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The television is still on, Dean wakes up but he feels something heavy on his chest. He looks down and sees Elena asleep on him, She's asleep with her hand on his chest. Dean looks down at her sleeping peacefully and sees the note Sam left him, he tries to move slowly he doesn't want to wake Elena. He slowly reaches for it but her eyes slowly open and she looks at him.
"Hey." Dean Says
"Hey." Elena Says
"Lena...my leg." Dean Says
"Sorry." Elena Says
Elena sits up and gets off Dean, he reaches for the note and reads it "Back in a few days. I'm fine. Sam"
Dean and Elena each other and sighs, He picks up the phone and calls Bobby.
"Other shoe!" Dean Says
"Other who?" Bobby Says
"Sam, He took off." Dean Says
"Where?" Bobby Asks
"I don't know, Nowhere good." Dean Says
"Well, maybe he needed a little "me-time." Bobby Says
"Yeah, but his me-time ain't just him. I mean, for all we know he's road trippin' with Lucifer somewhere. Left me here like Jimmy friggin' Stewart." Dean Says Getting up
"I assume you called." Bobby Says
"Straight to voicemail. He turned his GPS off, too." Dean Says
"And he took my car!" Dean Says
Elena pours herself some coffee and smirks a little at Dean.
"Don't panic." Bobby Says
"Too late!" Dean Says
"Look, he says he's okay, so give it a couple of days. Just till you get the cast off, then hunt him down. Till then, we'll both just keep calling." Bobby Says
"All right." Dean Says
"So what are you gonna do cripple?" Elena Asks
He hangs up." I have an idea." Dean Says
"Like?" Elena Says
Dean is holding an angle grinder, Elena looks at him shaking her head.
"Are you sure about this." Elena Says
"Nope." He Turns it on "You're goin' down." Dean Says
Dean cuts into his cast with the angle grinder, Elena tries not to look.
"You guys thinking this is another one β so-called ice pick killer?" Sam Says
"Same M.O. Can't say I'm too broken up about this one." Officer Says
"Oh, you knew him?" Sam Asks
"Busted him half a dozen times. Real mensch." Officer Says
"So, what's the deal? Um, killer comes to town, ganks a lowlife, moves along." Sam Says
"Looks like." Officer Says
"Stabs 'em all exactly the same, right? Behind the ear." Sam Says
"Yeah. No explaining a psycho. We left that detail out of the paper, though. How'd you know?" Officer Asks
"I worked a case like this a few years back." Sam says
"Think it's related." Officer Says
"You find anything weird about the brains?" Sam Asks
"Like what." Officer Says
"Like... missing." Sam Says
"Huh. Good question for the coroner." Officer Says
"Right. Thanks." Sam Says
His phone beeps. He takes it out of his pocket and sees that he has had three missed calls from "Lars Ulrich".
Dean and Elena pulls up in front of the gas station, they get out and goes inside, The clerk is watching cartoons as Dean and Elena approach the counter.
"How you doing? Uh, was there a, uh, big guy in here yesterday?" Dean Asks
"That's specific." Clerk Says
"Uh, I mean big. Like about yea high?" Dean Says
"Yeah, maybe. Uh, brown hair?" Clerk Says
"Yes! Yes. That's him. Do you, uh β you remember what he bought?" Elena Asks
"Snacks, maybe." Clerk Says
"How about a paper? Do you have yesterday's paper?" Dean Asks
"Yeah, right there." Clerk Says
Elena goes over and picks up a newspaper, She holds it up for them to see. The newspaper headlines reads about the the ice pick killer.
"Do you mind?" Dean Asks Then they walks out with the newspaper.
He pulls out a body, it's the long haired man who bleed out.
"We don't get too many murders out this way... much less a serial." Coroner Says
"So what'd you find?" Sam Asks
"It's what we didn't find. Let me show you. Big chunk of mid-brain went missing." Coroner Says
"Mid-brain, like pituitary gland?" Sam Says
Actually, their pituitaries were clear gone. How'd you know that?
Young Sam is sitting at a table with a book, talking on the phone.
"Yeah, so, they need a steady diet of human pituitary glands to survive." Sam Says
"Educated guess." Sam Says
Sam is hanging his research on the wall and marking locations on a map.
"Hang on. Slow down." Sam Says
Sam is sitting at a desk, marking locations on a map.
"Right. So, the victims are located in parks just off the highway. Just one per town. That's something. What? I β I'm just tired. I've been looking at this for like eight years. Wait. Hang on. I'll call you right back." Sam Says
He hangs up and draws a line on his map between the Xs.
Sam draws a line on his map between the Xs and circles another location.
Sam parks the Impala and sits in it waiting.
Sam orders from a coffee vendor.
"Triple red eye, please." Sam Says
"Okay." Vendor Says
Sam watches a Blonde girl enter the library.
"Triple red eye." Vendor Says
"Thanks." Sam Says
Sam is still in the Impala waiting.
Sam reads a book at a table. He watches the blonde girl browse a magazine rack, but looks away when she looks at him.
Sam is still in the Impala, a vehicle pulls up nearby and someone gets out.
