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"What's going on? Where'd he go?" Warren Asks
"He, uh... Everything's fine. Look, let's go back to that farm." Sam Says
"Oh, no, no. No, I'm not going back." Warren Says
"Warren, we need your help finding that barn." Elena Says
"It's red β it stands out. I'm not going back. They're out there." Warren Says
"Who?" Elena Asks
"The people I killed. I just β no. No!" Warren Says
"Look You're safer with us than not." Sam Says
"No." Warren Says
"Okay Then." Elena Says
Sam grabs the piece of paper that Warren is holding.
Warren sits in a chair as Sam makes a salt circle around him.
"I need you to stay inside this circle until we get back, okay? It'll protect you." Sam Says
"How?" Warren Asks
"Just trust him, okay? We're trying to help." Elena Says
Sam turns on the television and tosses Warren the remote.
"Stay put." Sam Says
Elena takes out her phone and makes a call.
"Dad Hey, it's Me. Listen β I'm sending you some symbols to look up." Elena Says
Sam and Elena leaves the room, He mouths "Stay put" to warren.
There's many people in the bar drinking and playing pool, a man with a baseball cap bumps into Dean.
"No. Excuse me. Ah. Dive sweet dive." Dean Says Then sits at the bar.
A pretty blonde bartender see's him "Hey." She Says
"Well, now I know why everybody comes here." Dean Says
"What can I get ya?" She Asks
"Scotch and soda. You know, hold the soda. Make it a double. So, you, uh β you work the night shift?" Dean Says
"Why? You plan on making this a regular thing?" She Says As Dean laughs.
"No, I just got a few questions. Believe it or not I'm a cop." Dean Says
"I believe it. You look like you've seen some crap. I'm sorry, I was off all week, but Frank'll be back tomorrow." She Says
"Right. Eh... " He downs his shot "I'll do another." Dean Says
"Love life or job? Two quick doubles, it's something. I'm Mia, by the way." She Says
"Well, Mia, that is a complex question. I'm Dean, by the way." He Says
"Well, Dean, luckily I'm like a captive shrink with unlimited alcohol. So, shoot." Mia Says
Dean laughs again. "You like to hear people's problems, do ya?"
"I get curious. On occasion." Mia Says
Mia pours another drink for Dean and one for herself.
"Uh to answer both your questions the work thing one is well stressful...and the love life one is pretty-" Dean Says
"Pretty what?" Mia Says
"Complicated, brunette's can do that to you" Dean Says
"Sorry about that, who made it complicated you or the brunette?" Dean downs the shot "My guess exactly so what did you do?" Mia Says
"Well a while ago, something happened with me and another woman I was with at the time and we broke up for good but I was just...really upset and then a couple of hours later I kissed my friend." Dean Says
"Wow...that's um wow, so who is she?" Mia Asks
"Her Names Elena, she's my friend and has been for a really long time." Dean Says
"Ahh." Mia Says
"And now she's pissed at me and she wants an explanation on why I did it." Dean Says
"Well do you know why you did it?" Mia Asks
"Well...no." Dean Says
"Hmm you kissed your friend and you don't know why." Mia Says
"No I know why I did it." Dean Says
"Then why?" Mia Says
"I-I..I just can't get the words out I'm trying to put them together that's why." Dean Says
"Maybe you should tell her that." Mia Says
"I tried but Lena is stubborn chick when she doesn't get what she wants she gets upset...I know that girl way to well." Dean Says laughing
"Better tell her quickly, because a girl can only wait for a person for a short amount of time trust me I know." Mia Says
"Yeah but Uh the work thing. Since you asked. You ever, uh... You ever do something behind someone's back because you had to." Dean Says
"Now you feel bad? Well, Dean, if you had to, why feel guilty? That doesn't make any sense." Mia Says
"Hmm." They clink glasses. "Well, you know, we don't have enough room for the worms if we pop that can, sister." Dean Says
He taps his glass to indicate he wants another drink, Mia pours him another shot.
"You may want to slow your roll there." Mia Says
"The more I drink, the better I tip." Dean Says
"Yeah, well don't pass out on me I'll be off in an hour if you wanna hang" Mia Says
"Well, then I think I'll switch to beer." Dean Says
"Good choice." Mia Says
Sam and Elena drives up to the barn and gets out of the Impala. They enters the barn with their guns and flashlights and looks around, The floor is red dirt, Elena's phone rings she puts it on speaker.
