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Sam is talking on his cell phone, the wall behind him is covered with research.
"Yeah, I hear you. All right. Well, thanks for looking. Yep. Bye." He hangs up. "So, Denny didn't see any pattern to the dig sites either." Sam sits down on the sofa.
"Yeah, 'cause they got nothing in common." He sits on the arm of the sofa. "And I got nothing from local lore 50 miles in every direction of all of them. I mean, it's like they're just... old dirt. What's Dick looking for?" Dean Says
The Door opens and it's Elena, Dean and Sam looks over at her.
"There you are, what took you so long?" Dean Asks
"Ran into a friend." Elena Says
She opens the door wider and a blonde woman enters and it's Corinna.
"Sup Winchesters." Corinna Says
"Hey Corinna." He Hugs Her. "Haven't seen you in a while." Dean Says
"I know I just figured I drop on in to help the Winchesters and Lena of course." Corinna Says
"Thanks for dropping in we could use help anyways, oh and congratulations." Sam Says
"Thank you Sammy." Corinna Says
Dean takes a drink from his flask and the lights flicker. The four hunters take guns out of their jeans. and Bobby appears and they point their guns at him.
"Hey, hey, go easy, you idjits. Sorry for the jump scare." Bobby Says
"Woah! What The Hell!" Corinna Says
"Oh I forgot to tell you, Dad's back...kinda." Elena Says
"Hey Corinna." Bobby Says
"Hey Bobby....you have to start telling me stuff I'm your best friend you can't forget things like this." Corinna Says
"Hey I'm still adjusting to this whole ghost dad thing." Elena Says
"Okay I see your point." Corinna Says
"So how does this work, huh? I leave the cap off and you just genie your way out?" Dean Asks
"I wish it were that easy. The thing β" Bobby flickers and vanishes.
"Where'd he go?" Corinna Says
"Bobby?" Sam Says Then Bobby reappears.
"Damn it. It's hard to stay focused. I'm still kind of worn out." Bobby Says
"You've been pretty busy for a dead guy." Elena Says
"All right. Listen. I-I don't know how long before my next ghost nap, so let's just skip to the skinny β those numbers I gave you." Bobby Says
"The empty lot in Cheeseville?" Dean Says
"Yeah, well, it ain't gonna be empty for long.
I got a gander at Dick's big plan, right before he Lincolned me. They're breaking ground β what month is this?" Bobby Says
"Uh β uh, April." Corinna Says As Bobby sighs.
"Ground's broke, They're building as we're yammering. Check it out yourself. It's all right. I mean, you guys missed it because you've been kind of busy" Sam opens the laptop "killing ghosts the past few days. But Dick is about to get into the Soylent Green business. That site'll show you they're building a biotech lab, right?"
The laptop screen shows Geothrive's "Standard plans for an efficient slaughterhouse".
"Biotech my ass. That sucker is a state-of-the-art slaughterhouse and we're the beef." Bobby Says
"Don't you think that's a little bold, even for Dick?" Dean Says
"I bet you no one will even notice...'cause first, he's gonna dumb us all down with Turducken-style munchies. Make us docile." Bobby Says
"Yeah, we haven't been to Biggerson's since that whole fiasco." Elena Says looking at Dean
"Biggerson's? He's bought a list of joints 10 pages long." Bobby Says
"Ah." Dean Says
"Next, he's gonna cure us." Bobby Says
"Cure us of what?" Sam Asks
"All the biggies β cancer, AIDS, heart disease. Let's just say they got an affinity for stem-cell research." Bobby Says
"The, uh, Leviathan real-estate mooks building that cancer center." Dean Says
"Now, we've gone up against plenty liked to eat a few folk in the woods. This ain't that. This is about knocking us off the top of the food chain. This is about them Levis living here forever, one-percenter style, while we march our dopey, fat asses down to the shiny new death camps at every corner." Bobby Says
Meanwhile A Woman is plugging a hard drive into a computer. She drags the "external volume" icon on her screen across to a box that says "Drop harddrive here to decrypt" and types rapidly.
Sam's laptop beeps. His email program reads "You have 1 new message." The top email is from Frank and is titled "I'm probably dead..."
"It's an e-mail...From Frank." Sam Says
"Frank's alive?" Elena Says
"That jackass, always stealing my thunder." Bobby Says
"Sam, Elena and Dean, if you're reading this, I'm dead... or worse. This e-mail was sent because some prince is trying to hack into my hard drive right this second. So unless it's you, you got trouble." Sam Says As the woman tries to access the hard drive.
