is reading off his tablet while Dean is eating again "Uh, Andrew Silver, 29-year old Spencer High School teacher killed in fatal accident. Uh, car burst into flames. Silver's body was burned beyond recognition. And he is believed to have been killed upon impact." Sam Says
"Okay. So Andy the angry ghost β he dies at 810 Downs Drive. And then he torments Julie with 810 on her computer. So, what's his beef with her?" Dean Says
"Yeah, and what's his connection to Billy?" Sam Says
"Does it say where he's buried?" Dean Asks
"He wasn't. He was cremated." Sam Says
"So no bones, and he's not tethered to any object that we know of." Dean Says
"Yeah. How is Andrew haunting his victims? Are you gonna eat all that?" Sam Says
"Yeah. You want some?" Dean Asks
Delilah is talking to a guy who is scrolling through Sext'r on his cell phone.
"The feds called... Like three times already. Kyle, are you listening to me?! I think they know. Maybe it's time we should come clean." Delilah Says
"Uh, that's not gonna happen." Kyle Says
"Look where keeping our mouths shut got us. I think it's karma. Maybe we're being cursed or something. I don't know. First Billy, now Julie?" Delilah Says
"Look, it totally sucks that Billy and Julie died. But it's just a crappy coincidence, not a curse." Kyle Says
"If we don't do something, I'm worriedβ" Delilah Says
"Delilah, stop. I'm serious. You better keep your mouth shut or you're gonna have a lot more than a curse to worry about." Kyle Says
Delilah leaves his room and Kyle goes back to Sext'r and accepts a message from QTPie.
QTPie Message: I'm bored. Wanna hook up?
"Hells yeah." Kyle Says
Kyle Message: Hells yeah! Come over STD.
QTPie Message: Guess we're using condoms. LOL
"Where are you?" Kyle Asks
Kyle Message: Don't worry. I'm clean. But hope we can get dirty. Where r u?
Kyle hears a knock on his door. He gets up and opens it but no one is there. He sees another frat boy walking by in a towel.
"Was that you?" Kyle Asks
"No." He Says
Kyle heads back in his room "Tease." His door slams shut. Kyle's cell phone rings "Hello."
"What time is it?"
Kyle looks at his clock and the time is 8:10. His stereo starts to get extremely loud. The speaker knobs begin turning the volume up on their own.
"Who the hell is this?!" Kyle Says
In the hallway, the frat boy in a towel knocks on Kyle's door "Lower the tunes, brah! Trying to study."
Inside of Kyle's room the stereo is blasting. He's screaming and his eyes, ears, and nose start to bleed. The windows break as glass flies everywhere and Kyle falls backwards, dead.
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