ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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Sam opens the trunk of the Impala, A sign outside the house says "For Lease: Furnished Executive Home". Above it, another sign says "Leased". Sam takes out his cell phone and makes a call.

Dean lets himself and Elena into the house, which is full of moving boxes. They goes up a stairway. In a bedroom closet, Elena and Dean discovers an altar with witchcraft materials and photographs of Carl Dunlop, Dewey Stevens and Wendy Goodson that have been marked with a symbol in blood.

An unmarked picture of Jenny with the name Jennifer Klein and her library member number below it is in the center of the display. Dean takes down the picture of Jenny and picks up her library card.

"Damn it." Elena Says

"Don, keep it in your pants, man." Dean Says

A car with the license plate STARK 2 pulls into the driveway, Sam tries to make a call.

"All circuits are busy."

Sam closes the trunk of the Impala and runs to intercept Maggie Stark.

"Mrs. Stark." He holds up a badge. "Could I have a moment?" Sam Says

"Of course. Um, would you mind coming back in, say, a half an hour? It's just a really bad time right now." Maggie Says

"It's very important that I talk to you." Sam Says

"Of course, and I'm happy to. I'm just in the middle of an emergency, so please come back. Thank you!" Maggie Says

Sam pushes hard on Maggie's car and sets off the alarm. She turns to look at the car. In the house, Dean and Elena hears the alarm and closes the closet door. Maggie uses her remote to turn off the alarm. Dean and Elena appears in the window. Sam moves his leg several times to create a further distraction.

"I'm sorry – uh... restless leg syndrome." Sam Says

Maggie enters the house as they hides behind a wall. As she walks into another room, Dean and Elena quickly leaves the house by the front door, Sam is waiting for them near the front gates.

"Spoiler alert."

He hands Sam the picture of Jenny and library card he took from the house.

"Jenny Klein's next. Swiped her photo off a hex deck, but Maggie's gonna notice it's gone eventually. We got to get over to Jenny's." Dean Says

Sam, Elena and Dean gets into the Impala and drive away.


Maggie enters the bedroom and takes off her coat. She opens the closet door and sees that the photo of Jenny is missing.



Frosted cupcakes are sitting on a tray, Jenny is taking more cupcakes out of the oven.


Maggie takes another photograph of Jenny from a box. She pricks her finger with a tack to draw blood and draws a symbol on the photograph.


Jenny picks up one of the frosted cupcakes and eats it.


"Puterea magiei negre te condamna la suferinta si moarte." Maggie Chants


Jenny takes a bite of the frosted cupcake. Blood appears on her lips and runs down her arm from the cupcake she is holding. A bleeding heart is beating inside the cupcake. Jenny chokes and drops the cupcake. The heart inside the cupcake continues to beat. She spits blood into the sink. There is knocking the door. Dean breaks through the door and he, Elena and Sam enter.

"Find the coin, now!" Elena Says

Dean helps Jenny sit on the floor while Sam and Elena looks through cupboards.

"Come on, Guys!" Dean Says

Sam finds the coin on top of the cupboards. He places it on the counter, takes out his gun and shoots it as Dean shields Jenny.

Jenny is on the sofa, Elena, Sam and Dean watch her from near the kitchen.

"There were tiny beating hearts in my cupcakes. There were hearts in my cupcakes, hearts in my cupcakes! That's never happened before! Hearts in my cupcakes!" Jenny Says

"Should I slug her?" Dean Says

"Give it a second." Elena Says

"Oh, my God. What just happened?" Jenny Asks

"You were hexed." Sam Says

"Hexed? Who are you people? What the hell do I do?" Jenny Says

"What you do is you go in there and you pack a bag, you get in your car, and you go." Dean Says

"Go where?" Jenny Says

"It doesn't matter. Look, 500 or 600 miles ought to do it. You got someone real powerful real pissed, and they're trying to get rid of you now. In line with that, you might want to cool things with Don Stark." Elena Says

