ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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Sam and Elena is leaning against the hood of a car. She's texting on her phone as Sam looks over her shoulder, Dean carries a tray of take-out food.

"Who are you texting?" Sam Asks

"Corinna, Just wanted to check in on the soon to be Mrs.Russo." Elena Says

"You think she's gonna take his last name?" Sam Asks

"I think so I mean she does love him very much, plus she's tried her best to not be a stark for many years so...why not." Elena Says

"I still can't believe that they are getting married, I never pictured Corinna getting married but she's got a good guy so cheers to them." Dean Says

"Yeah." Elena & Sam Says

"All right, here we go." Dean Says

He sits down next to Sam and Elena, he puts the tray down on the hood between them.

"You know... even though the world is going to crap, there's one thing that I can always count on – these things tasting the same in every drive-through in every state in our great nation." Dean Says

Dean and Elena takes a bite of their tacos.

"Mmm." Elena Says

A phone rings, Sam pats his pockets and Dean takes out his cell.

"Annie." Dean Says

"Hey, Dean." Annie Says

LA nice surprise. How you been?" Dean Asks

Annie, who appears to be in her late 30s, is driving.

"Oh, I'm still kicking. So, good, I guess. Heard about Bobby. I'm sorry." Annie Says

"Yeah. Us too. What's up?" Dean Says

"Well, I got some of his old books. I thought maybe you'd want 'em." Annie Says

"Yeah. Sure. Where you at?" Dean Asks

"Bodega Bay. Crow's Nest Inn." Annie Says

"You working?" Dean Says

"Always. You guys anywhere nearby?" Annie Asks

"Near enough." Dean Says

"Cool. Why don't we meet at the Pier Front Restaurant – lunch?" Annie Says

"10'clock." Dean Says

"Yeah. Bye." Annie Says


Inside an old abandoned mansion, Two Teenagers are kissing on a sofa. The room is lit by candles.

"We shouldn't be here." She Says

"Yeah. I know." He Says

Annie is driving, She pulls up to the house. The Girl sits up at the sound of Annie's vehicle.

"Cops?" She Says

Annie's car door slams, the teenagers grab their flashlights and get up from the sofa. Annie walks towards the front door, shining a flashlight.
The Teenagers hurry through the house. Their flashlights flicker and go out. A large Man is standing in the doorway.

"You shouldn't have come here." He Says

The Man runs towards the teenagers. moments later Annie enters the house, shining a flashlight. She discovers the teenagers' bodies on the floor. There is blood on their faces and blood pooled underneath them. Her flashlight flickers and goes out. The front door slams.



Sam, Elena and Dean are sitting at a table overlooking the pier. Sam and Elena is looking at the menu and Dean is reading a newspaper.

"Hey, get this. Dick Roman is funding another archaeological dig. Guy moves more dirt than "The Drudge Report." Dean Says

"Well, any – anything on what he's digging for?"Elena Asks

"Don't you think I would have led with that?" Dean Says

Sam sighs and looks at his watch. "Annie's not usually this late, is she?"

"No, never. She's totally compulsive. I'll try her cell." Dean Says

"You know, uh, you know she and dad had a thing, right?" Elena Says

"Yeah. Yeah, I knew that....Really?" Dean Says

"Yeah. Kind of a foxhole thing – very Hemingway." Sam Says

"Huh. She and I kind of went Hemingway this one time, too." Dean Says

Elena chokes on her water and spits it out, Sam and Dean looks at her.

"Sorry." Elena Says

"All right, well... that happens." Sam Says Then makes a face.

"What, you too?" Elena Asks

"Look, it was a while back. We ended up on the same case. She was stressed. I-I-I... I didn't... have a soul." Sam Says

"That's a lot of foxholes." Dean Says

"Hmm you three hunters have the same taste in women, literally." Elena Says

"She's not answering. Well, here's to ghosts that aren't there." Dean Says

He pours some whiskey from his flask into his coffee mug.

"You sound kind of disappointed." Sam Says

"Ah, it's better this way. I mean, even though I wish we could see him again doesn't mean that we should." Dean Says

They clink their coffee mugs together and drink.

