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A Woman with foils in her hair is following a Stylist through electric sliding doors to the back of a hair salon while talking on a cell phone.
"Karen, don't second-guess yourself. Yes, your house is beautiful, but didn't you tell me a million times that it's Rick's dream house? Selling it is how you punish his ass, Karen and after what you've been through, don't you deserve that?"
The Stylist places a plastic cap over the woman's foils.
"You do, honey. I'll have the papers ready tomorrow.
Yay! I'm proud of you Bye, I'm not good. I'm very good." She Says
The Stylist chuckles and hands her a magazine.
"There you are." He Says
"Thank you." She Says
"All right." He Says
The Stylist lowers a beehive hairdryer over the Woman's ' head and turns it on.
"10 minutes. Holler if you need anything." He Says
The Woman flips through the magazine for a few moments, then starts to look uncomfortable and tugs at her clothing. She tries to lift the hairdryer off her head.
"Chris!" She Says
The Woman tries to slide out from under the hairdryer, but is somehow pulled back up. She tries to lift the hairdryer again, but it is now too hot to comfortably hold. She jerks her hands away and shakes them.
"Ow. Chriβ Ow." She Says
The Woman continues to try to get away. Smoke starts to come out of the hairdryer.
"Ow. Chris, get back here!" Light flashes from the hairdryer. "Chr-i-i-i-is! Chris!" She Says
The Woman continues to scream and struggle as light and smoke continue to come from the hairdryer. She is then lifted up from her seat further into the hairdryer and goes still. The hairdryer beeps and turns off. Chris walks back through the sliding doors.
"Oh, my God. Somebody, help!" He lifts the hairdryer from the her head and screams at what he sees.
Dean is asleep fully dressed on a bed with a beer bottle next to him on the bedside table. He is having a nightmare.
Castiel disappearing into the reservoir, Sam shooting at his hallucination of Lucifer in the warehouse.
"Leave me alone! I said shut up! Just stop! Stop!"
Dean talking to and then killing Amy "You are what you are. You will kill again."
"I won't. I swear." Amy Says
Dean wakes in alarm and raises himself up onto one elbow, breathing heavily. He looks over at the other bed, which is empty. He lies back down and reaches out for the beer bottle, which is also empty.
He gets up and sits down at the table on his laptop. Dean is drinking a glass of whiskey as he reads and pours himself another, emptying the bottle, The door opens and it's Elena and she sits on his lap.
"Good Morning." Elena Says
"Good Morn-" She Cuts Him off with a kiss "Morning to you to." Dean Says
"Really Whiskey this early." Elena Says
"Hey I was thirsty." Dean Says
"You know there's this liquid called water, you should drink it sometimes." Elena Says
"Yeah Yeah." Dean Says As She kisses him again
Sam jogs past the window and enters the room.
"Hey Sam." Elena Says
"Ah the two lovebirds." Sam Says As Elena chuckles
"Somebody better be chasing you." Dean Says
"It's good for you." Sam Says
"No. No, it's not good for you. Look at you. You're, you're a mess, and you stink. Well, while you were out being Lance Armstrong..." Dean Says
Sam takes a sports drink out of the refrigerator.
"That would be biking." Sam Says
"...I was working. You guys ever heard of a town called Prosperity, Indiana?" Dean Asks
"Has anybody?" Elena Says
"Two of their fine citizens died over the past two weeks. Uh, this one chick, she, uh, roasted underneath one of those beehive hair dryers at the hair salon..."
The laptop screen shows the Wendy Goodson article. Dean hits a key and a new page appears.
"and this other guy boiled in a hot tub." Dean Says
"You don't see a lot of that." Sam Says
"No, you don't." Dean Says
"It's worth checking out." Elena Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
"You know, one more thing what's going on with you?" Sam Asks
"What?" Dean Says
"You know minus the whole you and Elena being together thing, you okay?" Sam Says
"We have had this conversation, Sam." Dean Says
"No, we haven't. See, to do that, you'd have to, uh, sort of...speak." Sam Says
"Okay, let's see if you can get this straight. See you're β you're new Sam, right, Lance Armstrong." Dean Says
"Biking." Sam Says
"And, uh β and I'm still me, okay? All right, so β so, you might see things different now, uh β call it a runner's high or some crap β but that doesn't mean that something's going on with me, okay." Dean Says
"Yeah, okay." Sam Says
"No, don't say, "yeah, okay," like, "yeah, okay." Dean Says As Sam walks away
"Yeah, okay." Sam Says
Elena grabs his chin gently. "Your okay right?"
