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"You guys know a way to kill vamps with battery acid?" Dean Asks
"Only way I know is beheading." Bobby Says
"Well, something didn't agree with them. Hey. Check out that wall. Something seem weird to you?" Sam Says
"Yeah, see if you can find a switch or a lever or something." Elena Says
"Don't need one." Bobby Says
He walks through the wall into a pink bedroom. A young Woman is sitting on the floor leaning against the bed with her back to Bobby. On the other side of the wall, Corinna moves books on a bookcase. She picks up one titled "How To Serve Man."
"Hey." Corinna Says
She holds up the book for them to see and then presses a button that was behind the book on the bookcase. Concealed doors in front of Dean spring open, revealing Bobby and the Young Woman, who gets to her feet. They enter the room and The Woman, who is wearing a floral pink dress or nightgown and holding a teddy bear, takes a step back against the mantelpiece.
"Guys. Machete." Sam Says
Sam, Dean, Elena and Corinna sheathe their machetes away.
"Hey. Look. We're not gonna hurt you. Okay?" He shows his teeth. "No fangs. See?" Dean Says
"We just want to talk." Sam Says
Moments Later the young woman is sitting in a chair, Elena hands her a cup of tea. Dean's jacket is around her shoulders.
"I was 8. My mom left me at the playground while she ran to the store. A man approached me and said I was the prettiest girl there and I've been living with these... things... ever since. At least until now." She Says
"Do you have any idea why?" Corinna Asks
"I'm one of his special girls. All the others, it was their job to make sure I was ready for the Alpha, whenever he came. Wash me... give me my IV bags every day. It's my only food. So my blood's pure." She Says
"They've been doing this for, what, 12 years?" Dean Says
"Virgins are a delicacy. He always has at least one of us on hand." She Says
"Well, don't worry, okay? We're gonna get you back to your mother." Sam Says
"Think she remembers me?" She Says
"Of course she does. Don't you remember her?" Sam Asks
The Young Woman shakes her head, They all share a look.
"Hey, these, uh... these guys" She turns towards the dead vampires on the table "β they, uh, friends of yours?" Elena Says
"They take care of the Alpha when he's here. Or did." She Says
"What happened to them?" Dean Asks
"A week ago, they came back from what they said was an easy hunt. Three humans just came, didn't put up any fight. But when they started on them, the vampires screamed in pain. The ones who ate died immediately." She Says
"And the ones who didn't?" Sam Asks
"There was only one. When he saw what happened, he moved to animals. He's out hunting as we speak." She Says
"Never heard of vamps being allergic to humans before." Corinna Says
"You think maybe it's the corn syrup? I mean, think about it. The Gas n' Sip was lousy with stoners. All ripe for the picking." Sam Says
"She did say it was an easy hunt." Dean Says
"Do you know where the Alpha is now?" Sam Asks
"I don't know. Maybe. He has a place he goes when something's wrong. He calls it his retreat." She Says
Sam takes out his phone. "All right."
"What is that?" She Asks
"That's, uh, that's Sam's douche tracker. Helps us find the Alpha. All we need's an address." Dean Says
"I don't know. But I remember things that maybe can help." She Says
"That's okay. Just do the best you can." Elena Says
A Vampire with blood around his mouth enters. He sees the open doors to the girl's room, walks into the room and looks around. He appears alarmed at finding it empty. A Man speaks from the large room behind him.
"Finally." He Says
The Vampire's teeth descend and he turns around. We see that the Mam is Edgar.
"I'd run out of magazines. Quick question. Where's your boss?" Edgar Asks
The Vampire rushes at Edgar and raises an arm to strike him. He catches his hand and squeezes it there's a sound of bones breaking as the Vampire groans and drops to his knees in pain.
"Let's try that again. Where is he?" Edgar Asks
"Go to hell." Vampire Says
"No. My neighborhood is worse than that." Edgar Says
His teeth transform into those of a vampire, He then takes on the rest of the Vampire's form.
"Missoula, Montana, Was that so hard?" Edgar Says
He backhands the vampire and there is the sound of flesh tearing.
Dean and Sam leave the store, Sam is carrying a bag of fresh vegetables and fruit.
"I can't do this, man. I can't live on rabbit food. I'm β I'm a warrior." Dean Says
"Dean, you'll be fine." Sam Says
"You don't know that." Dean Says
"So what's next on the list?" Sam Asks
"Well, if we're bum-rushing the Alpha, then we're gonna need dead man's blood, which means a morgue. Or..." Dean Says
"Or what?" Sam Says
He follows Dean's gaze to a man sitting on a nearby bench, drinking from a large takeout cup through a straw.
