ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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Dean, Elena and Sam pulls up in the Dodge. Melanie is outside on the steps crying, Dean puts his arms around Melanie and holds her.


"Should have known that whole "good sis, bad sis" story was just showmanship crap. Oh, and it turns out that Kate was just trying to warn people about her evil bitch sister. And we burned her bones, so that's gone." Dean Says

"Dean." Sam Says

"What?" Dean Says

"All we can do now is go stop her." Sam Says

"That's not good enough, by a mile." Dean Says

"I know. Believe me. But – can we talk about this later?" Sam Says

Melanie comes down the stairs in a bath robe. She is still crying.

"Hey. How you holding up?" Dean Asks

"Been better." Melanie Says

"Listen, if you need for us to leaveβ€”" Dean Says

"I need you guys to leave." Melanie Says

"Okay, we will. It's just that... Look – Margaret is still out there." Elena Says

"What do you guys need to know?" Melanie Says

"Is there anything that stood out?" Sam Asks

"Well, um... she barely gave a crap about me. I mean, I was just in the way. She was all about getting Camille." Melanie Says

"Okay. That's something." Elena Says

"One other thing. Um... she enjoyed it. She was smiling." Melanie Says



Dean is digging the grave, Sam is crouching with a shovel as Elena stands with her shovel.

"I feel naked doing this in daylight." Dean Says As Elena smirks

"Yeah. Let's just hurry up." Sam Says

Sam is now digging while Dean and Elena stands watch. Sam crashes the shovel down onto the coffin to break it open.

"All right, Mags. My lighter's juiced this time." Dean Says

Sam lifts the top of the coffin out of the grave. He, Elena and Dean look at each other. The coffin is empty. They walk through the cemetery to the Dodge.

"Geraldo'd." Dean Says

"Not good." Sam Says

"Never good." Dean Says

"Guys , if someone knew enough to take Margaret's bones, they're not kidding around. That's serious binding magic." Elena Says

"Great." He puts his shovel and bag into the trunk of the Dodge. "Psychic ghost bitch on a leash." Dean Says

"We got to find those bones." Sam Says

"So we got to find the bonehead." Elena Says

Dean takes a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and tosses it into the trunk.

"So, what? We call Bobby, see what it take to harness the power of a ghost?" Sam Says

"Yeah." Dean Says

Dean looks at the piece of paper he's just tossed into the trunk, picks it up and unfolds it. It is a flyer for the Annual Lily Dale Psychic Festival.

"Hey, Guys, you know why I'm not going to spend my money at the annual Lily Dale E.S.P. Festival and hot-dog-eating contest this year?" Dean Says

He holds the flyer out for Sam and Elena to see. The featured acts were to be Imelda Graven, Grandma Goldy and Nikolai Lishin.

"Can't imagine." Sam Says

"Because all the headliners are dead." Dean Says


Melanie is looking at the flyer. "You know, after Nikolai... They asked Camille to take his spot. I mean, she's so popular. Was so popular."

"Okay, uh, all these people – would you say that they're the, uh, you know, top dogs in town?" Dean Asks

"Well, it's not really like that." Melanie Says

"But they were all doing well. I mean, your grandma?" Dean Says

"She wrote a few books. Yeah, and Imelda was on "The Nate Berkus Show" twice, so, yeah, I guess they were doing pretty well. You think that's why she went after them." Melanie Says

"I mean, if you had to guess, who do you think would be next in line?" Dean Says

"I mean, I don't know." Melanie Says

"Well, your grandma was headlining at the big hall, so who do you think they would ask to fill in for her?" Dean Says

"Probably... me." Melanie Says


Sam and Elena enters the shop, Jimmy is behind the counter.

"Hey." Sam Says

"Agents, are you here with my check?" Jimmy Asks

"We're looking for someone who bought some things from you." Sam Says As he puts a piece of paper down on the counter.

