ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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Suite No. 5 in C minor by Johann Sebastian Bach plays. We see a close-up of a framed National Scholastic Society certificate in the name of Kevin Tran. along the wall, revealing many other certificates, Kevin is playing Bach on a cello.


Sam, Dean, Elena and Corinna enter a large unlit room carrying flashlights and bags, including the case they stole from Dick Roman.

Corinna and Elena puts the case on a table while Dean puts a duffel bag down on the floor. Sam opens his laptop, Dean walks over to the case on the table.

Kevin's cell phone rings. He continues to play until an alert on his computer pops up with the message "Cello Practice Complete." He then puts the cello aside and answers the phone.

"Hey, Kevin." She Says

"Princeton just adjusted its acceptance rate down to 8.7% for 2013." Kevin Says

An Asian-American Girl is sitting on her bed talking on the phone. "Breathe, Kevin. Are you studying?"

"I'm talking to you." An alert on his computer screen reads "Elective Period 14:55". "I'll start on probability and statistics in 14 minutes." He Says

"I hate probability." She Says

"Tomorrow's my last chance to get a perfect math score." Kevin Says

"Your S.A.T.s are great!" She Says

"Channing, everybody's S.A.T.s are great. I have to do perfect." Kevin Says

"Who knows? The essays are at least as important." Channing Says

Kevin hits some buttons on his computer and brings up a document headed "College Admission Essay." The rest of the document is blank.

"I have absolutely nothing to say." Kevin Says

"I know. I know what you mean, I read one by a kid who got into Cornell. He didn't have any arms or legs or anything. He had to type the whole thing with his mouth. It was beautiful." Channing Says

"I am so screwed." Kevin Says

"You know, no matter what, one day, college isn't going to matter anymore." Channing Says

"You're out of your mind." Kevin Says

Sam is unwrapping the piece of clay in the case, Elena and Corinna looks on as he takes it out and puts it on the table while Dean walks over with a tool box.

"That's a lot of fuss over a caveman Lego." Dean Says

"Yeah. Well, whatever Dick wants is bricked up inside that." Sam Says

"I wonder what the hell is in there." Elena Says

"Who Knows." Corinna Says

"We Shall See." He takes a mallet out of the tool box, hands them each a pair of safety glasses and puts some on himself. "All right." Dean Says Then hits the clay once and thunder claps.

Meanwhile, Kevin's blank college admission essay is still on the screen. He is standing and opens an energy drink and takes a sip. Lightning flashes and thunder claps.

Dean hits the clay again and Lightning flashes with thunder claps. Kevin takes another drink, Dean, Elena, Sam and Corinna all look at each other.

"That sound like somebody saying, "No, wait – stop," to you?" Dean Says

"Uh... Yeah. Yeah." Sam Says

"Yeah." He shrugs "Oh, well." Dean Says

Then he hits the clay several more times and Lightning flashes again, Dean continues to hammer at the clay. White light radiates from above the clouds and seems to erupt as the thunder roars.
Dean continues to hammer at the clay, Elena and Corinna looks at each other nervously.

Kevin looks up as more lightning flashes, Dean continues to hammer at the clay and bolts of lightning shoot down from the clouds. The
lightning reaches into Kevin's room and strikes him. He yells as he is lifted off the ground. Dean lifts an inscribed stone tablet out of the broken clay casing.

Kevin is suspended in the air by the lightning as pieces of the roof swirl and fall around him. He drops to the floor, which is covered in broken glass. White light flashes behind his closed eyes. Dean turns the tablet over.

Kevin lies on the floor as white light shines behind his closed eyelids. We see close-ups of some kind of hieroglyphics and when the camera returns to his there is no longer white light in his eyes, his body jerks on the floor and then goes still.



Castiel lies in bed with his eyes closed as lightning flashes and thunder claps. Meg, who is pretending to be Nurse Masters, is sitting by his bed listening to music and reading a magazine. Meg raises her eyes from the magazine to see that Castiel has sat up. He turns to look at her.


Lightning flashes and thunder claps. A large billboard reads "Geothrive Inc. – Planning Your Future With Pride!"

Inside an office, Edgar the Leviathan and another man are looking at design plans.

"I don't know. I think the line might panic when they turn this corner, see the blade assembly up ahead." Edgar Says

His phone rings and he takes it out of his pocket. The display reads "Dick Calling."

"Strange, isn't it, that someone would choose to be named "Dick"?" Lightning flashes as he answers the phone. "Yes?"


Kevin lies on the floor amidst broken glass. His phone rings. As he begins to stir, the call goes to voice mail.

"This is Kevin Tran's voicemail. Please leave a message."

"Kevin, it's Mom. I know you're at school" He opens his eyes "Already, about to take the test." Kevin sits upright. "And I know all your hard work will net the results..." Ms.Tran Says

Kevin clock reads 10:22. "22!" He gets to his feet.

