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A Man is running through the streets, chased by a car. He ducks into a laneway while the car continues along the road, and stands breathing heavily and clutching his chest. He looks behind him and sees nothing. When he turns around again, the car is facing him.
"That's impossible." He Says
The car accelerates towards the Man, He turns and runs, with the car close behind. He enters the door of an apartment building, runs up the stairs to at least the 9th floor and lets himself in to an apartment, where he leans against a wall panting.
"You're okay, you're okay. Oh, you're okay." He Says
The Man hears the sound of an engine revving and turns around in alarm. The car accelerates towards him and crushes him against the wall.
"No!" He Says
Sam, Elena and Dean pulls up to a crime scene and get out of the Impala dressed in their FBI suits.
"Sam." Lucifer Says As Sam presses his right thumb into his left hand, which he cut
"Feels wonky." Dean Says
"What?" Elena Says
"Working a regular job." Dean Says
"Bobby'll call if anything flares up on the Leviathan front. In the meantime, you know you want to work this case, Dean. Cop on the wire sounded dumbfounded." Sam Says
"No arguments. It's kind of nice, you know? We're due for a little cut and dry. And, uh..." Dean Says
Sam, Elena and Dean hold up FBI badges and a policeman lets them through the "Do Not Cross" line.
"You seem good." Dean Says
"I am. For me. By the way... Thank you." Sam Says
"For?" Dean W
"Amy. I know you guys didn't want to let her go, but it was the right thing to do. So, thanks."
"No problem." Dean Says As Elena nods
Elena, Sam and Dean show their ID again and duck under another "Do Not Cross" line.
"Welcome to Crazytown, population β one dead guy." Detective Says
"Who was he?" Elena Asks
"Uh, Matthew Hammond. Seems to have been crushed to death." Detective Says
"By?" Dean Says
"Well, if we weren't on the tenth floor, I'd say by a car." Detective Says
A police photographer takes a picture of a bloodstained brick wall with a hole knocked through it. Sam takes out his EMF reader.
"It's going crazy." Sam Says
"Some kind of ghost?" Elena Says
"With a license? License to kill." Dean Says
Sam and Elena looks at him. "Seriously?" Elena Says
Sam makes his way over to the carpet, he touches some orange residue. "What do you got?" Dean Asks
"I don't know. Looks like some kind of powder." Sam Says
"Sulfur?" Elena Says
"No. Just dirt. Could be "Christine"-like." Sam Says
"Ugh. Even possessed cars can't do stairs. It's something spectral." He picks up a token from a bowl of knick-knacks. "Check this out. "AA, 10 years." Dead and sober."
Dean tosses the token to Sam.
"Double crappy." Dean Says
Elena is looking at some papers.
"There's a charge keeps coming up. 50 bucks a month at a place called Jane's. All right. Congrats on your sobriety." Elena Says
Sam tosses the token back to Dean. "I'll go find out what Jane's is."
"I gave up AA for Lent." Dean Says
"We're not Catholic." Sam Says
"Always with the details. AA gives me the jeebs." Dean Says
"Wow. Shocker." Elena Says
"Shut up." Dean Says
"Fine Elena and I will hit the meeting, you go hit on Jane." Sam Says giving the paper to Dean
Sam, Elena and a Woman are talking outside the building.
"Matt was a nice guy. Kind of a tortured soul. Join the club. But he just seemed to have a lot going on." She Says
"Any idea what it was? Family, a girl?" Sam Asks
"He played it all pretty close to the vest. Something was eating at him, though, the last time I saw him. He almost slipped." She Says
"When?" Sam Says
"Just before he died, I guess. Called me from Neal's Tavern. Said he was an inch away from drinking. So I ran over, talked him off the ledge." She Says
"Well, do you know what triggered it?" Elena Asks
"Like I said, he didn't share much." She Says
Dean enters the flower shop, a young beautiful curly haired woman is behind the counter.
"May I help you?" She Asks
"Uh, yes. I, uh..." holds up his FBI badge. "Just had a few questions about a customer of yours, name of Matthew Hammond." Dean Says
"Uh, sure. He's not in trouble, is he?" She Says
"Actually, Mr. Hammond is no longer with us." Dean Says
"Oh. Now it all makes sense." She Says
"What does?" Dean Says
"He came in, couple days ago, paid me three years in advance to keep his monthly delivery going." She Says
"And where do the flowers go?" Dean Asks
"A Miss Elizabeth Duren." She Says
"You mind, uh, writing Elizabeth's address down? I'd like to pay her a visit." Dean Says
Sam, Elena and Dean are walking through the graveyard with flashlights, The see a headstone that reads.
Elizabeth Duren
"Here we go. Meet Elizabeth Duren." Dean Says
"Died at 10." Sam Says
"Wow, she was so young...poor kid." Elena Says
"So, who was she?" Sam Asks
"I don't know. Why don't we chew on it back at the motel." Dean Says
Sam is reading the Detroit Daily News archives online on his laptop, Elena is drinking a beer at the table.
