ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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Dean is Looking at Castiel who's vessel is now being possessed by the leviathans, Castiel's face is being covered by black veins.

"Bobby, Elena..Corinna." Dean Says

They Start to gain consciousness and sits up, The Black veins disappear for a moment.

"How many of you ass-clowns are in there? A hundred? More?" Dean Asks

Leviathan-Castiel is dripping black fluid.

"Your vessel's gonna explode, ain't it? Wouldn't do anything too strenuous. In fact, I'd call it a day, head on home, huh." Dean Says

"We'll be back. For you." Leviathan Says Then He leaves the lab

"Well, this is a new one." Bobby Says


Leviathan Castiel Limps away in, He walks pass Sam who's still hallucinating and leaves the building.

Sam's hallucination of Lucifer who is holding him against a wall with a hand around his neck.

"You're not real." Sam Says

"Right. You think this fruit-bat fever dream is reality? You come back, I'm sorry, with no soul like some peppy American Psycho, till Saint Dean glues you back together again by buying you some magic amnesia." He let's go of Sam's Neck "You're real. I'm very real. Everything between is what we call set dressing." Lucifer Says

"No." Sam Says

"You're still in my cell. You're my bunkmate, buddy. You're my little bitch, in every sense of the term. Sam. Sam." Castiel Says

"Sam! You hearing me?" Dean Says

Dean puts a hand against Sam's chest, He's breathing fast.

"Whoa. Look at me. Hey All right, we got to button this up. Come on, let's get out of here. Come on." Dean Says

They All leave as Sam looks behind him making sure Lucifer isn't there.


Leviathan-Castiel walks into a water reservoir. As Dean, Sam, Elena, Corinna and Bobby watch, he goes under. A whirlpool appears and black liquid radiates out from it, then disappears.

"Aw, hell." Bobby Says


A sign at the edge of the reservoir reads "Public Water Supply. No Swimming. No Fishing. No Boating."

"Damn it." Dean Says

"You said it. Those... whatever you call 'ems..." Bobby Says

"Leviathan." Sam Says

"Right. If they're in the pipes, they got themselves a highway to anywhere." Bobby Says

"Awesome." Dean says

Dean picks up Castiel's trenchcoat, which had floated to the edge of the reservoir.

"Okay. So he's gone." Corinna Says

"Yeah. Rest in peace. If that's in the cards." Elena Says

Dean folds the trenchcoat and looks down at it sadly.

"Dumb son of a bitch." Dean Says

"Well, he was friends with us, wasn't he? Can't get much dumber than that. Come on, those things will be coming up for air soon." Bobby Says Then They All leave the reservoir

"Black Water" by The Doobie Brothers plays.

There are Teenage girls in bikini tops are washing cars, a woman fills a pitcher of water in her kitchen, and a young girl drinks from a fountain in a park. The water coming from the fountain turns black and the girl is possessed. A man fixing a car in his garage is hit by black liquid after investigating why the sink was rattling.


Sam is asleep on a couch.

"Hey. Wake up, sunshine. Up and at 'em, atom man." Lucifer Says

"Sammy." He touches Sam on the chest "Sammy, hey –" Dean Says Then Sam jumps up

"Huh." Sam Says

"Whoa. That's twelve hours straight, I'm calling that rested. Here." Dean Says

Dean hands Sam a bottle of water and a power bar.

"Hydrate, and uh, protein-ate." Dean Says

"Breakfast in bed." Sam Says

"Don't get used to it. Let me see that hand." Dean Says

"Oh, he wants to hold your widdle hand. How sweet." Lucifer Says

Dean removes Sam's bandage and inspects his stitches.

"Eh, you'll live. Here." Dean Says

Dean pours whiskey over Sam's wound. Sam sucks in his breath with pain.

"All right, take it easy." Dean Says

"So, ooze invasion. Any leads?" Sam Asks

"I got all my feelers out. Whatever they're up to, it ain't – ain't about going Mothra down Main Street. They'll turn up. You seem pretty eager to stretch your legs, you know." Bobby Says

Bobby puts a new bandage on Sam's hand, Elena and Corinna comes in the living room drinking coffee.