Sam takes a book from a shelf and sees Amy on the other side of the shelves.
"You stab it in the heart. Stab it. The heart. I said, you stab it in the heart!" Sam Says
"Shh!" Librarian says
"Okay. Are you guys cool? Can I have a normal life for five minutes now? Oh, Dean. Quick question. How do you talk to girls?" Sam Says
Sam straightens his jacket and approaches Amy , who is sitting at a table. She is wearing a necklace with a crescent moon pendant.
"Um... I just wanted to, you know, say hi and β" Sam Says
"No. Go away. It's just, I'm not supposed to talk to boys." Amy Says As Sam nods and turns to leave.
Sam leaves the library, as does Amy few moments later. She walks away and is followed by two boys then Sam follows them.
"Leave me alone." Amy Says
"Come on, we just want to talk." He Says
"I have to go." Amy Says
The Boy puts a hand on Amy's shoulder and pushes her against a tree.
"Uh-uh-uh. Why so rude?" He Says
"Don't touch me!" Amy Says
"Hey. I said be nice." He Says
"Why don't you?" Sam Says
"Butt out. Can you believe this guy?" He Says
The Boy puts out a hand to shove Sam, Who blocks it and punches him. The other boy punches Sam.
He punches them and hits the boy again and Sam shoves them as they leave.
"Hi. I'm Sam." He says
"I'm Amy." She Says
Sam is following a woman who is walking through the woods. She watches a man who is standing next to his car fumbling with his car keys. He drops the keys.
"Oh, damn it." He Says
Sam comes up behind the woman, She turns and Sam holds a knife to her chest, she has on her crescent pendant.
"Hi, Amy." Sam Says
"Sam. Wow." Amy Says
"Yeah." Sam Says
"I just... never thought I'd see you again. What are you doing here?" Amy Asks
"I think you know." Sam Says
"You got tall, huh." Amy Says
"Small talk? Really? Let's take a walk." Sam Says
"Samβ" Amy Says
"Walk." Sam Says
Sam drags Amy away, as they are walking he is holding a knife to Amy's chest.
"So, same pattern, same victim pool β just like when we were kids." Sam Says
"No, I β it's not what β look, I'm not β I've had the same job for the last six years. I β I have a house, two cats, a mortgage. I have a normal life." Amy Says
"You call this normal?" Sam Says
The Goo Goo Dolls' "Two Days in February" plays.
"Ready to play doctor?" Amy Says
Sam is sitting on the couch, Amy dabs at his face.
"So, you gonna tell me?" Amy Says
"What?" Sam Says
"How you kicked the crap out of those guys. I mean... no offense, but you're kind of..." Amy Says
"Wiry." Sam Says
"Exactly. So..." Amy Says
"Just watch a lot of Bruce Lee movies." Sam Says
"You thirsty?" Amy Asks
"Sure." Sam says
Amy walks over and opens the refrigerator, which contains jars holding brains. She moves a jar and takes out a can of soda.
"So, you live around here?" Amy Ask
"No, not really. It's a cool song. My dad doesn't listen to anything recorded after 1979, so..." Sam Says
Amy gives Sam the soda, and he holds the can of soda to his face.
"Does that mean you can't?" Amy Says
"I'm kind of stuck in the car a lot. My dad has to travel. For work." Sam Says
"Yeah, me and my mom bounce around a lot, too. She's all about, like, "Letting the wind be our guide." Amy Says
"Like a hippie." Sam Says
"Minus the peace and love." Amy Says
Amy takes the can from Sam, she opens it and takes a drink and hands it back to him.
"We're always on the road. I mean, I've seen the world's biggest ball of twine twice." Sam Says
"Three times. Not that big." Amy Says
"Right?" They laugh. "Okay, but be honest β I mean, moving all the time sucks. You're always the new kid, and everyone always thinks you're a freak." Sam Says
"Sam, you are a freak. But so was, I don't know, Jimi Hendrix and... Picasso. So am I. All the coolest people are freaks." Amy Says
Sam and Amy looks at each other, He leans forward and they kiss.
"Sam. What I am, I'm managing it." Amy Says
"You spiked three guys this week." Sam Says
"No, you don't understand. It's not like that. I'm β I'm not just some murderer. I had to." Amy Says
"Why?" Sam Asks
"I can't β I just had to. Please believe me, Sam." Amy Says
"I can't. I'm sorry." Sam Says
He reaches into Amy's pocket with his left hand.
"So am I." Amy Says
She knocks the knife out of Sam's hand and shoves him against a tree. He falls to the ground. In his left hand he holds several items from Amy's pocket.
Dean and Elena are dressed in their FBI suits, the corner opens up and shows them the body.
"This is the one he asked to see." Coroner Says
"Great, great. Uh, let me ask you, did he do anything to it?" Dean Asks
"No. He just asked a few questions about the other vics β missing pituitary glands and so forth." Corner Says
"Son of a bitch." Dean Says
"Sam's chasin' a what?" Bobby Says
Dean's on the phone while Elena is eating some French fries.