"What else does it say?" Corinna Asks
"Um, okay. "My drive is full of compromising info. Your new aliases, hangouts, where you stored your car..." Sam Says
"Baby?" Dean Says
"Even though he encrypted the crap out of his drive, he says we should assume that someone can hack into it eventually. He did put a tracking device in it." He clicks on a link in Frank's email and a "Hard Drive Tracker" application appears on the laptop screen. "All right, let's see where Frank's drive is." Sam Says
A box appears on the screen saying that the hard drive is at Richard Roman Enterprises.
"Damn it." Elena Says
"Perfect. It's in the middle of the Death Star." Dean Says
The Woman who attempted to hack into Frank's hard drive pulls up on a yellow scooter in front of the building. She removes her goggles and helmet, puts on headphones and plays Katrina and the Waves' "Walking on Sunshine" as she walks towards the building.
She enters the building and swipes her pass card and walks bouncily across the foyer in time to the music. A security guard's computer screen shows her picture and name β Charlie Bradbury β and reads "Access Granted".
Charlie swipes her pass card in the elevator and presses a button for the fourth floor. She looks around, smiles and starts to dance vigorously,
The elevator arrives at Charlie's floor. She composes herself and walks out.
She turns off the music and removes her headphones as she walks to her desk. Her workspace is decorated with figurines and pictures from Star Wars, Harry Potter, Wonder Woman, etc. Next to her computer is a Hermione Granger figurine.
Charlie brings up a website for "The U.S. Conservatives β Keep America Strong" and transfers $10,000 from their account to "Animal Lovers & Lovers of the Planet".
"How'd it go last night? Charlie, it's a moral imperative you let me live vicariously through you." He Asks
"Pictures or it didn't happen, right?" Charlie Says
She hands her Co-Worker her phone. Her computer screen now shows the "Animal Lovers" website online donations page. A message appears saying that the $10,000 funds transfer is complete.
"You hooked up at a charity benefit?" He Said
"If you can't score at a reproductive rights function, then you simply cannot score." Charlie Says
"Wait. Is that legal?" He Asks
"We were two consenting adults." Charlie Says
The Co-Worker rolls his chair over to look at Charlie's computer screen.
"No. That. Why do you insist on breaking the law on company property." He Says
"Mmm, faster Internet connection here." Charlie Says
"Oh, well, if Pete finds out, he's gonna fire you... or get you arrested." He Says
"Teddy Bear Pete? Please. You know I've been doing this for like a month. I can cover my tracks, Harry. Trust me." Charlie Says
"Charlie." Pete Says
Charlie and Harry stand up and look over the cubicle divider at Pete.
"My office. Now." Pete Says
"I love you." Harry Says
"I know." Charlie Says
She pats Harry's shoulder then walks into Petes office and due to her surprise Dick Roman is there.
"Charlie Bradbury? Dick. Sit." She looks very nervous. "Charlie, I've been running things for, well, feels like since before the dawn of man. Always had a vision. I'm close to realizing that dream. I don't want to brag, but the world is my dinner plate. And I don't want anything to jeopardize that β definitely not the actions of one tiny, little person." Dick Says
"Sir, sir, I can fix this. Please β please don't fire me." Charlie Says
"What's she talking about?" Dick Asks
"I β I β" Pete Says
"Is that about hacking those Super PACs? 'Cause that was adorable. Tell me, how does a high-school dropout become one of the brightest minds at Roman, Inc.?" Roman Says
"Um... Honestly... Historically, I've had this problem with β with authority β no offense β so I realized the only way to get away with being me was to be as indispensable as possible. Sorry." Charlie Says
"You're kind of completing me right now, Charlie. You have that spark, that thing that makes humans so special. Not everyone has it, you know. Those people β they can be replaced. But people like you... are impossible to copy." Dick Says
"C-copy?" Charlie Says
"Take the compliment." He picks up a hard drive.
"This belonged to one Frank Devereaux. Thought he could bring down the whole company. He was wrong. Let's keep him wrong. It's encrypted" He gives the hard drive to Charlie "or whatever you crazy kids say these days. Break it open and bring it to me." Dick Says
"Yeah, I'm on it. And β and thank you." Charlie Says
"You're welcome. You have three days or you're fired. Good talk." Dick Says Then leaves the office.
"Is this real life?" Charlie Asks
Pete stares at her with his mouth open.
Charlie gets up and leaves Pete's office and walks past Harry's desk holding up the hard drive.
"Dick Roman gave me an assignment." Charlie Says
"Is that... good?" Harry Says
"It means the Eye of Sauron is on me." Charlie Says
"Well, if you need anything, I'll be back in the Shire." Harry Says
Charlie plugs in the hard drive and looks at her Hermione figurine.