"Mmm." Sam Says

"Now onto our other big problem. How're you doin'? And do not say okay." Dean Says

"I'm not okay." Sam Says

"You think?" Corinna Says

"Hey. Go a little easy." Elena Says

"There's nothing easy about it, Elena, okay. We acted like he had everything under control." Dean Says

"I get it. I'm sorry. Look, I- I didn't exactly want to crack up, you know?" Sam Says

"What the hell happened back there?" Dean Asks

"Well, it's not just flashbacks any more." Sam Says

"Well then what?" Dean Says

"It's more like... I'm seeing through the cracks." Sam Says

"What does that mean?" Elena Says

"It means I'm having a difficult time figuring out what's real." Sam Says

"Hallucinations." Corinna Says

"For starters." Sam Says

"Well for starters, if you're tripping Hell's Bells, why would you hide that?" Dean Says

"I wasn't hiding it, Dean, I – I was just not talking about it. I mean it seemed like you guys had enough going on as it was. Look, I – I just figured, try to hold onto the safety bar and ride it out, you know? But it's getting more specific." Sam Says

"As in specifically what?" Dean Asks

Dean gets glasses of whiskey for himself and Bobby.

"What the hell, Sam?" Dean Says

"I told you." Sam Says

"I mean seriously, how do you, how do you argue with that?" Dean Says

"I know. It's a problem." Sam Says

"Well now wait, I got it. Why would the Devil holodeck you a whole new life when he could just kick your ass all over the Cage." Dean Says

"Cause, as he puts it..." Hallucifer Is there "You can't torture someone who has nothing left for you to take away."

"Very good, Sam." Hallucifer Says

"Okay, fine. But this Malibu dream mansion that he, he, he makes for you to take away is this post-apocalyptic mess." Dean Says

"It had to be a mess, Sam, or you wouldn't believe it was your life." Hallucifer Says As Sam Looks At him

"Sam What are looking at?" Elena Asks

"Nothin." Sam Says

He looks over at Hallucifer, Elena, Corinna and Dean looks where Sam keeps looking.

"Wait. Are you seeing him right now?" Sam nods.
"You know that he's not real. Right?" Dean Says

"He says the same thing about you." Sam Says

"I'm going back to work." Bobby Says



The Possessed Little girl is watching TV and changing the channels.

[Different channel] Time to announce... [Different channel] We know you're hungry. Why not indulge yourself at Biggerson's home-made pie bar? It's like a salad bar, but with pie. [Different channel] Next week on Dr Sexy MD, Dr Cheyenne Meganopolis makes a shocking return.

"I'm sorry, Doctor, I forgot being Head Surgeon means you cut into whatever body you want and take out whatever organ pleases you without any paperwork whatsoever."

The Possessed Little Girl smiles.

"Well Doctor, I'm sorry you're so forgetful."


Sam is taking apart his gun, Elena is reading While Corinna lays her head on her lap, Bobby is using the computer in the kitchen. Dean is leaning over Bobby's chair.

"Well, at least he's not curled up under the sink." Bobby Says

"Yeah, no, he's just sitting there silently field-stripping his weapon." Dean Says

Dean takes Sam's phone out of his jacket, which is hanging over a kitchen chair.

"What are you doing?" Bobby Asks

"Turning on his GPS, case he decides to fly the cuckoo's nest." Dean Says

"And you? How are you doing?" Bobby Asks

"Seriously Bobby, it ain't like he's hexed, you know? I mean, what if it's the kind of crazy you can't fix." Dean Says

"Yeah, I'm – I'm worried too, but humor me for a second. How are you?" Bobby Asks

"Who cares? Don't you think our mailbox is a little full right now? I'm fine." Dean Says

"Right. And weren't you pissed at him when he said the same thing just a couple hours before he spilled his marbles all over the floor." Bobby Says

"Yeah, well." Pours himself a cup of coffee. "I'm not Sam, okay? I keep my marbles in a lead friggin' box. I'm fine. Really." Dean Says

"Of course. Yeah. You just lost one of the best friends you ever had, your brother's in the bell jar, and Purgatory's most wanted are surfing the sewer lines, but yeah, yeah, I get it. You're – you're fine." Bobby Says

"Good." Dean Says

"Course, if at any time you want to decide that's utter horse crap, well I'll be where I always am. Right here." Bobby Says

"What, you want to do couples' yoga, or you want to get back to hunting the big bads." Dean Says

"Shut up. Idjit." Bobby Says


Three male students enter the locker room, from swim practice.

