ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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Dr.Gaines is walking down the hallway. The Possessed Little girl is humming behind a privacy screen in an exam room.

"Little girl, can I help you?" Dr.Gaines Says

"Are you a Dr Sexy?" She Asks

"Uh, I'm a surgeon. Where are your parents?" Dr.Gaines Asks

The Little girl shakes her head. "Is it true? Surgeons can just cut into whatever body they want?"

"What?" Dr.Gaines Says

"And remove whichever organs they please." She Says

"Where in the world did you hear sβ€”"

"I want to be a surgeon when I grow up!" She Says

The Little girl grabs Dr.Gaines wrist really hard, he gasp in pain.

"Ow! Let me go!" His Bones crack."Aargh" Dr.Gaines Says As he falls to his knees.

"And I want to grow up now!" She Says

The little girl takes on the form of Dr.Gaines, Blood appears on the privacy screen.



A Forensics Officer is examining the blood-splattered wall of the locker room. Dean, Elena and Corinna shows up to the crime scene and pulls out their "ID's"

"Special Agents, Anderson, Gallows and Styles." Dean Says

Dean, Elena and Corinna walks under the yellow tape.

"Yeah, okay. Our point cop's out on the donut. Forensics I can show you the layout. And step lightly. We got a whole bunch of NC17 shiznickel right over there." He Says

"Right." Dean Says

The three hunters looks around the place, Corinna sees black ooze on a wall near the shower.

"Guys Look." Corinna Says

"Black Goo." Elena Says

"Dammit." Dean Says


Jody Mills is asleep in her hospital bed. She wakes and sees Dr.Gains putting a breathing mask on the patient in her room in the other bed.

"Just breathe deeply." Dr.Gaines Says

"But my surgery isn't till tomorrow." She Says

"Just breathe deeply. I'm Dr Sexy. Your surgery is when I say it is." Dr.Gaines Says

Jody Mills see Dr.Gaines wheel the patients bed out of the room, but pretends to be asleep. Jody pokes her head out the door and looks down the hall and sees the Dr.Gaines wheel her away.

"Huh. Not weird at all." Jody Says


Sam's phone rings. He sees Hallucifer reading a newspaper at the table, Then Sam answers his phone.

"Yeah." Sam Says

"Well, we are positive for ick. Same kind of stuff that came out of Cas, and, uh, two of the swim kids were missing – they stole one of their parents' cars." Dean Says

"You know, I really think Price William has found the right girl. What do you think?" Hallucifer Says

"So you think these, um, these Leviathan things just jump into people? Like Eve did?" Sam Days

"I don't know, it makes sense, right? Anyway, uh, state trooper's got surveillance cam on the kids about six hours old, of them gassing up just south of Dakota line, so I'm headed back your way. We'll just track them from Bobby's." Dean Says

"Yeah, sounds good." Sam Says

"Hey! How are you doing?" Dean Asks

Sam turns to look at Hallucifer. "You know, uh, okay."

"Okay. Well hang in there, all right." Dean hang up.

"Just okay? Man, I'm having a great day." Hallucifer Says


Jody is following Dr.Gaines, who is pushing the unconscious patient on a hospital bed. He enters the Organ Transplant Unit, outside which is a sign saying "Ward Closed for Renovations". Jody sees Dr.Gaines cut into Patient, and removes her liver and eat it. She gasps and heads back down the hallway.

"Ms Mills, what are you doing out of bed? Are you okay?" Nurse Asks Then Jody collapses.

Moments later Jody awakens back in her hospital bed.

"Ms Mills, you gave us all a scare." Nurse Says

"What? No, uh..." Jody Says

"You can't be wandering around the halls like that in your condition." Nurse Says

"He tβ€”, he took..." Jody Says

Jody looks at the other bed in the room, which is empty.

"What? Who?" Nurse Asks

"Dr Gaines?" Jody Says

"Ms Mills. We told you to take it easy, remember." Dr.Gaines Says

"Of course. I –" Jody Says

"What in the world were you doing, wandering the halls like that?" Dr.Gaines Asks

"Nothing. Um, my stitches were itching and I just wanted to know if that was normal, and I must have fainted or something. My stitches feel fine now." Jody Says

"Ms Mills, you can't get out of bed. You could have ripped open your sutures with a fall like that. Don't make me go back in there. Okay." Dr.Gaines Says

The Nurse injects something into Jody's drip.

"What's that?" Jody Asks

"Just something to help you sleep." Nurse Says

"No, that's okay, I'll sleep just fine." Jody Says Sitting Up

"Doctor's orders." He pushes her back down "I'll check on you later." Dr.Gaines Says

Dr.Gained and the Nurse leave the room. Jody removes her drip, she gets out of bed and takes her handbag from a drawer.