"...we've discussed, but like Dr. Ender said..." Ms.Tran Says

"Wait!" Kevin Says

"...don't obsess on the quote unquote perfect." Ms.Tran Says

"No. No. No!" Kevin Says As he grabs a shirt and looks at his calendar on his computer.

"That's just a nice feather in our cap, if we get it. Now, Kevin, we're about to finish up our last seminar." Kevin puts his shirt in a bag. "My flight's confirmed for 7:00, so I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow. Love you, honey." Ms.Tran Says

White light flashes and appears in Kevin's eyes. We see close-ups of the hieroglyphics interspersed with his face.


Dean, who is lying on the ground, wakes. The news is playing in the background.

"...At a lost to explain the continent-wide storm system that appeared seemingly out of nowhere, blanketing a good part of the nation in freak lightning displays."

Dean stands up, Sam and Elena is listening to the news on his laptop at the table, Corinna is leaning her head on Elena's shoulder.

"Here with Dr. Marlon Price of the U.S. Meteorological Survey at a press conference earlier today."

"Baffled? No, I'm not baffled." Dean washes his face at the sink. "Frankly, I'm offended. This is not the way weather behaves. Power outages and related damages to electronic equipment have been reported from as far east as Cape Cod."

A metal cup near Dean moves. "Bobby? Bobby, that you?"

Elena taps Corinna's nose and she slowly wakes, Dean walks towards the table.

"Think so." He holds up a flashing EMF reader. "But that whole adventure at Roman's seems to have drained his batteries." Sam Says

"So, what? We start the storm heard 'round the world?" Dean Says

"When we broke this thing" He touches the stone tablet "Open last night, every maternity ward within a hundred-mile radius got slammed. Looks like any woman in the last month of her pregnancy went into labor." Sam Says

"Hmm." She picks up the tablet. "This one goes out to all the ladies." Corinna Says

"So, heavyweight signs, omens – what do we got?" Dean Asks

"We assume it's writing, But I've never seen anything like it, ever. And it doesn't match anything in any book or online." Elena Says

"All right, so big daddy chomper lands here, he grabs himself some Dick... and then he starts secretly underwriting university departments, pouring money into digs – all for this. Why?" Dean Says

"No clue. We do know that he will be tearing new ones until he gets it back, though. Look, we got to take a minute, hole up somewhere safe, find out what we've got." Sam Says

"Rufus' cabin, then?" Elena Says

"Yeah." Sam Says

"This time, I'm doing the shopping." Dean Says

"Great, It would be nice to actually sleep in a bed." Corinna Says As Sam's phone rings.

"Who is it?" Elena Asks

"It's Meg." He answers the phone, Elena and Corinna rolls their eyes. "What?" Sam Says

"What up, Bullwinkle? Just a little FYI call. Your boy's awake." Meg Says

"What?..Cas is awake." Sam Says

"What?" Elena Says

"He Is?" Corinna Says

"When?" Sam puts the phone on speaker and holds it out. "When?" Dean Asks

"Last night about eight." Meg Says

"And you waited till now to call us?" Dean Says

"I've been busy with Cas. He's just a tad different than when he dozed off, 'kay?" Meg Says

"What do you mean, different?" Dean Asks

"Hey, Seacrest, guess what – not a nurse. Just playing one on TV. Want answers? Start driving." Meg Says Then hangs up.

"Great. So, Indiana?" Sam Says

"Yeah. Eight o'clock last night." Dean Says

"Yeah. Same time we opened up that thing." Elena Says

We see close-ups of the hieroglyphics and Kevin's eyes, lit by white light.


Kevin is driving during a storm, He swerves as another car comes close to his.

"Ahh! Ahh!" His phone rings. "Ahh!" He answers the phone. "Who?" Kevin Says

"Kevin? Where were you today? You missed the test!" Channing Says

"I..." Kevin Says

"And student council and quartet." Channing Says

"I had to take my mom's car. I-I think I had a seizure or something." White light flashes in his eyes. "I've been chosen. It's my birthright." Kevin Says

"Oh, my God, Kevin, all the pressure you've been under. This isn't one of those overachiever-teen meltdowns, is it?" Channing Says

"I'm supposed to keep going. I'm not allowed to stop." Kevin Says

"What do you mean, "not allowed"?" Kevin puts down the phone. "Is someone with you? They didn't make you take your mother's car, did they? Kevin?!" Channing Says As Kevin makes a right-hand turn and heads west


Castiel is looking out the window in his room, Dean, Sam, Elena and Corinna walk down the hallway.

"We raced all the way here, and now I don't know. I can't say I'm fired up to see what's left of the guy." Dean Says

"You think he remembers at all?" Sam Says

"That, and I'm guessing whatever kind of hell baggage he lifted off of your plate. It's not gonna be pretty." Dean Says

"Hey. Excuse me, ladies & gentlemen, but it's way past visiting hours." He Says

"It's okay, Abel. I've been expecting them. Hello, Guys." Meg Says

She leads the four hunters to Castiel's room, He is still staring out the window.

"Hey, Cas." Dean Says As Castiel turns around.