"Yeah? Up yours, Manny, I still got point-oh-six on your time."

Then two other students who were already in locker room, meets up with them.

"Hey, where were you guys?"

"I guess we got here early. Heard something weird come from the showers."

One of the student closes and locks the door.

"Hey, what are you doing, Williams? You're going to get in trouble."

"Yes, Scott, I probably am." Willams Says

He had black goo dripping from his eye and grabs one of them and throws him against the wall. William's Friend is crouching on top of the lockers

"What Williams is trying to say, Scott, is that we're too hungry to care."

He jumps down from the lockers and grabs Manny and Blood splatters the lockers.


Two women are sharing a hospital room. One is Sheriff Jody Mills.

"...crying to the ER nurse, screaming Mother Mary mercy, and when they opened her back up, three sponges and a set of clamps, sewn up inside like she was a living piΓ±ata. You can't trust these people." She Says

"Afternoon, ladies." Dr.Gaines Enters

"Oh hello, Doctor!" She Says

"Hi, Dr Gaines." Jody Says

"So, Ms Mills. You did excellent today. Just as we discussed, it was a textbook appendectomy." Dr.Gaines Says

"That's good." Jody Says

"But you have been through a serious surgical procedure, and you know, I know you're tough, but I want you to take it easy tonight." Dr.Gaines Says

"Works for me, Doc." Jody Says

"The good news: I've put you down for some pretty fun painkillers." Dr.Gaines Says

"Ooh." Jody Says

"I'll check in on you first thing. You'll be home in no time." Dr.Gaines Says Then leaves

"Charming, isn't he? Did you know a study showed three quarters of doctors cheat on their exams? He might not know your appendix from your vagina." She Says As Jody's eyebrows raises



Dean enters carrying groceries, Bobby, Sam, Corinna and Elena are at the table.

"Hey there Gunga Din, buck up." Corinna Says

"So it looks like we got some bad news for a change. Stockville North Kansas, most of a high school swim team got mangled to death in their locker room." Sam Says

"Cop talk on the wire's kind of garbled, saying it looks like some kind of wild animal attack. They're saying that whatever attacked them's about the size of a linebacker." Bobby Says

"It's a lead, Dean." Elena Says

"All right" He looks at Sam "But if you think you're going out on a hunt..." Dean Says

"No, I know. I'm not. But you are. Look, Bobby's running the hub, I'm – I'm 5150'd, which leaves you guys to follow this thing up." Sam Says

"Sam, you're in the middle of a psychotic break." Dean Says

"It's a couple hours' drive, Dean, and it could be a Leviathan thing." Sam Says

"Nah, if you think I'm leaving you here alone..." Dean Says

"Hey. What am I, chopped brains on toast? I can eyeball the kid. Go. You three go work off some of these nerves on something useful." Bobby Says

Dean looks at Corinna and Elena and shrugs.

"Fine, let's go ladies." Dean Says


The Possessed Little girl is on a swing. A Man approaches and takes hold of the swing.

"You got yourself an awfully small body." He Says

"Too small. She didn't know anything. Can't even see over the counter." She Says

"Well this one, Edgar, Edgar worked on something called a demolitions crew. Watching things blow up is apparently very satisfying." He Says

"Annie? Knew where babies come from. Disgusting, by the way. I'm hungry. We all are." She Says

"Yes, about that." Edgar Says

"I'm sorry!" She Says

"Sorry? They ate the swim team." Edgar Says

"Like I said, hungry." She Says

"That's no excuse." Edgar Says

"Well what do you want me to do?" She Says

"Get them in line. I don't care how. For God's sake, it made the papers. Look, the boss, honestly, he just wants to hear it's taken care of, so take care of it. Quickly. I don't like bringing him bad news. Are we clear?" Edgar Says

"Actually, I have an idea. I could use your help." She Says

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