"Ahh. Are we being stood up?" Dean Asks

"Yeah, let's hope that's all this is." Elena Says

The flask rocks slightly on the table. Neither Dean, Elena or Sam notices.

Outside the restaurant, Sam, Elena and Dean are walking towards their car. He is holding his phone to his ear.

"Nothing?" Sam Says

"Straight to voicemail. Something's not right." Dean Says

"What's she doing on Bodega Bay?" Elena Says

"She's working some kind of job. She didn't really say." He takes out his flask, unscrews the lid and tips it upside down – it's empty. "I got to get a refill." Dean Says

"You know what, man? Why don't you, uh, just pack it away for a while? All it does is remind us of him, you know?" Sam Says

"Yeah, I thought about that, but, uh... not yet." Dean Says

Dean walks around the car to the driver's side. Bobby is sitting in the back seat of the car, but they don't appear to see him.

"Let's go check out Annie's hotel room." Dean Says


Dean is sitting on the bed looking at some of Annie's research. Sam and Elena is at the table looking at more papers.

"These go back years – disappearances never solved." Elena Says

"They stop a few decades back, then pick up again just recently. All teenagers." Sam Says

"Looks like Annie found a spot a lot of them liked to poke around just before they went missing." Dean Says

"Yeah?" Sam Says

"Yeah. Old Van Ness house." Dean Says

He gets up to show the information about the house to Sam and Elena, Bobby is now sitting on the bed where Dean once sat, but Sam, Elena and Dean don't appear to see him.

"It's, uh, cheery." Dean Says

"Well, the police combed the place. They always come up dry." Sam Says

The curtain next to Sam moves, but they are all looking in the other direction.

"Yeah, local law. Always on the ball." Dean Says

"Guys..." Bobby Says But they don't hear him.

"So, built in 1862 by the Van Ness family..." Elena Says

"I just made that curtain shimmy." Bobby Says

"...who lost it in the early 1900s." Elena Says

"Could you look in the right place at the right time?" Bobby Says

"Put up for sale a few years back. No takers." Elena Says

"Probably 'cause it creeps their queso." Dean Says

"Balls, this is exhausting." Bobby Says

"It's just been sitting there, boarded up, for ages. Oh. Get this. I guess a couple months back, someone put it on one of those, uh, "most haunted houses in America" lists." Sam Says

"Let me guess – that's when the, uh, teenagers started to go missing." Dean Says

"Yep." Sam Says

"Okay. Now let's get rolling." Bobby Says

"Ah, I say we get rolling." Dean Says

Sam, Elena and Dean leave the room, Bobby stands up and looks at the closed door.

"Idjits." Bobby Says

Dean's jacket, with the flask in the pocket, is hanging over a chair. The door opens and Dean reaches in to get his jacket.

"Thank you." Bobby Says Then flickers and disappears.


Dean, Elena and Sam enters the house, shining flashlights. Bobby is behind them.

"Honey, I'm home." Dean Says

"Geez. My people." Bobby Says

Bobby can see other ghosts in the room, which are not visible to Dean, Elena and Sam.

"All right, let's go." Dean Says

Dean, Elena and Sam go upstairs as Bobby stays downstairs with the other ghosts.

"Hi. I'm Bobby, and I'm a ghost. Hoping for a little ghost orientation here. Je m'appelle Bobby." None of the ghosts respond "Chilly."

Dean, Elena and Sam are entering an upstairs room.

"Annie?" Dean Says

Dean dials a number and holds his phone to his ear. Sam is holding an EMF reader, which is flashing and making noise.

"There's a whole lot of something going on." Sam Says

A phone rings somewhere nearby. Dean, Elena and Sam walk in the direction of the sound and find a phone on the floor.

Downstairs Bobby is watching the two teenagers walk slowly past him. On the stairs, a Man In a suit is admonishing the Large man who ran towards the teenagers.

"I know what you did last night, and you know it was forbidden! I don't brook that sort of thing in my home. Don't do it again, Dexter, or there will be consequences." He Says

The three hunters are walking through the house. They go up the stairs as Bobby watches.