"How do you know from me?" Jimmy Says

"I'm kind of doubting they sell ash-wood altars at the Gas 'n Sip." Elena Says

"Valid. Let me see the list." He takes out some record books. "Ah. Here we go. Credit-card receipt. I assume you want the address?" Jimmy Says

"That'd be great. Thanks." Sam Says

"It's the least I can do. I just heard about Camille Thibodeaux." Jimmy Says As He hands a piece of paper on which he's written an address to Sam.

"Thanks a lot." Elena Says Then she and Sam leaves.

"You're welcome." Jimmy Says


Dean is making a salt circle around himself and Melanie.

"You sure that'll work?" Melanie Asks

"That should hold her off long enough for Sam and Elena to find the bones and burn them. Hopefully." Dean Says

"Hopefully? Does it hurt 'em? Burning their bones?" Melanie Asks

"I never really thought about it. Probably, yeah." Dean Says

"Good." Melanie Says


Sam is driving a station wagon. He and Elena stops outside a house and checks the address on the piece of paper Jimmy gave them. Sam and Elena bursts through the door with his their guns drawn. People scream.

"Where's the altar?" Sam Asks

The room contains pregnant women and their partners and an Instructor, all seated on cushions on the floor.

"It's there!" She Says

Sam and Elena turns around to look at the altar.

"You're... not a necromancer." Sam Says

"This is a Lamaze class, I swear." She Says

"We believe you, we're so sorry." Elena Says

Sam and Elena leaves, The Instructor strikes the bowl she is holding to make a ringing noise and starts chanting.

"Omm..." She Says


"Dean, it's the pawn-shop guy." Sam Says

"How do you know?" Dean Asks

"He goose-chased Elena and I to a friggin' pregnant yoga class.

"All right, well, figure out where he put her bones." Dean Says As Melanie gasps.

"I will." Sam Says As Margaret Ghost is at the window.

"Fast, Guys." Dean Says


Sam and Elena shuts the doors of the station wagon and walks to the Emporium, which is closed. He takes out Jimmy's business card.

"Alright you walk around see if you find anything." Sam Says

"Got it." Elena Says

She Nods and leaves, He walks along the street looking at the street numbers. He sees 811, turns around and finds 809 Β½.


Sam opens the door and enters with his gun drawn. He looks around the dark room and walks over to a table on which there is a skull, a lit candle and some other objects. Sam picks up the skull. There is the sound of a gun being cocked and the gun appears at the back of Sam's neck.

"Somehow, I just knew you'd be back, Hi Agent. Put the skull down." Jimmy Says

"Okay, okay. Take it easy. Here." Sam Says

Sam raises the skull so Jimmy can take it from him. As he does, Sam turns, takes the gun from Jimmy and shoves him backwards.

"All right. That's enough." Sam Says



Dean and Melanie's are inside the salt circle, looking at the window.

"Is she gone?" Melanie Asks

"I doubt it." Dean Says

"But she can't get past the line, right?" Melanie Asks

"Right." Dean Says Then The window glass bursts inwards and wind howls in.


Sam knocks over the table that the skull and other objects were on.

"Nice binding spell." Sam Says

"It doesn't matter. She helps me because she wants to." Jimmy Says

"What?" Sam Says


Dean is pointing a shotgun at the broken window. The wind breaks the salt circle.

"Oh. Damn it. I hate when they do that. Get the salt. Go." Dean Says

"Dean!" Melanie Says

Dean turns around, Margaret Ghost is in what remains of the salt circle, She holds up a hand and flings Dean backwards. Margaret Ghost's turns to Melanie, who is holding a fire poker.

"Margaret and me...are the same, we're the real thing." Jimmy Says

Margaret is advancing on Melanie, who walks backwards.

"But guess what – sometimes the real thing just isn't...pretty or entertaining enough." Jimmy Says

Margaret raises a hand towards Melanie, then disappears. Dean has shot her with his shotgun.

"When I show people what I'm capable of, it scares them. I can't pay my rent!" Jimmy Says

Melanie is pouring salt. She gasps as Margaret Ghosts has reappeared.