"Dude, forget the morgue. We are swimming in vamp poison." Dean Says
They approach the man sitting on the bench drinking the large soda.
"Excuse me, sir. Hi. We, uh, we're with the... Red Cross? See, we have an emergency shortage." He holds up his FBI badge. "And we're gonna need you to..." The Man looks vacantly at Sam. "You're not getting a word I'm saying, are you?" Sam Says
"Hey." He snaps his fingers in front of the man's face and sits down next to him. "Hold out your arm we need your blood." Dean Says
"Dude!" Sam Says Then The Man holds out his arm.
"All right, Sam." He takes a syringe out of his jacket pocket and hands it to Sam. "Tap the keg." Dean Says
"Here?" Sam Says
"Yeah, Sam, look around. It's friggin' Woodstock. Everybody's hopped up on the brown acid. We don't need the song and dance. Give him a little prick." Dean Says
Sam takes the syringe, Dean puts an arm along the bench behind the Man, who smiles at him. Sam sits down on the bench on the other side of the man and pushes the needle into the back of the his hand.
"Oww! That hurts." Sam draws blood. "This is for Hurricane Katrina, you said?" He Says
"Yes. Yes, I did." Dean Says
"So, look, uh... When we get there..." Sam Says
"Yeah?" Dean Says
Sam looks at their car, The Young woman is in the back seat and Corinna & Elena are leaning against the car talking.
"Bobby's gonna have to hang back. Do you disagree?" Sam Says
"He ain't gonna like it. I mean, he helped us in getting Emily." Dean Says
"Look, I'm Team Bobby, too. Okay? But there's a reason we left him in the car with Emily. You know that. The more action he sees, the more chance he gets to spin out." Sam Says
"All right, fine. So, we'll keep him off the front lines, and he can just, you know, keep calm and carry on, right?" Dean Says
A police car drives slowly behind them. War's "Why Can't We Be Friends?" plays.
The police car siren blares, Sam hurriedly puts the syringe away, The police car drives off as the man continues to slurp on his drink.
"When they hauled you off to vamp camp, do you remember how long the drive was?" Dean Asks
"We left at night. Got in before dawn." Emily Says
"So, six, seven hours?" Sam Says
"I think so, yes." Emily Says
"Do you remember any highways?" Elena Asks
"No. We only took back roads." Emily Says
"Okay. So, figure they averaged 45 miles per β" Sam Says
"Couldn't have been more than 300 miles." Dean Says
"Right." Sam Says
"What direction were you going?" Dean Asks
"I don't know. I'm sorry." Emily Says
"Oh, that's okay. Em, you're doing great. Um...is there anything else you remember?" Corinna Asks
"Bells. As we pulled up, I heard these loud bells." Emily Says
"It was still dark out?" Sam Says
"You guys thinking church?" Elena Asks
"No, that's too early. It could have been a monastery. Monks get up at 4 a.m. to pray." Sam Says
"Ugh. Can't get laid. Can't sleep in. A friggin' tragedy." Dean Says
Sam looks something up on his phone.
"Okay, so, Alpha's camping next to a, uh, monkey house." He looks at Sam for his reaction."How many we got in range?" Dean Says
"Looks like one. Just outside, uh..." Sam Says As They drive past a sign that says "Welcome to Missoula, Mt."
Dean and Sam's car is parked outside the monastery gates.
"This is where he took me." Emily Says
Someone appears to be patrolling the monastery grounds and another person is on the roof.
"Are you sure?" Sam Asks As Emily Nods
"What now?" Emily Asks
"We'll get you someplace safe. Circle back and Ginsu these leeches." Dean Says
Emily is sitting on the bed watching television. Dean is packing a duffel bag, He walks over to Sam as he holds out a syringe.
"All right, here we go. 10 ccs of Vamptonite." Sam give him a look. "It's a thing." Dean Says
"What's a Kardashian?" Emily Asks
"Oh, that's, uh... just another bloodsucker." Emily looks worried. "No, it β it's... a joke." Dean Says
Then walks over to the safe.
"Here. If we're not back by dawn, call this number β Jody Mills. She's a friend." He gives Emily a piece of paper. "She'll take care of you. Here, use this phone." Sam Says
"You gotta hang here." He puts the flask in the safe. "For your own good. Capiche?" Dean Says
"Sam? Thank you." Emily Says
"You bet." Sam Says
Dean opens the door and Corinna & Elena are outside and it slams shut, He and Sam look at Emily.