"You can kiss my ass, Doctor Monster-Face." Jody Says

Jody's legs begin to wobble a little and she Leans against the side of the bed.

"Oh no." Jody Says



Hallucifer is swinging a fire poker like a golf club, Sam comes back into the kitchen.

"Okay, if this is some dream and you got power over it, why don't you just end it?" Sam Says

"End it? This? You not knowing what's real, the paint slowly peeling off your walls, come on, man, this is the sweet spot! Why would I end it? Not like we got HBO in the Pit. All I got is you, floating over the coals with half a hope that you're gonna figure it all out. There's only one way to figure it out, Sam. It's up to you. It ends when you can't take it anymore." Hallucifer Says

Sam shakes his head. Hallucifer looks at Sam's guns on the table.

"I think that's maybe why we're cleaning our guns." Hallucifer Says

"Shut up. I said shut up!" Sam Says

"Hey, Sam. You, uh, having a little bag lady moment?" Bobby Asks

"Sorry." Sam Says

Bobby gets beers out of the refrigerator and hands one to Sam.

"Thanks." They each take a drink. "You know, after... everything. All these years, all that we've been through..." Sam Says

"You beat the Devil before, kid." Bobby Says

"It's kinda different." Sam Says

"Not really. You'll get a handle on this too. You will." Bobby Says

Sam sees Hallucifer standing behind Bobby, holding the fire poker.

"You're not in Hell anymore. You're here, with us."
Sam sees Hallucifer stab him with the poker. "You hear me, Sam?" Bobby Says As Sam nods.

"Yeah, I hear you, Bobby." Sam Says

Bobby's phone rings. "Oh. That's my local, Hello?"

Jody is on phone, sitting on the floor of her hospital room "Bobby Singer? My surgeon is a monster."

"Come again?" Bobby Says

"He took my windbag roomie and he ate her liver. Except he wasn't, he was no surgeon... Listen. His face, his mouth was this horrible –" Jody Says

"Who is this?" Bobby Asks

"It's Jody. Jody Mills." She Says

"Jody?" Bobby Says

"Sheriff Mills." She Says

"Gotcha." Bobby Says

"I can't exactly call a deputy here. You and I killed zombies that one time – I know you handle this kind of thing. Please get your ass here to Sioux Falls General before he eats me, Singer." Jody Hangs Up

"Well, either Sheriff Mills is having an Obama Care-insured opium dream, or something's eating folks down at Sioux Falls General Hospital." He gets his jacket. " Look, I don't want to bruise your ego or anything, but..."Bobby Says

"No, no, no, it's okay. Go, go, go. I'll – I'll watch the phones." Sam Says

Bobby Leaves and Sam looks over his shoulder at Lucifer.

"So, just you and me, huh?" Hallucifer Says


Two members of the high school swim team, with bruises and cuts on their faces, are standing at the admittance counter.

"What happened to you two?" Nurse Asks

"I did. Where's Dr Gaines?" Edgar Asks

"Oh no, that's not how it works, okay? If you require a physician's attention, you're going to have to fill out these forms." Nurse Says

"I can take over from here, nurse. These youths obviously require immediate care." Dr.Gaines Says

Dr.Gaines leads the boys and Edgar down the hallway.

"This is where they bring their bodies to be fixed. They consider it a safe place. But the truth is, often they actually die here instead. And they never question it! I'm not kidding." Dr.Gaines

They enter a room in which a woman and a man are tied up.

"We can feed discreetly. Who will know? A few of us in the right positions, and we can feast every single day. I'm thinking head nurse and the staff administrator first." Dr.Gaines Says

"I have to hand it to you. That's exactly what the boss asked for." Edgar Says

"Out of the box thinking." Dr.Gaines Says

"Yes. You're off the swim team, boys. Time to pursue a career in medicine." Edgar Says

The boys approach the nurse and administrator.

"All right, Check in." Edgar Says

"You won't stay? I would love to grab us a good anesthesiologist." Dr.Gaines Says

"He asked me to check into some other business in the area." Dr.Gained nods. "Anyway, it seems you've got things well in hand." Edgar Says

The boys grab the arms of the nurse and administrator, they try to scream but nothing happens.

"Why can't they scream?" Edgar Asks

"Oh, I severed their vocal cords, of course. It was a delicate procedure, but very doable." Dr.Gaines Says

The Leviathans transforms into the nurse and administrator, They try to scream but the leviathans kill them and blood splatters the wall.



