ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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Elena is in her room still dressed in her Pjs, she stares at the ceiling for a while then picks up her phone and calls Corinna.

"Pick Up." Elena Says


Denny and Corinna are in the living slow dancing as "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" By Aerosmith, Denny spins Corinna around as she giggles and he dips her into a kiss, they continue to slow dance as Corinna's phone continues to ring.

"Don't want to close my eyes
Don't want to fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't want to miss a thing" Denny & Corinna Sings

"I love you." Denny Says

"I love you more" they kiss "What a way to start a Saturday morning huh." Corinna Says

"Yeah...this is really nice, we haven't had a moment like this in a while. works been crazy lately." Denny Says

"I know what you mean but, let's forget about those leviathans for one second because all I wanna do is hold you all day." Corinna Says Then Kisses Denny

"We can do that, seems like a plan." Denny Says

Corinna and Denny kiss some more but she overhears her cellphone and stops the kiss, Denny sighs

"Come on." Denny Says

"I'm sorry I'll be back." Corinna Says

"It's her and you know that, she can wait for just a second." Denny Says

"Dennis it could be an emergency." Corinna Says

"True...go ahead, I'll make breakfast." Denny Says

Corinna kisses his cheek and walks into the bedroom and answers the phone.

"Hey Pouty." Corinna Says


"Finally I've been calling you."Elena Says

"Sorry Denny and I were doing something." Corinna Says

"Oh I'm sorry I'll call bac-" Elena Says

"No No not that we were just never mind what's up." Corinna Says

"Where do I even begin, Um the guy that I like is confusing the hell out of me." Elena Says


Corinna walks into the kitchen, she opens the refrigerator and pours herself a glass of apple juice.

"Dean, what happened now?" Corinna Asks

"He still won't talk about our kiss." Elena Says

"Lena that kiss was weeks ago." Corinna Says

Denny stops cooking and looks at her. "Dean kissed Elena?!"

"Yes." Corinna Says

"When was this and why didn't you tell me?" Denny Asks

"Babe I did tell you." Corinna Says

"No you didn't Corinna, If I did would I be this shocked." Denny Says

"I'm sorry for not telling you but yes Dean & Elena kissed." Corinna Says

"Well what are they gonna do know?" Denny Asks

"Hello that's why I called your girlfriend Denny." Elena Says

"Talk to him simple." Corinna Says


"Easier said then done." Elena Says


Elena and Dean are talking in the kitchen and she looks at him, he struggles to get the words out.

Elena is practicing some spells, Dean looks at her he tries to walk up to her but he steps on a mouse trap.

"Ahh!" Dean Says As Elena turns around and see's him wining in pain

Sam is asleep on the couch, Elena and Dean are next to each other watching a movie. they reach their hands into the popcorn and they touch hands. She gives him a small smile, Dean gives her an awkward smile then takes his hand out.

"You know I'm just gonna make some more." Dean Says

"Why there's plenty more." Elena Says

"I know but..Um I want my own so yea you can have it." Dean Says

"Okay." Elena Says As Dean nods then walks away, she rolls her eyes and shoves popcorn in her mouth



"Wow it's that awkward." Corinna Says

"Tell me about it Corinna...what if he never tells me why you know what if this is it, we're gonna be stuck in this awkward setting we're in forever." Elena Says



"Oh I don't think so, don't be so dramatic." Corinna Says Drinking her Apple Juice

"I'm not, you there's a part of me that wants to know the truth then there's the downside of know what if he just kissed me just to do it." Elena Says

"You think he would really do that." Corinna Says

"Don't know but my mind is slowly leaning there." Elena Says

"Well don't let it, look don't give up okay just talk to the damn man and force it right out of him." Corinna Says

"But-" Elena Says

"Uh listen to me for one second alright, today is the day your gonna get your explanation alright even if you have to force Dean and you know what I'm talking about." Corinna Says

"What are you suggesting I do a hypnosis spell." Elena Says

"Uhhh" Corinna Says

"Corinna No." Elena Says

"What it was just a suggestion." Corinna Says As Denny smirk's at her


"I'm not hypnotizing Dean Alright." Elena Says

"Might come in handy one day." Corinna Chuckles

"It's so hard you know, I really really like and I can't get him out my head...why does it have to complicated." Elena Says Flopping on the bed


"Don't know that's just men sometimes." Corinna Says

"Hey." Denny Says

"Not you, you don't count." Corinna Says

Denny pours the pancake batter into the skillet and begins cooking, Corinna takes a bite out of a strawberry.