"A Kitsune. It's pretty rare, Dad and I hunted one back in '98." Dean Says
"Vaguely rings a bell." Bobby Says
"Yeah, didn't make our highlight reel." Dean Says
"Well, least now we know he's working a job." Bobby Says
"Yeah, but why pull the Houdini act?" Dean Says
"Not a clue, What are you gonna do when you catch up?" Bobby Asks
"I got a few ideas." Dean Hangs Up
Elena is still eating some fries, Dean looks over and eyes the French fries and Elena notices.
"What?" Elena Says
"Um..can I have some?" Dean Asks
"Oh you want some?" Elena Says As She holds up a fry
"Yeah..Please I'm hungry." Dean Says
"Let me think hmmm." She shoves some in her mouth. "No." Elena Says mouthful As Dean rolls his eye
Amy puts clothes in a suitcase and lays framed photos, including one of a child, face down. She turns and sees Sam.
"How did you find me?" Amy Asks
Sam holds up a receipt. "You dropped this. "Amy Pond," huh? Cute name. You weren't kidding about the mortgage."
"Sam..." Amy Says
Sam sees blood on Amy's hand.
"Wait, that's fresh. That's not mine. So, you killed again!" Sam Says
"You think I wanted to?" Amy Says
"I think you better tell me exactly what you're doing, or I have to kill you whether I want to or not!" Sam Says
"I can't. Sam, you know me." Amy Says
"No, I knew you. But that was a long time ago." Sam Says
"No, you know me. You know the kind of person I am." Amy Says
Sam and Amy break their kiss, Sam tries to set the can of soda on the coffee table, but it falls off and spills.
"Oh! Crap." Amy Says
"Sorry. I didn't mean to." Sam Says
Amy goes over to the sink, She grabs a rag and cleans up the spill.
"It's just, if she sees it, you know, my mom will be so pissed." Amy Says
"Yeah. It was just an accident." Sam Says
"Yeah, well, she has a temper sometimes. It's... no big deal." Amy Says
"My dad does, too. You don't want to see him when he's drinking." Sam Says
"My mom... I don't think she's a good person. Sometimes I don't think I'm a good person, either." Amy Says
"You are." Sam Says
"Don't be so sure." Amy Says
He puts his hand over Amy's hand "I've been around enough bad to know good when I see it." Sam Says
"It's just she has this... whole plan for me, but... I don't want to be like her, you know?" Amy Says
"I don't want to be like my dad, either." Sam Says
"All right. So then tell me what's going on." Sam Says
"Drop the knife and I'll show you." Amy Says
"Show me and I'll drop the knife." Sam Says
"Don't move." She slowly opens the door to a room in which a child is sleeping. " This is Jacob... my son. I've built a life here, Sam. I'm... in the PTA. I'm boring." Amy Says
"But you're still feeding." Sam Says
"On the dead. I'm a mortician. I know. Not sexy, but, you know, health benefits. I quietly take what Jacob and I need. No one gets hurt. But it can be risky, feeding like that, especially for a kid. Jacob got sick. He was dying, and the only way to fight it off was β" Amy Says
"He needed fresh meat." Sam Says
"It worked, After the last one his fever broke." Amy Says
"Amy β" Sam Says
"It's over." Amy Says
"You can't guarantee that." Sam Says
"I give you my word. So, how is spilling more blood gonna help anyone? You could still walk away from this. We both can. Sam... After what I did for you." Amy Says
"Amy, I β" Sam Says
"Hide!" Amy Says
"What?" Dean Says
"Quick!" Amy Says
Amy pushes Sam inside the closest and shuts the door behind him, Then Amy's mother enters.
"Hey." Amy Says
"They caught up." She Says
"Who caught up?" Amy Asks
"Couple of pros in a piece-of-crap Impala we're leaving." She Says
"But, Mom β" Amy Says
"I'm only gonna say this once β I put the food on this table, so you will do as you are told or I will let you starve." She Says
Amy's Mom starts walks towards the closet where Sam is hiding.
"Okay. Gas up the van I'll pack." Amy Says
Meanwhile in the closet, Sam draws his knife out.
"Good girl." She Says
She leaves, Amy let's Sam out the closet.
"Awesome first date, huh? Look, I'm sorry you got to go like this, but... What's wrong? Look, I know my mom's β" Amy Says
"No, I just have to go. I'm sorry." Sam Says
He looks over and sees a brain in a jar on a table.
"Oh, that β that's nothing! That's just..." Sam lifts his knife. "Sam?" Amy Says
"It's my dad and brother in the Impala. You're a monster." Sam Says
"You're a hunter. So... You're supposed to kill me? And I'm supposed to kill you?" Amy Says
"I guess." Sam Says
"Sam, I've never killed anyone. And I don't want to hurt you. Do you want to hurt me?" Amy Says
"No." Sam Says
"Then run. If my mom finds you, she'll kill you. Just run. Please, Sam." Amy Says
Sam steps back and grabs his things and leaves Amy's house.
Sam is walking towards his room. He unlocks the door and is punched by Dean, who was waiting inside, Sam Falls backwards into plants.
"Howdy, Sam." Dean Says
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