πππππππ π΅πππ πππ πΏπππ πΏπππ 1
3 Weeks Later
Elena is lying in her bed, Dean comes inside and places food on the end table. He kisses her forehead.
"There's some food if your hungry, I'll be out there if you need me." Elena doesn't say anything. "Okay." Dean Says
Dean gets up and walks to the door, He looks back at Elena then walks out the room.
Sam, Corinna and Denny are sitting in the living room watching Tv.
"How is she?" Corinna Asks
"She's Uh.." Dean Says
"Still not talking." Corinna Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
"Poor Elena, I wish there was something we could do." Denny Says
"I mean all we can do is be there for her, no matter how hard she pushes us away." Sam Says
"She's not gonna push us away." Dean Says
"Dean...I Know you think she won't but when she's upset or depressed she tends to push people away." Corinna Says
"Well we're not gonna let happen, okay Lena is in a fragile state right now hell we all are....Bobby meant a lot to us." Dean Says
"Yeah." They Say
Elena comes out the bedroom, Everyone looks at her.
"Hey." Corinna Says
"Hi." Elena Says
"Did you eat?" Sam Asks
"Yes." Elena Says
"Good." Dean Says
"That's Good." Corinna & Denny Says
"So Um I'm gonna go take a shower....so yeah." Elena Says
They all nods, Elena makes her way to the bathroom she sits her towel on the hamper and gets undressed.
She turns on the water and gets into the tub, Elena sits in the tub for a moment getting lost in her thoughts, she then sighs and goes underwater for a bit.
Later On, Elena is back in her room she's looking at some of the old photos of herself, Bobby and Eleanor.Β The door opens it's Corinna with some dinner.
"Hey, I saved you some dinner it's your favorite." Corinna Says
"Spaghetti casserole." Elena Says
"Mhmm, I heated it up for you by the way." Corinna Says
"Thank you." Elena Says Softly
"No problem, what are you doing here?" Corinna Asks
"Just looking through some stuff, some old memories." Elena Says
"That's you when you were a baby." Corinna Says
"Yeah, that's our family vacation up in Niagara Falls I had to be maybe 1." Elena Says
"You we're so cute as a baby." Corinna Says
"Yeah I was huh." Elena Says
"So The guys left a few hours ago, there working on a case nearby but Denny said that they should be back later until then I could keep you company-" Corinna Says
"Corinna No I'm fine I swear." Elena Says
"I mean I could just-" Corinna Says
"Corinna stop, look just leave me alone okay....please." Elena Says As Corinna Sighs
"Okay Look I'll be out there all right, let me know if you need me." Corinna Says
Elena nods as Corinna leaves, She looks down at a picture of Bobby and Her with a cake. Elena starts to get teary eyed then looks under her bed and grabs a bottle of whisky, she opens it and begins drinking.
For the next couple of hours Elena continues drinking and Corinna looks after her, Denny, Sam and Dean comes back into the Cabin and see's Corinna sitting at the table and Elena standing by the refrigerator.
"Hey Guys." Denny Says
"Hey." Corinna Says
"I see she's up." Sam Says
"Elena what's wrong?" Dean Asks
"What's wrong is that's we're out of Cookie's & Cream Ice cream that's what." Elena Says
She slams the refrigerator door and picks up the bottle of whisky and drinks some more, They all look at her concerned.