"Elizabeth Duren. Killed 10 years ago when a neighbor backed out of his driveway. Didn't see her bike. No one was ever charged. Police ruled it an accident." Sam Says
"Let me guess. The neighbor's our tenth-floor pancake." Dean Says As Sam nods.
"At least we know he felt bad. I mean, the flowers..." Elena Says
"Kind of makes you wonder if the guy wasn't drunk when he ran her over." Dean Says
Dean looks at the beer bottle he's drinking from, Sam and Elena watches him.
"Yeah. All right. Well, regardless, now that we got a decent bead on ghost rider, let's go." Sam Says
"What?" Dean Says
"Burn her bones. Put her to rest." Sam Says
"The fun never stops." Dean Says taking another swig of beer
Sam, Elena and Dean dig, salt and burn Elizabeth's remains.
A German Shepherd dog is chasing a Man. He enters a diner, closes and locks the glass door behind him, and leans with his back against the door, breathing heavily. The dog leaps at the door, barking, and the man runs through the diner to the men's room.
"Keep that thing away from me!" He Says
The dog is no longer visible at the front door. The Man locks the door of the men's room behind him and leans with his back against it, breathing heavily.
"All right." He Says
The man takes out his cell phone and makes a call.
"911. What is your emergency?" She Says
"I need help. There's a dog after me..." He Says
"What is your address?" She Asks
"I β I β I don't know! I'm β some restaurant somewhere. I'm β"
The Man sees the dog reflected in the mirror. It is sitting in the corner watching him.
"Sir? Sir?" She Says
The Man lowers the phone and turns towards the dog.
"Hello? Hello sir, can you hear me?" She Says
The dog growls and leaps at the Man, barking.
"No. No!" He Says Then Blood splatters the wall.
"Sir, you need to calm down. We'll send paramedics. Just tell me where you are. Sir? Sir?" She Says As The Man lies dead on the ground.
Dean and Sam enter their room, Sam is reading a newspaper.
"Oh, another night at the office. Why don't you take the first shower?" Dean Says
"Listen to this. "A local man, Christopher Fisher, was ripped to shreds in a wild animal attack last night." Sam Says
"It is a dangerous world out there." Dean Says
Dean sits on a bed, takes off his jacket and flops backwards onto the bed, Sam sits at the table.
"He was in the restroom of a diner." Sam Says
Dean sits up again. "Yeah, that doesn't sound right."
"Apparently, uh, none of the patrons saw anything. Guy calls 911, screaming about a dog, but the operator didn't hear anything, either." He opens his laptop. "Wow. Looks like this guy had a history with dogs." Sam Says
"Meaning?" Dean Says
"Five years ago, he was arrested for running a dog-fighting operation." Sam Says
Dean gets up from the bed and joins Sam at the table. "Classy. All right. So, what? He causes so much misery that some Rottweiler goes Cujo on him from beyond the grave? Wait a second. Do... do dogs even have ghosts?" Dean Says
"First I've heard of it." Sam Says
"That sounds weird. Ghost dog?" Dean Says
"No weirder than ghost car, you know." Sam Says
"You know what does make sense? Vengeance on the guy that Michael Vick'd you. I mean, I'm no one to judge, but it sounds to me like that guy had it coming." Dean Says
"Maybe... But maybe not. So, he got busted, got probation, started volunteering at an animal shelter." Sam Says
"Yeah, 'cause he had to." Dean Says
"At first, yeah. But he kept going long after he served his time. Looks like he got really into it. Raised a lot of money for the cause." Sam Says
He turns the laptop around to show Dean an article titled "Dog shelter thanks volunteers for efforts."
"Huh." Dean Says
"People change." Sam Says
"Yeah, tell that to ghost dog." Dean Says
Dean gets up and walks away from the table, holding one hand to his back.
"All right. Uh, get suited up. Let's go check out the body." Sam Says
"What?" Dean Whines
"What?" Sam Says
"What?" Dean Says
"Nothing. I... You okay?" Sam Asks
"Peachy. Yeah, let's do this." Dean Says
"Alright I'm gonna shower first you go get Lena." Sam Says
"I-I sure." Dean Says
Clothes are scattered across the room floor, Elena is asleep in her bed, then knocks are heard at the door.
"Lena." Dean Says
Elena slowly opens one eye, she looks at the door but doesn't move,Dean continues to knock she finally gets out of bed she quickly puts on a shirt to cover herself and she opens the door.