"Don Stark? What are you talking about?" Jenny Says

"You and Don. You know." Dean Says

"You know"? There's no "you know." Jenny Says

"No?" Sam Says

"Don Stark is my boss. That's it. He's married, for God sakes." Jenny Says

"Yeah, well..." Dean Says

"Me and Don Stark. Ew" Jenny Says


"What are you doing? Bunch these tables more in the middle. Give me a more air between paintings." Maggie Says

"Hey. Maggie, can you sign for the flowers? I've checked them. They're fine." She Says

"Thank you, Sue. What would I do without you." Maggie Says

"Oh, please, I like helping. What are best friends for." Sue Says

"It's just been so tough to focus with Don, the whole mess." Maggie Says

"It's like he put a knife right in your heart, isn't it." Sue Says

"Yes." Maggie Says

"Was I wrong to tell you about him and Wendy?" Sue Says

"No. No. You think I'd want you to stand by and watch him make a fool of me? I love you for what you did." Maggie Says

"I love you, too." Sue Says

"No, no, no. The still life doesn't go there. It goes on the left side." Maggie Says Then walks off.

"So, uh, we're gonna need, uh, one centerpiece on each of the tables and two at the back." Sue Says

Don Stark enters the art gala, Sue sighs.

"Don." Sue Says

"Where's my wife?" Don Asks

"You mean the one who's divorcing you." Sue Says

"Sue, I know you can hardly wait until I'm out of the picture..." Maggie walks near them. "... and I know it's been a thrill whispering lies into Maggie's ear-" Don Says

"Oh, but they weren't lies, were they, Don?" Sue Says

"I made one mistake – one." Don Says

"I sincerely doubt that." Sue Says

"This is between Maggie and me. It has nothing to do with you." Don Says

"What do you want, Don?" Maggie Asks

"I'd like to speak with you." Don Says As Maggie nods to Sue who walks away

"Make it quick." Maggie Says

"Okay. You know what, Maggie? I think I've been patient. And you've had your fun. It was very creative, the thing with Wendy, but, you know, enough is enough." Don Says

"No, Don, enough is not enough, not even close." Maggie Says

"What do you want, my oysters on a tray?" Don Says

"Well, now that you mention itβ€”" Maggie Says

"The fact is, none of this was my fault! Maybe if you'd been around a little more. But between the art and the charity and that evil bitch Sue, I was edged right out of your life." Don Says

"Oh, boo-hoo, Mr. Big Shot, Mr. "I got to put my name on every public works in town." There was three of us in this marriage – me, you, and your ego. That was the problem, Don. So, excuse me. I have a charity event to arrange." Maggie Says

"Three FBI agents came by, asking questions." Don Says

"Hunters, sweetheart – that's what they are. Oh, I can see you're terribly concerned for my safety, but don't worry – I'll take care of it." Maggie Says

"Maggie, this stops. You hear me? As of now." Don Says Then leaves.

"You're so cute when you try to tell me what to do." Maggie Says


Don exits the building and looks at the dead plants around the base of the bust. As he watches and the Impala pulls up, the bust starts to shake and the head cracks in two, the face falling to the ground. Maggie watches from a window as Don gets into his car.

"Now she's just getting nasty. Killing the girlfriend is one thing, but his commemorative bust? That's got to hurt." Dean Says

"She'll take the whole town out, Dean. She don't care who gets in the way." Elena Says As Dean phone rings.

"Hey, Bobby. What do you got? Yeah? You think it'll take her out, All right. No, I don't need to write it down. I'll remember Go ahead Mm-hmm. The – wait. Hang on. Hang on." Sam hands him a paper and pen. "Yeah?Wait. Wa-- ho-- ho-- hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Okay, what was the, uh – what was that last one?Right..Uh-huh I'll remember. It's fine." Dean Says


Maggie stark is at the podium in evening dress.