"Have you been drinking all day?" Dean Asks
"Yeah." She waves the bottle, which is half empty. "And I feel good for once." Elena Says
"Okay that's just the Alcohol talking." Dean Says
"No No No it's not, actually it's me being me...when I drink this it's like all my problems go away." Elena Says
"By Drinking?" Denny Says
"Yes Dennis, the alcohol is the best grieving remedy aren't I right Dean, I mean I'm not just better it's almost like I'm alive. You know when I drink I have the biggest smile on my face...I haven't smiled in two weeks....hell I haven't smiled since my dad died...but thanks to my dear old friend whiskey here she makes everything better." Elena Says Drinking from the bottle
"Okay Elena look just give me the bottle okay." He reaches for it but she doesn't let him get. "Lena give it to me." Dean Says
"No I'm not done yet, Dean you don't get it...I was going to tell you guys the best part about being drunk." Elena Says
"What Elena." Dean Says
"Numbness, the numbness is the best part because you can't feel anything...and that's all I wanna feel right now just nothing." Elena Says
"Elena I don't think being numb is the best thing for right now." Sam Says
"Oh Sammy your wrong by the way, I do...I like being numb, I think it's best if all I feel is numb because if feel everything all at once I feel like I'm gonna explode and none of you want to see that trust me." Elena Says
"Elena please stop it your drunk." Corinna Says
"Well duh that's the whole point, I mean yeah I'm drunk but I'm happy." Dean Scoffs. "What Isn't that what you guys wanted me to be, you wanted me to smile, get up and eat or do anything...I took a showerΒ today I haven't showered in three days...you guys are such buzz killers your just ruining my mojo, Look you guys can just sit there and mope all night but not me I'm gonna finish my bottle and be "Happy" alright." Elena Says
"Elena I know right now your going through a lot but look we're not going to give up on you okay, we're here just talk to us please..okay we're going to take it one step at a time." Corinna Says
"Oh Shut Up You Bitch." Elena Says
"What?" Corinna Says
"Oh My God, Corinna would you do me a favor and shut the hell up!" Elena Says
"Hey Look Enough!" Dean Says
"No Look I'm tired of her Mumbo jumbo crap alright I've heard enough of it." Elena Says
"I'm just trying to be there for you." Corinna Says
"Oh Don't even get me started with this "Oh let's take one step at a time" bull crap, your a hypocrite you know that." Elena Says
"Excuse Me?!" Corinna Says
"You heard me your a hypocrite Corinna." Elena Says
"How." Corinna Says
"How let me tell you, Because your always the one who's like we should value the time we spend with our parents when your a complete opposite, Corinna how many years it's been since you've even seen your parents." Elena Says
"I-" Corinna Says
"What Almost fo-four years, you have nothing to say to me...I shouldn't even be listening to anything you say right now. Why should I listen to a girl who won't even talk to her own parents." Corinna starts to cry a little. "You and I aren't aren't in the same boat right now okay, you wanna know where my parents are Corinna....gone there dead they were taken from me, you know where your parents are...alive and kicking, breathing..they are living their best lives right now. And you don't even talk to them at all, you see that's the big difference between me and you....I don't have parents and you do and it's not fair, it's not fair because I actually gave a crap about my parents and you could care less if they are alive or not." Elena Says
"Elena That's Enough!" Denny Says
"I mean for years and years I just hear you bitch and moan and complain about your mom & dad, I just listen because I'm your best friend right...no you didn't think to care about my feelings." Elena Says
"That's not true." Corinna Says
"But it is right, It's always about you it's always about Corinna and her feelings and blah blah blah, so why don't you do me a favor and shut the hell up and get out my face right now." Elena Says then takes a swig from the bottle
"No..No I'm going anywhere because I know that's just the alcohol and that your hurting right now and all you want to do is blame something for Bobby's death, I know I'm your best friend but your not going to blame me." Corinna Says
Elena turns away for a second, Then she looks back at Corinna annoyed, She then slaps Corinna really hard. Denny pulls Corinna away as she holds her face, Dean pulls Elena away
"What the hell Elena!" Sam Says
"I told you to get out my face bitch and you didn't listen." Elena Says
"Why would you hit me?!" Corinna Says
"Because I warned you." Elena Says
"Lena Lena look at me, you have to stop okay." Dean Says
"I don't want to talk to a girl who has parents and doesn't even care about them." Elena Says
"Elena Stop It Please!" Dean says
"Stop What Dean, I'm being a best friend...best friends are supposed to be honest with each other." Elena Says
"Well your not, your being mean to everyone who's trying to help you." Sam Says
"Help me how, you guys think that's you can magically make this all go away." Elena Says
"Lena-" Dean Says
"No Dean shut up okay, you can't make it go away no matter how hard you try you can never take this pain away now let go of me." Elena Says
"That's not gonna happen, your gonna take a shower and your gonna go to bed." Dean Says As She Scoffs
"Who are you my favorite, oh that's right your not now move." Elena Says
"No." Dean & Sam Says
Elena sighs and takes a huge breath in. "Icaeus!"
She chants the spell, her telekinesis sends Sam, Dean, Denny and Corinna flying across the room hitting the walls and going over furniture knocking them out.
"You made this hard on yourselves." Elena Says
Elena grabs her jacket, and she packs a bag and head towards the door, she looks back at them and walks out the door.
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