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Dean is on a hospital bed looking up at bright lights.
"Hold him down." Doctor Says
"Hey." Dean Says
"Three, two, one, set!" Doctor Says
The Doctors Snap Dean's leg back into place "Aaaaargh!"
"Nurse!" Doctor Says
"Just relax." Doctor Says
"Where am I?" Dean Asks
"You're at the hospital." Doctor Says
"Which one?" Dean Asks
"Sioux Falls General." She Says As a nurse gives Dean a shot.
"Where's my brother? We got to go." Dean Says
"He bashed his head quite seriously. He's gone up for an MRI." Doctor Says
"What about my friends are they okay?" Dean Asks
"Sir there gonna be fine." Doctor Says
"Okay. I got to go." Dean Says
"You're not going anywhere on this leg, buddy. Relax." Doctor Says Then Dean lays back and he blacks out.
Later On, Dean awakens he's in a hospital gown and looks over at a sign that reads Sioux Falls general.
"Oh, no, no, no." Dean Says
He pulls a drip out of his arm and tries to get up, but falls to the floor with a yell, His right leg is in a cast.
"What?" Bobby enters the room in a suit.
"You okay?" Bobby Asks
"Bobby your alive." Dean Says
"Of course I am, Why are you on the floor?" Bobby Says
"They gave me morphine. A lot." Dean Says
Bobby helps Dean up and sits him on the bed.
"Hey, look, a monster broke my leg. Oh. Wait... the house. We thought you, Elena and Corinna were dead." Dean Says
"Well, we ain't. Not yet. But we got to run. This place ain't safe, Where's Sam?" Bobby Asks
"Uh... Head scan, I think." Dean Says
"Meet me at the ambulance dock, stat. I'll find Sam." Bobby Says
"Wait, where? Bobby, where's Elena & Corinna?" Dean Asks
"There fine, there gonna meet us out back as well okay let's go." Bobby Says
"Wait Wait Bobby I'm a gimp." Dean Says
Bobby brings Dean a pair of crutches.
"Hey." Bobby Says As he pats Dean's cheek and smiles at him.
Dr.Gaines is washing his hands, A hands him a towel to dry his hands.
"You've scheduled dessert, I presume?" Dr.Gaines Says
His phone rings, The Nurse takes it out of his gown pocket and holds it to his ear.
"Yes? The Winchesters?" Dr.Gaines Says
Dean exits his hospital room on crutches, while walking down the hall his vision is blurry. Bobby approaches an orderly who is moving an unconscious Sam on a stretcher, and holds up some ID.
"Hold the phone there, son. Who's this?" Bobby Asks
Bobby looks at the chart on Sam's stretcher.
"Yeah, this is the guy. Coverage lapsed. We're shipping him to County." He rolls Sam away "Come on, sicko. Let's get you healed up some place a little safer." Bobby Says
Elena and Corinna exit the room, Elena's ankle is bandaged her and Corinna's face is still bruised up, they limp down the hall trying to act normal.
Dr.Gaines and the nurse stride purposefully down the hallway as Dean makes his way on crutches. Bobby pushes Sam on the stretcher. Dr.Gaines sees Dean's empty room. Elena and Corinna see's Dean.
"Dean." Elena & Corinna Says
He makes his way over to them, they help Dean.
"Thanks." Dean Says
"Don't Mention it." Corinna Says
"Come on before one of these serpent things chow us down." Elena Says
Bobby and Sam leave the hospital via the ambulance entrance and Bobby puts Sam's stretcher in an ambulance.
"Come on." Bobby Says
Through the ambulance side mirror, Bobby sees Dr.Gaines and the Nurse come out of the ambulance entrance door.
"Balls. Come on, guys. Come on!" Bobby Says
Dean gets in the passenger seat of the ambulance, Elena and Corinna are in the back with Sam.
"Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" Dean Says
Bobby accelerates away, Dr.Gaines and the Nurse run after the ambulance for a short distance but they get away, Dr.Gaines takes out his phone.
Sam is reading at the table and Dean and Elena are watching television. On the screen, a woman is crying over a man's body, Bobby enters.
"Dad look... Ricardo." Elena Says
"What happened?" Bobby Asks
"Suicidio." Dean Says
"AdiΓ³s, ese." Bobby Says
Elena looks very moved at what has happened on the screen, Sam shakes his head Chuckling.
