ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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Late at night a young girl is seen leaving the Casey's Great Plains Diner carrying a to-go box. She locks the door behind her. She walks around the corner and sets the to-go box next to a homeless man who is asleep leaning against the wall.

"Nighty night, Slim." She Says

She continues to walk down the sidewalk and then pauses as she hears a low breathing behind her. She walks quicker and then looks behind her again.
She rushes to her car and in her nervousness drops her keys. She crawls under her car to reach them. As she does she hears footsteps and decides to crawl all the way under.

She pulls out her taser and turns it on. The electric light illuminates her frightened face. Suddenly the car is lifted up above her and a shadow of a person lights up in a hot blue fire. The unconscious girl is seen being dragged across a dirty floor. A trap door is open and she is dropped in as the hatch is slammed behind her.



A bartender refills Katherine's shot glass with tequila, she downs it then grimaces at the taste.

"Ahh." Katherine Says

"You might want to relax on the shots that's gotta be your what fifth one." He Says

"What can I say I have a really high tolerance." Katherine Says

" what's your story?" He Says

"I don't have a story, I'm just a girl in a bar." Katherine Says

"Everyone's got one." He Says

"Well sorry to bust your bubble babe, I'm just your regular average girl." Katherine Says

"Well I have a story if you open to hearing it?" He Says

"Hmm well I got all night so be it." Katherine Says

"So I'm really stressed out, my partner and I were planing on doing business together this weekend but, it's been really hard." He Says

"Why what's the thing that's been hard?" Katherine Says

"You see we're on a hunting trip and it's been hard to catch what we actually came out here for." He Says

"Listen Uh?" Katherine Says

"Dave." He Says

"Dave hunting is not that hard, your the predator which makes you the scariest thing out there." Katherine Says

"Hmm you know something about hunting huh?" Dave Says

Katherine picks up her drink and shrugs "..Something like that." She downs her other drink, Dave finishes his beer

"Hmm so your boyfriend here or something?" Dave Asks

"Are trying to hit on me?" Katherine Chuckles

"No No I was just asking because you knowβ€”" Dave Says

"I'm just busting your balls Davey, no I don't have a boyfriend...I like being free I hate being weighed down." Katherine Says

"Hmm I got a room across the street, and some more grub." Dave Says

"Free Tequila?" Katherine Says

"Yeah." Dave Says

Katherine leaves some money on the counter and stands up, She lends her hand out towards Dave.

"Looks like todays your lucky day." Katherine Says

Dave takes her hand and they leave the bar, A man who's sitting in a car and wearing sunglasses watches Katherine and Dave walk into the Motel Across the Hotel. Upstairs in Dave's room He and Katherine are making out on the bed, she rolls on top of him. Dave gets back on top of Katherine and reaches for something in the back of his pocket.

"What are you doing?" Katherine Asks

"Oh I'm just grabbing a condom just give me a sec." Dave Says

Dave reached in back pocket and pulls out a knife and tries to stab her but, Katherine grabs his hand quickly before he could. And pins him against the wall by the throat.

"Did you seriously think I would let you get by that easy?, please I realized you were following me all day." Katherine Says

"Had to break the ice some how, plus I was getting really bored watching you." Dave Says

"Should have stayed watching me Davey Boy, you would have lived longer." Katherine Says

"Don't think so." Dave Says

Dave head buts Katherine and she staggers back some, He quickly pulls out a holy water flask and Katherine's skin burns.

"Ahhh!" Katherine Says

Dave grabs a chair and hits Katherine over the back with it, she falls to the ground and Dave is ready to stab her with a knife covered in holy water then suddenly the door burst opens.

It's the man from the car, Dave looks at him and the man makes a hand gesture at him. Dave begins choking and The Man twists his hand and Dave's neck snaps and he falls to the ground dead.

"What the hell?" Katherine Says

"Nice too see you too Kath it's been a long time." He Removes his glasses and flares his black eyes

"Hello Amon." Katherine Says


Dean wakes up from his bed, he walks over to the sink in his room and turns the sink on and splashes some water in his face. He turns the water off and looks for a towel, Dean grabs one out his drawer and notices something. He picks up a picture, it's of him on and Elena on their first date. He smiles and has flashes of their first date that night, Dean sighs and puts the picture down on his dresser.

In The Kitchen Sam is fast asleep lying over the table. He is snoring and Dean enters and pours himself coffee. He grabs a bowl and slams it on the table, waking Sam up.