"Hello, everyone, and thanks for coming. Most of you know that philanthropy and art are my two passions, but what we've – not there! Where is the ice? People will be here in seconds. What we've assembled here tonight may be my crowning achievement, not to be immodest." Maggie Says

Sue claps. "See? I told you. Everything's perfect."

"Yeah, you – you just reminded me. I have to check on the finger sandwiches." Maggie Says


Elena enters the boys room, Dean is sitting at the table on his laptop. "Hey what you got there?"

"Oh just a sandwich." Elena Says

"Oh." Dean Says

"And your favorite...Pie." Elena Says Smiling

"Y-You got me pie." Dean Says

"Yeah, I'd figure why not get it for you." Elena Says

"Ahh yess, Baby I love you." Dean Says Kissing Her

"I love you to" She kisses him again "And Your Welcome." Elena Says

Dean and Elena is sitting at the table, he's about to take a bite from a pie, Sam enters the room.

"Dude. Pie." Dean Says

Sam sets a plastic bag down right next to the pie.

"Ugh. That isβ€”" Dean Says

"Chicken feet, just like the recipe calls for. Butcher's fridge is down." Sam Says

"I can smell that." Dean Says

"Suddenly I'm not hungry anymore." Elena Says

"Uh, says the power's been wonky and that he's lost so much product, he probably won't make rent. Ditto every shop on the block – nothing but burst pipes and blackouts." Sam Says

"Huh." Dean Says

"He says it's like all of a sudden, the town ran out of luck." Sam Says

"So, coincidence, right." Elena Says

Dean picks up the bag of chicken feet and walks over to Sam.

"Uh...yeah. We're past the point of dead flowers." Sam Says

"What can I say? I guess the witch is pissed. All right, let's, uh – we better get a move on here. Why don't you just..." He holds the bag out at arm's length. "C-can you take the feet?" Dean Says

Elena Chuckles As Sam holds out a bowl and Dean drops the bag into it.

"Ugh." Sam Says


Don Stark pulls up in front of the building in his car.

Inside, Maggie walks up to Sue, holding drinks.

"To us. I couldn't have done it without you." Maggie Says As They clink glasses.

"To us." Sue Says

She takes the skewer out of her drink. On it is an olive and an eyeball. She screams and drops her glass.

Outside Don, who is sitting in his car, smiles.

"That is disgusting!" Sue Says

Maggie looks around. "No."

The paint on the paintings hung around the room starts to run.

"No. Not my paintings." Maggie Says

"Maggie? What is going on?" Sue Asks

"He did this. How could he? He knew what this meant to me." Maggie Says

"Do you mean Don? Don rigged all this?" Sue Says

"Yes!" Maggie Says

"But how?" Sue Asks

"Just trust me. He wants to hurt me." Maggie Says

"I told you – he's a dick. But we'll get through this because you have people who love you, and he can't take that away from you." Sue Says

A silver platter rises from a table, sails through the air and decapitates Sue. Back outside Don smiles again and drives away.

"Fine, Donald. It's war." Maggie Says

Later, Sam, Elena and Dean pull up in the Impala and see flashing police and ambulance lights.

"What the hell?" Dean Says As They get out the Impala

Sam, Elena and Dean show badges to a policeman at the door and enter the art auction room. They see a pool of blood and Sue's covered body.

"Whoa. Clean-up on aisle 7." Dean Says

"Okay, I don't guess she'd do this to her own auction." Sam Says

"No, obviously it was someone who hated her guts and wanted her party trashed." Dean Says

"Don Stark." Elena Says

The Three hunters exit the building. "So, the mister's a witch, himself. That means we got not just one pissed-off witch. We've got two. It's full-on "War of the Roses." Dean Says

"Bewitched" just got a lot less funny." Elena Says

"It's like when they switched Darrins." Dean Says

Sam, Elena and Dean gets into the Impala and drive off. Chet watches them from a parked vehicle.

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