ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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Dean rings the doorbell, He is holding a box containing a waffle iron while Elena, Denny and Corinna are near him holding gifts. The box is unwrapped but is tied with a red ribbon. Sam opens the door.

"Me being supportive. Congratulations to you and the missus." Dean Says

"And From Corinna and I, we got you guys Matching Mr & Ms mugs." Denny Says

"I got you a well I didn't know what to get you so I got an air fryer." Elena Says

"Oh Thanks guys." Sam Says

"Mines...It's a waffle iron. Nonstick. Yeah, you just, uh..." He mimes closing the waffle iron and turning a dial. "I actually don't know how to use it. Are we good?" Dean Says

Sam shrugs and smiles briefly.

"Good, 'cause I'm sniffing a case in this town. The score is... Guy wins Powerball, gets squished by a truck. Second guy went from the bench to the Majors. Oh, and one week later, his face was the catcher's mitt, huh?" Dean Says

"Our first thought was crossroads demons, but there's that 10-year time frame on collecting souls." Becky Says

Sam leads the way into the bedroom, where Becky is standing in front of a wall headed "Sam and Becky's Investigation." Below the sign is their research.

"Then there's cursed object, like in "Bad Day at Black Rock," but we haven't been able to connect the vics yet." Becky Says

"What is she doing?" Elena Whispers As Corinna Shrugs

"You're working this case... together?" Denny Asks

"Yeah. I know. Right? I mean, I guess all those Chuck Shurley books paid off." Sam Says

"I guess so, is she the super girl fan you guys talked about." Denny Says

"Yup." Elena & Corinna Says

"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" Becky Asks

"Oh I'm Denny, I'm a friend of theirs and Corinna's boyfriend." He Says

"Really your dating her, interesting." Becky Says

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Corinna Says

"All right, listen, Cookie, I don't know what kind of mojo you're working, but, believe me, we will find out."Dean Says

"Dean, that' wife you're talking to." Sam Says

"You're not even acting like yourself, Sam!" Dean Says

"How am I not?" Sam Says

"Well for starters you married Becky Rosen!" Corinna Says

"What are you saying? I'm a witch? Or maybe I'm a siren. Ever occur to you we're just – I don't know – happy?" Becky Says

"No offense Becky I find that very hard to believe." Elena Says

"Come on, Sam! Guy wins the lotto, guy hits the bigs. All right, obviously, uh, people's dreams are coming true in this town. Don't you think this is a little bit of a coincidence?" Dean Says

"You know what Guys?, What Becky and I have is real. And if you can't accept that, that's your problem, not ours." Sam Says

"Or maybe she's part of it. Because for whatever reason, you're her dream. If you really do care about her, I'd be worried. Because people who do get their little fantasies or whatever seem to end up dead pretty quick." Dean Says

"You know, I went after her, Dean. Maybe that's what's bugging you – that I'm moving on with my life. I mean, you took care of me, and that's great. But I don't need you anymore." Sam Says

Dean, Elena and Denny leaves the apartment, Corinna stops and looks at Becky and mouths
"I'm watching you." Then she leaves.

"You know I always had this feeling she didn't like me." Becky Says

"Don't worry hun, she doesn't like that many people anyways." Sam Says



Dean and Elena is walking towards the Dodge, Corinna and Denny makes their way to the car.

"I don't trust her." Corinna Says

"Corinna." Denny Says

"No Denny, I don't know what it is about her shes always given me the creepy super fan vibe ever since I met her." Corinna Says

"Yeah I mean the first time we met her, she literally couldn't take her hands off Sam." Elena Says

"This whole thing gives me a migraine." Dean Says

"Or maybe just maybe...what if Sam is actually in love with her." Denny Says

Elena, Corinna and Dean stares at Him.

"No." They Say

"Okay Then." Denny Says

"Hold on Bobby's Calling." Dean Says


Elena is in the passenger while Corinna and Denny are in the backseat, Dean gets in the dodge.

"I don't want another hunter, Bobby. Why can't you do it?" He gets into the car, Ugh! Fine. What's his name?" Dean Says


Becky is sitting on the edge of the bed and drawing a love heart in a journal in which "Sam loves Becky" has been written over and over. She raises the journal to her face and inhales deeply. This leaves red ink on her nose.