"Yes Lena I'm fine." Dean Says
"Mmhm okay, I'm gonna shower I'll see you in few." She kisses him "You should take one to." Elena Says hopping off his lap, He goes to drink his whiskey again but puts it down.
Chet is walking towards his car, carrying a shopping bag and talking on his cell phone.
"Yes, sir, I understand Yeah, I definitely do realize this Winchester thing is taking far too long, and I'm sorry about that. No worries I can be there in a day and a half. Yeah, I'll hit the road now." Chet Says
He puts the shopping bag into the trunk of his car, which contains a dead man.
"Just stopped for a quick refuel thanks. It'll be my pleasure." Chet Says
Sam, Elena and Dean are in the Impala and they drive down a main street. Wendy Goodwin's picture is on the back of a bench.
"I'm very sorry. I-I know this is a tough time to have to talk about all this." Sam Says
"I've already been through it so many times with the lawyers, the police, the insurance guys." She says
"Right. I know. I know. We just β we have to conduct our own separate investigation. I'm sorry. I know it's tough. Can I ask you β did your sister have any enemies?" Sam Asks
"Why do you ask that? You think her death wasn't accidental?" She Says
"No. No, no, no. We just have to consider every possibility. Is there anyone who might have wanted to harm her?" Sam Says
"You don't live here, so you don't know. Everyone...loved Wendy. She volunteered at the church. She ran a group for kids. I was the big sister, and I looked up to her." She Says
"What about this man who died β Carl Dunlap? Did she know him?" Sam Asks
"I don't think so." She Says
"Well, Wendy was in real estate, right? Carl was an architect. Maybe they had some business dealings." Sam Says
"If they had worked together, I would've heard the name. Agent Sambora... If someone did this to my sister, find out who." She Says As Sam nods
Chris the stylist leads Dean and Elena to the crime scene where Wendy died.
"And nobody was back here but Wendy." Dean Says
"No. But I was only gone for a minute." Chris Says
"You can't even crank these things past a certain temperature β am I wrong?" Dean Asks
"If it started to blow a fuse or something, it would have shut down." Chris Says
"Oh. Basically, you're saying that this couldn't have happened." Elena Says
"Basically, I'm saying it couldn't have happened." Chris Says
Dean looks behind the hairdryer frame.
"The insurance adjusters already did that." Chris Says
"Thanks for the heads-up." Dean Says Then He finds a coin, Elena looks at it as well.
Sam, Elena and Dean are walking on separate streets and talking on their cell phones.
"Wait. What kind of a coin?" Sam Asks
"It's not American. I don't know where it's from. It was wedged back behind one of those machines. Somebody could have dropped it. Of course, they don't have pockets in those robe thingies that they make you wear." Dean Says
"I didn't realize you were such a spa expert." Elena Says
Dean and Elena pauses next to a bench with an advertisement for Wendy Goodson Real Estate. The plants in planters on either side of the bench are dead.
"Shut up. I observe with my eyes." Dean Says
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever you say. So, you thinking it must be some kind of hex talisman?" Sam Says
"Uh, maybe." Dean Says
"All right. Pick me up." Sam Says
"Why don't you just run home, Lance?" Dean Says
"Deanβ" Sam Says
"Yeah, I'll be there in a bit." Dean Says As He hangs up
"Come on." Elena Says
"Wait gotta make a quick stop." Dean Says
"Dean were working." Elena Says
"I know Sammy can wait, so come on." Dean Says
"Dean." Elena Says
"Please." Dean Says As She sighs
"Fine." Elena Says
"Thanks Lena." He kisses her "Come on." Dean Says
As They goes inside Van's Liquor.
A Man says goodbye to another man, who leaves in a pickup. The Man puts some items in his own vehicle and enters a portable toilet. While he is urinating, a pump in the back of his vehicle starts and a nail gun rises and moves through the air, coming to a stop outside the portable toilet. As he zips up, the toilet door springs open.
"Oh, come on!" He Says
He turns around and sees the nail gun in mid-air, pointing at his face. The nail gun fires multiple times. Bloody nails protrude through the back wall of the portable toilet. The Man has been shot many times, including once to the face. The nail gun moves in closer and shoots twice more. The pump then stops and the nail gun drops to the ground.
Later On, Elena, Sam and Dean show ID badges. Sam goes inside a portable building and Dean talks to a policeman outside as Elena checks out the Porta potty.