"Hey, Dad what do ya got?" Elena Says
Bobby is sitting at a table surrounded by books.
"Those chicken scratches β definitely Egyptian. "Book of the Dead." Bobby Says
"So, good news, then." Sam Says
"They identify the God Osiris. Real authoritarian type. He gets ahold of you, he's judge, jury, and executioner. Lore says that he can see directly into the human heart. He weighs the guilt. If he finds more than a feather's worth β boom, you're done." Bobby Says
"So what's he doing in Dearborn?" Elena Asks
"Well, it seems like he just pops up and does his circuit-judge act and then disappears again. That's all I got so far, You know what this means." Bobby Says
"Yeah. We've got to find him before he goes underground again." Sam Says
"No, you idjit. It means you three got to get the hell out of Dodge. This guy hones in on people who feel guilty. Who does that sound like to you." Bobby Says
Sam and Elena looks at each other and realizes, they get out of the barn quickly.
"It's been a while. But you owe yourself. It's nothing but a ground ball β you just got to put your mitt down. You are Dean Winchester. This is what you do." Dean Says
Dean's phone rings as he takes it out of his pocket, he walks offscreen, but his shadow is visible on the wall of the tavern. An arm grabs him from behind and his phone falls to the ground.
"Dude, third message. You better not be loaded. Call me. This is important." Sam Says
Sam hangs up, His phone rings and he answers it.
"Dean. About time, man. I β" Sam Says
"Uh, hello?" Mia Says
"Who is this?" Sam Asks
"Oh, well, I just β I picked this off the ground, where I've been standing for ten minutes listening to it ring. Is this Dean's phone?" Mia Says
"Yeah." Sam Says
"Who's that?" Elena Asks
"Don't know some Chick." Sam Says As Elena sighs
"Well... He was supposed to meet me here." Mia Says
"Where are you? I can be right there." Sam Says
Warren is still sitting in the chair surrounded by the salt circle. The television picture turns to static and the lights flicker.
"Sam?" Warren Says
He hears glass shatter and gets up. He breaks the salt circle with his foot and runs out of the room, along the hallway and down some stairs. At the bottom of a stairwell he sees the ghosts of a man and a woman. He turns and runs back up the stairs, only to see the same ghosts in the hallway.
"No. Please. I'm sorry." Warren Says
The ghosts approach him and the male ghost raises a gun.
"Please." Warren Says
"You did it to us." He Says Then fires a shot.
Sam, Elena and Mia are standing where Dean was sitting.
"Uh, here it is." She hands Him Dean's phone.
"Uh, well, I hope he's okay" Mia Says
"Now, where exactly did you find this phone?" Sam Asks
"Uh... there." Mia Says
"Thanks." Elena Says
Sam goes to the spot Mia indicated and finds red dirt.
"No problem what's your name again?" Mia Asks
"Oh I'm Elena." She Says
Mia raises her brows and nods. "Your Elena."
"Uh yeah..." Elena Says
"No it's just Dean mentioned you earlier." Mia Says
"He did...huh." Elena Says
"Lena." Sam Says As She looks at his finger
"Damn it." Elena Says
Sam and Elena enters the barn holding a shotguns. In another part of the barn, Dean is chained to a chair in a room that contains an ornate throne and Egyptian statues.
"Really, Warren? All you noticed were the symbols?" Dean Says
Osiris is now on the throne. "Quit squirming, Mr. Winchester. They're Houdini-proof. Now, you want to talk charges, or..."
"I'd rather talk about your Bukowski schtick at the bar. What, you can't jump a guy when he's sober." Dean Says
"You and that waitress had quite a talk, huh? Get a couple drinks in you, and the guilt comes pouring out." Osiris Says
"Oh, eavesdropping β that's cute." Dean Says
"Speaking of... You're gonna skulk all night, you two?" Osiris Says
The door to the room slides open by itself, revealing Sam and Elena.
"Sam? Elena." Dean Says
"Nice job finding us. I assume you figured out who I am, too." Osiris Says
"Yeah." Elena Says
"You want to fill me in?" Dean Says
"Osiris. He's an Egyptian God." Sam Says
"Ta-da! Now, go about your business, Sammy and Elena." Osiris Says
"Look, if anyone should be on trial, it's me." Sam Says
"That's for me to decide. Now go away." Osiris Says
"But he β he has the right to an attorney. Doesn't he?" Sam Says
"Huh." Osiris Says
"Let me defend him." Sam Says
"Well, that's unusual." Osiris Says
"Are you gonna respect his rights or not?" Sam Says
"Why not." Osiris Says
Sam and Sits down with Dean.