"Hey. Uh..." Sam Says

Becky closes the journal and stands up. Sam is leaning against the doorway holding a newspaper. He walks over to her, He wets his thumb and rubs the ink off her nose.

"I got you a present." Sam Says

"His and hers fake IDs? Oh!" Becky Says

They sit down on the bed and Sam hands Becky the newspaper.

"Here. Check this out." Sam Says

"Junior salesman leapfrogs to CEO at Mutual Freedom Insurance. You think the CEO is a lead?" Becky Says

"Uh, Becky?" He is looking at the journal. "This is...beautiful." He closes the journal and holds it to his chest. "So, what do you think about the CEO?" Sam Says

"Let's go pretext him!" Becky Says


Dean is walking through the restaurant looking for someone.

"Hey. You Dean?" A short man is sitting at a table slurping a milkshake. "Hmm. I thought you'd be taller." Garth Says

Dean sits down opposite Garth. "I assume Bobby filled you in on the road."

"He told me two things. One, he's tangling with a major-league nest up in Oregon territory. Numero dos, he said you'd be all, uh, surly and premenstrual working with me. But, hey, man, sticks and stones." Garth Says

"Well before we start talking, we gotta wait for my friends." Dean Says

"Hey three's a crowd." Denny, Corinna and Elena walks in." But on second thought, a couple more wouldn't hurt." Garth Says

Dean gestures for them to come over, They walk over and Elena and Corinna sits next to Dean, Denny sits next to Garth.

"Garth!" Denny Says

"Denny, what are you doing here?" Garth Asks

"Working I guess, nice to see you man." Denny Says

"Wait You know him?" Dean Asks

"Yeah we worked a few cases a few years back." Denny Says

"Yeah, then he got a girlfriend and forgot about me." Garth Says

"That's not true Garth, I've just been busy you know that." Denny Says

"Yeah I can tell, Hello." Garth Says

"Hi, I'm Corinna." She Says

"Well Hello to you." Garth Says

"Hi." Elena Says

"It's nice to meet you Elena." Garth Says

"Oh Thank you, nice to meet you to." Elena Says

Dean puts a newspaper down on the table. "Okay Look Think I found a case. Check the headline."

"First things first." Garth flips through the newspaper, finds what he's looking for and laughs.
"Oh, Marmaduke, you're crazy!" Garth Says

Dean looks over at Denny who shrugs, Dean rubs his forehead.



Marsha is standing next to a Secretary desk. Dean, Elena and Garth are sitting on a sofa in front of the desk.

"Are you trying to humiliate me? It's Marsha with an "s-h-a," not a "c-i-a." Marsha Says

Marsha walks away. Sam and Becky leave the office behind the Secretary's desk. Becky is taking notes.

"Thanks again." Sam Says

"Hey, is that yourβ€”" Garth Says

"Yes." Dean Says

"Awkward." Garth Says

They all walks over to Sam and Becky.

"Hi." Dean Says

Becky makes an unfriendly face at Dean and walks away.

"Okay. So..." Dean Says

"So, uh, no point in going in. Guy's clean." Sam Says

"You sure?" Elena Asks

"Yeah. Positive. Becky grilled him like a pro. She's a real natural." Sam Says

"Huh, I bet she is." Elena Says

"What's with the scrawny guy?" Sam Asks

"Temp." Dean Says

Sam looks over at Garth then walks pass him as he waves.


"Throw a rock, hit a reporter these days, eh?" He Says

"Well, your story's a big deal over at the, uh, the Actuarial Insider." Dean Says

"Go ahead. Shoot." He Says

"All right. Uh... how'd you get the gig?" Dean Asks

"Board came to me, asked. Said yes." He Says

"Just out of the blue?" Elena Says

"Pretty much." He Says

"Huh. And, uh, any idea how the board landed on you over your supervisors?" Dean Asks

"Um, they didn't say." He Says

"Could you tell us what specifically excited the board about your actual qualifications?" Elena Asks

"Say, guys what's with the third degree?" He Says

"Oh, uh, no offense. We were just wondering if you got here by nefarious means." Garth Says