"So, what do we know about the vic?" Dean Asks
"Dewey Stevens β owner, Dewey Stevens Construction, biggest outfit in town. Rotarian, Methodist, tenor, blue-ribbon pecan pie champ, asthmatic."Dean stares at him. "We're a close-knit community." Officer Says
"So, this, um, pillar of the community β he was taking a leak before he, uh, sprung a few?" Dean Asks
"The crew had gone for the day. Site was shut down." Officer Says
"Poor Guy." Elena Says
Dean looks inside the portable toilet and uncovers Dewey Steven's' body.
"Anything unusual besides the nails in the eyes?" Elena Asks
"Well, we're still trying to figure out where they plugged in the nail gun, seeing as there's no generator on the truck." Officer Says
"Well, when you figure that out, let me know." Dean Says
Elena looks inside the portable toilet again and she finds a coin, she turns around and Dean looks at it and sighs. He and Elena then enters the portable building where Sam is using a laptop.
"So, another victim everybody likes." Elena Says
"Not everybody." Sam Says
"Another physically impossible death. You got any ideas?" Dean Asks
"Cirque du Soleil?" Sam Says
"Oh, uh, Elena found another one of these, just like at the, uh, the hair-dryer/brain-roast." Dean Says
handing Sam the coin.
"And I found a connection with all the vics. Um, these e-mail logs show Wendy, the real-estate chick, uh, Carl, the architect, and this Dewey guy were all working on a shopping center project together." Sam Says
"Why didn't we know about that?" Dean Says
"I- Well, it all fell apart for some reason. I mean, there are these e-mails back and forth, pretty hot and heavy, and suddenly they just stopped." Sam Says
"So, everybody working on this project has died?" Elena Says
"Well, not yet. Um, they were working with a developer, a guy named Don Stark." Sam Says
"Don Stark? Why do I know that name?" Dean Says
A bust of a man stands outside the building with a plaque reading "DON STARK Founder of the Prosperity Charity Foundation". Posters on the building advertise an art auction run by The Margaret Stark Charity Foundation.
"Man, this Stark guy is really plugged in, huh." Sam Says
"So, all the players in this β this shopping-center project have either fried, boiled, or kebabbed. He could be next." Dean Says As he takes out his flask and unscrews the lid.
"Really? From a freaking flask? What are you, bad Santa? On the job." Sam Says
"We're always on the job." Dean Says
Sam's phone beeps, Dean takes a drink and Sam reads his phone message.
"All right. Bobby e-mailed back. I sent him a few pics of those coins you guys found. He says the writing is Romanian Cyrillic, used only in the mid-15th to the 19th century. Apparently, it's an antique Wallachian ducat." Sam Says
"So, we're looking for an old Romanian?" Elena Says
"You know, is it just me, or is this really weird." Sam Says
Sam looks at the dead plants around the base of the Don Stark bust.
"Huh. I've seen this once before, where t-the plants are all dead in one spot." Dean Says
"Where?" Sam Asks
"A bus bench with Wendy Goodson's picture on it. I mean, I'm no expert, but I don't think plants are supposed to act like this." Dean Says
"See the Funny Little Clown" by Bobby Goldsboro plays as he drives.
"If the bureau's involved, I assume you think all three were murdered." Don Says
"It's looking that way, yes." Dean Says
"Now, Mr. Stark, you had a relationship with all three victims, correct?" Elena Asks
"Oh, I knew them in business circles, I guess, sure." Don Says
"And you were all involved in a, uh, a-a shopping-center project. Why'd that fall through?" Dean Asks
"Uh, t-these things happen." A blonde young woman appears and knocks on the doorway. "Oh. Jenny. These gentlemen and lady are from the FBI. Jenny Klein, my assistant." Don Says
"Hi, there. Okay, Don, I'm off to the cleaner's, and then I'm gonna stop at Beaman, Beaman, and Beaman for the revised contracts." Jenny Says
"Hurry on back, You know how things fall apart without you." Don Says As She laughs
"Oh, I baked you some cupcakes β coconut." Jenny Says
"Coconut β you're too good to me, Jenny." Don Winks at her
"I'll see you soon." Jenny Says
Jenny leaves, Sam, Elena and Dean are staring at Don.
"She bakes cupcakes." Don Says
"Yummy." Dean Says
"You know, could you point me to the restroom? I had a little bit too much java." Elena Says
"Yeah, around the corner, down the hall." Don Says
"Thanks." Elena Says Then leaves the room.
"So, uh, usually in cases like these β" Dean Says
Elena looks around and runs up a staircase.