"Hey." Dean Says

"Hey." Sam Says

"You okay?" Dean Asks

"Yeah...uh...yeah. Just, uh...resting my head for a second. Um, how's Kevin? He, uh -- he find anything?" Sam Says

"Uh, Jack. On about four days no sleep. He looks worse than you." Dean Says

"Huh. What about Crowley? Um, do you think he might be lying about the whole, uh, "Metatron's spell being irreversible" thing?" Sam Says

"Oh, Crowley lie? I do know one thing. Next time that junkie's jonesing for a hit of blood, we got leverage." Sam still looks half asleep and yawns loudly "Seriously, you want a pillow?" Dean Says

"No, I'm fine." Sam Says

"You're sick." Dean Says

"No, I'm not sick. I'm just, umβ€”I feel like my battery can't recharge." Sam Says

Dean's cell phone rings and he pulls it out of his pocket and answers.

"Hello?" Dean Says

"Hey, Dean. Jody Mills." She Says

"Sheriff Mills..Hang on. Sam's here, too." Dean
Puts the phone on speaker

"Hey, Jody." Sam Says

"Hey, Sam..Uh...I got a bit of an oddball to pitch your direction." Jody Says

"Shoot." Dean Says

"A small town I cover outside of Sioux Falls -- only crime to speak of being the occasional cow tipping Then last week...four people go missing." Jody Says

"All right, so, what makes you think this is our kind of weird?" Dean Asks

"I've got a witness who says he saw someone lift an S.U.V. to nab a girl last night." Jody Says


The Impala is driving down a country road and it pulls up to Casey's Great Plains Diner and parks next to Sheriff Mills truck. The boys get out and both hug the sheriff.

"Sheriff. Laying off the blind dates, I hope." Dean Says

"Yeah. You bite your tongue, boy." Jody Says

"Hey. So?" Sam Says

"So. Car was right over there, ass over teakettle. Now, normally, if somebody would tell me that one guy lifted an S.U.V., I'd tell him to take a flying leap, but after what I've seen..." Jody Says

"Nothing's impossible." Sam Says

"Uh-huh." Jody Says

"And this matches up with the other missing how?" Dean Asks

"Well, four abductions, strong evidence left at every sceneβ€”literally." Jody Says

"So, first vic was a pastor?" Sam Says

"Yeah. Door of his study was punched in. And then, the next two -- an engaged couple." Jody Says

"Locked bedroom window was ripped open." Dean Says

"Mm-hmm. And then we have our waitress here with the topsy-turvy ride." Jody Says

"Any other connection among them?" Sam Asks

"Yeah. They were all members of Good Faith church here. My, uh, my church group back in Sioux Falls was in a tizzy over it." Jody Says

"Hmm." Dean Says

"What?" Jody Says

"I didn't peg you for churchy." Dean Says

"Yeah. You know... Choking on the ladies' room floor 'cause of witchcraft kind of makes a higher power seem relevant." Jody Says

"Jody, are you sure you're, uh, to jump back in the fray?" Dean Asks

"This wackadoo stuff keeps coming. More I know, better armed I'll be." Jody Says

"Okay, so, we have, uh, missing church folk and super strength. Maybe angels harvesting vessels? Could be a Buddy Boyle type thing." Sam Says

"Whβ€”angels? You're joking." Jody Says

"Don't get your pants on fire. They suck." Dean Says

"You said there was a witness." Sam Says

"Yeah, well...more or less." Jody Says

Sam, Dean are sitting at a restaurant booth and Jody and the homeless man Slim join them.

"Okay, Slim. My friends here want to talk to you about the missing girl." Jody Says

"Honor. Her name was Honor. Nice girl. Always left me meatloafs." Slim Says

"Mm." Dean Says

"Slim, why don't you tell us what you saw that night?" Sam Asks

"I heard a big noise, got woke, and there's somebody over there lifting a car up -- like this." Slim lifts his hands above his head

"And did you happen to see who it was?" Dean Asks

"I was too far. But I saw a light go off." Slim Says

"A white light?" Sam Says

"Blue. Blue like fire. But not. Then she wasβ€”she wasn't there." Slim Says

"Could you think of anything else?" Dean Asks

"No." Slim Says

"Okay. Well...Slim, thank you for your time."
Dean takes out his wallet and hands Slim a $20 bill, Slim takes the money and leaves

"Okay. So, no white light." Sam Says

"No angel. Has anybody talked to the victims' families?" Dean Says

"It's next on my list." Jody Says

"Okay, and you said that they were all part of the same church?" Sam Says

"Mm-hmm." Jody Says

"Ready to get your worship on?" Dean Asks


Katherine and Amon are sitting across from each other, they are both drinking coffee.