"The call to me was the last one she made." Dean Says

"So where the hell is she?" Elena Says

"Bobby?" Annie Says

"Annie! We've been looking for you." Bobby Says

"I can't believe you're here." Annie Says

"Yeah. I'm a doornail. Bad news here. If you can see me, you are, too." Bobby Says



Annie and Bobby are sitting on a sofa there are other ghost around.

"Wow. Dead. Ghost. Me. Three words you never want to use in a sentence. I feel like I was drugged." Annie Says

"I get it. I figure it was a month before I even knew I was still here. You're doing well." Bobby Says

"Terrific." Annie Says

"So, uh... So, you duck your reaper, too?" Bobby Asks

"What? No. I never even saw one. You – Bobby. You ran away from your reaper? On purpose? That's why you're still here? You stupid, crazy old –" Annie Says

"Hey. I remember a time when you liked how crazy I was." Bobby Says

"Oh, shut up! I can't believe you. You know what? As a regular ghost with no choice in the matter, screw you." Annie Says

"Hey. I got unfinished business here, same as you." Bobby Says

"Uh-huh. And there's my unfinished business right now." Annie Says

The Teenagers are walking slowly through the room.

"Kids! Hello? You're dead." Annie Says

"Well, they're not the brightest bulbs on the string." Bobby Says

"I came in, they were roadkill. Then this big guy charges me. And now I'm... Crap. Is there a fun aspect to this?" Annie Says

"Not really. And so far, I can't crack the code on any of it. I mean, I've seen poltergeists bench a piano as a warm-up. I tried to help Elena and the boys out once by knocking a book off the table and blacked out for two weeks." Bobby Says

"So, Elena, Sam and Dean don't even know you're here? Wow. That is messed up." Annie Says

Dean, Elena and Sam walking through the house. Dean is listening to Annie's phone messages. Sam's EMF reader is flashing and making noises.

"Hey, Annie, I'm e-mailing you those news clippings that you asked for. I..."

"We're redlining all over the place. Assume the worst?" Sam Says

"Yeah, I always do." Dean Says

"Okay. Vengeful spirit, maybe lots of them. Killing kids. Look around. No blood. No anything. Certainly no bodies." Elena Says

"Well, if evil is partying here, it's got a hell of a cleanup crew. Wait, wait, wait." Dean Says

"What?" Sam Says

"Here's something." He pushes buttons on Annie's phone. "From earlier this week." Dean Says

"Okay." Sam Says

"Free me. Free me."

"Where'd that come from?" Elena Asks

The display on the phone reads "(...)...-...."

"You guys ever seen a phone number look like that." Dean Says

Annie and Bobby are sitting on the sofa while a ghost, Haskel Crane, materializes through a wall in front of them and moves a chair closer to a bar.

"All right, that's cool." Annie Says

"Excuse me. Hey! Boss!" Bobby Says

Haskel Crane ignores them. He sits down and opens a book.

"Dick." Annie Says

"Yeah, well... Ghosts ain't the most sociable type to come down the pike. But if he can do it..." Bobby Says

He tries to move the table in front of him, but falls through it onto the floor. Haskel Crane laughs.

"Balls." Bobby Says

"Graceful." Annie Says

"Novices. You all make the same mistakes." Haskel Says

Bobby and Annie walk over to Haskel Crane at the bar.

"I suppose you know all about it." Bobby Says

"Well, I've been at it 80 years." Haskel Says

"Yo, uh, fresh meat here. Not even sure what happened." Annie Says

"Really?" Haskel Says

"I got shot right in the melon, never felt a thing. You?" Bobby Asks

"I was stabbed, brutally, right here at this bar, April 17, 1932." Haskel Says

"Who done ya?" Bobby Asks

"I'm really very busy." Haskel Says

"How come there's so many dead folk in this place, anyway? You know anything about that?" Bobby Asks

"I guess we're not supposed to talk about that." Haskel Crane starts to stand up. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Haskel sits back in his chair. "Uh, my friend is a little nosy, mister...?" Annie Says

"Crane – Haskel Crane." He Says

"Haskel... you're right. We are novices, so, could you do me a solid and show me how to move that chair? It's one stupid chair." Annie Says

"Baby steps, gorgeous. Try this first." Haskel Says

HaskelΒ  pushes a candle across the bar towards Annie. She tries to grab it, but her hand passes straight through. Bobby tries and the same thing happens.