"Whoa! Garth!" Dean Says

"Oh. Uh, I-I didn't mean, of course, uh, corporate backstabbing – I'm sorry. I meant more like, uh, you know, black magic or hoodoo." Garth Says

"Ha ha ha ha! Oh! He jokes. He's a– he's a jokester. Let's, uh, rewind. Why don't, uh, why don't you tell us what it felt like when your big dream came true?" Dean Says

"Look, on the record, it's great." He Says

"Off the record?" Elena Says

"It's not my big dream." He Says

"Wait. You didn't want this job?" Garth Asks

"Hell, no. I'm a sales guy. I was good in sales." He Says

Marsha appears in the doorway. "Your secretary's an idiot. I'll be at the printers this afternoon."

"All right, dear. See you at dinner." He Says

"Just have the idiot make a reservation. Here's a tip – remind her she works for the CEO. One more screw-up, she's fired." Marsha Says

"Your, uh, wife seems pretty stoked on the promotion, don't she?" Garth Says

"Honestly, I've never seen her happier. I have no idea how I'm gonna tell her I have to resign. The news is just gonnaβ€”" He Says

"Kill her?" Garth Says


"Mrs. Burrows? Hi." Elena Says

"Can I help you?" Marsha Says

"Yes, we're, uh, we're doing a story on your husband's promotion. Wanted to ask you a few questions." Dean Says

"I'm sorry. I can't today. If you schedule it with his girl..." Marsha Says As she turns to leave and Dean puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Okay, you know what? I'm trying to save you from a really bad accident." Dean says

"Are you threatening me?" Marsha Says

"No." He removes his hand from Marsha's shoulder.
"No, I-I-I'm pointing out a pattern. Why do people keep thinking I'm threatening them?" Dean Says

"Because it sounded exactly like a threat, dude." Garth Says

"Yeah It kinda did." Elena Says

"Look, for your own good, what did you do to get him promoted?" Dean Asks

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Now leave me alone. Or do I have to call security?" Marsha Says
Then leaves.



Sam is standing in front of the wall studying his and Becky's research.

"No, no, no, something's not adding up." Sam Says

"I'm sure we'll get a break." She types out a Twitter update on her phone: "As soon as we're done working, romantic honeymoon getaway." Becky Says

Sam groans in pain and holds his hands to his head. Becky goes to her handbag for the vial. It has leaked and is empty.


"Bring the damn car around. I'm not walking five blocks in my heels." Marsha Says

Marsha stops under a large light fixture. The man who was in the stands at the ball park is standing at the railings on the next floor. He twists his hand and the chain holding the light fixture breaks. She screams. At the last moment, Dean grabs Marsha and they both fall to the floor out of harm's way.

"You okay?" Dean Asks

"How did you know?" Marsha Asks

"Cause you're not the first. Come on." Dean Says

"You want to tell us what's up here?" Elena Asks

"I was having lunch with friends. This guy heard me bitching. Next thing I know, he's making me an offer." Marsha Says

"An offer?" Dean Says

"Craig's job for my soul. I know. Hilarious. I mean, what have I got to lose?" Marsha Says

"Well, there's your soul. What kind of demon deal is this? Timeline's whack." Garth Says

"What are you talking about? Demon." Marsha Says

"Let me back up here. You made a deal with a demon in exchange for your everlasting. Except those are 10-year contracts. Why's the bill coming due so fast?" Garth Says

"I don't know, but I got a bad feeling about who's next. We got to find Sam, pronto." Dean Says

"All right, all right, all right. Uh, here's the plan. I drop this lady at my cousin's. He'll stop anything trying to get her. We, uh, find Sam, hopefully fix this, everybody's home in time for "America's Got Talent." Now, you – you'll be living with a tri-racial paraplegic sniper until this all blows over, okay." Garth Says


"Guy, where are you? We need to meet up, fast!"
Sam is groaning with a hand to his head. "I'm losing Sam." Becky Says

"Becky... W-what's – what's happening?" Sam Asks

"Don't you remember? We're married." Becky Says

"Oh, g– I'm calling Dean." Sam Says

Becky hits Sam over the head from behind with the waffle iron. He falls to the ground.

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