"You know it's both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so deeply." Elena Says

"Yeah I know, I miss when I was nonchalant about everything." Corinna Says

"God no I love how emotional you are" Corinna Chuckles "Look I gotta go shower alright I'll talk to you guys later." Elena Says


"Okay Then love you bye." Corinna Says As Elena hangs up

"And breakfast is done." Denny Says

"Ahh yes." Corinna Says

"So do you think those two will work it out." Denny Says

"Don't know but I'm pulling for them." Corinna Says



Elena is in the woods, she has seven glass bottles placed on a log far from her. She loads the magazine with seven bullets and cocks her gun, Bobby walks towards her and watches her shoot all seven of the glass bottles perfectly.

"Nice." Bobby Says

"Oh Hey dad didn't see you there." Elena Says

"What's going why you out here?" Bobby Asks

"Oh Um nothing, I just needed to get some air being in there can be a little exhausting especially since your the only girl in there." Elena Says As Bobby Chuckles

"True." Bobby Says

"But why are you out here?" Elena Asks

"Well I just woke up from my nap and I was looking for you and Sam told me you were out here." Bobby Says

"Yeah I've been out for about 45 minutes." Elena Says

"Yeah I can see" He looks at the shattered bottles. "But you wanna come with me somewhere." Bobby Says

"Where?" Elena Asks

"Tonight I figured we have a nice dinner, you know not that fast food junk or from Biggerson's." Bobby Says

"I'm down for that, what are you thinking." Elena Says

"Well I thought we could figure that out on the way there but I am craving chicken." Bobby Says

"Me to, I think I might have something we could eat tonight." Elena Says as she and Bobby walks towards the cabin

Later On, Dean and Sam come back inside the cabin with beers.

"What's that smell?" Sam Asks

"Smells like food." Dean Says

Dean and Sam walks into the kitchen area and sees Bobby and Elena cooking dinner, the boys smile at them.

"Oh you guys are back." Elena Says

"Hey Uh what's going on here." Sam Says

"What does it look like Sammy, we're cooking dinner." Elena Says

"Dinner I thought we were eating out?" Dean Says

"We we're but I wanted a home cooked meal, so I thought Elena and I should cook tonight." Bobby Says

"Oh that's great, better than something from Biggerson's right." Sam Says

"Exactly." Elena Says

"So what's on the menu tonight huh?" Dean Asks

"Baked spaghetti with lemon garlic parmesan chicken tenders." Elena Says

"Sounds good." Sam Says

"Is dinner ready?" Dean Asks

"Yeah and tonight's desert is" She picks up a plate "Cherry pie." Elena Says As Dean grows a smile

"P-P Pie you baked pie." Dean Says

"Yeah, I'd figure why not." Elena Says

"I'll set the table and then we can eat." Sam Says

"I'll crack open the beer." Bobby Says

Through out the evening, The group of hunters enjoy the dinner that Bobby & Elena prepared. She looks over at Dean devour the pie she made which brings a smile to her face. Sam and Bobby looks at him then chuckles at him, they all clink their beer bottles as Elena and Dean look at each other then takes swigs of their beer.

Later on, Sam, Bobby and Dean are in the living room watching a football as Elena gets up from the couch.

"Where you going?" Bobby Asks

"Outside for a minute I'll be back." Elena Says

"Okay." Bobby Says

Elena grabs her jacket and heads out the door, Dean looks after her and gets up as well.

"I'll be back." Dean Says


Dean goes outside and see's Elena sitting on a bench looking at the sky and he sits next to her.