"Uh, Sam? You're not a lawyer." Dean Says
"I was pre-law." Sam Says
"Yeah, pre." Dean Says
"Hey at least it's something." Elena Says
"All right, then. Let's get started. Now, the list of witnesses I can call β endless." Osiris Says
"Objection!" Sam Says
"Are you gonna let me finish my sentence, Sam?" Osiris Says
"No. This isn't fair." Sam Says
"Fair? I'm sorry. Moving on. I can make it very simple. Three witnesses." Osiris Says
"Objection!" Sam Says
"Grounds?" Osiris Says
"Witness is being called without prior notice." Sam Says
"Good one." Elena Says
"I saw that on "The Good Wife." Sam Says
"Yes, very fine objection. Denied!" Osiris Says
"What? Why?" Sam Asks
"Because I'm the judge, son. Now stop objecting, or I'll find you in contempt β that is, kill you. So I advise you to let me move it along. The prosecution calls Joanna Beth Harvelle to the stand." Osiris Says
Jo's ghost appears, The three hunters are shocked.
"Jo?" Dean Says
"Dean, Elena Sam. Long time." Jo Says
Osiris beckons and Jo takes a seat near his throne.
"State your name for the court." Osiris Says
"Jo Harvelle." She Says
"And... what is your relationship to Dean Winchester?" Osiris Asks
"We worked together." Jo Says
"Isn't it true that you admired him?" Osiris Says
"Well, as a hunter... yeah. As a guy, he was kind of a jerk." Jo Says As Dean looks somewhat hurt
"So you saw him as a mentor of sorts" Osiris Says
"I wouldn't put it like that." Jo Says
"How would you put it?" Osiris Asks
"I don't know. I trusted him. So if you're trying to say that he was a bad guy or something β" Jo Says
"Was it hard?" Osiris Says
"What?" Jo Says
"Working with him... considering your feelings." Osiris Says As Elena looks at Jo
"No. What feelings?" Jo Says
"You would have done quite a bit for him β followed him into any battle." Osiris Says
"I know what you're getting at, and it's bull." Jo Says
"So Dean had nothing to do with your first case, the one that started it all." Osiris Says
Flashbacks Of Jo's First Case with the boys and Elena.
"It wasn't like that."Jo Says
"No feelings. None at all. You would have chosen the same exact road. Ended up in that hardware store, holding the fuse." Osiris Says
"Oh, you're a piece of work. You know that? Putting words in her mouth β" Dean Says
Osiris gestures towards Dean and he gulps. "Keep him under control, counsel... or I'll remove his tongue." He gestures again and Dean draws a deep breath. "Your witness."
Sam gets up and stands in front of Jo. "Jo. So, um... your dad... was in the life?" Sam Says
"Yes, he was." Jo Says
"And your relationship with him?" Sam Asks
"Good. I mean..." Jo Says
"You idolized him." Sam Says
"Basically." Jo Says
"So why'd you start? To impress some loudmouth ass you just met... Or 'cause you wanted to be like your dad?" Sam Asks
"Daddy issues. Definitely. Listen, Dean, I don't β" Jo Says
Osiris flicks his hand and Jo's ghost disappears.
"All right. You three can have a moment to strategize and then I'll call my next witness."
Sam sits down next to Dean again.
"All right. Who's the next witness? He looked at you like you'd know." Sam Says
"I got no clue. This whole thing's like a friggin' episode of "Pee-Wee's Playhouse." Dean Says
"Next witness! The prosecution calls... Sam Winchester to the stand." Osiris Says
Dean and Elena looks at Sam as he sits on the witness chair.
"Sam... Not exactly the life you expected, is it?" Osiris Says
"Details a little different." Sam Says
"For a while there, you were gonna be a real lawyer. Marry Jess." Osiris Says
"Yeah, that was a long time ago." Sam Says
"But were you or were you not happily out of the family racket until Dean showed back up in that gas guzzler? Ah-ah. The truth, now." Osiris Says
Flashbacks to Sam and Jess kissing, Sam and Dean fighting, Dean slamming Sam against the bridge, Jess burning on the ceiling and Sam on the bed under the flames.