"You know I didn't need saving right, I had that situation all under control." Katherine Says

"Sure you did." Amon smirks at her

"Don't smirk at me, what are you even doing here?" Katherine Asks

"I was in town you know around, and I heard from a little birdie that you were in town. And I just had to see if it were true and I'm glad It was." Amon Says

"Please it's only been a few years." Katherine Says

"It's actually been 148 years, you remember our civil war days." Amon Says

A Smile forms on Katherine's face "..I do indeed, but that was a long time what you came all the way out here to stalk me?" Katherine Says

"No actually I'm here because I got business to settle with an old friend who screwed me over." Amon Says

"Uh Oh." Katherine Says

"Yeah so rumor has it that some of his henchmen are in town, all I need is to get some answers and I'll know where to find her." Amon Says

"It's a she...well this jus got interesting, I'm in." Katherine Says

"Your in now all of a sudden." Amon Says

"Yeah if this little mission involves us killing then I'm all in handsome." Katherine Says

"Alright then." Amon Says



Inside an office a woman named Bonnie Futchko, sits down at a large desk with Dean and Sam on the sitting across.

"We hope you enjoyed the tour. Any questions before we get you boys registered?" Bonnie Asks

"Uh, yeah, uh, look, um, Ms. Futchkoβ€”" Sam Says

"Oh, please... Bonnie will do just fine." She Says

"Bonnie. Okay, um, the church we do. But Well, we've heard that a few members have gone missing, and, to be honest...that kind of scares us." Sam Says

"Let me assure you, with our increased security, Good Faith has never been safer. And those people who have gone missing, well, they are front and center in our prayers." Bonnie Says

"What a relief. Now, you must have been, uh, close to them." Dean Says

"Well, we do share the A.P.U. bond." Bonnie Says

"The A.P.U."?" Dean Says

"Our chastity group... "Abstinence Purifies Us." Bonnie Says

"Oh. W-wow. You mind if we sit in on that, maybe see if it's for us?" Sam Says

"I'm afraid it's members only. I'm sorry, but it can get pretty personal." Bonnie Says

"Then count us in." Sam Says

"Well. I'll be a squirrel in a skirt. I'll be back in a jiff with the papers." Bonnie Says

She leaves and we see her outside the office pulling papers from a large filing cabinet. Dean leans over to Sam.

"A chastity group?" Dean Says

"Dean, listen, if all the members were in A.P.U., then maybe whatever took them is stalking virgins." Sam Says

"And that Slim guy said he thought he saw fire. So, what are you thinking, dragons?" Dean Says

"Mm." Sam looks up to see Bonnie returning

"All righty." She hands both of the boys clipboards."You can just sign there, and your purification can begin." Dean Says

"Purity pledge"?" Sam Says

"It's a commitment to your virginity." Bonnie Says

"I don't think we can really un-ring that bell. You know what I mean?" Dean Says

"Oh. I see. Well... If you just ask for God's forgiveness for your sins and make a new vow of chastity, well, then, you'll be born again as a virgin in his eyes." Bonnie Says

"So, you just hit the "virginity do-over" button, and all is good with the man upstairs?" Dean Says

"It's not a button. And...this isn't just a piece of paper. I mean, this is your clean slate, your chance to be a virgin until marriage." Bonnie Says

"Well, you had me at "clean slate" Let's do this." Dean Says

Dean and then Sam both sign their real names to the bottom of their purity pledges, They then hand them back to Bonnie.

"Congratulations, Sam and Dean Winchester. You are both virgins." Bonnie Says

"Ah." Sam & Dean Says

Dean looks over and smiles sheepishly at Sam.


In a dark room somewhere with a few tiny candles burning high on ledges in the wall. Sounds of a girl crying we hear the sound of a taser and Honor's face lights up with the blue electric light.

She walks around, limping, exploring her prison with the light of the taser. She sees a ledge with some Talcom Power and soap. She is then startled by movement behind her. She gasps in fright.

"Please. Stay away from me!" Honor Says

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