"Get behind me." He steps in front of Melanie and raises his shotgun. "That's as far as you go, bitch." Dean Says

"Margaret's happy to kill for me. She likes the leash." Jimmy Says

"You're sick." Sam Says

"You know what else I am? A real psychic, you dick-bag." He raises a hand. Sam's gun flies out of his hand to the floor and He picks it up. "Surprise." Jimmy Says

Margaret's Ghost smiles as the room starts to shake and lights flicker. The salt line breaks again as the floor splits.

"Aw. Sorry, handsome." Margaret Says

Dean shoots and Her Ghost disappears.

"Where are the rest of the bones?" Sam Asks


Margaret appears again. Dean tries to shoot, but his gun doesn't fire. He picks up a metal chain from his bag and flings it at her, She disappears.


"These people don't deserve to die." Sam Says

"Oh, come on! Are you kidding me? I live in squalor 'cause I can't put on a show like them?" Jimmy Says

"Don't do this. They're in the bedroom, aren't they." Sam Says

"No." He shoots at Sam, but doesn't hit him. "You're not getting in there." Jimmy Says

He looks behind him. As he does, Sam spots Elena behind a corner, He nods at her and she takes out another gun and shoots him dead. Sam and Elena sighs.

Margaret's sends Dean sprawling onto the floor.

Sam picks up the skull and he and Elena hurries through the house.


Margaret punches Dean and he falls backwards. Melanie is holding the fire poker.

"Dean!" Melanie Says

Sam and Elena enters the bedroom and pulls back the covers on the bed. Margaret's Ghost turns to Melanie.

"Too bad." Margaret Says

There is a pile of bones on the bed. Elena and Sam grimaces at the sight. Margaret's Ghost appears right in front of Melanie and starts to choke her. Dean stirs on the floor.

Sam pours lighter fluid and salt onto the bones.
Margaret's Ghost smiles as she continues to choke Melanie.

"Ignes Dissipare et Vallum" Elena Chants setting the bones on fire.

Melanie sinks down with her hands to her throat. Margaret's Ghost inhales sharply and steps back.
Sam and Elena watches the bones burn.Margaret's Ghost burns up as Melanie and Dean watch.



Dean, Elena and Sam are at a table. "In the bed? They were in the bed?"

"Yeah." Sam Says

"Ugh. I can't believe he was boning her." Dean Says

"Dean." Elena Says

"Can I get you anything else?" Waiter Asks

"Uh, just a refill. And if you affirmate me, I'm gonna punch you in the face." Dean Says

Sam and Elena looks away and smiles.

"All righty then. Coffee, coming up." Waiter Says

"I can't wait to get out of this frickin' fortune cookie." Dean Says

"Don't know I kinda like it here." Elena Says

"Course you would." Dean Says

"Shut Up." Elena Says As Dean Smiles a little

Sam sees Melanie enter the cafe. "Dean." Melanie looks around the cafe, Dean raises a hand to catch her attention. I'm gonna go, um... do something outside." Sam heads for the door, he motions for Elena to follow him she protest but gets up and gives Dean a look.

Melanie speaks to Sam and Elena as she passes them. "Hi." Dean stands up as Melanie comes to the table.

"Hi." Dean Says

"Hi." Melanie Says

"Have a seat." Dean Says

"Oh, thank you." Melanie Says

"Yeah." Dean Says

"You didn't stick around so I could say thank you." Melanie Says

"No reason to thank me." Dean Says

"You saved my life." Melanie Says

"Yeah, but not your friend's." Dean Says

"Well... you didn't send that ghost, so... thank you for coming to kill it. You and Sam seem a little better." Melanie Says

"You could tell that from the walk up?" Dean Says

"Take it or leave it. Also guessing you're not so keen to come visit here again, so...this is goodbye. Wish we'd met on a better week." Melanie Says

"I wish I had better weeks." Dean Says

"Oh." Melanie Says

"But, uh, hey. You never know. It's not like you can tell the future, right?" Dean Says

"Hmm." She takes Dean hand, turns it over and looks at his palm. "Well, answer's hazy. Try again later." Melanie Says

"Right." Dean Says


Sam is putting his bag into the trunk of the Dodge. Elena is on her phone in the car, Dean walks up.