"It's complicated." Sam Says
"That one act had quite a domino effect. Come back, your girl's dead." Osiris Says
"Well, that wasn't his fault." Sam Says
"Sure, and neither is everything that came after β all the death and the blood and hanging on by a thread. None of that is on Dean, directly." Osiris Says
Flashbacks to Dean punching Sam, Dean shoving Ben, Ronald being shot in the bank, Pamela bleeding to death, Jo Bleeding to death..., Dean watching John's body burn, Dean standing at John's grave, Dean holding a dying Sam, Dean holding a bleeding Lisa, Dean shoving Elena after Sam died, Dean crying as he tells Sam and Elena about torturing souls in Hell.
"But don't you think that your brother dragged you back into that catastrophic mess because he'd rather damn you with him than be alone?" Osiris Says
There is a long pause, Sam looks over at Dean then back at Osiris.
"No. One way or another, I'd have gotten pulled back in." Sam Says
"You know that for certain?" Osiris Says
"Pretty sure." Sam Says
"Pretty sure." Osiris Says
"I'm positive." Sam Says
"I believe you. Hey, if it was about convincing me, I would say..." Osiris Says
"What?" Sam Says
"I don't decide anything, Sam. I don't decide Dean's guilt. I just weigh the guilt that's already there. This is solely about how Dean feels, way down deep. Them's the breaks." Osiris Says
"Wait. So, if Dean believes he's innocent, then he is?" Elena Says
"If. A big if. Why do I bring up the past? To see if he feels like dog food about it. People want to be judged. They really do. When your heart's heavy, let me tell you, real punishment's a mercy." Osiris Says
"I want to call Dean to the stand." Sam Says
"Oh, you do, now? There is an order to this stuff, you know. Okay. I'll allow it." Osiris Says
Osiris snaps his fingers and Dean's chains fall away.
Sam is standing in front of Dean, who is in the witness chair.
"So, Dean. When you came and got me, did you know Jess would die? Or any of it?" Sam Asks
"Course not." Dean Says
"Right. How could you? I mean, are you psychic? That's a question." Sam Says
"No. Uh, definitely not psychic." Dean Says
"Great. So why would you feel guilty about not predicting the future?" Sam Asks
"Yeah, I guess that doesn't make any sense. Actually, yeah, no, I don't." Dean Says
"What about Jo? Did you actually kill her?" Sam Asks
"Uh, no." Dean Says
"Isn't it true that you don't feel guilty about her β that you're just... sad she's dead? That it just... blows?" Sam Asks
"Actually... Maybe, yeah." Dean Says
"Mm-mm-mm. I like your style, Sam. Very engaging." Osiris Says
"Dean. Does any of this feel like it's really... on you?" Sam Asks
"Not really." Dean Says
"Then is your heart heavy with guilt or just plain heavy and none of this guy's business?" Sam Asks
"Uh, what you said β the second thing." Dean Says
"Then I rest my case." Sam Says
"Very good... Both of you. All right. Because I really enjoyed that, I'm gonna be generous and ask β Dean, do you want me to call my last witness?" Osiris Says
Flashback to Dean stabbing Amy, and Sam saying "I know you didn't want to let her go, but it was the right thing to do"
Dean doesn't say anything for a while, Elena and Sam looks at him questioningly.
"Or have we had enough." Osiris Says As Dean sighs heavily.
"What the hell's he talking about?" Elena Asks
"Enough Ally McBealing. Just drop the hammer, will ya." Dean Says
"Wait, Dean, he's giving us more time!" Sam Says
"It's not gonna make a difference, Sam!" Dean Says
"You need another moment? You done?" Then he bangs his staff three times on the ground.
"The court's reached a verdict. I find you, Dean Winchester, guilty in your heart... and sentence you to die. I'd suggest you get your affairs in order quickly." Osiris Says
Sam, Elena and Dean arrive in the Impala. The area is a crime scene. Police officers wheel away a body on a stretcher.
Sam, Elena and Dean enter and see the empty chair and broken salt line.
"Damn it, I told him." Elena Says
"Osiris would have got to him one way or another. Guy's batting a thousand." Dean Says
"There's still time. We can figure something out." Sam Says
Time lapse through out the day, Sam on the phone and Dean and Elena researching on their laptops as Sam paces the room, then Sam still pacing as Dean sits on the bed with his head bowed and Elena is still on her laptop then Sam's phone rings.