"Well, this ought to cheer you up." Bobby Says tossing Dean his keys
"My baby! Now I just got to get this stupid thing off and I can drive again." Dean Says
"So how is it out there?" Sam Asks
"Weird with a side order of bloody, Talked to a few hunters, They're running into the same kind of thing that set up shop at that hospital." Bobby Says
"Yeah, and don't forget tried to kill us at your place." Dean Says
"Well, consensus is they're, um, they're like shapeshifters only a lot more into eating folk and nothing can kill 'em." Bobby Says
"Good times. Anything else?" Elena Asks
"Yep. They bleed black goo." Bobby Says
"Like that stuff that came out of Cas β those things from Purgatory. Uh... Leviathan." Sam Says
"Yep." Bobby Says
"What about those chompers that you and the sheriff saw at the hospital? They still making spleenburgers?" Dean Says
"Yeah, made some calls, That doctor never showed back up to work. Ditto a nurse and some administrator." Bobby Says
Sam fazes out of the conversation and he starts to hear voices in his head.
"You never left, Sam." Lucifer Says
"So they could be at any hospital in America." Elena Says
"Yeah, But I called Denny, He Corinna and his Family they said they'll handle it out there while we lay low." Bobby Says
"Hmm." Elena Says
"You're still in the Cage... with me." Lucifer Says
"What do you think, Sammy? Sammy? Sam." Dean Says
"Sam..." Lucifer Says
"Hey, ground control! Sam!" Dean Says
Sam turns over his left palm and we see the healed wound on his hand.
"Yeah. What? I'm β I'm right here." Sam Says
"You okay?" Elena Asks
"Yeah. I'm fine." Sam Says
There is a long pause, everyone looks at him and nods.
"Good. Every last bit of info I ever had burned down-" Bobby Says
"That poor house, I'm gonna miss it." Elena Says
"It's okay kiddo." Bobby Says
"No it's not dad, those assholes burned down our home...I'm lucky that most of my important things didn't burn down...it still hurts though." Elena Says
"It's gonna be okay Elena." Bobby Says
"Okay but what about this place? Rufus leave anything? Did you check the basement?" Dean Asks
"C-rations and dust. I don't think he'd been here in years. So, I got to go round up my old library." Bobby Says
"I thought you said most of those books were one-of-a-kind." Sam Says
"Yeah. That's why I stashed copies all over the place." Bobby Says
"Okay, good. Um... Hey, uh, two-legs. We're fresh out of grub. Want to make a run?" Dean Asks
"Sure yeah." Sam Says
Dean tosses Him the keys to the Impala, Sam grabs his jacket.
"Be careful with her, would you? And, uh, Sam?" Dean Says
"Yeah?" Sam Says
"Pie." Dean Says
"Obviously." Sam Says Then he leaves.
"So?" Dean Says
"So what?" Bobby Says
"Before you bail again β "Girl, Interrupted" over there any thoughts." Dean Says
"Looks to me like he's doing better." Elena Says
"Better? What do you mean, better? You just saw him!" Dean Says
"Yeah we saw him check out once, that's progress." Bobby Says
"You're kidding!" Dean Says
"Look, seems to me that Sam's head ain't no different than your leg. People heal on a curve." Bobby Says
"Not diffβ Bobby, I get this thing off in five days, I'm golden. Sam's not a curve he's a frickin' time bomb." Dean Says
"It ain't like he's keeping secrets. What you see is what you get. What's so nuts about calling an upswing." Elena Says
"Because that's not how it works, Elena, ever! All right? Especially not with Sam. The other shoe is gonna drop. It's just a matter of when." Dean Says
"Okay. How 'bout we worry about today's problems? And today, we need intel. I'm going. You sit there and stew. I'll check in. Look... you sitting here wringing your hands ain't gonna do nothing. Maybe he'll surprise you." Bobby Says Then leaves
Dean scratches his cast, Elena gets up off the couch he looks at her.