"All right, H. It's just you and me now." Charlie Says
She drags the "external volume" icon on her screen across to a box that says "Drop harddrive here to decrypt" and types rapidly. A message appears:
LOGON: error. Access denied. CharlieΒ types more and gets the same "access denied" message several times. Her screen reads: 'Games' refers to models, simulations and games which have tactical and strategic applications.
"How about a nice game of chess?" More games appear on the list on her screen
"Wait a second. Seriously? "Wargames"?" She types "Joshua" to log on. The screen reads "Greetings Professor Falken." She smiles. "Shall we play a game, bitches? That was hardly the Chamber of Secrets, right?" She mock-fistbumps the Hermione figurine "Booyah." Charlie Says As The computer screen flickers.
"Shall β we β play β a β game?"
A system alert appears on the screen: NICE TRY ZERO CHARISMA in franks voice.
Charlie sighs and addresses the Hermione figurine.
"And back to square one." Charlie Says
"Let's see where Frank's drive is." Sam Says
Sam's laptop shows the location of Frank's hard drive at Richard Roman Enterprises.
"Perfect. It's in the middle of the Death Star. All right, well, off to Chicago." Dean Says And stands up.
"No, wait, you guys can't just break in. They know your mugs. What if we mailed in the flask? Then I could ghost through the joint. I mean, it's not like Dick can kill me twice. What, you got a better plan? Come on. Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I don't know how to do my damn job." Bobby Says
"Bobby, that's Dick's office." Sam Says
"I think what Sam's trying to say is, what happens if you run into Dick and, you know... go vengeful. You know it's not something you can just shake off." Dean Says
"Come on. Give me some credit. What, I'm supposed to just ride the pine?.... Elena come on." Bobby Says
Dean, Sam and Corinna looks at Her, She sighs and runs her fingers through her hair.
"I'm Sorry Dad." Elena Says
Sam shuts the laptop and walks away, Dean, Elena and Corinna follows him.
Charlie is asleep at her desk, Harry walks over to her.
"Did you go home last night?" She shakes her head.
"I'll get us some coffee. I assume you want some crack in yours." Harry Says
"Yes, please." Charlie Says
Her computer screen is still running through the decryption process. There is a beep and Charlie looks up. The screen reads Access granted!
"Finally." Charlie Says
Frank'a folders appear on the screen: March of Dimes
"Who is this d-bag?" One of the folders is labeled "Richard Roman Enterprises". Don't do it. Roman said to bring it right to him." She looks at the Hermione figurine "You're right, H. You're always right." Charlie Says
She clicks on the folder labeled "Richard Roman Enterprises." A Financial Markets Watch article about Richard Roman Enterprises, a drawing of a leviathan's mouth, other articles and photographs, and handwritten notes open. Charlie clicks on what appear to be handwritten notes written by Frank.
"What the frak's a Leviathan?" Charlie Says
"The thing to know about Leviathan is these monsters are as old as time, and strong as all get-out. Sodium borate β commonly known as Borax. Decapitation... Splash them liberally. Repeat. ...is the key. Then put that head in a box. These are the Superman of monsters. But don't use... ...from the black hole of Purgatory. Send it to the moon if you can. They die. They can shapeshift... They don't die easy. Take your face, your memory β the works. The top boss is Mr. Dick Roman. He runs the show."
Charlie hits a button and shakes her head, then hits another button.
"Cut one, you see black goo. We're through the looking glass. Blood is black, and black is blood. Don't turn your back. Get out of the building. Get out of the county."
Charlie hits a button and all of the open documents close. She gets up and looks in Pete's office, which is empty.
"How goes it?" Harry Says Then hands Charlie a cup of coffee.
"Pretty sure I spent the last 24 hours hacking into a loony bin. Where's Pete?" Charlie Says
"Uh, probably snuck down to the garage for a smoky treat." Harry Says
Pete is walking to his car. He takes a packet of cigarettes from the driver's seat, then turns to find Dick Roman and another Man is waiting for him.
"How's it going with that drive?" Duck Asks
"Uh, great. Charlie was here all night." Pete Says
"You know, that drive's very important to me. I'm gonna want a watchful eye kept." Dick Says
"Well, I will do just that." Pete Says
"No. You won't. Bruce Springsteen, Eli Manning, our own little Charlie β you know what they are? Irreplaceable. You're more of a Tim Tebow, Joe Biden type. You got no spark in you. In fact, there's nothing in you... except Tarrell's dinner." Dick Says
Daryl grabs Pete's arm and takes on his form. Terrell's his face transforms and he lunges at Pete. Blood splatters Pete's car. Charlie, who was watching from some distance away, gasps and turns around.
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