"Bobby. What do you got?" Sam Asks
"A way to give Osiris a dirt nap." Bobby Says
"Good. We need it." Sam Says
Sam nods to Dean, who is drinking a glass of whiskey.
"Now, as near as I can figure, it ought to put him down for a couple of centuries, at least. It's worked a few times since the Pharaohs were big." Bobby Says
"So it's temporary?" Sam Says
"Long temporary. I say we slap that band-aid on and leave finding a cure to some hunter in a space suit. Now, you're gonna need to stab him with a ram's horn." Bobby Says
"A ram's horn? Where am I gonna find a ram's horn in Dearborn?" Sam Says As Elena types on her laptop
"No clue. But make sure it's a sharp piece. He ain't gonna let you stab him twice." Bobby Says
"Yeah. Thanks." He hangs up " Ram's horn. Ahh... okay Uh Elena you got something." Sam Says
"Yeah." Her internet search returns 1,612 results.
"Huh. Apparently, uh, Jewish people blow through them once a year." Elena Says
"Where you gonna find one this time of night?" DeanΒ Asks
"Uh... synagogue." Sam Says
"You're gonna steal from a temple? Well, that's a new low." Dean Says drinking more whiskey.
"You're on death row, Dean. Quit joking around. Here. Keys. I'll be back Lena you stay here with him and keep and eye out." Sam Says As Elena nods
"The dick's gonna sic Jo after me." Dean Says
"You're a hunter, Dean. You know how to deal with ghosts." Sam Says
Dean gives Sam the keys to the Impala.
"So, you suggesting I kill her again?" Dean Says
"You didn't kill her, Dean. I'll hurry." Sam Says
Dean and Elena looks at each other and sighs as Sam leaves, Dean makes a salt circle around himself.
"You can come out now." Dean Says
Nothing Happens he looks at Elena.
"Lena you have to go." Dean Says
"Not happening." Elena Says
"Elena please I don't want her to kill you." Dean Says
She walks closer to him near the salt line. "Dean stop okay I'm not going anywhere without you, I'm not leaving this place without you." Elena Says holding his hand
Dean gives her a Sad smile, She places her hand on his cheek, he looks at her then a gun hits the back of Elena's head and she's knocked out.
"Elena!" Dean Says As Jo Appears and he looks up
Sam is looking around an office with a flashlight. He sees a ram's horn and picks it up. A Rabbi enters the room and turns on the light.
"I'm guessing you're not here for bar mitzvah lessons." He Says
"Uh..." Sam Says
A Woman customer at the bar is talking to Mia as Osiris watches.
"You know there was other ways of doing that." Dean Says
"You know I'd never do this, she's my friend but I needed to speak with you alone...so this was the option I thought of." Jo Says Dragging Elena's body over to the bed
"I know. Dean Says
"I guess it's his thing, some kind of twisted eye for an eye." Jo Says
"It's okay." Dean Says
"No, it's not. You deserve better." Jo Says
"No, you did. You deserved better, Jo." Dean Says
Sam is driving with the ram's horn on the seat beside him.
"Dean, my life was good. Really." Jo Says
"He was right, you know β that dick judge, about me." Dean Says
"No, he wasn't." Jo Says
"You were a kid." Dean Says
"Not true." Jo Says
"You and Sam. I just β you know, hunters are never kids. I never was. I didn't even stop to think about it." Dean Says
"It's not your fault. It wasn't on you." Jo Says
"No, but I didn't want to do it alone. Who does? No, the right thing would have been to send your ass back home to your mom." Dean Says
"Like to have seen you try, he was right about one thing." Jo Says
"What, your massive crush on me?" Dean Says
As Jo smiles.
"Shut up. You carry all kinds of crap you don't have to, Dean. It kinda gets clearer when you're dead." Jo Says
"Well, in that case, you should be able to see that I am 90%... crap. I get rid of that, what then." Dean Says
"You really want to die not knowing?...Dean." Jo Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
"It's time." Jo Says
Jo teleports to the other side and turns on the burners on the gas stove.
Flashback's to Dean making explosives and placing the detonator in Jo's hand, Dean kissing Jo and the hardware store exploding.