"Yes Dean." Elena Says
"Get dressed we gotta go." Dean Says
"What why we just got back?" Elena Says
"I know but Sam wants us to check something out." Dean Says
"But I-I was just sleeping, and my good dream was just starting." Elena Says
"Yeah I know I'm tired to but come on get dressed we leave in 10 minutes." Dean Says
"20 minutes." Elena Says
"Excuse me?" Dean Says
"Yeah I'm gonna need more than 10 minutes, since I haven't slept in 7 hours I'm running low on energy so I'm gonna need a few minutes to wake up." Elena Says then Closes her door in his face
"Now because of that you got 16 minutes." Dean Says
"Yeah Yeah." Elena Says
Elena and Dean are sitting on the hood of the Impala as Sam comes out the office.
"So, guess what I found. Red dirt. Under his nails. On his shoes, too." Sam Says
"Just like the, uh, car-crash guy's floor." Dean Says
"Yeah. So, gotta be someplace around here they both walked." Sam Says
Dean's driving, Sam's in the passenger seat while Elena tries to stay awake.
"An apple farm?" Dean Says
"Yeah apparently whatever's in red dirt makes great apples." Sam Says
"Wow. I'd be so interested in that if I ate apples." Dean Says
"You should." Elena Says As Dean glares at her
"So this one's supposed to be pretty old, uh, mostly abandoned. Few hundred acres." Sam Says
"A few hundred?! We're gonna be searching all year." Dean Says
A man runs out into the road and holds out his arms to stop the car.
"Whoa!" Dean Says
Dean hits the brakes hard and stops just in front of the man, Elena, Sam and Dean get out.
"Hey. Uh... You okay?" Sam Asks
"Guy just jumped in front of a car, Sam." Dean Says
"Uh, you want us to help you, sir?" Elena Says
The Man is leaning over, breathing hard looking over his shoulder.
"Okay, well, why don't we get you out of here before you get roadkilled, huh." Dean Says
"Yeah." He Says
Sam hands the man a glass of water as he sits.
"So, Warren. Just, uh, take a minute. Tell us what's going on." Sam Says
"Look β you're good people, I can see that, but you can't do anything for me. No one can." Warren Says
"Why not?" Elena Says
"Cause it's all impossible. You won't even believe me." Warren Says
"Well, try us." Dean Says
"I was just put on trial and sentenced to death." Warren Says
"What'd you do?" Dean Asks
"Held up a liquor store. I killed the owner and his wife. I wasn't thinking. I was young." Warren Says
"Young? When was this?" Elena Asks
"1981." Warren Says
"And they just put you on trial?" Dean Says
"No, no, I just got out of prison." Warren Says
"Okay, you're making less sense the more you talk." Dean Says
He gets up from his chair, Sam and Elena also gets up and holds out an arm to stop Dean.
"No, it's okay. Just... go on." Sam Says
"Did 30 years. I just got paroled. Not that you're ever free of that. I think about it every day." Warren Says
"So, then, what were you running from?" Elena Asks
"Well, I told you β the trial! All I know is, one minute I'm at the bar, and the next, I get jumped, wake up in a damn courtroom." Warren Says
"Courtroom? Like a... courtroom?" Dean Says
"Well, no. There was a judge. Everything was crazy. It was in a barn." Warren Says
"At the apple farm?" Sam Asks
"Yeah." Warren Says
"And this bar where you were grabbed?" Sam Says
"Neal's Tavern." Warren Says
"Same place Matthew Hammond went before his... car accident. Think maybe dog guy went there, too?" Dean & Elena Shrugs "Is there anything else you can tell us?" Sam Says
"You believe me? Who the hell are you?" Warren Asks
"We kind of... specialize in crazy. So, uh, this judge β he got a name?" Sam Says
"No. But there was these weird symbols." Warren Says
"Symbols? Do you remember any of 'em? Can you draw them." Sam Says
Sam gives warren some paper and a pencil.
"Excuse us a sec, Can I talk to you both?" Dean Says
"What is it?" Sam Asks
"What is it?" Sam, uh... How about a drunk driver, Michael Vick, a murderer?" Dean Says
"And?" Elena Says
"And... when did our black-and-white case turn to mud? I'm just saying I'm having a hard time not rooting for the ghosts on this one." Dean Says
"No, you said it yourself β it's not on us to judge." Sam Says
"Yeah, except that that's complete crap. Everybody judges all day long. Look, I'm just supposed to ignore what that guy did." Dean Says
"We've shot people, Dean β more than two." Sam Says
"Yeah, you know what? When those ghosts come to kick my ass, they've got a compelling case." Dean Says
"So, what, you're saying β what? You don't want to work the job anymore."Elena Says
"I'm just saying, you know, one simple friggin' day on the job β is that too much to ask." Dean Says
"Well, look we're gonna go out and try to find that barn. You coming?" Sam Says
"I'm gonna check the bar." Dean Says
"To work or drink?" Elena Asks
"I haven't decided." Dean Says Then walks away.
Elena and Sam sighs then walks back into the building.
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