"Hello, Dean. Sam. Elena and Corinna." Castiel Says

"Hey Cas." Elena & Corinna Says

"Hey, Castiel." Sam Says

"Look at you, walkin' and talkin'. That's – that's great, right?" Dean Says

Castiel walks over to Dean and he points a finger at him. "Pull my finger."

"What?" Dean Says

"My finger – pull it." Castiel Says

Dean does so and there is a crash, the lights go out and window and light fixture shatter. Castiel laughs.
Meg turns on a lamp.

"Okay, just hang on, Cas. Wait. Let us catch up to you for a second." Dean Says

"So, you're saying you remember who you are, what you are." Sam Says

"Yes. Of course. Oh. Outside today, in the garden, I followed a honeybee. I saw the route of flowers. It's all right there, the whole plan. There's nothing to add." Castiel Says

"You might want to add a little Thorazine." Corinna Says

"Right? He's been like the naked guy at the rave ever since he woke up. Totally useless." Meg Says

"Will you look at her? My caretaker. All of that thorny pain. So beautiful." Castiel Says

"We've been over this. I don't like poetry. Put up or shut up." Meg Says

"Okay. So, Cas, you said you woke up last night?" Elena Says

"Yes. I heard a ping that pierced me, and, well, you wouldn't have heard it unless you were an angel at the time." Castiel Says

Sam hands Castiel a bag containing the stone tablet.
"That's also when we opened this."

"Oh. Of course. Now I understand." Castiel Says

"Understand what?" Sam Says

"You were the ones. Well... I guess that makes sense." Castiel Says

"What makes sense?" Corinna Asks

"If someone was going to free the Word from the vault of the earth, it would end up being you four. Oh, I love you guys." Castiel pulls them into a hug.

"Oh-okay." Corinna Says

"Love you too." Elena Says

"Oh. Uck. Okay. All right. Okay." Dean Says

Sam pats Castiel briefly on the back. "Yeah, yeah. You – you said something about "The Word." Is that what's written on there?"

"Did you know that a cat's penis is sharply barbed along its shaft?" Corinna & Elena Furrow Their Brows "I know for a fact the females were not consulted about that." Castiel Says

"Cas, please, we're losing ground out there, okay? We need your help. Can you not see that?" Dean Says

"This is the handwriting of Metatron." Castiel Says

"Metatron? You saying a Transformer wrote that?" Sam Says

"No. That's Megatron." Dean Says

"What?" Sam Says

"The Transformer – it's Megatron." Corinna Says

"What?" Sam Says

"Uncultured." Corinna Mumbles

"Metatron. He's an angel. He's the scribe of God. He took down dictation when creation was being formed." Castiel Says

"And that's the Word of God?" Elena Asks

"One of them, yes." Castiel Says

"Uh... Well, what's it say, then?" Sam Asks

"Uh... "Tree"?" He looks at Them "Horse"? "Fiddler crab"? I can't read it. It wasn't meant for angels." Castiel Says

"Okay, this all sounds bad. What are you four jackasses doing with the Word of God? Let me see that thing." Meg Says

"Back off, Bitch." Elena Says

"Come on, it's my ass, too." Meg Says

"You heard her Back off." Dean Says

"Damn it! Enough of this "demons are second-class citizens" crap!" Meg Says

"Don't like conflict." Castiel Says

He disappears and the stone tablet drops to the floor, breaking into three pieces.

"Uh..." Corinna Says

"What the hell was that?" Dean Asks

"You heard him. He doesn't like conflict. He's down in the dayroom now. I guarantee it." Meg Says

"All right, I'll go handle Cas, Elena come with me. Sam and Corinna will you please pick up the Word of God?" Dean Says

"Yeah." Sam Says

"On it." Corinna Says As Dean and leaves the room.

Elena pulls Corinna aside. "Watch her alright."

Corinna nods then Elena leaves following Dean, She walks over and Sam is picking up the broken pieces.

"What are you guys caught up in now?" Meg Asks

Corinna starts putting the pieces of the stone tablet into the bag.

"I deserve to know." Sam and Corinna doesn't answer. "Okay, fine. I'll hit the road, then. Let me just go get my angel." Meg Says

She leaves the room and Sam goes after her, leaving the bag on the floor in Castiel's room with Corinna.

"Meg, what are you talking about? Stop." Sam Says

"We both call, who do you think Cas will come to? I'm guessing me. You heard him – thorny beauty, blah, blah. I'm the saint who stayed with him. He owes me. His words." Meg Says

"Yeah, what about what he owes us?" Sam Says

"Well, work on him a little. Maybe he'll start crushing on you, too, hot stuff." Meg Says

"What are you gonna do with a broken angel? Don't be stupid." Sam Says

"I'll take power where I can get it. I've got myself to look out for." Meg Says

"Sam!" Corinna Says

They hear her and head back to Castiel's room.

"Corinna What the hell happened?" Sam Asks

"I turned around for like a second and it was gone." Corinna Says

They all look on the ground where the bag containing the stone tablet is gone.

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