"Hey." Dean Says

"Hey." Elena Says

"Why are you out here?" Dean Asks

"Don't know just wanted to sit out here, plus I'm not in the mood to watch football." Elena Says

"So your just gonna look at the sky all night." Dean Says

"Mhmm, it's one of my favorite things to do when I have things on my mind." Elena Says

"Like what?" Dean Asks

"Oh you know what." Elena Says

"Oh.." Dean Says

"Yeah and Dean we have to talk about it." Elena Says

"Lena-" Dean Says

"Why did you kiss me?" Elena Asks

"Can we not talk about this." Dean Says

"No Let's talk because I deserve a explanation, Dean you kissed me." Elena Says

"Yeah I know." Dean Says

"Why I need to know why, because for weeks you've been avoiding it and it's killing why the hell did you kiss me?" Elena Asks

"I don't know I guess-" Dean Says

"You guess what?" Elena Says

"I guess after everything that happened with Lisa, and her getting possessed and almost dying...I-I guess I kissed you because..I was emotionally out of it." Dean Says

"What does that mean?" Elena Asks

"It means that I was emotional and alone and in that moment you were there for me and all I could think about was kissing you in that exact moment, maybe I was desperate." Dean Says As Elena scoffs

" kissed me because you were desperate and emotional." Elena Says

"Yeah I know it sounded okay in my head." Dean Says

She gets up from the bench. "When your emotional you either hug your friends or ask them to be with you whenever you feel alone, you don't kiss them out of desperation Dean." Elena Says

"Yeah I know, I'm stupid." Dean Says

"Yeah I know." Elena Says

He looks at her and gets up, she tries to walk away but he stops her, Bobby looks outside the window at them.

"Lena look I'm sorry." Dean Says

"Yea I bet you are." Elena Says

"What's wrong?" Dean Asks

"Everything, okay I knew this would happen." Elena Says

"What do you mean?" Dean Asks

"For weeks all I wanted was an answer but not that type of answer...I guess..I guess the answer I wanted was that you truly wanted to kiss me." Elena Says

"What." Dean Says

"Yes because lately that's when I've been thinking about, I didn't want our first kiss to be an act of desperation. I wanted it to be a realization for you." Elena Says

"What you wanted to kiss me." Dean Says

"Yes but not in that moment, maybe down the line when your over Lisa because I know you still love her and your feelings for me might not even be real." Elena Says

"Elena what are you trying to say?" Dean Asks

"God your so oblivious, what do you think I'm trying to say." He Shrugs "Why do think I kissed you wasn't just out of a reaction, I kissed you back because it's something I've been wanting to do for a while." Elena Says

"Really?" Dean Says

"Yes!, Dean you are my best friend and I care about you so much and this past year I leaned a lot about my myself, sadly good things came to an end for me I was in a relationship with someone who loved me so much and wanted to marry him, but I know why I couldn't marry Stefan it's because I was in love with someone else." Elena Says

"Me." Dean Says

"Yes you, you stupid idiot. I never thought that I would ever feel this way towards you but I realized maybe just maybe I loved you for a long time and I didn't know until it was to late.

"Lena-" Dean Says

"No let me talk, I'm in love with you "Dean's eyes widen a little "I love you Dean so much and I want this to happen I've been wanting it to happen for a long time but that can't if you don't tell me how you feel." Elena Says

"Elena I just told you-" Dean Says

"No you told me some watered down version of what you mean, but I want the truth Dean." Elena Says

"Elena I can't." Dean Says

"You can't what Dean, why can't you just tell me how you feel...because I don't know how long I can do this, I can't just sit here and pretend that it didn't and pretend that there's nothing here because it is." She walks up to him and places her hands on his face
"Dean I'm asking you answer this for you love me or not?" Elena Asks

"I'm sorry Elena." Dean Says

Elena Scoffs as tears start to form in her eyes, she lets go and walks away from him.

"Yeah I'm sorry to." Elena Says

Elena gets inside Bobby's car and she looks at Dean then she drives away, Dean sighs and puts his head down.

Later On, Bobby and Sam looks at Dean questioningly as he drinks his beer at the table, Bobby and Sam gets up and walks over to him.