"You're angsting at it. You know what getting frustrated will get you?..Nothing. You've got two ways to move things. What I did – which you obviously must – is calm yourself." Haskel Says

"You're saying we should move crap with the power of Zen." Bobby Says

"I'm telling you to let go of all that. Calmly tell the thing what to do." Bobby reaches a hand towards the candle. "You're getting tense." Haskel Says

"You're not helpful." He tries to grab the candle, but his hand passes through it again. "What's option two? You said there were two ways." Bobby Says

"Oh, you could use explosive anger and pure, red-hot rage, but that's impossible to manufacture. Sorry." Haskel Says

"Makes sense. Like poltergeists – vengeful spirits." Annie Says

"I am vengeful. You think I don't have red-hot rage?" Bobby Says

"I think you're a sad excuse for one of us, and I'm unsurprised that you're failing. Take my help or don't, but if you want to move a flea, surrender." Haskel Says

"For the record, I hated that Swayze flick – romantic bullcrap." Bobby Says

He reaches a hand towards the candle again. A woman screams Bobby and Annie turn and see that the screaming is coming from one of the ghosts in the room. The ghost then rushes towards them, before turning into dust and vanishing.

"What in cold hell was that?" Bobby Asks

"That's you one day. That's all of us. We deteriorate at different rates – some sooner, some later. And eventually all... like that." He looks towards a female ghost with gray hair and a partly decomposing face.
"Nothing left at all." Haskel Says

"Ghost Alzheimer's." Bobby Says

"I'm liking this less." Annie Says

Dean, Elena and Sam walk into the room.

"Well, that is every square inch of this place. No bodies, no pieces of bodies – no Annie. A whole lot of sizzle and no steak." Dean Says

"Well, maybe no news is good news." Sam Says

"Meaning?" Dean Says

"Meaning maybe she's just not here. Maybe she's still okay." Sam Says

"Yeah, and what does your gut say?" Dean Asks

"I Uh-" Sam Says

"Let's just see if there's anything else in her research." Elena Says

"Sam! Dean! Elena!" Annie Says

"Honey, don't you think I've tried that? I shouted myself hoarse." Bobby Says

"But I'm right here!" Annie Says

"Well, now you know how all the ghosts who have ever tried to talk to us feel. You just have to wait until they find you." Bobby Says

"But I don't even know where I'm at. And I've searched every room five times. No wonder they're walking away." Annie Says

"Is it me, or am I being checked out?" Bobby Asks

A female Ghost in a red dress is looking at Bobby and Annie.

"No, stud. I'm being checked out." She and Bobby walk over to the Ghost. "Can I help you?" Annie Says

"I'm Victoria." She Says

"Annie." She Says

"I saw you here the other day. I know the kind of work you do. Did." Victoria Says

"Hey, I'm still doing it. I mean, other-dimensionally speaking." Annie Says

"Atta girl." Bobby Says

"Wait. Your voice. You're the one on my phone." Annie Says

"When you were here, I was able to call out to you that way." Victoria Says

"Ah, spectral voice transference." Annie Says

"Right. Ghost juju." Bobby Says

"Sure. So... W-what exactly did you mean when you said, "free me"? Victoria, free you from what?" Annie Asks As Bobby vanishes and Victoria gasps

"Bobby!" Annie Says


Dean, Elena and Sam are sitting in the car outside the deserted house.

"Where'd Annie get her intel? Do we know?" Dean Asks

Dean drinks from the flask, Bobby is in the back seat with Elena.

"Stupid flask." Bobby Says

"Bodega Bay Heritage Society." Sam Says

Sam holds up a Bodega Bay Heritage Society booklet.

"Boys, come on. All the action's back in the pool. Let's go!" Dean starts the engine. "Damn it." Bobby Says

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