"Are there cases like these?" Don Asks
"Oh, you'd be surprised. Uh, we start out with the basics." Sam Says
"You have any business rivals?" Dean Asks
"Sure, tons. You know, real estate's brutal." Don Says
"Well, that was easy." Dean Says
"On the other hand, I've demonstrated my love for this town, and I think it's safe to say I'm respected for what I've done here." Don Says
Elena enters a bedroom and then the walk-in closet. He discovers a high-heeled shoe with a broken heel, a necklace with a five-pointed star pendant, and a box containing witchcraft materials and papers with strange symbols.
Don, Sam and Dean are looking at a framed award which says: CITIZEN OF THE YEAR Presented to DON STARK in recognition of your outstanding contribution to the community. Your efforts and generous donations have provided tremendous benefits to the citizens of Prosperity and will for generations of the future. On behalf of the state of Indiana. In a logo: Citizen of the Year Award β The Year of 2010 β State of Indiana.
"Yeah, one of my real treasures." Don Says
Dean looks at framed picture of an office tower and reads the inscription.
"To Don β take no prisoners. D. Trump." The Trumpster! Wow." Dean Says
"Like I said, success breeds fierce competition... " Elena reappears. "... but in the end, everyone here respects and admires me." Don Says
"Including your wife?" Dean, Sam and Don look at Her. "Sorry. It's just, we heard the two of you were splitting up, right?" Elena Says
"Yeah, that's, uh β that's what we heard." Dean Says
"Yeah, Maggie and I are going through a tough time. It's a separation β temporary. Sometimes, you know, you grow apart. It's no one's fault." Don Says
"And how would you describe the, uh β the issues between you and your wife?" Elena Asks
"It's just one of those marital misunderstandings, you know." Don Says
"No, I'm sorry. I don't." Elena Says
"It's one of those vague, hard-to-define passages." Don Says
"She caught you cheating, huh? I couldn't help but notice, uh, things were kind of cordial between you and your assistant. Pretty good with the ladies there, Mr. Stark? It's a blessing and a curse, isn't it." Dean Says
"Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women." Don Says
"Admire"? Sam Says
"Okay, look β it's true I had a recent... little thing with a business associate, but that's all it was." Don Says
"A "thing"?" Dean Says
"Yeah." Don Says
"Like a β like a shoe or a golf club." Sam Says
"Right. Like a waffle iron." Dean Says
"Yeah." Elena Says
"Yeah. No, see, Don, uh, wives generally think of an affair as something more than a thing." Dean Says
"Yes, and when Maggie found out about it, she needed some time off, temporarily." Don Says
"Hmm. Now, if we were to guess that the, uh, uh, business associate was Wendy Goodson, would we win the weekend trip to Maui?" Dean Asks
"No, her death had nothing to do with the affair. It was over long before her accident." Don Says
"If it was an accident." Elena Says
"You're not implying that Maggie was behind this." Don Says
"No, we're not implying anything. We're just saying... you should be careful. And take her to dinner and apologize." Sam Says
"Yeah, and, uh, grovel. Wouldn't hurt." Dean Says
Sam, Elena and Dean leave the Stark's house.
"Found a bunch of hex junk in their stuff β clearly her thing. And the empty closet didn't seem like she was coming back anytime soon." Elena Says
Sam and Elena notices more dead plants near the front door of the house.
"So, Don admires Wendy, biblically, Wendy dies weird, and the scorned wife is into the dark stuff." Dean Says
"While Don's just in the dark." Sam Says
"Hmm. It's kind of like "Bewitched." You know, Don's Darrin, doesn't even know it. A lot of laughs until, uh, you cheat on your wife." Dean Says
"A "Bewitched" reference. Really?" Elena Says
"Elena, Nicole Kidman was in the remake. Redhead. Hello!" Dean Says
"Look at all these dead plants." Sam Says
"Huh. It's kind of like the real-estate lady's place and Don's statue thing." Dean Says
"You know, if she's strong enough, just being pissed off is enough to send some pretty bad vibes their way." Sam Says As Dean makes a call on his cell phone.
"Literally kill off everything around her just by pms-ing at it. Eeh. That's not creepy at all." Dean Says
"Bobby, hey, it's Dean. ListenβWinchester Yeah, very funny. So, we need our kind of Terminix A witch.Yeah, we're headed over to her place to get you some more specifics, so if you could just, uh β y-- thank y--" He hangs up. "He's on it." Dean Says As They get in the Impala and drive away.
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