"What's up with you?" Sam Asks

"Nothing." Dean Says

"Oh really, then why did my daughter leave and didn't tell me where she was going." Bobby Says

"Don't know." Dean Says

"Okay can we be honest for a moment, Dean what happened?" Sam Asks As Dean sighs and finishes his beer

"The night when Cas erased Lisa & Ben's memories of me and basically everything that involves the supernatural, when everyone was asleep Elena came to talk to me." Dean Says

"Yeah and?" Bobby Says

"Well Right after we talked...I kissed her." Dean Says

"You what?!" Sam & Bobby Says

"Yeah I know." Dean Says

"So that explains why she's been giving you a lot of attitude lately." Sam Says

"Yeah and for the past couple of weeks she wanted an explanation on why I did it." Dean Says

"And did you." Bobby Says

"Yes and No at the same time, I told her the truth of me being emotional that night but I didn't her the truth about why I really did it." Dean Says

"Dean then what's the truth?" Sam Asks

"Truth is...I did want to kiss her, I didn't want to admit that to myself because of what happened to Lisa and that makes me a jackass but I'm a even bigger Jack ass because I lied to her." Dean Says

"So what happened out there between the two of you." Bobby Says

"She basically told me that she's in love with me and she wants to be with me but I couldn't tell her how I really feel." Dean Says

"Why?" Sam Asks

"Because I'm scared alright, everyone we'd ever love is either dead or barley moving...and I don't want that to happen to Lena I care about her to much to put her through that. Besides She's better off without me anyways everything I touch I ruin." Dean Says

"That's not true Dean." Sam Says

"It is Sam, Elena is better off without me." Dean Says

"Isn't that up to her to decide." Dean looks At Him "I know I promised her I would never tell you this but I feel like nows the time." Bobby Says

"What?" Dean Says

"About a year ago right after Sam went into the cage with Micheal and Lucifer, Elena went looking for you." Bobby Says

"She did." Dean Says

"Yea, It was maybe three or four weeks after you left." Bobby Says




Bobby is in his study he's reading some books and drinking whiskey, then someone enters the house.

"Who is it?" Bobby Asks

"Dad it's Me." Elena Says

"Oh hey kiddo, your back from your hunt how was it?" Bobby Asks

"It was okay, Corinna, Denny and I handle it pretty well I guess." Elena Says

" want some whiskey." Bobby Says

"Dad it's 2:30 in the afternoon." Elena Says

"It's happy hour somewhere." Bobby Says As Elena chuckles

"Sure." Elena Says

Elena sits down on the couch, Bobby looks over at her and sits next to her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Elena Says

"Elena come on talk to me what's going on you've been depressed for weeks now, is it about Sam?" Bobby Says

"Yeah, I miss him I know he made a huge sacrifice but I miss my friend...but I also miss Dean." Elena Says

"Yeah I miss those two as well." Bobby Says

"Dad can I ask you something." Elena Says

"Sure." Bobby Says

"Let's just say your in confused situation in your life and your ready to make a decision, there's this person that you've known all your life and lately your feelings for them have changed...I mean you want to say something but there with someone else." Elena Says

"Elena are you trying to me you like Dean?" Bobby Asks

"Maybe...I just really need to talk to him." Elena Says

"Kiddo-" Bobby Says

"Look I know he's with Lisa but dad what if he doesn't really want to be with her I mean Sam told him to be with them...what if-" Elena Says

"Elena Stop, look I'm sorry but your to late. He's been with them for almost a month now, Deans finally going to live his life, don't get me wrong if there was a possibility of you to being together I'd say go but you can't...he promised Sam and knowing Dean he's gonna keep that promise." Bobby Says As Elena sighs

"Yeah...maybe your right." Elena Says

"I'm sorry." Bobby Says

"I know." Elena Says

Bobby and Elena hug, Bobby goes into the kitchen as Elena looks at a picture of Her, Sam and Dean. She smiles a little then grabs her car keys.

"Dad I'll be back okay I'm gonna hang out with Corinna and Denny." Elena Says

"Elena." Bobby Says

"I am, I'll be back okay." Elena Says Then leaves

"I know you will." Bobby Says

Outside Elena gets inside her car and drives off, she drives for a couple hours and drives pass a sign that says



Elena sits in her car across the street from Lisa's house, She sees Dean outside mowing the lawn, She breathes in and is about to open the door but Lisa and Ben comes outside with Dean. Lisa kisses Dean and Elena smile fades a little, Ben tosses Dean a football and he and Ben begins tossing around the football as Lisa joins them. Elena closes the door and watches them for a second then drives away, Dean looks at the car passing them then goes back to playing with Lisa and Ben.