The Woman leaves the bar and walks down the street, Osiris is waiting around a corner for her.
Jo's ghost disappears from where it is standing at the stove and reappears almost instantly just outside Dean's salt circle.
"Come on, Dean. I used to hunt ghosts. I know the tricks." Jo Says
The window glass shatters and wind breaks the salt circle.
"He's making me do this." Jo Says
"It's okay." Dean Says
The Woman reaches her car, takes her keys out of her bag, drops them and picks them up. Osiris puts a hand on her shoulder, turns her around and covers her mouth with his hand as she tries to scream.
Jo's ghost takes a lighter out of Dean's pocket.
The Woman and Osiris struggle Then Sam comes up behind Osiris and stabs him with the ram's horn. His eyes change to blue light and his face cracks as he falls to the ground.
Jo's places her hand on Dean's cheek and drops the lighter, then vanishes and he looks around.
"Jo?" Dean Says
He looks over at Elena and helps her up onto the bed.
"Elena? Lena you okay?" Dean Asks
She opens her eyes slowly at him and immediately touches her head.
"Oww!" Elena Says
"Yeah come on." Dean Says As He Sits her up.
"Where is she?" Elena Asks
"She's gone." Dean Says
"Oh...I thought we were friends she didn't have to pistol whip me, with my own gun." Elena Says As Dean chuckles
Dean grabs an ice cold beer from the refrigerator and places it on Elena's temple.
"Thank you." Elena Says
"No problem...You know you could have gone with him." Dean Says
"What?" Elena Says
"With Sammy, I was fine by myself." Dean Says
"Don't you think I know that, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be here to look out for you." Elena Says
"Why I thought you hated me." Dean Says
"Hate no...annoyed with yes, but that can wait all that matters right now is that your safe and alive because I couldn't handle you dying again." Elena Says
Dean smiles a little, Elena looks at the ground for a second.
"Lena." Dean Says
"Yea." Elena Says
"Thank though...for being here." Dean Says
"I'm always gonna be here for you big idiot." Elena Says As Dean Smiles at her
Sam, Elena and Dean are drinking beers next to the Impala.
"So, uh, it seem like... you know, like... she was in pain?" Sam Asks
"No. No, just kind of faded. Regular Jo. Actually, maybe a little happier." Dean Says
Dean takes a drink of his beer, Elena drinks as well.
"I got a question. So where the hell did that come from, volunteering to defend me?" Dean Asks
"He was gonna kick me out, would you rather have me or Elena defend you" Sam Says
"Hey if I waned to be a lawyer I could have but it seemed boring when I was 18 so yea." Elena Says As Sam Chuckles
"I don't know, man β in another life, you uh... you might have made a pretty decent scuzzbag." Dean Says As Sam laughs.
"I'm 0 for 1, Dean." Sam Says
"Ah, it's not your fault. You were pretty convincing." Dean Says
"So, who was he talking about?" Elena Asks
"Who?" Dean Says
"That whole final witness thing." Elena Says
"No idea. Honestly, that could be just about anybody dead we know. By the way... I mean, I get why Judge Judy put me on trial β I got guilt coming out of my pores. But... why'd he skip you?" Dean Says
"I think I just don't... feel guilty anymore." Sam Says
"Come on." Dean Says
"Look, I don't know what to tell you, Dean. I mean, I've spent a lot of time feeling pretty crappy β like, my whole life." Sam Says
"What, you got a secret stash of happy pills?" Dean Says
"Hell...Look, I'm not saying it's logical. I just... you know, I feel like I did a lot of stuff I should have felt bad for, and then I paid a lot of dues and came out the other side, you know." Sam Says
"And that worked? I mean, you really feel like your β your slate's wiped." Elena Says
"No. Nothing ever gets wiped." Sam Says
He starts to walk around to the passenger side of the Impala.
"You know? Sometimes I see Lucifer when I friggin' brush my teeth, but, I don't know, I guess I just finally feel like... my past is my past, and I can move on with my life. You know, hopefully." Sam Says
"Easier said than done." Dean Says
"Not arguing that." Sam Says
"Well, I don't know whether to be, uh, jealous or weirded out." Dean Says
"You'll get used to it. I mean, I don't want to sound lame, but... I kind of feel good, guys." Sam Says
"Well, you are going to be a pleasure to ride with." Elena Says As They get into the Impala and drive away.
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