"Hey." Dean Says

"Hey." Sam Says

"That's your stuff." Dean Says

"Yeah. Yeah. I figured we'd take one car." Sam Says

"Works for me. You still want to break my face?" Dean Says As Sam smiles.

"No. Uh, not at this moment. Look, you know what? Um... You were right. About Amy. If she was... just any monster, I'm not sure I could have let her walk away. I don't know. I mean, I'll never know." Sam Says

"So, what are you saying?" Dean Asks

"What I'm saying is... I get why you did it. You were just trying to make sure no one else got hurt. But here's the thing. You can't just look me in the face and tell me you're fine. I mean, you're not sleeping, you drink for the recordβ€”" Sam Says

"Oh, here we go." Dean Says

"Look, whatever. Last one to preach, I know. But... Just be honest with me. How are those the actions of someone who knows they did the right thing?" Sam Says

"You want me to be honest?" Dean Says

"Yeah." Sam Says

"I went with my gut. And that felt right. I didn't trust her, Sam. Of course, ever since Cas, I'm having a hard time trusting anybody. And as far as how I been acting... I don't know. Maybe it's 'cause I don't like lying to you. You know, it doesn't feel right. So, yeah, you got me there. I been climbing the walls." Dean Says

"I know how that is. But, hey... If I learned one thing from that museum, sibling acts are tough." Sam Says

"Oh, don't compare us to that hall of crazy." Dean Says

Dean walks around to the driver's door and Sam to the passenger door.

"We're like poster kids of functional family life compared to them." Dean Says

"It's a low bar." Sam Says

"Well, hey... grading on a curve has got me past everything since kindergarten, so don't knock it." Dean Says

"Whatever you say."They get into the car. "I still want to know how that guy bent my spoon." Sam Says

"Forget it, Sam. It's Lily Dale." Dean Says Then They drive away.


Elena is asleep, Dean walks from the bathroom with his pajamas on and gets into bed with her.

"Lena." He taps her shoulder gently, she doesn't wake up. "Elena...Elena Elena!" Dean Says

"What?!" Elena Says

"Hi." Dean Says

"I was sleeping." Elena Says

"So What, talk to me." Dean Says

"I don't wanna talk to you." Elena Says

"Why what did I do? Are you mad at me?" Dean Asks

"No..why would be mad at you." Elena Says

"Oh I don't know because when we got here it's like you didn't want to be around me." Dean Says

"Yeah In that moment." Elena Says

"Elena what's wrong with you?, is is that time of the month." Dean Says

"Oh Shut up and No, besides how did your conversation go with Melanie?" Elena Says

"It's was a good talk." Dean Says

"Oh really." Elena Says

"Yes nothing happened." Dean Says

"Hmm okay but you do know that she was into you right?" Elena Says

"She was?" Dean Says

"How did you get women to sleep with you?" Elena Says

"Elena...are you saying that jealous." Dean Says

"What No!" Elena Says crossing her arms

"You totally were." Dean Says Smirking

"No...I just didn't like how she looked at you that's all." Elena Says

"Awww you were jealous." Dean Says

"Shut Up."

"Admit you were...come on say it." Dean Says

Elena rolls her eyes. "Fine...maybe a little."

"Oh this this is great." Dean Says

"Dean." Elena Says

"Okay okay sorry, don't be jealous okay." He pulls her close. "Don't worry because at the end of the day I know who I'm going be laying next to." Dean Says

"Lucky me huh." Elena Says

"No Lucky Me." Dean Says

She smiles at him, he leans down and kisses her. They both lay down in a spooning position, He kisses her cheek and they fall asleep.

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