"And that's everything." Bobby Says

"Wow." Sam Says

"And you didn't think to tell me this sooner Bobby!" Dean Says

"Hey don't get mad a me boy you had a women and a kid." Bobby Says

"But why now, why tell me this now...I mean after everything that happened with Lisa and Ben I just can't be with her." Dean Says

"Cut the crap Dean, admit it you want to be with her. Dean you don't know how lucky you are right now." Sam Says

"What are you talking about." Dean Says

"I'm saying that maybe this could a good thing, I mean you Elena have been friends for years you guys know everything about one she's in this life with us. Look I know hunting sucks but at least Elena understands what you do and why you do it, call me corny but I think you guys are meant to be." Sam Says

"And I agree with Sam here, look if you we're just some other guy I would be judging the hell out of you right now, I mean I practically raised you. What I'm trying to say is stop being such a idjit and go find my daughter and tell her you love her." Bobby Says

"Bobby-" Dean Says

"Go Damn it." Bobby Says

"Go get her Dean." Sam Says


It's Night, Elena is sitting in a park alone drinking some water, she looks at the couple on a canoe being romantic and kissing, she sighs.

"Why my love life be simple, Hmm maybe I should have been a lesbian." Elena Says

She finishes her water and gets up only to see Dean standing near his Impala.

"Hey." Dean Says

"Hi." Elena Says

"You like sitting in parks alone at night, it's pretty dangerous." Dean Says

"I can handle myself I am a witch remember." Elena Says As Dean slowly walks to her

"Oh I know." Dean Says

"What are you doing here?" Elena Asks

"Well If there's one thing I know is that you like to go to quiet areas when your upset, plus I tracked your phone." Dean Says

"You What." Elena Says

"I know but let me finish, I know your angry with me and you probably don't wanna see me right now." Dean Says

"Yup." Elena Says

"But answer me this, why didn't you tell me you came to see me a year ago?" Dean Asks

"How did youβ€”" Elena Says

"Bobby told me." Dean Says

"Figures." Elena Says

"Why Did you look for me?" Dean Asks

"At that time I just realized that my feelings for you were real and all I wanted to do was tell you how I felt, but Dad told me no...and you know how I am I'm stubborn and I don't listen as much so I went to go see you anyways hoping that something might happen, but when I got there and right before i got out the car I saw you with them and how happy you looked and I said if I get out this car your a selfish person. And you promised Sam and I didn't want to ruin that no matter how much it hurt me I didn't want to ruin your chance at having a family." Elena Says

"And look how that ended, somehow I ended up finding my way back to you. Look I loved Lisa I really did but weren't meant to be together." Dean Says

"Don't say that you really cared about her." Elena Says

"But I care about you to, you asked me a question earlier and I'm sorry I couldn't answer it earlier, But the truth is I did want to kiss you I mean for a while I've been wanting to but I didn't want to do it just to do it, I wanted to do because...I love you." Dean Says

"You What?" Elena Says

"I Do, I knew it the moment I met you when we were little, and I'm sorry it took me to long to catch up I just got stuck along the way." Dean Says

"Why we're you so scared to say it?" Elena Asks

"Because it's you and I was afraid that if I let myself love you, down the line something bad will happen." Dean Says

"Hey Look at me, Im not going anywhere and if someone or something gets in our way we'll know what to do." Elena Says

Dean pulls Elena close and puts his hands on her waist, she looks at him smiling.

"So you and me huh." Dean Says

"Yeah..No backing out now." Elena Says

"Wasn't planning on it." Dean Says

Raindrops start falling, a couple of drops lands on their faces as they look up and smiles at each other.
Elena leans in and kisses Dean, she wraps her arms around his neck as he kisser back passionately, they break away for a moment.

"I love you." Dean Says

"I love you to." Elena Says As Dean kisses her again

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