Sam is assembling his gun again and using a stopwatch to time himself. He looks displeased with the time. He hears a car pull up and walks towards the door with an open can in his hand. Dean enters the house.

"Dean." Sam Says

"Hey. Oh, yeah. Good thinking." Dean Says Then takes the can from Sam.

"Uh...where's Elena and Corinna?" Sam Says

"There was something that they had to do, So we uh, followed those swim kid Levia-whatever..." Dean Says

"To where?" Sam Asks

"Here. Well, back to town, and that ain't the good news." Dean Says

"What?" Sam Says

"Yea but It ain't just two of them, we don't think." Dean Says

"Did you call Bobby?" Sam Asks

"Yeah, he's working his own case, we gotta move and we need back-up and that means you." Dean Says

"Wait. You sure about that?" Sam Says

"I know, you're bonkers. But, luckily I just need you to keep the engine running and wait by the back door. Just don't, uh, don't let Satan change my presets. Let's go." Dean Says

Dean walks out the door, Sam gets his gun and jacket and follows them.


Bobby is pushing Jody in a wheelchair outback.

"Her name's Mrs Hackett. She never came back." Jody Says

"I'll check it out. Now you get some rest. I'll come by later." Bobby Says

"Bobby Singer. My hero." Jody Says

"That's the roofies talking." Bobby Says Then helps Jody into a taxi.


A card on a locker reads:

NAME: Mrs Madeline Hackett
T.O.D.: Oct/03 9:44AM AGE: 56
CORONER: Dr. Neil Williams

Bobby opens the locker, pulls out the body and reads the chart on top of it. "Foot surgery, huh. Died this morning." He pulls back the sheet covering the body.
"Already autopsied, what the hell?"


Dean's driving as Sam is in the passenger seat.

"How you doing, Sam? In the head region. Devil still riding shotgun?" Dean Asks

"Not right now, but... yeah." Sam Says

"Maybe we ought to get you, I don't know..." Dean Says

"Some – some what? Some... professional help? What are they gonna do, Dean, just stuff me full of pills. We'll figure out some other option." Sam Says

"Okay, yeah. But what are your other options? You remember when Martin took his nose-dive and started shooting at nothing? I mean his sweater unraveled fast." Dean Says

"I'm not Martin." Sam Says

"No, but you are crazy. That don't wash off. You get that, right? You are never going to be okay, Sam." Dean Says


The Impala pulls up at Bobby's, Dean, Elena and Corinna gets out, They enters the house and Dean walks through the house looking for Sam.

"Sam? Sammy? Sam?"

"Dean what's wrong?" Elena Asks

"He would have responded by now." Dean Says

"Oh, crap." Corinna Says


The Impala, containing "Dean" and Sam pulls up outside what appears to be an office building. Five people are visible through glass windows. "Dean" and Sam gets out.

"Oh, dammit. There's five of 'em. All right, come on." "Dean" Says

"Are you sure?" Sam Says

"Yeah, and listen, when we get in there, you gotta keep it together." "Dean" Says

"Yeah, yeah, I – I will, I –" Sam Says

"Cause if you're seeing Lucifer, then you could be seeing all kinds of crap, okay? You just don't know." "Dean" Says

"How is this helping?" Sam Says

"I'm just saying, Sam, you're out of control." "Dean" Says

"I'm dealing with it the best I can." Sam Says

"Dealing? Sorry, that's just funny, I mean how can you deal? You think this is an office building, right." "Dean" Says

He holds the door open for Sam and they enter the building. The door reads "Morning Star Endeavors Ltd".


"Sorry. Wrong." "Dean" Says

"Where the hell are we?" Sam Asks

"Oh, you think I'm Dean! Right." "Dean"

He smiles and morphs into Hallucifer. "You poor clueless son of a bitch."

"Stay the hell away from me." Sam Says Then turns and walks away.

"Your world is whatever I want it to be, understand?" Hallucifer Says

Sam turns and shoots at nothing. "Leave me alone!"
Hallucifer appears behind him.

"Now we're getting there. Pinocchio's seeing his strings." Hallucifer Says

"Shut up." Sam Says

"It's the big crescendo." Hallucifer Says

"I said shut up!" Sam Says

He fires his gun again and hits nothing, Hallucifer appears behind him again.

"Want to point that gun at someone useful? Try your face." He walks closer to Sam. "Want to know the truth? Want to skip to the last page of the book? You know where to aim." He holds a finger against the underside of his jaw. "Cowboy." Hallucifer Makes a sound to imply pulling the trigger.

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