"It was the wind." He Chuckles "Chill out, Bobby. We'll be back soon." Dean Says
Dean opens the door again and he and Sam leave the room. Bobby is standing near the door inside the room.
Sam, Dean, Elena and Corinna are in the motel hallway.
"Well, he didn't take that very well." Sam Says
"How'd you think he was gonna take it?" Dean Says
"Hey thanks for slamming the door in our faces." Corinna Says
"Yeah What the hell was that?" Elena Asks
"Your Father the ghost." Dean Says
"Why did he slam the door? Was he upset?" Elena Asks
"Yeah, We agreed and we're gonna let Bobby sit out on this one." Sam Says
"Sam." Elena Says
"Elena look I'm sorry but he's gotta stay back, look I know you like having him around I mean we all do toΒ but he's slowly turning vengeful." Sam Says
"No he's not." Elena Says
"Elena you saw what he did to Charlie the last time." Sam Says
"That was an accident, he wouldn't hurt her on purpose." Elena Says
"Lena, Sam's right. Look I didn't want to admit but Bobby's not alright okay we just don't want him to possibly go vengeful and hurt someone." Dean Says
"Elena there not doing this to be jerks, we're just looking out for him okay." Corinna Says
"Look when we get back we'll figure something out with him alright." Dean Says
Elena nods then walks away with Corinna following her, Sam and Dean follows them as well while Sam runs into a cart being pushed by a maid.
"Excuse me." She Says
"Sorry." Sam Says
Emily watching TV in the motel room, Bobby is standing behind her.
"...right our way, and it's bringing anywhere from, we're going to say, about half an inch to an inch of rain before it's finished, and, uh, and some pretty breezy conditions as well. So, tomorrow, we're going to start off pretty much like we did today. We're going to enjoy another stunning morning..."
Emily crumples up the piece of paper Sam gave her and makes a call.
"Hi, daddy." Emily Says
"Why, you little schemer." Bobby Says
"No, I'm close by. Sending you a present." Emily Says
Gloria appears on the TV next to a Sucrocorp logo, Emily leaves the room.
"Yesterday I introduced you to this rising star in American business. In this hour, we'll go behind the scenes and answer the question everyone's been asking for months β what makes Dick so hard to beat?" Gloria Says
"You son of a bitch." Bobby Says
Dean, Sam, Elena and Corinna are sitting in the car outside the monastery gates.
"Well, this time of day, most of them would be catching z's. They won't know what hit them." Sam doesn't respond. "Hey. You with me?" Dean Says
"Yeah." Sam Says
"But?" Dean Says
"Are you sure you just want to charge in there, machetes blazing? Last time, it took a dozen hunters to take down the Alpha and most of them didn't make it out." Sam Says
"Yeah, well, you got a better idea? Dean Says
Moments later, They are all walking up to the front door of the monastery.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid." Dean Says
Elena holds up a finger, They climb up the stairs and Sam pushes on the front door, which is unlatched.
"Guys." Sam Says
"Maybe we're too late." Corinna Says
As Sam steps inside, someone grabs him from just inside the door.
"Sam!" Dean Says
Dean, Elena and Corinna goes after Sam but a couple of vampires are waiting behind the door grabs them.
Dick Roman is speaking on television to Gloria.
"You know, where I'm from, you have to bite and claw your way to the top. Once you get there, trust me, the view's incredible." Dick Says
Bobby is trying to open the safe. "Okay, Dean's birthday, Sam's birthday." It Doesn't Opens. "God Damn it Elena's Birthday."
The television shows Dick Roman and Susan walking past a sign that says "We're in everything." The safe doesn't open and Bobby becomes more frustrated.
"Damn it!" Bobby Says
A lamp flies off the bedside table, a drawer opens, the light bulb in another lamp shatters, the mirror cracks and a fire roars in the fireplace and the bathroom door slams. Someone knocks at the door.
"Son of a bitch." Bobby Says
"Everything okay in there?" She Asks
"My birthday." Bobby Says Then The Maid enters.
"Hello?" She Says
The Maid crosses her arms, looking cold. Her breath is visible. She turns and jumps as Bobby materializes.
"I need your help." Bobby Says
"Get away from me." She Says
She turns in the other direction, but Bobby materializes in front of her again.
"Listen, I need out of here." Bobby Says
"Please!" She Says
The Maid runs for the door but Bobby lunges after her and possesses her. She falls to the ground. She sits up slowly and brushes away dark liquid which runs from one of her eyes.