"Where you going?" Dean Asks
"Nap I didn't get that good of a sleep last night so-" Elena Says
"Elena wait wait can you uh do me a nice favor." Dean Says
"What?" Elena Says
"You mind uh" He looks at his cast "You mind uh helping me with my cast." Dean Says
"Dean leave it alone, it's not done healing." Elena Says
"No that's not it, you see I have this itch and it's been bothering me for days could you please help." Dean Says
"So you want me to dig inside of there an scratch it for you." Elena Says
"Please." Dean Says, She Sighs Then Smiles at him
"You know what sure I'll scratch your itch for you." Elena Says
"Really." Dean Says
"Yes of course." Elena Says
"Thank you Elena your such a great fr-" Dean Says
"I'll scratch it for you once you told me why you kissed me?" Elena Says
"Seriously." Dean Says
"No explanation no Scratching." Elena Says
"Lena please." Dean Says
"Nu Uh, tell me and I'll scratch it for you." Elena teases
"Well I did it because I- Uh.." Dean Says
"You what..." Elena Says
"Please I'm dying here could you please scratch it for me." Dean Pleads As She rolls her eyes
"Do it yourself." Elena Says
Elena gets up and smacks his cast hard causing Dean to yell in pain.
"Ahhh! Elena that freaking hurt." Dean Says
"Good." Elena Says
Sam carries a basket of groceries to the counter.
"Hey." Sam Says
"Hey." Clerk Says
Sam picks up the Bozeman Times newspaper. The headline reads "ICE PICK KILLER STRIKES AGAIN".
"Paper, too?" Clerk Says
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, please. Here." Sam Says
Sam hands the Clerk a credit card with the name Lemmy Kilmister. The Clerk swipes the card through the payment machine.
A Man is sitting in front of a computer screen and talking on the phone using a headset.
"Yes, sir. Do you see any other strange charges on your statement? The May 27th charge to "Mistress Magda," perhaps? Oh. Sorry for asking." He Says
A transaction alert flashes up on his computer screen saying that Lemmy Kilmister has used his card at the Whitefish Gas n' Sip.
"We're gonna have to call you back." He Says
The Man takes out a cell phone and makes a call.
Edgar is sitting outside with a cup of coffee and a newspaper.
"Yes?" Edgar Says
"Yes, sir. The Winchesters have triggered one of my search programs." He Says
"Great." Edgar Says
"A shop in Montana, about a day and a half, maybe two days from here." He Says
"So?" Edgar Says
"So?" He Says
"So, why are you still talking to me." Edgar Says Then hangs up.
Sam puts a shopping bag on the table near Dean, He reaches for it. Elena comes out one of the rooms.
"Ah, thank you." Dean Says
"Yep." Sam Says
"Hey Sammy." Elena Says
"Hey, what we're you doing?" Sam Asks
"Oh I needed a nap caught a really nasty headache." Elena Says looking at Dean
Dean furrow's his brows at her then turns off the television.
"Oh okay...Where's Bobby? He take off?" Sam Asks
"Yeah. Hey, Sam, how you doing?" Dean Asks
"Fine." Sam Says
"Really though?" Elena Asks
"Yeah." Sam Says
"I mean, you still, you know..." Dean Says
Yeah, no, I β I know what you mean. Yeah, I'm β I'm still seeing crap that's not real. But, yeah, I'm fine. I mean, I can tell the difference." Sam Says
"Think it's getting better?" Elena Asks
"Honestly? Uh... I don't know. I just know I'm managing it, so... So don't worry guys." Sam Says
"Where's the pie?" Dean Asks
"I got cake. It's close enough, right?" Sam Says
Some time later, Dean is asleep on the couch, Elena is at the end of the couch. She's watching a telenovela but she's dozing off. Sam see's her falling asleep then he reads an article in the newspaper, titled "Victim's fatal wounds 'signature' of killer".
Young Sam who was 15, is reading a newspaper on a bench and talking on the phone.
"Yeah, so, from what I can tell, it's something called a Kitsune. Not much. They... look human... till they sprout out claws and stab you behind your ear to get to your brain. I don't β I don't know yet. Yes, Dean, I realize killing 'em's important. Maybe if Uncle Bobby sent a book in English. I am! No, no, don't β don't put him on the phone. Hi, Dad. Yes, sir. I realize people are dying. Yeah, I'm on my way to the library right now." Sam Says
Sam leaves a note for Dean on the table next to the uneaten cake, takes the keys to the Impala and leaves.
"Sorry, honey. Price went up. Fifty-five." He Says
Someone from a far watches them in the bushes.
"Oh, I don't β I don't have it." She Says
"That's too bad. Maybe we can make a little trade. Hmm?" He Says
At the sound of police sirens, they hurry away in opposite directions. The Man hears a noise and stops, but sees nothing and then continues on his way. Someone tackles him to the ground.
"Aah!" He Says
The Man lies on ground, dead. Blood pools from the back of his head.
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