"Just need you a little while." Bobby Says
The Maid gets up and walks across the room. Reflected in the broken mirror, we see Bobby opening the safe. The camera angle then changes to the Maid is opening the safe, then back to Bobby reflected in the mirror removing the flask, then back to her then she leaves the room.
"Just till I get the bastard." She Says
We see a close-up of a man's hand with very long fingernails. It belongs to the Alpha Vampire, who is sitting at the head of a dining table. Sam, Dean, Elena and Corinna are brought into the room by four Vampire's and stand at the other end of the table with the vamps behind them.
"The Winchesters, Ms. Singer and Ms. Stark I'm intrigued." Alpha Says As Emily enters the room.
"Emily." Sam Says
Emily walks over to lean on the alpha's chair.
"Hi, Sam." Emily Says
"Wow. For a girl raised in a basement, you're a hell of an actress." Dean Says
"You were gonna hurt my daddy." Emily Says
"Wow. You get a trophy in Stockholm Syndrome." Corinna Says
"And sorry to burst your bubble, but, uh... we weren't. Sam here had a better idea." Dean Says
"We're here to talk. That's it." Sam Says As The Alpha laughs
"Now that my guys have taken your blades and your syringes of tainted blood. Is that what you mean?" Alpha Says
"Well, we, uh... figured you might hold a grudge." Elena Says
"And why would I? Because you captured me, tortured me, sold me to the king of Hell?" Alpha Says
"That was more our grandpa." Dean Says
The Vampire standing behind Dean grabs him and slams his head against the table. Dean falls to his knees and grunts spitting up blood as he gets back up.
"Thank you. That was awesome." Dean Says
"I'm going to peel off your faces and drink you slowly." Alpha Says
"Just listen. You need us." Sam Says
"Oh, yes. I am thirsty!" Alpha Says
"The plague! We know what it is! What do you know about Leviathan?" Sam Asks
"A bit." Alpha Says
"You know they're poisoning the food supply?" Corinna Says
"Roman didn't mention that when we met for dinner last fall. We made lots of plans. We are on excellent terms, he and I." Alpha Says
"You sure about that? Did he mention that he was going to... Maui wowie the human population?" Dean Says
"Oh, of course. He said grabbing a snack would be easier than ever." Alpha Says
"He said you'd all live together, didn't he? You really believe him? You think your children are dying by accident? There is pesticide in the formula!" Sam Says
"It suits you to think so. You need me on your side." Alpha Says
"Look, we're not the ones burning from the inside out, Think about it. Whatever deal he made with you was crap! Trust us!" Sam Says
"Why are you telling me this?" Alpha Asks
"Because we can stop Dick. Stop all of it. We just... We need your blood β for the weapon." Sam Says
"So now you want to prevent the extermination of the vampire race." Alpha Says
"No. But it beats going down with you." Elena Says
Then There is the sound of a door opening.
"Allan, darling..." A young boy walks towards him.
"Come." Alpha Says
Allan stands on the other side of the Alpha Vampire chair to Emily.
"He kidnapped another one." Corinna Says
"Well, the creep gets creepier." Dean Says
"What's wrong?" Alpha Ask
"Edgar's here." Allan Says
Dean, Sam, Elena and Corinna look at each other. The Alpha touches Allan's jacket in dismissal and he leaves.
"Wow, what a funny coincidence. All right, we need soap, uh, cleanser, anything with borax in it. We need knives." Dean Says
"Put them in the study." Alpha Says
"What? No. No, wait." Elena Says
"Word of advice, You do not live through centuries of fire and ice and continental divide... by jumping to conclusions." Alpha Says
The Vampires push Dean, Sam, Elena and Corinna towards the door.
"Hey!" Corinna Says
"Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa." Dean Says
"You're making a mistake! Listen! Wait!" Sam Says
"Never hurts to get the story first." Alpha Says
The Four hunters are being pushed into the study.
"Hey. Hey!" Dean Says
A vampire closes the door, They all look around the study. Bags of blood are in a refrigerated cabinet. Empty bags hang from medical stands.
Back in the dining room, a vampire placing a bottle of wine in a chilling bowl on the dining table, which is now set for dinner. Emily is standing next to the Alpha at the head of the table. Edgar walks into the room and stands at the foot of the table near several drops of Dean's blood.
"Edgar. I would've whipped you up a meal. Please, sit. I'm dying to know why you're here." Alpha Says
"I think you know." Edgar Says
"And how is that?" Alpha Asks
"I smell Sam and Dean Winchester." Edgar Says
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